CC 07-21-20 #20 Proposition 15-2. Title and Summary_Written CommunicationProposition 15 July 3, 2020 Initiative 19-0008 (Arndt. #I) INCREASES FUNDING SOURCES FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, COMMUNITY COLLEGES, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES BY CHANGING TAX ASSESSMENT OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. •Increases funding sources for K-12 public schools, community colleges, and local governments by requiring commercial and industrial real property be taxed based on current market value, instead of purchase price. •. Exempts from taxation changes: residential properties; agricultural land; and owners of commercial and industrial properties with combined value of $3 million or less. •Any additional education funding will supplement ex isti11g school funding guarantees. •Exempts small businesses from personal property tax; for other businesses, provides $500,000 exemption.Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal·· Impact: •Increased property taxes on commercial properties worth more than $3 million providing $6.5 billion to $11.5 billion in new funding to local governments and schools. OFFICIAL TITLE AND SUMMARY PREPARED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL SUBJECT TO COURT ORDERED CHANGES OFFICIAL TITLE AND SUMMARY PREPARED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL