CC 05-25-2021 (Special)
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
At 5:30 p.m. Mayor Darcy Paul called the Special City Council meeting to order. This was a
teleconference meeting with no physical location.
Present: Mayor Darcy Paul, Vice Mayor Liang Chao, and Councilmembers Kitty Moore, Hung
Wei, and Jon Robert Willey. Absent: None. All Councilmembers teleconferenced for the
1. Subject: Teen Commission Interviews
Recommended Action: Conduct Teen Commission interviews and make appointments
for six vacancies and at least two alternates
Written communications for this item included Mayor Paul’s proposed Voting
Procedures for Appointments and Alternates.
Councilmembers asked questions and made comments.
Paul moved and Moore seconded to adopt the Proposed Voting Procedures for
appointments and alternates.
Paul’s proposed Voting Procedures:
1) In any voting round, each applicant may receive from each Councilmember up to one
vote only.
2) The City Clerk’s office tallies the votes from each round.
3) Vote for up to the number of available spots.
4) If any applicant has a Council majority of votes, that applicant is appointed.
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5) If fewer than the number of available spots obtains a majority of Council votes,
another round of voting is taken. Council may deliberate prior to the subsequent round
of voting.
6) The candidates for a subsequent round of voting is comprised of the pool of
applicants in the prior round who did not obtain a majority for selection.
7) Steps 3) through 6) are repeated up to two times until the number of available spots
are occupied by applicants that have obtained a majority of votes from Council.
8) If at least one spot remains following three rounds of step 3) through 6), then a run‐off
is conducted among those candidates that received at least one vote in any prior round
of voting, but did not receive a majority. The voting procedures of steps 3) and 4) are
9) If, following step 8), there still remains at least one available spot, then final run‐off
voting rounds will be conducted.
a) The number of final run‐off voting rounds will be equivalent to the number of
remaining spots.
b) For any vote in a final run‐off voting round, each Councilmember is required to vote
for one of the remaining applicants.
c) The candidate pool for the first final run‐off voting round will be those candidates
receiving at least one vote in any prior voting round but who did not receive an
d) If no majority from the first vote of a final run‐off voting round supports a single
remaining applicant, then Council will conduct the first sub‐round of voting of the final
run‐off voting round, with the applicants in the sub‐round taken from any remaining
applicant receiving at least one vote in the prior voting round, and with each
Councilmember required to cast a vote.
e) If still no majority exists for a single applicant, then Council will continue the sub‐
rounds until a single applicant obtains a majority of Council votes.
f) If after three sub‐rounds of voting still no majority exists to identify the appointee for
the current final run‐off voting round, then Council will direct the City Clerk to utilize a
method of random selection for one of the remaining applicants to select an appointee
for that spot.
g) If any available spot remains, Council will follow voting steps 9)b) and 9)d – 9)f) until
all available spots are filled. The applicant pool for voting for any final run‐off voting
round following the initial final run‐off voting round will be comprised of all candidates
from the prior final run‐off voting round, less the applicant that was selected in that
prior final run‐off voting round.
1) The same voting procedures to determine Appointments will be used to determine
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2) The pool of candidates for Alternates will be the pool of candidates for the beginning
round of voting for Appointments, less those applicants selected as Appointments.
The motion carried unanimously.
Council conducted Teen Commission interviews.
Council recessed from 8:00 p.m. to 8:05 p.m. to organize their candidate selections.
Council voted for six vacancies:
Pranav Gupta (Wei)
Elspeth Luu (Paul, Moore, Wei)
Sarah Sheike (Willey)
Dhruti Halambi (Paul, Moore, Wei)
Anisha Pant (Willey)
Nirajana Sankar (Chao)
Chloe Yoon (Willey)
Rachael Ding (Paul, Moore, Wei)
Adhya Kasamsetty (Paul, Chao, Moore)
Andrew Qin (Chao, Moore, Wei)
Adit Singh (Willey)
Geethikaa Tarra (Paul, Chao, Moore)
Rachel Chan (Chao)
Leisha Devisetti (Chao)
Adhya Krishnamurthy (Willey)
Satvik Shrivastava (Paul)
Kelly Tung (Wei)
Sarah Wan (Willey)
Council appointed the following to two‐year terms ending August 31, 2023:
Elspeth Luu
Dhruti Halambi
Rachael Ding
Adhya Kasamsetty
Andrew Qin
Geethikaa Tarra
Paul moved and Moore seconded to vote for three alternates. The motion carried by
unanimous consent.
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Council selected the following alternates:
Pranav Gupta (Paul, Moore, Willey)
Rachel Chan (Paul, Moore, Willey)
Satvik Shrivastava (Paul, Moore, Willey)
Council discontinued voting after a majority had been reached for each of the alternate
Paul moved and Willey seconded to assign the alternates in the following order:
1st Alternate: Satvik Shrivastava
2nd Alternate: Rachel Chan
3rd Alternate: Pranav Gupta
The motion carried unanimously.
At 9:02 p.m. Mayor Paul adjourned the meeting.
Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk