TICC Agenda Packet - 09/02/20CITY OF CUPERTINO TICC AGENDA This will be a teleconference meeting without a physical location Wednesday, September 2, 2020 7:00 PM TELECONFERENCE / PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INFORMATION TO HELP STOP THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 In accordance with Governor Newsom's Executive Order No-29-20, this will be a teleconference meeting without a physical location to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Members of the public wishing comment on an item on the agenda may do so in the following ways: 1) E-mail comments by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 2, to the Commission at TICC@cupertino.org. These e-mail comments will be received by the Staff Liaison before the meeting and posted to the City's website after the meeting . 2) E-mail comments during the times for public comment during the meeting to the Commission at BillM@cupertino.org. The staff liaison will read the emails into the record, and display any attachments on the screen, for up to 3 minutes (subject to the Chair's discretion to shorten time for public comments). Members of the public that wish to share a document must email BillM@cupertino.org prior to speaking. 3) Teleconferencing Instructions Members of the public may observe the teleconference meeting or provide oral public comments as follows: Oral public comments will be accepted during the teleconference meeting. Comments may be made during "oral communications" for matters not on the agenda, and during the public comment period for each agenda item. To address the TICC Commission, click on the link below to register in advance and access the meeting: Online Please click the link below to join the webinar : Page 1 TICC Agenda September 2, 2020 https://cityofcupertino.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2YABQTPiTSKMS-rcH8IhUQ Phone Dial: (888) 788 0099 and enter Webinar ID: 947 1205 6043 (Type *9 to raise hand to speak). Unregistered participant will be called on by the last four digits of their phone number. Or an H.323/SIP room system: H.323: (US West) (US East) (EMEA) (Australia) (Canada) Meeting ID: 947 1205 6043 SIP: 94712056043@zoomcrc.com After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please read the following instructions carefully: 1) You can directly download the teleconference software or connect to the meeting in your internet browser. If you are using your browser, make sure you are using a current and up-to-date browser: Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+, Microsoft Edge 12+, Safari 7+. Certain functionality may be disabled in older browsers, including Internet Explorer. 2) You will be asked to enter an email address and a name, followed by an email with instructions on how to connect to the meeting. Your email address will not be disclosed to the public. If you wish to make an oral public comment but do not wish to provide your name, you may enter "Cupertino Resident" or similar designation . 3) When the Chair calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on "raise hand." Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak. 4) When called, please limit your remarks to the time allotted and the specific agenda topic. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend this teleconference meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, at least 48 Page 2 TICC Agenda September 2, 2020 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange or assistance. In addition, upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.Subject: Approve Minutes from the August 5, 2020 regular meeting. Recommended Action: Approve Minutes from the August 5, 2020 regular meeting. A - Draft Minutes 8-5-20 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission and not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2.Subject: Receive AT&T Letter dated March 12, 2020. Recommended Action: Receive and File AT&T Letter dated March 12, 2020. A - Letter from AT&T dated March 12, 2020 3.Subject: Receive AT&T Letter April 16, 2020. Recommended Action: Receive and File AT&T Letter April 16, 2020. B - Letter from AT&T dated April 16, 2020 4.Subject: Receive Letter from AT&T dated May 14, 2020 Recommended Action: Receive and File Letter from AT&T dated May 14, 2020 C - Letter from AT&T dated May 14, 2020 5.Subject: Receive Letter from AT&T dated June 11, 2020 Recommended Action: Receive and File Letter from AT&T dated June 11, 2020 D - Letter from AT&T dated June 11, 2020 6.Subject: Receive Letter from AT&T dated July 16, 2020 Recommended Action: Receive and File Letter from AT&T dated July 16, 2020 E - Letter from AT&T dated July 16, 2020 NEW BUSINESS Page 3 TICC Agenda September 2, 2020 7.Subject: Receive presentation on Smart Cities from NTT Limited Recommended Action: Receive and File Presentation. OLD BUSINESS 8.Subject: Review FY21 TICC Work Plan. Recommended Action: Review FY21 TICC Work Plan. A - FY21 TICC Work Plan 9.Subject: Receive Subcommittee Verbal Reports 1. Traffic and Video 2. Climate and Conservation 3. Wireless and Fiber Optics Master Plan. 4. Education Recommended Action: Receive the Subcommittee Reports and consider making a recommendation to the City Council. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 10.Subject: Commissioner Report from the Mayor's Meeting. Recommended Action: Receive Commissioner Report. 11.Subject: Review Action Items List. Recommended Action: Review and File Action Items list. A - Action Items List 12.Subject: Review Activities Calendar Recommended Action: Review and File Activities Calendar. A - Activities Calendar 13.Subject: Commissioner Updates Recommended Action: Receive Commissioner Updates ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend this teleconference meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. In addition, upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Page 4 TICC Agenda September 2, 2020 Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City’s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City . Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment . Page 5 TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  Regular Meeting  August 5, 2020 7:00 p.m.  Teleconference Meeting without a Location  Draft MINUTES  CALL MEETING TO ORDER   Chair Mohanty called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm  ROLL CALL  Commissioners Present:  Prabir Mohanty, Naidu Bollineni, Mukesh Garg, Rajaram  Soundararajan, Eliza Du, Ph. D.  Commissioners Absent:  None  Staff Present  Bill Mitchell, Staff Liaison   Speakers:  Nori, Cupertino Resident  APPROVAL OF MINUTES   1.Subject: Approve Minutes from the July 1, 2020 Regular meeting. Commissioner Soundararajan made a motion to approve the Minutes. Commissioner  Bollineni second the Motion. Motion passed unanimously.   ORAL COMMUNICATIONS  This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission  on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In  most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with  respect to a matter not listed on the agenda.  A.Nori, Cupertino resident, spoke regarding the Email Phishing Campaign WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS  A.None NEW BUSINESS  2.Subject: CREST Award Nominee Staff Liaison Mitchell provided background on the Crest Awards.   EXHIBIT A - MINUTES TICC  TELECONFERENCE MEETING MINUTES August 5, 2020  The Commission discussed the CREST Awards.     Commissioner Soundararajan made a motion to nominate the PALS Innovators – Park  Activities Locker System as Innovator of the Year Award. Commissioner Du second the  motion. Motion passed unanimously.     3. Subject: Guidance on Commission Work Program FY20‐21    Staff liaison Mitchell reviewed the Guidance on Commission Work Programs FY20‐21.     The Commission accepted the Guidance document.    4. Subject: Receive E‐mail Phishing Campaign Presentation from Chief Technology  Officer Mitchell    Staff liaison Mitchell presented the PowerPoint.     The following bullet points were addressed in the Presentation:      Cyber Threat Landscape   Ransomware   City’s Cybersecurity defense   Questions    The Commission thanked Mr. Mitchell for the informative Presentation.    OLD BUSINESS  5. Subject: Review FY21 TICC Work Plan.  Staff Liaison Mitchell reviewed the FY21 TICC Work Plan.     He provided an update on Item No. 6, Wireless Master Plan, stating it is in the Final  Draft review phase. Mr. Mitchell discussed his Plan:    Publish a Request for Information (RFI) stating the City is looking to do a Pilot  for Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies.   o Identify Method of Implementation     Chair Mohanty mentioned he and Commissioner Bollineni met with Commissioners  Ganga and Gerhard from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission to work on Traffic  and Video Analytics.     TICC  TELECONFERENCE MEETING MINUTES August 5, 2020  6. Subcommittee Reports  Staff Liaison Mitchell and the Commissioners provided an update:    Climate and Conservation   Traffic and Video    Wireless and Fiber Optics Master Plan    Education     STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS  7.  