Vallco 2nd amendment 5-3-76 (2)RESOLUTION NO. 4161 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO MODIFYING EXISTING AIR RIGHTS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AND VALLCO PARK, LTD. WHEREAS, the City Council did authorize on October 8, 1974, the execution of an Air Rights Agreement by and between Vallco Park, Ltd., a California Limited partnership, and the City of Cupertino and further amended by Supple- ment to Agreement dated as of August 5, 1975; and WHEREAS, the City and Vallco desire to amend the existing Agreement in the manner set forth in Second Amendment to Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City hereby quitclaims and releases to Vallco all of its right, title, and interest under the existing agreement and as described in Exhibit "B" of Second Amendment to Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Second Amendment to Agreement in behalf of the City of Cupertino and have said Second Amendment to Agreement recorded. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 3rd day of May 1976, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Frolich, Jackson, Nellis, O'Keefe, Meyers NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: s/ Robert W. Meyers Mayor, City:of Cupertino ATTEST: s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk T• - y Y 41 U'f8rt "ry 8 ..j7rfreY:LiSC. A=T: City Ciox r th sue`' j ; , 0. IL i C' 80 m0 r FEE MOLL-rW P Q 'Yk'= i:i: ^.. CoCIJiVr,_ OF 1RS C -'YX 1l' U t }'RTYAb FIanryIHC rw'1 &I AIR PLI(* ,S #d:F.f? hPf a"--! 33 !t'?' f.Ii: OF j LIPF;P1714D A.11) VA-U 0 PAAKr V915- NHtRW. [he Cltl rcancil did autbariaa v" Goober 8, X$7+, [hk uxicu'ios C{X }f or nix of all h'tr RAKh #p Pv0cwm!:kC by and bikL%P"W VA, -IM Park, 1LLd,, a kUpi ;Jrin & ^d _' M1ed by MPZ'lrUmicadpmrtRaTS1htPlatikepityal matvE fa XfeefiL qlR datled as or "gardt 5, 1 :0"' =d 71L'l A, SpLa F`tfy end Vzt1Jeo dOWIT6 C WJ4e Ika czl.atiri l grseahttt X ALAr.Ar ycr f -orth 1 9erfrnd A9riuf ne3t[ to Abt'4iRCd {: ui ' CO all of i #F MEMO, the. CIEY burcb7 ! ' o u z:,hc, tit1M1 ind f54i #Y 04# U44er %.r, "Li Slag agr"Wgnt and +:f - ARWr,r4114d in @xhibit "E" 4f Saeaoa Anvndlp=t to Agrasm*Ds: CM, TLIMUOKY. E IT 3ZSDLVED Chat .144- MayOt Mr d Cphf 1',ity C]MCk aY'b T1aCaby au[>40Tized Co trsseuta L114 teal¢ Acg, %dwmt a ssaa4gC nYdrxi. A "Ism City ut Guperitao and hove raid %Lc WLd glTF,yD ILIM AMr -TTb at a ;ajv1AF of trv'• City Cuk:n"' 15f t1aha 41 y ar Cup rtarca C14ie '_, ^t -- dep ut ral _, 19 T6, by th fnllcwIng vats; 4 wm 'v.: i, orr Lbtl tra of e!e fi,n+:1 r:"ji 11 r 17 w1AYES; [all S:Y JH ^_ka 7r k N- 511ii. Q'KeCte, )COTCY by 3 rC VMS; No" rrrvyK. 3, ,r s. Move NO FEE PRC}YFa 41 U'f8rt "ry 8 ..j7rfreY:LiSC. A=T: City Ciox r th sue`' j ; , 0. IL i 2 \p > /- ` 1S .w C 280 pka237 2 L,H rE, O14 J C k_ Cw my 2 6 vp c E 4b er 16 z . .. y ( ! . 2 IF AQ, 4X"_A-P" X80 w243 All that certain read pry @rty sit "arts in the City of Cupera no County of Santa Clara, SroLte of liforn -.a, .acre _paxr cularly described as BEGINNING at the intersection of the MonLLncat line of Vallco Parkway as shown on that certain ?Krcel ILup rercrdcd in Book 325 of Maps at page 12, Santa Clara City records VLth the monument lirke of Wolfe Road as shown on said map; Dance along Paid monument li'Aft of Ware head, N 1`05'14" W, 75.00 feet; thenco leaving said monument line at rigght angles thereto N 88 "54'46" E, 76.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIxININC; thence R 1.05'14" Si, 212.91 feet; thenca N OS'54146" E, 243_84 feet; i the ee N 1`05'14" id, 46.19 feet: Thence N 88 °5+'46" E, 65.00 feet; thenr-e N 1 °05'14" N. U7a65 feet; thence S 68 "54' 46" W. 48.42 feet; thence N 46 "05'14" W. 75.68 feet; thence H 1.05014" WD 432.70 fe h; thanes N 93'54"461P S, ?184,58 f &:!t Lo t, i nr in the northeasterly line of Paxcel 1 as shown on sai.d ,psi ; thence alozz; said northeasterly line S 60'14'49" E. 123,58 feet to the ftortheasturly corner of said parcel, said corn amcornerbeingccnon to the m F ost northerly corner of parcel $ ar, shown on said map; th' --nce along thin easterly lime of said Parcel 1, said line being cam4mori r- I:o the westerly lil of A i.d Paseel 2, 5 1'05'14" W, 1049•.61 feet to a point in a line that is parallel with and 55.00 feet Rarth,L2Yly Measurod at right analas €roan aiuresaid monument' line of Vallco Parkway; Ahenca lonving said common line along said parallel line S 8$'54146 "w, p78.00 fact; , thwace leaving said parallel line alcmg a tangent curve to the right having a raditiss of 20 00 fret, through a central annlc of w00'ov, . Ea an arc length of 31.12 feet to -thc TRUP POINT OF BEGINNING. 4 zttibit b , 280 r cE 7:r All Chat eartai real property situaten the City of Cupertino, rnty of Santa Clara, State of California Wng a 20 foot wide strip4 bounded by 'planes projected v -ertic.Hly at Me pareollimits, above the huriuGntal plans at elevation 196.50 feet, according eo the datum of tho Ciry of Cupertinai(City ci r upertino official Belch Mark S11w1 - n". 179.40) the cant Arline of Aich is describ as follows; 9EGIaNTHC at the monument dt•the centerline of VDIfa Road -arid Vull Par'kway, as Awn on that certain Parcel Map, recorded in look 325 Of ?daps at pagr} 12, Santa Clara County Records; tbmce easterly ajong the Centarline of Valleno parkway as shown on Said Frartel lisp, N 58'54'46" B. 314.06 feet; fihegcl? at right asigles 5 1 °05114" R, 55. feet to the TRUE POINT 33 GI NlI+2O; Iiexe N 1%05114" W, 210.00 feet. The northerly terminuw racing Clue northerly right-of-way lino of Vallao Parkway, acid tha southerly terminus being the sout -"rly riEll; way line of Vallco Piarkway. Exhibit h Y 4 n * iy3 - i -- - -fir? E I E E I jn 0 piGf 41 STATE OF CALIF, RNIA } ss. COUNTY OF SAW—LA f'LMA f on Lhis 2Rth day of Aprk2, in the year 19 ?61 efvre mo, the A Notary Fu.blic in and for sjid county and it::Ce, persanally appeared BURREL LMNARD known to m6 t_ti to Me President and WALTBFt P. WARD known to ma to he thn s-!crr--Lary of Vanua Park, Ltd. the oorp#retfbn t.har execs - -ad the within instrumen} and known to mo to be the per-jnn5 Ml<) executed the,, wikhilr instx`a vent On behalf o1 ZaL'd arax ration, SAid corporation being known to me to ha or.e of the partners of vallco Park, Lttd., the partnurs]1iP that executed the r,,rm as 6uch partner and that $ach psr tAtrshi p executed th* rL ame . Ky oornmisL'ion expires: C_, . Notary Futxl is w .:•u.iiLrwiFw IILIIru11 rr;l f'L'i1131iR111 s4 no:Mr rI I- "! NI.7AunIR' atL,.rr ui-.tiL..,,tiai i MIIw.Ik111yN Wiwi r Fn.' 1. Il7a W tLl Yli "r'i +YI II On this lath slay of April, in Lhe year 1576, before :ne, the underal ned, a Notary Pub2JG, r-00oa21y 4ppeAred Will V. Lest4r, knave to me to be ono of the general partn ra o-f the partnership thae exeeuMI d tht within instrumeac hmd acknowledged to rr such partnership executed the ;Lame. N Ca ry dub iv- 1411i{ j I a I IMI ILCIRFII IY14r111 1 m 411E IiiMycommissionexpires: j Lr:Yau ue.yG c i;-I'7Y_IIllcAlr"0 4 Ikrerti rU4 -I[ L:r kar,k# GI\l. is Y 47F hLA•r 6w R. ii .112dlrlilie'y•"Llp, STATE OF CALiFOMIA ' f,s'YI °f1141knI Lm as COWfX OF SANVI. CLARA On th'- 2sth IMLy Of April, in the year 1976, before me-" the undarsighM, a Notary Public{ per-ojwlilly appealed anr7cl Leanclri, known t 010 to be one Of the genAr! Partners of the partnership that execute-d the within in:airumUht and acicn"IndgGe: t:, me 4hat suglj part] %c!Le,,lip ex[scutc[I the sasae. NOta;y FlI 1 c " to-IM 1MhrrlglmeY1b1e,X,,Mll 711p,ILY,11111Myeommissian07[Yire . • ." 