CC Resolution No. 06-026
Whereas, the Gate of Heaven Cemetery in the City of Cupertino owned by the Catholic diocese
applied for a use permit to include several new features including upright markers; and
Whereas, application U-2005-04 was brought before the planning commission by Robert
Lindberg and upright markers were denied on January 25, 2005; and
Whereas, the Planning Commission also requested review of the cemetery landscape plan; and
Whereas, that denial and review was appealed to the City Council on November I5, 2005 by
Robert Lindberg; and
Whereas, the City Council, after hearing testimony, reversed the Planning Commission and
upheld the appeal; and
Whereas, Keith Hocker and OVCA representatives Jim Wheeler and Mark Edwards petitioned
the City Council for reconsideration of its decision under the provisions of section 2.08.096 of
the City's ordinance code; and
Whereas, the City Council has considered all relevant evidence presented by the parties at all
hearings, including evidence presented at the January I7, 2006, reconsideration hearing.
1. The petitioners' Reconsideration Petitions are defectiye in that they do not offer proof of
facts as required by Municipal Code section 2.08.096.
2. The petitioners have made no offer of new relevant evidence that, in the exercise of
reasonable diligence, could not have been produced at any earlier city hearing. (See Municipal
Code § 2.08.096B(1).)
3. The City CounciI did not exclude any evidence presented by the petitioners at any prior
city hearing. (See Municipal Code § 2.08.096B(2).)
4. The City Council has proceeded entirely within its jurisdiction regarding the application
for a use permit. (See Municipal Code § 2.08.096B(3).)
5. The petitioners have failed to present any evidence that the City Council failed to provide
a fair hearing. (See Municipal Code § 2.08.096B(4).)
ResoIution No. 06-026
6. The petitioners have failed to demonstrate that the City Council abused its discretion
regarding the application for a use permit. (See Municipal Code § 2.08.096B(5).) Specifically,
the City Council determines that:
a. The City Council proceeded in a manner required by law.
b. The City Council's decision is supported by findings offact.
c. The findings offact related to the City Council's decision were supported by
substantial evidence in the record of proceedings.
7. The specific allegations contained in the petitions for reconsideration are refuted by
specific City Council findings, which are attached to this resolution and incorporated herein.
8. The petitioners' Petitions for Reconsideration ofthe City Council's determination of
November I5, 2005 is DENIED
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino this I 7th day of January 2006, by the following vote:
Members of the City Council
. ~
1ìM L/~
ayor, City of Cupertmo
Resolution No. 06-026
Pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code section 19.124.070 a conditional use permit may be
granted where the decisionmaker makes the following findings:
I) The proposed use, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to
property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health,
safety, general welfare, or convenience;
2) The proposed use will be located and conducted in a manner in accord with the Cupertino
Comprehensive General Plan and the purpose of this title.
In granting the appeal of Robert Lindberg on behalf of Gate of Heaven Cemetery, the
City Council found: a. that the use was in accord with the Cupertino General Plan Land Use
Map; and, b. that use of upright markers relocated away rrom the residential and open space
areas, while visible rrom some areas and less so rrom others, can be mitigated with additional
landscape screening. With this proposed mitigation, the upright markers will not be detrimental
or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public
health, safety, general welfare, or convenience.
Municipal Code section 2.08.096 states:
"A petition for reconsideration shall specify, in detail, each and every ground for
reconsideration. Failure of a petition to specify any particular ground or grounds for
consideration, precludes that particular omitted ground or grounds rrom being raised or litigated
in a subsequent judicial proceeding.
The grounds for reconsideration are limited to the following:
1. An offer of new relevant evidence which, in the exercise of reasonable diligence,
could not have been produced at any earlier city hearing.
2. An offer of relevant evidence which was improperly excluded at any prior city
3. Proof offacts which demonstrate that the City Council proceeded without, or in
excess of its jurisdiction.
4. Proof of facts which demonstrate that the City Council failed to provide a fair hearing.
5. Proof of facts which demonstrate that the City the City Council abused its discretion
a. Not proceeding in a manner required by law; and/or
b. Rendering a decision which was not supported by findings offact; and/or
c. Rendering a decision in which the findings of fact were not supported by the
Two petitions for reconsideration of the appeal of Application No. U-2005-04, Gate of Heaven
Cemetery, 22555 Cristo Rey Drive, Cupertino were submitted. One was submitted by Keith
Hocker offering "proof of facts which demonstrate that the City Council failed to provide a fair
hearing." Mr. Hocker's assertions are addressed under item #2. below. The other petition was
submitted by Oak Valley Community Awareness representatiyes Jim Wheeler and Mark
Edwards and asserts as follows:
1. An offer of new relevant evidence, which in the exercise of reasonable diligence, could not
have been produced at any earlier city hearing:
Response: The appellants have failed to proyide new relevant evidence of any kind that was not
considered at the appeal hearing.
Resolution No. 06-026
I. The amount of inscription Council member James' comment regarding the size of
possible on horizontal her husband's veteran marker is irrelevaÌ1t. Several
markers was incorrectly people, including several Asians, spoke to the adequacy
stated as being limited in or inadequacy of horizontal markers. The Council did not
comparison to upright make a determination based on whether an upright
markers. marker allows for more text than a horizontal marker,
since the size of horizontal markers is discretionary.
2. The Cemetery failed to A survey of their client community is not a requirement,
survey their client although one may have been requested by the Planning
community, yet improperly Commission. Evidence of several informal surveys was
stated and represented that presented at the hearing.
they had, thus the decision
was made on faulty
information and the true
facts could not be presented.
2. Proof of facts which demonstrate that the City Council failed to provide a fair hearing.
Response: The petitioners have not provided any proof of facts required as grounds for
reconsideration to demonstrate that the Council failed to provide a fair hearing. In fact, a
review of the hearing shows that the Council heard lengthy testimony from the appellants
and from the petitioners as well as numerous facts presented by the city staff and the
I. The facts to be provided by Three speakers voluntarily gave their 2-minute speaking
the presenters opposing time to Jim Wheeler. "Mr.. Wheeler was not identified
upright markers could not be to me by either staff or by himself as an authorized
heard, because the Council representatiye of any opposition group and therefore was
improperly and arbitrarily entitled to speak for only two minutes.... At no time did
denied their right to speak. he inform me that he was the authorized representatiye
ofOVCA or any other opposition group." Declaration
of Patrick Kwok, pg. 2, ~ 8-9.
2. The process was managed
in a manner that was unfair to
those opposing upright
markers, and slanted in favor
ofthe Appellant and their
a. From the outset, the Mayor a. This is based on opinion only. The mayor asked the
Resolution No. 06-026
led the Appellant's
presentation on upright
markers, and through the
positive question and answer
process, leading the
appellant's testimony,
indicated his support for
upright markers.
b. Mayor Kwok also allowed
the proceedings to deteriorate
to the point that there was
applause after individuals
spoke in the public hearing.
c. He also failed to interrupt
speakers who spoke on the
Veterans' Memorial issue,
even though participants were
told at the start of the public
hearing that the Veterans'
Memorial issue was
previously resolved and
participants must confine their
comments to the two issues --
upright markers and landscape
d. Mayor Kwok was
inconsistent in cutting off
speakers at 2 minutes during
the public hearing. Some
opposition speakers were cut
offpromptIy at 2 minutes, yet
speakers in favor were not.
e. Not all opposition speakers
were allowed to speak; 3
speakers were denied the right
to speak and the opposition
was thus denied due process
and their right to be heard.
f. The Council did not
consider or discuss the
reasoning used in the decision
by the Planning Commission,
even though some of the same
appellant many questions, as did the other council
members. The Mayor may not have asked the questions
the OVCA representatives would have asked or liked
him to ask. It is questionable whether his questions
"indicated his support for upright markers." Petitioner
makes no offer of proof of bias in favor of upright
b. This is irrelevant. The audience rrequentIy responds
to speakers whether it is allowed or not. In this case, the
audience responded to comments made by both
proponents and opponents. The applause did not
contribute to an "unfair hearing."
c. This is irrelevant. The mayor is under no obligation
to iq,terrupt speakers who get off point.
d. With the exception of the monsignor, who spoke for
3 :04, this allegation is untrue. Speakers who spoke
longer than two minutes were asked to conclude their
e. Three speakers voluntarily gave their 2-minute
speaking time to Jim Wheeler. They were not obligated
to do so.
f. Petitioner makes no offer of facts to support the
allegation. While Council may not have discussed the
Planning Commission decision, they received and
considered all of the relevant information before making
their decision.
