501 Candidate Intention Statement - Initial for 2020Candidate Intention Statement Check One: IX]lnitial □Amendment (Explaln) ___________ _ JUL 2 2 2020 1. Candidate Information: NAME OF CANDIDATE (lat. Flrlll Mklcle lnltel) Scharf, Steven M STREET ADDRESS OFF ICE SOUGHT (POS ITION TITLE) City Council Member OFF ICE JUR ISDICTION D SlatB {Complete PIW'I 2.) GI City □ CCUlly □ t.UII-Ouity: AGENCY NAME DAYT IME TE LEPHONE NUMBER ( STATE ZIP CODE CA 95014 DISTRICT NUMBER, If appllcable . [l!I NON-PART ISAN OFRCE PARTY PREFERENCE: (Check one box, If applcabkl.) 2020 (l!I PR IW.RY {GENERAL (Yea-afBectlon) 0 SPECIAL f RUNOFF _ _._/ _ _./ __ and I accept the voluntary expenditure D On, _j__J, __ I contributed personal funds in excess of the expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. 3. Verification: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State . FPPC Form 501 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@lfppc.ca,gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov