CC 03-02-2021 Item No. 1 American Red Cross_Presentation1 | |American Red Cross Partnership Opportunity CC 03-02-2021 Item No. 1 2 | American Red Cross Partnership Opportunity Our Services Down the Street. Across the Country. Around the World.® Disaster Services Blood Services Preparedness, Health and Safety Services International Services Service to the Armed Forces 3 | American Red Cross Partnership Opportunity Our Work Impacts Lives Every Day 23 people are assisted by the American Red Cross. Every 60 seconds 482,000 times a day, a child receives a measles or rubella vaccination from the Red Cross and our partners. 16,000 times a day, a person receives lifesaving Red Cross health and safety training. 1,100 times a day, we provide services to military members, veterans and their families. 180 times a day, Red Cross workers help a family affected by a home fire or other disaster. 13,000 times a day, the Red Cross needs a blood donation. 4 | American Red Cross Partnership Opportunity CZU/SCU Wildfires Santa Clara County 6 Non Congregate 2,650 shelters opened meals and snacks provided 165 disasterworkersresponded Last year, the Red Cross responded to 113 disasters here in Santa Clara County. 5 | American Red Cross Partnership Opportunity Santa Clara Valley 2020 96 people are assisted by the American Red Cross. For Disaster 18,587 Volunteer Hours 72 we provide services to military members, veterans and their families. 8,616 blood donation. Thank you!