04. Draft Minutes 11-01-05
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, November I, 2005
At 6:45 p.m. Mayor Kwok called the meeting to order in the Council Chamber, 10350 Torre
Avenue, Cupertino, California, and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
City Council members present: Mayor Patrick Kwok, Vice-Mayor Richard Lowenthal, and
Council members, Sandra James, Dolly Sandoval, and Kris Wang. Council members absent:
Lowenthal/Sandoval moved and seconded to remove item No.l9, rrom the agenda. The motion
carried unanimously.
The City Clerk announced that the following items were distributed at the meeting:
. For item No. 11, a typed message rrom Cathy Helgerson regarding water wells and the
possible contamination in Cupertino.
. For item No. 12, an email rrom the Portofino Villas Homeowners Association regarding
property maintenance.
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Deborah Hill said there has been an improvement in safety because of increased Sheriff patrols
ofthe streets. She said that cyclists need to be more aware of hazards and traffic on the road, and
she asked drivers to be especially careful of cyclists now that it's getting dark sooner. She said
that Rainbow, Stelling and McClellan Drive are still very dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians.
Dennis Whittaker said that Council recently took a vote to not place so much emphasis on
pedestrian orientation over automobiles. He talked about the Vallco project and said it is a very
important artery for people going to work, and he asked Council not to allow a negative impact
on this busy street. He also said he didn't understand how the Council would not consider an
Economic Development Plan as a part of the General Plan, and he was concerned that the City
was not preserving its housing stock, and that the City needs one- and two-bedroom units that are
more affordable.
Bob Levy provided a newspaper article titled "View Tax Triggers Revolt in Rural New
Hampshire." He said that Cupertino had the equivalent situation, because property is evaluated
on location and the views from one's home. He said that concept has been lost here, and there
are many more big buildings, such as those at Stevens Creek and DeAnza. He said that Council
should give consideration to those who already live in the community, and why they came here,
and why they choose to stay. Levy said he hoped to see three new Council members as a result of
the election next week.
Mayor Kwok said the upcoming election has important statewide and local measures, as well as
six candidates for City Council. He said that every vote counts, and he asked all registered voters
to exercise their right to vote.
Sandoval/James moved and seconded to approve the items on the Consent Calendar as
recommended, with the exception of item Nos. I and 7, which were pulled for discussion. Vote:
Ayes: James, Kwok, Lowenthal, Sandoval, and Wang. Noes: None. Absent: None.
2. Adopt resolutions accepting Accounts Payable for October 14 and 21, Resolution Nos.
05-175 and 05-176.
3. Adopt a resolution accepting Payroll for October 21, Resolution No. 05-177.
4. Accept an application for an Alcoholic Beverage License for Fusion Korea, 20956
Homestead Road, Suite A-I (existing restaurant).
5. Adopt a resolution amending to Part II, Section 3 of the Administrative Rules and
Regulations of the Personnel Code in compliance with current State and Federal law
pertaining to harassment, discrimination and retaliation, Resolution No. 05-178.
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6. Receive a written report on events/festival waivers. .(This item was continued rrom
October 18).
8. Adoption a resolution accepting a Roadwav Easement for Sesharao Patchipala and
Padmavathi Patchipala, husband and wife as community property with right of
survivorship, 10455 Byrne Avenue, APN 357-12-037, Resolution No. 05-180.
9. Adoption a resolution accepting an Improvement Agreement for sidewalk, driveway
approach, curb and gutter work, and street improvements with Sesharao Patchipala and
Padmavathi Patchipala, husband and wife as community property with right of
survivorship, 10455 Byrne Avenue, APN 357-12-037, Resolution No. 05-181.
10. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DB E) Program for Federal-aid contracts:
a) Adopt a resolution establishing a Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
Participation Goal for federally funded projects for the Federal Fiscal Year 2005-
06, Resolution No. 05-182
b) Adopt a resolution adopting a method to be used in federal-aid contracts to ensure
prompt and full payment of any retainage kept by the prime contractor or
subcontractor to any subcontractor, per Code 40 of the Federal Regulations (CFR)
26.29 and Chapter 9 of the California Department of Transportation Local
Assistance Procedures Manual, Resolution No. 05-183
c) Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to appoint a Disadvantaged
Business Enterprise liaison officer, Resolution No. 05-184
I. Approve the minutes rrom the October 4 City Council meeting.
Lowenthal/Sandoval moved and seconded to approve the minutes with a correction to
page 5; last paragraph of Item No.9, the word "gate" should be changed to "median" so
that the sentence reads, "Public Works Director Ralph Qualls recommended leaving the
median as a traffic-calming device." The motion carried unanimously.
7. Adopt a resolution accepting the Final Map for Adobe Terrace, Developer Pinn Bros.,
Tract No. 9762, 20128 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Resolution No. 05-179.
Community Development Director Steve Piasecki explained that the City Council had
already adopted the tentative map for this project, that the final map is in compliance, and
this is a ministerial action.
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Sandoval/James moved and seconded to adopt Resolution No. 05-179. The motion
carried with Council member Wang voting no. She said that she voted no to be
consistent, because she did not feel that this project complies with the provisions of the
Heart of the City Specific Plan.
11. Consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of Application No. TM-2004-
05, Wayne Aozasa (CA Water Service), located on Greenleaf Dr., APN 326-33-107.
(This item was continued rrom October 18):
(a) Tentative Map to subdivide a .95-acre parcel into four lots ranging rrom
approximately 6,430 square feet to 8,880 square feet, plus a remainder of 11,500
square feet
Associate Planner Gary Chou and Public Works Director Ralph Qualls reviewed a
PowerPoint slide show that highlighted the staff report and the findings of the water
quality study.
Qualls said the laboratory test results concluded that no current water quality issues that
would effect human health were detected rrom the current test of existing drinking water,
and under current requirements, there is no construction activity or vehicular traffic that
would affect the water in the production well on the developrnent site or would impact
the well itself. He said that all tests were conducted in accordance with all Federal, State,
and local requirements by an unbiased, independent, certified professional practitioners.
Gary Chou said he had also contacted the Environmental Protection Agency, the San
Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the Santa Clara Valley Water
District, and they did not have any concerns about the project or the water quality.
Applicant Cathy Helgerson noted that there are actually two wells on Greenleaf. The one
on the west end near Garden Gate was abandoned on September 23 of this year at the
instigation of the city. The other is on the east end, on the property in question. She asked
if the correct well was tested, and she expressed her concern that wells are not tested
before they are abandoned. She also said she was concerned about contamination of air,
water, and soil rrom local industry, including Apple Computer.
She referred to the lab reports and said that non-detectable levels mean they are below
safe levels set by state and federal agencies, but there could still be contaminants that are
on the borderline. She said she had approached Assemblywoman Sally Lieber about
legislation to govern wells.
Helgerson said she had contacted the Environmental Protection Agency and had been told
they would be conducting an investigation, including the well that has been abandoned,
and she had told the new homebuilder that he could be liable. She also said that there
will be new legislation forthcoming regarding contamination by metals, and the City
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should wait for the new information. Helgerson referred to Proposition 65, the Safe
Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, and suggested that this property be
. designated a natural or rural preserve.
Sean Hefuer, the Director for Corporate Development for California Water Service said
that the reports and test results speak for themselves. He said that his company operates
over 24 agencies through California, plus Hawaii and Washington, and the water quality
in Cupertino is better than most of those locations, and it meets all state and federal
Mike Foulkes, representing Apple Computer, said his company has taken no position on
this subdivision, but he wished to point out how important it is to have an appropriate
buffer between industrial and residential zones. He said there are no real environmental
problems but there will always be a tension between disparate uses such as homes and
industrial uses, and he asked the City Council to address that conflict on future
Deborah Hill said she thought the laboratory test results are sufficient and she was glad to
know that the City has such high-quality drinking water.
Discussion followed about how the property around the well is to be maintained by the
Water District, and CC&R's will specify the City future homeowners as beneficiaries.
James/Lowenthal moved and seconded to deny the appeal. Motion carried with Wang
voting no. Wang explained that she voted no because she felt that this was not the best
location for a single family home and she did not think this area was appropriately zoned.
12. Consider Application No. M-2005-02, Dan Ikeda (PSS Ventures, LLC), 20415 Via
Paviso, APN 315-01-213 through 222, regarding a modification of a use permit (8U-94)
to convert a 140-unit apartment project (Aviare) to for-sale residential condominiums.
(This item was continued rrom October 18).
Contract Planner Patricia Schimpp used a PowerPoint presentation to highlight the staff
report. She noted that page 12-6 of the packet should be corrected to say that each
resident has "received the correct addendum", not "signed the correct addendum.
Discussion followed regarding how the density was calculated, what the anticipated rental
costs will be, and the City's below-market-rate (BMR) housing categories.
David Nix said he is a consultant working with the applicant on the conversion process.
He said that they were in agreement with all conditions of approval except that regarding
the lease addendum, and would accept the corrected condition that that each resident must
have "received the correct addendum", not "signed the correct addendum."
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Frank Nicoletti, General Counsel for SCS Development Company, said that the
conditions of approval recommended by staff would require Corsica to maintain the
parking easement between Corsica and Porto fino, and as soon as this conversion project
is resolved they plan to negotiate to deed the property over to Portofino.
Sharon Kohlmannsleighner, Vice President of the Portofino Homeowners Association,
distributed a letter rrom the Association and talked about the ongoing lack of
maintenance of the parking spaces and landscaping by the A viare Apartments property
owners. She said that the Portofino Homeowners Association has agreed to take over
ownership and responsibility, and listed 10 recommended steps in this process. She asked
that the conversion to condominiums not be considered complete until the maintenance
issues have been resolved.
Jennifer Griffin said that Council approval of this condominium conversion would set a
dangerous precedent because it result in the loss of apartment rentals, which are needed
because they are affordable for many different types of families.
Senior Planner Vera Oil explained that this is the first time in many years that the vacancy
rates have been high enough for rental units to qualify for conversion to condominiums,
and that it is a fluctuation caused by the marketplace.
Council member Lowenthal suggested a clarification to the resolution title, and Council
member Sandoval asked if there was another building location, besides Building 6, that
could be used for the rental units, because it is right next to the rreeway. Mr. Nix said
that Building 6 had additional soundproofing and Lexan panels on the patios; it was the
most removed rrom the other buildings, so there was less visual intrusion rrom the 2nd
and 3rd floor windows looking in. He also noted that the BMR units were disbursed
throughout the project, but he would accept a condition that the rental units go into any
building north of Via Paviso.
Council member Wang noted that if the rental building is no longer Building 6, the
current renters would have to move.
Mayor Kwok said he was concerned about the loss ofrental units.
James/Sandoval moved and seconded to approve the conversion with the following
changes. The motion carried with Kwok and Wang voting no.
1. Change the title of the model resolution to reflect a conversion to 120 for-sale
units and 20 for-rent units.
2. Insist on a landscape plan.
3. Change the BMR rental building rrom Building No.6 to any building north of Via
Paviso Drive.
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4. Add a condition that specifies that for-sale BMR units shall be 50% moderate-
income and 50% median-income households.
5. Correct the condition (page 12-6 of the packet) to say that each resident has
"received the correct addendum", not "signed the correct addendum."
13. Consider adopting a resolution approving an amendment to the 2005-06 Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan, Resolution No. 05-185.
Wang/James moved and seconded to adopt Resolution No. 05-185 approving the
amended Annual Action Plan, and to authorize staff to submit it to the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The motion carried unanimously.
14. Adoption a resolution approving a semi-rural designation to eliminate the requirement for
sidewalks on Scenic Boulevard, east of Carmen Road, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1925,
Resolution No. 05-186.
Mayor K wok said that he would recuse himself rrom participation on this item because he
lived on Scenic Boulevard. At 9:45 p.m., he was absent rrom the meeting.
JameslWang moved and seconded to adopt Resolution No. 05-186. The motion carried
with Kwok abstaining.
Mayor Kwok returned to the dais at 9:50 p.m.
15. Review the bids and award the contract for Reconstruction of Curbs. Gutters. and
Sidewalks, Project No. 2005-08, to CB Construction Co. in the amount of $423,175.00,
and approve a contingent amount of up to $60,000.00 for additional work that may be
identified and approved by the Director of Public Works, for a total of$483,175.00.
JameslWang moved and seconded to award the contract to CB Construction Company in
the amount of $423,175.00, and to approve a contingency amount of up to $60,000.00 for
additional work that may be identified and approved by the Director of Public Works, for
a total of$483,175.00. The motion carried unanimously.
16. Receive a report on commissions and committees with terms expiring January 15, 2005,
select an application deadline date of December 23, and interview dates of January 9 and
10, 2006; and extend the expiration of commissions rrom January 15 to January 30
beginning in 2006. (This item was continued rrom October 18).
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Lowenthal/Sandoval moved and seconded to set an application deadline of December 23;
to hold interviews on January 9 and 10 at 6:00 p.m.; and to direct staff to prepare an
ordinance to change the term expiration date rrom January 15 to January 30.
17. Receive the resignation rrom Technology, Information, and Communications
Commissioner Charlon McIntosh, and initiate the process to fill the unscheduled vacancy.
(This item was continued rrom October 18).
LowenthallWang moved and seconded to accept the resignation, and directed that this
vacancy be included in the annual recruitment process. The motion carried unanimously.
18. Consider canceling or changing the meeting of December 20,2005. (No documentation
in packet). (This item was continued rrom October 18).
