CC 11-02-2020 Item No. 21 Weed Abatement_Staff PresentationNovember 2, 2020Weed Abatement Program ImprovementsCC 11-02-2020 Item No. 21 Weed Abatement Program Process Primary Concerns●Residents were unaware of the need to abate weeds●Residents felt it was unfair to charge them an inspection fee if they properly abated their weeds Recommended: Supplemental Outreach●Existing Outreach●County sends letters in January and March●Recommended Supplemental Outreach●City letters in January and February (est. $150)●Scene and social media outreach Recommended: Cover compliant inspection fees●2021 Inspection Fee: $84●134 149properties in Program; 94 104estimated to comply●Estimated $7,896 $8,736 for the City to pay for the initial inspections of compliant properties Recommended Action●Approve a budget appropriation (BMN 2021-105) of $8,046 $8,886to supplement outreach for the Weed Abatement Program and to cover initial inspection fees for properties found to be in compliance.