Subject: Commissioner Report from the Mayor’s Meeting  Commissioner Gard stated the Mayor’s Meeting was cancelled.     8. Subject: Review Action Items List  The Commission reviewed the Action items List. Commissioner Bollineni made a  motion to push the OpenGov presentation to October in order to bring the Wireless and  Fiber Optics Master Plan presentation in September. Commissioner Garg second the  motion. Motion passed unanimously.     9. Subject: Review Activities Calendar.   The Commission reviewed the Activities Calendar.     10. Commissioner Updates   General comments provided.     Vice Chair Soundararajan relayed the success of the Virtual Hack‐a‐ton.     ADJOURNMENT  Chair Mohanty adjourned the meeting at 8:07 pm.       SUBMITTED BY:      APPROVED BY:    __________________________________   ________________________________  Marilyn Monreal, Recording Secretary    Prabir Mohanty, Chair      EXHIBIT A - LETTER FROM AT&T EXHIBIT B - LETTER FROM AT&T EXHIBIT C - LETTER FROM AT&T EXHIBIT D - LETTER FROM AT&T EXHIBIT E - LETTER FROM AT&T Project/TaskProject Objective Responsibility Estimated Completion DatePilot - Adaptive Traffic SignalingUtilize the City's Traffic Management System to test impact of enhanced adaptive traffic signaling. This will be done through software modifications and/or the addition of IOT devices such as intelligent cameras and sensors.Commissioners Mohanty & Bollineni Summer 2021Pilot - Multimodal Traffic CountUtilize the City's Traffic Management System and/or IOT equipment to provide the number of vehicles, pedestrians and bike traffic that moved through a given area, e.g., intersection, roadway or trail.Commissioners Mohanty & Bollineni Summer 2021Cliimate Monitoring - PilotUtilize IOT sensors to measure particulate and pollution levelsCommissioners Garg & Soundararajan Spring 2021Pilot - Water Scheduling Based on Moisture ContentUtilize IOT sensor to measure ground moisture content. Use this information to better manage water irrigation within medians. Additionally, these IOT sensors may better pinpoint water leaks.Commissioners Garg & Soundararajan Winter 2020Pilot - Noise MeasurementUtilize inexpensive IOT sensors to measure/categorize noiseCommissioners Garg & Soundararajan Winter 2020Education - Provide education on 5GExplore the pros and cons of cellular communicaiton - specifcally small and macro antennasCommissioners Bollineni & Soundararajan Spring 2021Fiber Optic and Wireless Master PlanUpdate 2006 Master Plan Holdover from FY 2019 - 2020 work programCommissioners Bollineni & Du Fall 2020Technology, Information and Communication Commission FY 2020-21 Work Program TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Action Items Date Owner Description Status 3/6/19 Bill Request presentation on City’s use of OpenGov Slated for October 5/1/19 Prabir Agendize T-Mobile In progress 8/7/19 Raj & Naidu Develop a framework for a Public Wireless Workshop New Completed Action Items Date Owner Description Status 5/1/19 Bill Research Radiation Levels and publish on the City website Completed 12/19/19 Bill Draft New 2020 Workplan Completed 3/4/20 Bill Request a Traffic Signal Presentation from Traffic Manager David Stillman. Completed 5/6/20 Bill Meet with each Subcommittee Completed 5/1/19 Prabir Agendize NTT Global Communications Completed TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  2020 Activities Calendar  SEPTEMBER  TICC 9/2  Mayor’s Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.,  Zoom (Mukesh)  OCTOBER  TICC 10/7  Mayor’s Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.,  TBD (Naidu)  NOVEMBER  TICC 11/4  Mayor’s Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.,  TBD (Eliza)  DECEMBER  TICC 12/2  Mayor’s Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.,  TBD (Prabir)  Rotating List:   Mukesh  Naidu  Eliza  Prabir  Raj  PASSED  JANUARY  TICC 1/1  Mayor’s Mtg. CANCELLED  FEBRUARY  TICC 2/5  Mayor’s Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.,  Conf. Room A  MARCH  TICC 3/4  Mayor’s Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.,  Conf. Room A (Naidu)  APRIL  TICC 4/1  Mayor’s Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.,  Conf. Room A (Raj)  Cancelled.  MAY  TICC ‐ 5/6  Mayor’s Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.,  Via Zoom (Eliza)  JUNE  TICC 6/10  Mayor’s Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.,  Via Zoom (Raj)  JULY  TICC 7/10  Mayor’s Mtg. at 5:30 p.m.,  Zoom (Prabir)  AUGUST  TICC 8/5  Mayor’s Mtg at 5:30 p.m.,  Zoom (Mukesh)