1'rY•aC: :,{ uBeR jrF1 - M— s'. r. r.cr.r,r rug—r .: ILrk e4 .-Y 'F aL1"sJA R111F1uyal l bow jo t X80 tva24 S a ACir.0 DWLEa MCNT STAT$ OF CALI60t* ilA } Sp . COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) on thia 1#r day -of April, 1975, bOfOM sae, H'I*&W4 C. Gp , Nata--y Public in and fUr tRct County of Santa Ck &ran state of California, perbnnally aapeAred PdVIasgf W-,MCV&C% and AO. AyVa4 # kaoi n to nee to bp- thip Mayor and City Clerk, of the City of Cupertino, a public corppKation, and known to me to be the perrgpe who exec „ta.a the within inatD, ent on behalf of aatd public coxporatjon and ai tkncwledged to me that such public oorparatfo,: executed the Hama. R.1 4. . L- --PIpr Ti w 1 WAFT MAUC - CtLYf b” M H4iN4 41r I. I. TIrF C UNTI C/ EMITA FLU wi,a.aa... S So e4 *238 TJIIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGMEWMT Made and Vint1trad into as of K%Tch 1, 1476, by and lAtWoen tha CITY W CUPERT1140, [Al,.Ul?RN A, a munji-ival comporation VC -ity" 1 , and 1}ASWO PARK, LTO. , a California limited partnership, W I I N E S SETa: A. City ax;-d V&11 --o ale parties to pertain Agreenent dated October 9, 1474, recorded October 17, 1974 in ]Iavk B135 o1' the Offxozal cvxdB of Santa Clara County, California, at gage 370, as apiended iyy Sur- olecvamL to Agreement dated as of August 5, 1975, by cad between City and Vallca, to nook 8571 01 the Official Rer:ords of said Cov,5t,, at Pave 7 4 (the 4ZxIr.tiny Agree ant ") . B. City ar,d vnllpro desa :sa t-c+ aFaad t1ja Es-stir_g 1+9sjaema =t in the mariner bereina #ter qat form. 5 NOW, I EREL-ORE, in conzideration of the mj-,-L -qal c0ftnaats and aaraamiMtS hetel.dafter set forth, it is agreed as follow%I 1. The loc a tiara of the pe rp6 taal ar,d exc . up jv ;_- O&SMWint granted by Cf wy to i iAU Co rdrskia -nt to gdmautrapb 2 aj Ul) of the Zxa z -tin9 Afjrec_pu.nt bhail„ ratwithatsitdina the locat ;on therefor desigruated od Extibit n to U30 Exirting A9rdq!At'nt, he n the ioc "ti.an rE'1 r.3 in Exhlbif A attachLd hereto and by tiA., laada a 4arG R norao1. 2. City hereby yuittl.sim:; anr; welcasts to Vzllco 11 [,f it;: „gRit, title an ;ntarimst 1411der the Es , Ling AgreemUn" in al ;d L'b Lhe rc-51 pr&LIerty'desxc±ribed in Zxh 4it a attachr ;-I hcrcrto Ln.5 ty this aw =;jL: ti part 1- Af s pr a qft 280 r p±nvide3 liuwee,r that nuthing hrhroAn C:ri1;Llit•1 Siiall k,-V. lj% - -xed to rr1ti.19U V611Co rrort the ObliglLti[rt, to pay to }? ty the sutras set fzrthx in paragr.ipli 13 tj2 t.hca F.xU,ting grP g i. 3. Except as hereby amendt«l, uw.- Exfstirtq Agte nt sh;.l' remain in full force and cfiact &nd, FtN hereby ftwmded., iz ratified and cunfirmod an& stall bind and benefit the port -kes h ~set4 and their zespecti.uu sur.!omssj=s, Su.:c -065fixs in intarast avd:i :.S:5ignr;, IN WIWESS WHIRRWr, the partieti h E rtito nawr Wwcm:ej this AgirLement es of tFy-3 day and year first nbotiE wx -tttea. ikTT8S T qty c e CITY Of, CUPERTINO, CALIFi]RXY14 ro='r City o Cog n 1F LTAL Mjak, JTD. , Its Three Genera i X. 'fall ParXAsa +r{:a Cn ifornia c r r +4 n.4 d BY rs t ccr t ry