CC 09-15-2020 Item No. 08 Short Term Rental Registration_Written CommunicationsCC 09-15-20
Short-Term Rental
Registration, FY
Written Comments
Cyrah Caburian
From:Jean Bedord <>
Sent:Tuesday, September 15, 2020 9:57 AM
To:Cupertino City Manager's Office; City Council
Subject:Agenda Item #8 Fee schedule for Short term rentals -- Incomplete Staff reportAnalysis
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Mayor Scharf and council members,
The staff report for this item is incomplete. It does not include very relevant information which was included in the
Planning Commission meeting in Nov. 2108, and presented in a study session on April 2, 2019.
According to that information the average STR operator makes $15,000 a year, which is less profitable than long term
rental and less work. The average rental period is 107 days a year or about 30% of available days. This equates to an
average cost per night of $140 which is affordable to those not on a corporate credit card, particularly families and
educators (second largest employer in Cupertino). While $482 is listed, there are far more $44 and $66 rentals. The staff
report did not provide a breakdown of the number of rentals in each category ‐ how many Entire Homes vs. Private
Rooms vs. Shared Rooms.
At that point, there were about 300 such rentals in Cupertino, or roughly 2% of housing stock (13,000 single‐family
homes). COVID‐19 has severely impacted host income, so why should the city increase the fixed costs of running a
small‐time resident business? Residents need assistance from the city, not more and more fees.
I urge postponement of this agenda item until the council has sufficient information to make an informed
decision. Increasing fees at this point smacks of a greedy city that wants to shut out reasonable lodging.
Warm regards,
Jean Bedord
Cell: 408‐966‐6174 / Land line: 408‐252‐5220