CC 10-06-2020 Agenda Item #10 Municipal Code Amendment_Written CommunicationsCC 10-06-20
Proposed Municipal
Code Amendment
Written Comments
Cyrah Caburian
From:Lisa Warren <>
Sent:Tuesday, October 6, 2020 10:12 AM
To:City Council
Cc:Lisa Warren
Subject:City Council Agenda Item #10 October 6, 2020
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the
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Dear Mayor and City Council,
I am traveling and have very limited access to communication sources.
I hope to participate remotely in tonight's meeting. In the event that I am unable to do
I must at least share my thoughts on Item 10 - The consideration of limiting the use of
City Attorney time by individual City Councilmembers.
I, as a resident (top of org chart), disagree with the notion that limited access is 'good
for the city'. I believe the opposite.
Amending the municipal code (2.18.030) and changing a muni code title for this time
limiting 'rule' is a mistake.
I appreciate when our elected officials do their homework and search for clarity or ways
to think differently about 'issues' (of all kinds) . Over decades of participating in our
city's government and decision making, I have seen 'rubber stampers' and
representatives who arrive in council chambers without seeming to have even read their
packets. I have seen others who take their 'jobs' seriously. I much prefer the latter.
We have had city attorneys in the past who would engage with residents at a very low
level, and I was always told that the city attorney's office 'worked for council', and not
the residents. Over the past several years (decade?) being able to communicate
directly has been impossible. Residents RELY on city council members to rely their
questions to the city attorney. It is our ony way of
To limit that ability feels very much like censorship and should be avoided.
Remember that Residents are on the top of the city's organization chart. To represent
that top spot correctly and transparently, limits to legal knowledge and/or advise are ill
Tank you.
Lisa Warren
Cyrah Caburian
From:Jean Bedord <>
Sent:Tuesday, October 6, 2020 3:35 PM
To:City Clerk
Subject:Presentations for city council meeting tonight
Attachments:Bedord Council - 2020-10-06 Oral Communication.pptx; Bedord Council - 2020-10-06 Agenda #
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the
sender and know the content is safe.
Could make these PPT slides available to the regular meeting of the city council tonight:
* Oral Communications
* Agenda Item #10
Please include in the public record. Thanks much!
Warm regards,
Jean Bedord
Accountability for Legal Services
•City attorney’s client is city as entity, NOT individual council members
•Impact of 2 hours per week per council member
•Potentially 50 hours per month – more than full week of billable time
•$275 per hour for attorney time
•Translates into $13,750 per month or $165,000 per year
•NO benefit to residents
Support limiting use of city attorney time for council members and
recommend monitoring for abuse
Jean Bedord
Cupertino resident