CC 11-19-2020 (Special)
Thursday, November 19, 2020
At 6:00 p.m. Mayor Steven Scharf called the Special City Council meeting to order. This was a
teleconference meeting with no physical location.
Present: Mayor Steven Scharf, Vice Mayor Darcy Paul, and Councilmembers Liang Chao, Rod
Sinks, and Jon Robert Willey. Absent: None. All Councilmembers teleconferenced for the
City Clerk Kirsten Squarcia announced that Item No. 2 regarding the Anderson Dam Matter
was removed from the agenda.
1. Subject: Emergency Assistance Funds to assist unhoused members of the encampments
located along Wolfe Road near Interstate 280 (Wolfe Road Encampment) to mitigate
safety hazards including COVID‐19; related budget modification.
Recommended Action: That the City Council:
Adopt Resolution No. 20‐135 approving Budget Modification #2021‐107 transferring
$200,000 in existing appropriations from the General Fund to the Below Market Rate
(BMR) Housing Special Revenue Fund; approving the allocation of $200,000 in BMR
Affordable Housing Funds (AFH) for emergency assistance to assist unhoused
members of the Wolfe Road encampment, and authorizing the City Manager to
negotiate and execute any contracts necessary to facilitate the emergency assistance.
Written communications for this item included a staff presentation and emails to
City Council Minutes November 19, 2020
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City Manager Deborah Feng gave a presentation.
Councilmembers asked questions and made comments.
Mayor Scharf opened the public comment period and the following people spoke.
Jennifer Griffin supported emergency assistance funds for the item and the County
helping to move the encampment at Calvert and Stevens Creek Boulevard.
Troy Alterman, encampment member, supported the emergency assistance funds for
members and made comments and asked questions about the plan.
David D, encampment member, said he was not contacted by the task force and was
concerned about addressing the specific needs of encampment members.
Jim Moore was concerned some residents were unaware of the task force or the plan,
about notifications facilitating the move, and managing bikes with the hotel residency.
Housing Commissioner Connie Cunningham (representing self) supported the task
force and plan for assisting homeless and more housing.
Danessa Techmanski supported a homeless commission as part of the Housing
Commission and was concerned how many people would be housed at the new site.
Library Commissioner Liana Crabtree (representing self) was concerned about the
number of people being housed at the new location, providing adequate services, and
input from residents.
Mayor Scharf closed the public comment period.
Paul moved and Scharf seconded to:
Adopt Resolution No. 20‐135 approving Budget Modification #2021‐107 transferring
$200,000 in existing appropriations from the General Fund to the Below Market Rate
(BMR) Housing Special Revenue Fund, approving the allocation of $200,000 in BMR
Affordable Housing Funds (AFH) for emergency assistance to assist unhoused
members of the Wolfe Road encampment and authorizing the City Manager to
negotiate and execute any contracts necessary to facilitate the emergency assistance. In
addition, I move that we authorize the City Manager to conduct follow‐up to this
meeting based upon comments from the public and Council provided for this agenda
item, and to bring back any further recommended action to Council at a future date.
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The motion carried unanimously.
2. Subject: Proposed consent to Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger, LLP’s (SMW) representation
of the County of Santa Clara (County) in connection with matters related to the Santa
Clara Valley Water District’s proposed modifications to the Anderson Dam to address
seismic issues (Anderson Dam Matter).
Recommended Action: Consent to SMW’s representation of the County in connection
with the Anderson Dam Matter and authorize the City Manager to execute a consent to
SMW’s concurrent representation of the City and the County and waiver of potential
conflicts of interest that might arise out of such concurrent representation (Attachment
This item was removed from the agenda.
At 7:20 p.m., Mayor Scharf adjourned the meeting.
Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk