CC 12-03-20 Items No. 2, 3 Outgoing Incoming Councilmembers_Late Written CommunicationsCC 12-03-20
#2, #3
Outgoing, Incoming
Written Comments
Cyrah Caburian
From:Liana Crabtree <>
Sent:Thursday, December 3, 2020 6:47 PM
To:Liang Chao; Kitty Moore; Darcy Paul; Steven Scharf; Rod Sinks; Hung Wei; Jon Robert Willey
Cc:City Clerk; Cupertino City Manager's Office
Subject:written communication, ceremonial matters, Council Meeting, 12/3/2020, Agenda Item I, Election
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the
sender and know the content is safe.
Note: Many thanks to City Clerk Kirsten Squarcia for helping me work out how to structure my
comments for tonight's ceremonial meeting honor outgoing and incoming council members.
If acceptable, please add this letter as written communication for Agenda Item I, Election Results for
the 12/3/2020 Council Meeting. If not acceptable, that's okay, no publishing required.
Honorable 2018-2020 and 2020-2022 Cupertino Council Members Chao, Moore, Paul, Scharf, Sinks,
Wei, Willey:
Many will speak tonight to show respect and appreciation for your efforts to strengthen the City and
improve, however defined, the lives of the people who live here today and the people you imagine will
live here in the future.
You are all seasoned public officials and you deserve the accolades that come tonight and on
countless occasions after tonight.
Thank you for your service.
For the 2018-2020 Council, you have many accomplishments that I will omit by ignorance or memory
failure, but the short list of improvements that you have worked with staff and community volunteers
to achieve that stand out for me include:
the approval and funding of the Library Expansion project. Community members have waited
20 years for the right time for this project. Thank you for recognizing the opportunity and
seizing it! The programming space will be a wonderful amenity for the community for years and
years to come.
outstanding community outreach to support-mask wearing and physical distancing while other
jurisdictions struggled or wavered with their responses to keep their residents safe.
recognition that the unhoused community members living on Wolfe Rd needed to be treated
with care and dignity, such that the City waited until there were solid plans for relocation of all
residents before clearing the encampment.
the hiring of an effective, articulate, and approachable City Manager (Deb Feng) to lead the
introduction of the Via shuttle service with outreach to other west valley cities to expand
services when we are no longer constrained by pandemic-ending behavior.
acquisition of the Lawrence Mitty parcel for future trail and recreational use.
an initiative to align commission work plans with the Council's work program.
movement in support of future acquisition of the Rancho Rinconada Recreation and Park
statewide advocacy in support of local democracy and local control of density and land use.
establishing density and land use limits for the Vallco parcels.
For the 2020-2022 Council, my impression, formed by reputation or personal contact, is that you all
care deeply about Cupertino and its residents, which gives me hope that Cupertino will continue to be
a resident-friendly community where people thrive. I hope the 2020-2021 Council term will result in
legislation to support:
a lobbying or financial interest disclosure requirement for individuals speaking before Council,
commissions, and committees.
a resolution in support of local democracy and local control of density and land use decisions.
a resolution to recognize Housing As a Human Right, especially as housing is valued
according to an investment market with little to no regard for what people can afford to pay to
shelter themselves and their families adequately.
improved humanitarian assistance for unhoused residents, including showering and laundry
the use of housing as long-term shelter for people. For example, vacancy taxes and fees for
short-stay or "hoteling" use of residential property.
more subsidized housing, especially homes for families, homes for adults who require assisted
or supervised support, and homes for small roommate groups.
clarification of the property owner's obligations regarding the bridge easement (land use)
connecting the Vallco parcels.
clarification of the property owner's obligations regarding the road easements within the Vallco
establishment of parkland obligations or agreement of fair compensation in lieu of fees for
planned development of the Vallco parcels.
recognition of Library Field as the park community members enjoy for sports, play, and
recreation every day.
Thank you all again.
Liana Crabtree
Cupertino resident
representing myself only
Cyrah Caburian
From:Munisekar <>
Sent:Thursday, December 3, 2020 8:40 PM
To:City Clerk; Cupertino City Manager's Office; City Council
Subject:My Communications for the records.
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the
sender and know the content is safe.
Here is my script of what I spoke tonight for the records.
Dear Mayor Steven Scharf,
I would like to thank you for great 4 years of service and leadership you
provided to our community; I say this from bottom of my heart as you
refused to give in to lobbyists pressure and refused to wine and dine
with lobbyists & developers. You always took the residents and
community first approach to everything you did. It is unfortunate that
we could not re‐elect you for 4 more years of service which is a big loss
for our community. I really hope you consider taking up some other
important roles to serve the community as you have too much to offer
with the depth of knowledge on various city matters.
Thank you again for your commitment to our city.
Dear Council member Kitty Moore,
I would like to congratulate you on winning the election and thank you
for stepping up to serve our community. I am looking forward to your
wonderful contributions and leadership to our community. Thank you
for running a clean campaign based on issues and substance instead of
platitudes and empty promises. Even though you were unfairly
attacked on the Social Media with whisper campaigns by ex‐politicians,
you refused to get into the mud‐pit with pigs; you knew better. Given
what I observed of your contributions on planning commission, I am
confident that you will serve the community with unwavering
commitment to residents.
I was there with you in 2016 at Stevens Creek and Wolfe junction when
the Vallco thugs tried to bully us and towed your car even though you
legally parked it in front of the fitness center. The best quality I like
about you and your fellow council member Liang Chao is your refusal to
surrender against bullies. Your courage to tackle difficult issues on the
stage without acting like cry‐babies is admirable. Please keep up that
quality, as I want young girls like my daughter to learn from you as to
how to face adversity and standup against bullies.
I feel confident that our city is in good hands with resident focused
majority of Darcy Paul, Liang Chao, Jon Willey and you. We are lucky to
have a you lead our city. I don’t think very many cities can say that.
Thank you and good luck in your new role.