410 Statement of Organization Recipient Committee – AmendmentStatement of Organization Recipient Committee Statement Type r□-1-ni-ti_a_l ----------.lll--A-m_e_n_d_m_e_n_t ____ -rD=--l-e-rm-in-a-ti-o-n---S-e-e-P-tJ tt-tt 0 Not yet qualified or ~ Date qualification threshold met I Date qualification threshold met _08_1~1~ I _08_/~~ I.D. Number 1428230 (if applicable) NAME OF COMM ITTEE J.R. Fruen for Cup ertino C ity Council 2020 STREET ADDRESS IND P.O . BO X) CITY C u pertin o FULL MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFEREN T) E-MA I L AD DRESS !REQUIRED)/ FAX (OPTIONAL) COUNTY O F DOMICILE Santa Clara STATE 21P CO DE CA 95014 JU RISDICTION WHERE COMMITTEE IS ACTIV E C i Ly of Cuperti n o AREA CODE/PHONE Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. Date of termination NAME OF TREASURER Joseph (''J.R.") R. Fruen STREET ADDRESS IND P.O. BOX ) CITY C up ertino NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY STREET ADDRESS IND P.O. BOX) CITY NAME OF PRINCIPAL OFFICER(S) STREET ADDRESS IND P.O. BOXI CI TY AUG 7 20 20 STATE ZIP COD E AREA CODE/PHON E CA 95014 STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PH ON E STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHON E I ha ve used a ll reasonable dil igence in STATE MEASURE PROPONENT Exe cuted on By DATE SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASU RE PROP O N EN T FPPC Form 410 (A ugust/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.f~ov Statement of Organization Recipient Committee CALIFORNIA 41 Q FORM IN STRUCTIONS ON RE V ERS E Page 2 COMMITTE E NAME 1.0. NUMBER J.R. Pruen for C upertino C ity Coun cil 2020 14282 30 • All committees must list the financial institution where the campaign bank account is located. NAME OF FINANCI A L I NSTITUT ION Well s Fargo AD D RESS Controlled Committee AR EA CO DE /PHO NE STATE ZIP CODE CA 9501 4 • List the name of each controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent. If candidate or officeholder controlled , al so list the elective office sought or held, and di strict number, if any, and the year of the election . Li st the politic al party with which each officeholder or candidate is affiliated or check "nonpartisan." Stating "No party preference " is acceptable If this committee acts jointly with another controlled committee, li st the name and identification number of the other controlled committee . N A ME OF CAN D I DATE /O FF ICE HOL D ER/STATE ME ASUR E PRO PO NE N T EL ECT IV E OF FI CE SO UGH T OR HELD (INC LUDE DI STRICT NUM BER IF A P PLI CA BL E) YEAR OF ELE CTIO N PA RTY CHECK ONE Nonpartisa n Jose ph ("J.R.") R. Frue n C upertino C ity Council 20 20 ✓ Non partisa n Primarily Formed Committee Primarily formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election . List below: CA NDI DATE(S) N A ME OR ME AS URE(S) FULL TITLE (I NCLU DE BA LL OT NO. O R LE TTER) IF A REC A LL, STATE "REC A L~' IN FRONT OF THE OFFI CEHOLDER'S NAME. CA ND I DATE(S) O FFI CE SOUGH T OR HELD OR ME AS URE (S) JURI SDICTION (INCLUDE DI STRICT NO ., CITY OR CO UNTY, AS A PPLI CA BLE) Pa rtisa n Partisan (list po li tica l party below) (l ist po li tica l party below) CHECK ONE SUPPORT OPPOSE SUPPORT SUPPORT OPPOSE FPPC Form 410 {August/2018) FPPC Advice: ;1dvice@fppc.ca.gov {866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Statement of Organization Recipient Committee I NSTRUCT IONS ON RE V ERSE COMM ITTEE NAME CALIFORNIA 41 Q . FORM General Purpose Committee Not formed to support or oppose spec ific candidates or mea sure s in a single election . Check only on e bo x: 0 CITY Committee O COUNTY Committee O STATE Committee PROVIDE BR IEF DESCR IPTI ON OF AC TI VITY Sponsored Committee List additional spon sors on an attachment. NAME O F SPONSOR INDUSTRY GROUP OR AFF ILIATI ON OF SPONSOR STREET ADDRE SS NO. AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE Small Contributor Committee □--1--1-- Date qualified [~;·· :~:·-r~_rin.inatio~Jteijuir~m~~t~ .. _.;_Bysi~~i~gt~f~e·~ifi~ti()".rfoi 'ir,i~J.i.er,;~sist~;;t ·~~ii~~iref_;~~Z()fs~;;,~id~!~:?~ie~()i~_r!~~pocc~ii".f~~~!.Y•jE~~~f()fffrit()ll~~~iis()n,diti()hiJ~~'.~i~mi[,c'}jj This committee has cea se d to receive contributions and make expenditures; This committee doe s not anticipate receiving contributions or ma king ex penditures in the future ; This committee ha s eliminated or has no intention or ability to discharge all debts, loans received , and other obligation s; • This committee has no surplus funds; and • This committee ha s filed all campaign statements required by the Political Reform Act disclosing all reportable transactions . There are restriction s on the disposition of surplus campaign funds held by elected officers who are leaving office and by defea ted candidate s. Ref er to Government Code Section 89519 . Leftover funds of ballot m eas ure committees may be used for political, legislative or governmental purpo ses und er Governm e nt Code Sections 895 11 - 89518 , and are subj ect to Elections Code Section 18680 and FPPC Regul ation 18521.5. ---------------------· FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772} www.f~QV