Council concurred to cancel the meeting of December 20, and to add a meeting on
Tuesday, November 29, rrom 5:00-7:00 for the City Manager's evaluation. If there is
need for further discussion on the General Plan, that may also be added to the agenda of
November 29.
19. Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 1970 establishing 30-minute drop-off zone on
Fort Baker Drive: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Amending
Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 11.27, Section 11.27.145, Relating to Designation of
Preferential Parking Zones, and Chapter 11.24, Section 11.24.170 Relating to Parking
Limitation On Certain Streets, Replacing Preferential Parking With a 30-Minute Parking
Zone On the West Side of Fort Baker Drive Between Presidio Drive and Hyannisport
Lowenthal/Sandoval moved and seconded to remove this item rrom the agenda. The
motion carried unanimously.
20. Conduct the second reading of Ordinance No. 1969: "An Ordinance of the City Council
of the City of Cupertino Modifying a Development Agreement (l-DA-90) to Extend the
Term of the Agreement to August 15, 2009 to Require a Hotel Use for Future
Development in the Northeast Portion of the Property, to Require a Use Permit for Any
Hotel Other Than At the Rose bowl Site, to Require a Use Permit For A Parking Garage
Over Three Stories Located North of Macy's, To Require Neighborhood Meetings Prior
to Planning Commission and City Council Public Hearings Regarding the Height and
design of the proposed parking structure located north ofMacy's at Vallco."
Dennis Whittaker expressed his concern about taking action on this item before the
measures are voted on this month. He said that everyone wants Vallco to be successful,
but this action would take away the vote of the citizens and all the hard work done on the
General Plan. He asked if the condos are built whether there will be an opening so the
kids can get through the wall to go to school.
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Jennifer Griffin objected to the 3-year extension for this agreement. She said there was
not enough input ITom the public; there are still unanswered questions about the buildings
planned for the site; this is a shopping mall use and there shouldn't be residential or hotel
uses; there will be negative impacts on the schools ITOm this project and the Toll Brothers
project; and she had concerns about how the housing allocations will be distributed.
Michael Pyle agreed with the previous speakers. He asked for a better clarification of a 3-
story garage, and said that he had just come ITom a neighborhood meeting with the
developers, at which a 4-story, 5-level garage was discussed.
Steve Piasecki noted that it was a lack of clarification in the language of the measures that
triggered this conflict in how to interpret the height limitations, so the Vallco owners had
to come to City Council for clarification before the election. He said that a 3-story limit
could be described as approximately 30 feet, not counting mitigation walls (which serve
to keep sound and lights away ITom the neighborhood).
Applicant Emily Chen and Mike Rohde talked about the Vallco meeting with the
neighborhood that had occurred earlier in the evening, and said the neighbors had been
very reasonable and cooperative, and the Vallco owners would do their best to meet
everyone's needs. Discussion followed regarding the impact of the parking garage on the
immediate area. Chen showed photographs of the trees that would screen the proposed
garage, and said they would agree to a use permit for any parking garage over 3 stories, or
approximately 30 feet. She explained that they cannot put a level underground because of
a very large PG&E transformer. She said it was never their intention to put in a 6-or 7-
story garage, but was just a rumor that had gotten started somewhere. She also said that
they will thoroughly notify interested parties of their progress and any proposed changes,
and anyone is welcome to contact them for information or arrange for a tour.
Councilwoman Sandoval urged that the Vallco owners organize a neighborhood group to
keep everyone informed.
Lowenthal/James moved and seconded to read the ordinance by title only and that the
City Clerk's reading would constitute the second reading thereof, with the following
conditions: I. The height of the parking garage can be up to 32 feet above before a use
permit is required; and (2) the parking garage shall be mitigated for privacy. Ayes:
James, Lowenthal, Sandoval, and Wang. Noes: Kwok. Absent: None.
Lowenthal/James moved and seconded to enact Ordinance No. 1969. Ayes: James,
Lowenthal, Sandoval, and Wang. Noes: Kwok. Absent: None.
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Council members highlighted the activities oftheir committees and various community events.
At 10:55 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.
Kimberly Smith, City Clerk
For more information: Staff reports, backup materials, and items distributed at the meeting are
available for review at the City Clerk's Office, 777-3223, and also on the Internet at
www.cupertino.org.Click on Agendas & Minutes/ City Council! Packets.
Most Council meetings are shown live on Cable Channel 26, and are available at your
convenience ITom our web site. Visit www.cupertino.org and click on Watch Meetings.
Videotapes are available at the Cupertino Library, or may be purchased ITom the Cupertino City
Channel, 777-2364.