Resolution No. 06-026
concerns voiced by the
Planning Commissioners were
presented during the public
g. During the Council g. This is based on opinion only. After the close ofthe
discussion of the upright public hearing each council member openly discussed
markers issue, the Mayor his or her opinion of the evidence received. There is no
spoke in an animated and loud restriction on their individual presentation regarding
manner, speaking over the their animation or tone of voice.
orderly opposition speakers
and quashing the opposing
views of the dissenting
Council members.
h. Council Member Sandra h. This is based on opinion onIy. A reduction in the
James said she "would not number of upright markers was not a subject of the
eyen consider" a reduction of appeal. Refusal to consider it as an option does not
the number of upright necessarily demonstrate "inadequate consideration of
markers, demonstrating opposition's position." Petitioner makes no offer off acts
inadequate consideration of to support the allegation.
the opposition's position.
i. The Mayor allowed a "rush i. This is based on opinion. Petitioner makes no offer of
to judgment" summarily facts to support the allegation. Some might say that 2
overruling a 5-0, well- hours and 27 minutes of testimony and deliberation
researched and well-reasoned would not be considered a "rush to judgment."
Planning Commission
3. Over half the presentation This is irrelevant. The landscape review issue was part
by the appellant, and oyer half of the appeal and needed to be discussed.
the discussion by the City
Council, was focused on the
landscape review issue.
4. As a client ofthe Petitioner offers no facts to support an alIegation of bias
Cemetery, Council Member or unfair hearing. In this case, Ms. James' opinion of
Sandra James actively spoke the previously approved housing development is
against the housing irrelevant.
development that she
personally approved as a
member ofthe City Council in
5. The Visual Projection a. The OVCA representative was not identified as such
Resolution No. 06-026
System was not working for
the OVCA spokes-person
opposing the upright markers,
preventing communication of
relevant facts on the matter to
the City Council and the
at the time of the meeting;
b. The faiIure of audio-visual equipment does not
constitute an "unfair" hearing. Information was
adequately transmitted verbally to the City Council.
1. Patrick Kwok has a clear Prior to the meeting Patrick Kwok conferred with
conflict of interest in this the City Attorney regarding his volunteer work for
matter and shouId have his church, St. Josephs in Cupertino. Declaration of
removed himself from the Patrick Kwok,pg. 3, 1[13.
vote. Patrick Kwok has "no financial interest in the Gates
of Heaven Cemetery or its owner the Diocese of San
Jose and own(s) no burial plot at the site." Mr. Kwok
sits on the fmanciaI committee of the local parish,
which has no fmanciaI connection with the operation
of the cemetery. Declaration of Patrick K wok, pg. 2, 1[
2. Comments by Sandra This statement is based on petitioner's opinion only.
James regarding the The petitioner fails to support his opinion with
regarding the Oak Valley concrete facts necessary for a showing of bias.
Neighborhood make "her
biased in this case and
demonstrate... that her
judgment and reasoning in
the case [is I suspect."
The Council heard and considered everything presented. There is no basis in any materiaI
provided in the petitions that supports the allegation that the Council failed to provide a
fair hearing.
3. Proof of Facts which demonstrate that the City Council abused its discretion by:
a. Rendering a decision which was not supported by findings offact; and/or
b. Rendering a decision in which the findings of fact were not supported by the evidence.
Response: The petition under this heading presents unsubstantiated statement about the
Council's consideration at the appeal hearing. The petition makes no offer of proof.
I. The Council did not respond to, review
or discuss the rationale, reasonin or facts
Resolution No. 06-026
behind the 5-0 decision of the Planning not have discussed the Planning
Commission denying upright markers. Commission decision, they received and
considered all of the relevant infonnation
before making their decision.
Contrary to the Cemetery's representations The Council had the correct infonnation on
and statements that the upright markers are the visibility impacts. Infonnation was
not visible rrom anywhere outside the provided in the staff report and was
Cemetery, the proposed gravestones are visually shown by a speaker. The Council
visible rrom multiple locations, and there is found, per the staff report, that use of
a definite negative visual impact to the upright markers relocated away rrom the
neighbors and Open Space users. residential and open space areas, while
visible rrom some areas and less so rrom
others, can be mitigated with additional
landscape screening.
Petitioners offer no facts to substantiate their claim that the City Council abused its
discretion by not proceeding in a manner prescribed by Iaw; and/or rendering a decision
which was not supported by fmdings of fact and/or rendering a decision in which the
fmdings of fact were not supported by the evidence.
In reviewing the Petitions fIled by Keith Hocker and by Oak Valley Community Awareness
representatives Jim Wheeler and Mark Edwards to Reconsider the Council's decision to
grant the AppeaI of Robert Lindberg on November 15, 2005 as noted in detail above, the
City Council fmds that there is no relevant evidence or proof of facts that support any of
the grounds for reconsideration as required by Cupertino Municipal Code Section 2.08.096