CC 06-04-2021 (Special)
Tuesday, June 4, 2021
At 6:15 p.m. Mayor Darcy Paul called the Special City Council meeting to order. This was a
teleconference meeting with no physical location.
Present: Mayor Darcy Paul, Vice Mayor Liang Chao, and Councilmembers Kitty Moore, Hung
Wei, and Jon Robert Willey. Absent: None. All Councilmembers teleconferenced for the
Council continued the Special Meeting Study Session Item 2 held on June 1 for the purposes
of hearing consideration, deliberation, and decisions. The public comment portion of the
Study Session was closed and remained closed.
2. Subject: Recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission to approve
funds in the amount of $92,900 for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021‐22 Community Funding
Grant Program; annual funding for the Cupertino Historical Society in the amount
of $20,000; and approval of final funding amounts for the Community Funding
Program, to be included in the Recommended Budget for FY 2021‐22. (Continued from
May 18).
Recommended Action: Consider the recommendation from the Parks and Recreation
Commission to approve funds in the amount of $92,900 for the FY 2021‐22
Community Funding Grant Program and consider annual funding for the
Cupertino Historical Society in the amount of $20,000. Determine and approve final
funding amounts for the Community Funding Program, to be included in the
Recommended Budget for FY 2021‐22; and provide direction to staff.
Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Rachelle Sander provided a summary of
what was discussed at the last meeting.
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Councilmembers asked questions and made comments.
Parks and Recreation Commission Chair Carol Stanek answered questions.
Paul moved and Wei seconded to approve the staff recommendation. Council did not
vote on this motion.
Willey moved and Paul seconded a substitute motion to approve the staff
recommendation with an amendment to add an additional amount of $3,000 for the
Monta Vista Speech Boosters, Inc. for their scholarship line item. Council did not vote
on the substitute motion.
Motion 1. Chao moved and Paul seconded a second substitute motion to approve the
staff recommendation; and direct staff to look into allocating $20,000 in a future grant
funding cycle for a scholarship for underprivileged students to participate in
extracurricular activities. Chao amended her substitute motion to also form a Council
Subcommittee comprised of Moore and Chao to review the Community Funding Grant
Program evaluation process and procedures for the upcoming funding cycle in the next
calendar year; and review a $20,000 future allocation for a scholarship fund; and bring
forth a recommendation for Council consideration by the end of calendar year. (Paul
accepted the friendly amendment). The second substitute motion carried unanimously.
Motion 2. Willey moved and Wei seconded to allocate $3,000 under the current grant
funding cycle for the Monta Vista High School Speech Boosters, Inc. for their
application. The motion carried unanimously.
Chao moved and Willey seconded to approve the staff recommendation to keep the
annual funding for the Cupertino Historical Society in the amount of $20,000 as an
ongoing budget line item. Council did not vote this motion.
Motion 3. Chao moved and Willey seconded to keep the $20,000 for the Historical
Society as a budget line item. Paul moved and Moore seconded a substitute motion to
form a Council Subcommittee comprised of Moore and Wei to discuss with the
Historical Society 1.) the purpose for the monetary allocation of an ongoing budget line
item of $20,000; 2.) acceptance of Council Subcommittee members ongoing attendance
at monthly board meetings at the beginning of the calendar year; and 3.) Council
involvement and working together on the future direction of the Stocklmeir and
Snyder‐Hammond House properties; and direct staff to come back for Council
consideration at a future study session. The substitute motion carried unanimously.
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Paul moved and Willey seconded to allocate a $10,000 budget line item for the
Cupertino Historical Society with a potential line‐item adjustment in the mid‐year
budget; after the Council Subcommittee has completed its work and after Council
consideration at a future study session. Willey made a friendly amendment to add an
additional $10,000 to the budget line item. (Paul declined the friendly amendment, and
it was not considered). Council did not vote on this motion.
Motion 4. Paul moved and Willey seconded to allocate $10,000 as a budget line item for
Fiscal Year 21‐22, to be revisited after the subcommittee is able to gather additional
information and return to City Council with a study session to discuss potential
additional funding. Paul amended his motion for a one‐time $20,000 allocation to the
Historical Society for the upcoming fiscal year (not as a budget line item); and revisit
the issue of whether to have an ongoing line item after the Council Subcommittee has
completed its work and after Council consideration at a future study session. (Willey
accepted the amendment). The motion carried unanimously.
Council recessed from 8:48 p.m. to 8:54 p.m.
1. Subject: Study Session II on Fiscal Year (FY) 21‐22 Proposed Budget
Recommended Action: Conduct Study Session II on Fiscal Year (FY) 21‐22 Proposed
Budget and provide input to staff
Written communications for this item included a staff presentation, Attachment I ‐
Contingency Inquiry, Attachment J ‐ GFOA Guidance, Attachment K ‐ GFOA Guidance
(2), Attachment L ‐ Department Contingency Uses, Attachment M ‐ City Manager
Contingency Uses, an email to Council, and written comments from Councilmember
Director of Administrative Services Kristina Alfaro gave a presentation.
Councilmembers asked questions and made comments.
Mayor Paul opened the public comment period and the following people spoke.
Jean Bedord was concerned about the City Attorney and Mid‐ and Long‐Term Planning
budgets, and supported prioritizing items benefitting residents. (Submitted written
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Mayor Paul closed the public comment period.
Moore moved and Paul seconded to direct staff to:
1.) rectify Economic Development budget units 171‐705 and 112‐705 because the 2019
actuals don’t match and review 0 FTE for total current positions because staffing might
be different; and
2.) strike the City Manager contingency discretionary amount from the budget and
return to the previous contingency amount of $0.00.
Willey made a friendly amendment to set the amount for discretionary spending for the
City Manager to $75,000 per year. Moore accepted the friendly amendment with an
addition of staff direction to provide a comparison of the City Manager discretionary
budget amounts for the cities of Sunnyvale, Campbell, and Mountain View. Paul
accepted the friendly amendment with the incorporation that the information be
provided by staff at the June 15 City Council (proposed budget) meeting.
Wei made a friendly amendment to also find out the contingency percentage of
materials and contract and annual recurring fund contingency compared to the other
cities. Moore accepted the friendly amendment as long as a percentage of the materials
plus contract services is included.
Moore amended her motion to also direct staff to go back and find the credit card usage
budget and the actual credit card usage of the other cities; and include the requested
information when the item comes back on June 15. (Paul accepted the amendment).
Chao made a friendly amendment to include direction to the Audit Committee to
conduct an in‐depth look at the credit card usage portion of the budget and to increase
the frequency of Committee meetings from quarterly to monthly. (Moore accepted the
friendly amendment).
The motion as amended carried unanimously.
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Final Motion Summary:
Moore moved and Paul seconded to direct staff to:
1.) rectify Economic Development budget units 171‐705 and 112‐705 because
the 2019 actuals don’t match and 2.) review 0 FTE for total current positions
because staffing might be different;
set the amount for discretionary spending for the City Manager to $75,000 per
year; and provide a comparison of the City Manager discretionary budget
amounts for the cities of Sunnyvale, Campbell, and Mountain View; the
information to be provided by staff at the June 15 City Council (proposed
budget) meeting;
find out the contingency percentage of materials and contract and annual
recurring fund contingency compared to the other cities (must include a
percentage of the materials plus contract services);
go back and find the credit card usage budget and the actual credit card usage
of the other cities; and include the requested information when the (proposed
budget) item comes back on June 15; and
direct the Audit Committee to conduct an in‐depth look at the credit card
usage portion of the budget and to increase the frequency of Committee
meetings from quarterly to monthly.
The motion as amended carried unanimously.
At 10:51 p.m., Mayor Paul adjourned the meeting.
Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk