CC 07-21-20 #20 Proposition 15-6. Argument Against_Written Communication � ��( I � � ;� .,�,, � ;l •a .\����1lENT A►G�lN�T��rr 5�� , ;i ;� i . j �� B�►.LL4T�R.GIUMENT �P]P(�SING PROP�SITION 15 `�' ; . ; ; Pl�OI� 15 'VVILL,�E TI�LA1�.GEST Al�Tt�CJA.I,I'�Ol'E1�TY TA�INCREASE IN CALIFC�RNIA . . , HISTORY—UP TO$12.5 BILLION PER YEAR! . Prop 15's massive increase in annual property taxes will have disastrous ecanomic impacts for every , Californian--from small businesses and consumers to farmers and homeowners. � PROP 15 REPEALS TAXPAYER PROTECTIONS IN PROP 13 Prop 13's taxpayer protections have kept proper�ty taxes affordable by capping property taxes and litniting increases a�nnually, providing taxpayers cer�ainty they can afford their property taxes now and into the � future.Prop I S eliminates that certainty for millions of ta�payers. � • "Prop 15 is a direct th.reat to homeowners. Supporters of the tax hike openly admit�ed that this is merely the first step in completely dismantling Prop 13 which voters approved to stop skyrocketing property taxes."—Jon �'oupal, President, Hawa�d Ja�vis Taxpaye�s Association ,- PROP 15 R.AISES OUR COST OF LNIN� Prop 15's tax hike will increase costs on�verything people buy, including groceries,fuel,utilities,day . care and health care. � � • "Too lnany families have b�en priced out of their neighborhoods because of the rising cost of living. Prop 15 will raise the cost of living for California families by up to $960 and will especially hurt lower-incolne communities."—Alice Hu�h�Zan, P�esident, Califo�nia State Confe�ence of the NAACP , PROP 15 DEfSTR4Y5 JOBS AND 5MALL BUSINESSES Seven million Californians�c�vork for a small business.Millions of Californians are filing for unemployment and are at risk of losing ever�thing.NOTHING in Prop 15 stops the tax from being passed � - , _ . i.- , � `on to small busin.ess.tenants. Prop 15 ,will make the economic crisis worse by devastating small ' businesses-including our neighborhaod restaurants,barbershops, and dry cleaners. SIJ�JECT TC) COIJRT ' � 1 Uf�DERED �HANGES � �' �` � � � � , � ���� ,� .; ' '�i � A�N �'���►���:���I� � ` AR�#JNi�N � � ';; , - � . �; . ,� � "Most small businesses rent the property on which they operate. Prop 15's higher property taXes will �� a ;: � � � �nean skyrocketing rents a�a tirne we can least afford it."—�ot Cond'ie, P�esident, Calrfo�nia, � ; ; Restau�ant Association '� ����; ; PROP 15 R.AISES TAXES FOR�FAMILY FARMERS,RESULTINCI IN HIGHER COSTS FOR FOOD Prap 15 will raise property taxes an farming—including barns, dairies, processing plants and even fruit and nut tr�ese � "Prop 15 hurts family farmers and we all will end up paying higher costs far groceries including milk, eggs and meat."—.Iamie�Iohansson, Preszdent, Califo�nia Fa�m Bu�eau Federation PROP 15 LETS THE LEGISLATL;TRE RAISE PROPERTY TAXES 4N H�MEOV�,INERS � Two million Californians operate small businesses from their homes. Prop 15 gives the Legislature the � power to increase property taxes on those homeo,wners—WITHOUT A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE. • "Prop 15�wil1 be devastating to homeowners- local plumbers, gardeners,bookkeepers, day cares and small businesses operating out of their home."—Julian Canete, P�esident and CEO, Califor�nia ,- � Hispanic Chambe�s of Comme�ce PROP 15 LACI�S ACCOUNTABILITY � Prop 15 will cost taxpayers$1 billion each year�in bureaucratic expenses, and politicians can spend tlle � 1ligher property tax revenue on anything they want, including administrative costs,outside consultants a�.d pay raises e • "Prop 15 allows politicians to divert its tax hike revenue to anything the special interests want,just r like they're doing with the gas tax."—Ma�ilyn Ma�kham, Boa�d Membe�, Califo�nia Senio� Advocates League � _ ; . , � - � � ; ; , ; S lJ�J E CT TC) CO U I�T �� � C�RDERED CHANGES �,. �� � � a �� ;� !i !1 ��� '1 �_ ,-.E, : a'� il a�����r������`� �::�.� 4 ..s „�,.� ,; �� _ ��:, INDEPENDENTS,DEMOCRA.TS AND REPUBLICAN5 AGREE--NO ON PROP 15. ' , � �` NO'V�IS I'�T�7C�'�C1E�Ili�E�'�1�AI51E PRC��PE]t�T'�TA.�ES I�T C1�I,IFOI�IA. � ; � � ROBERT GUTIE�I2EZ,President California Taxpayers Association ALICE HUFFMAN,President � California State Conference of the NAACP � BETTY JQ T(JCCOLI,President � � California Small Business Assaciation - , ; _ .; . � _ , , ;, ; �� � � SU�JECT TO COURT ' ORDERED CHANGE� ' � � � �� ��� y,