Kitty MooreCANDIDATE STATEMENT FOR City of Cupertino, Member, City Council Office Souaht (not included in word C(Junt) Kittv Moore Candidate Name (not included in word count) Occuoation (not included in word count) Planning Commission Chair Citv of Cuoertino/Civil EngineerNolunteer Education and Qualifications: Cupertino's residents demand accountability. We value our quality of life. We understand that hard work and commitment will produce success. We care for those in need . Like everyone, we deserve fairness. As Chair of our Planning Commission, I have advocated for residents' interests. Applying my civil engineering background to complex planning issues, I have brought accountability through training, policy changes and thorough evaluations of statutory requirements. We all have much in common, and we need leadership that works to recognize our differences while doing the difficult, thoughtful work of bringing us together honestly. Growing up with three older brothers, I understand cooperation . I also know what it is to sacrifice . I have fought for integrity in our community. My service in ROTC, with the majority of my immediate family members being veterans, guides my commitment to this integrity . I support inclusive and varied housing to balance jobs and decrease commutes, but first and foremost, I will ensure residents ' interests are not derailed by special interests. This approach allows us to address other complex and challenging issues, such as COYID and Lehigh, effectively and rationally. Vote for Planning Commission Chair Kitty Moore for City Council to ensure accountability and integrity. www.kitty4cupertino .org