CC 01-18-2022 Item No. 9. Attachment C - OE3 Side Letter Agreement_Desk Item
Operating Engineers,
Local No. 3 Union,
DATE:November 30, 2021
Background Overview
This Side Letter Agreement relates to modifications to the City of
sell back provisions whereby an employee has the option to receive
the cash value of annual leave earned instead of taking the time off. Specifically, and
pursuant to the current Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Operating
employees have the options to sell back the following types of leaves:
Under Section 9.6,employeesmay exercise theoption twice each calendar year to
convert any/or all accumulated compensatory time to cash.
Under Section 14.3, employees may convert, on a twice per calendar year basis,
unused vacation time for payment subject to the following conditions: i) the
employee must have accrued vacation of at least 120 hours; ii) any payments made
for unused vacationwill be subject to all appropriate taxes; iii) minimum exchange
will be 8 hours; maximum exchange will be 80 hours; and, iv) all changes are
Under these Regulations, the IRS considers income to
be received for tax purposes ifthe individual actually receives it or has an option to
receive it during each tax year. This is known as the constructive receipt doctrine.
Application of this constructive receipt doctrine to the City's sell back of leave provisions
would mean that any annual leave subject to sell back would have to be taxed as it is
Operating Engineers,
Local No. 3 Union,
earned because the City's program allows the employee an unimpeded option to take this
leave as cash rather than to take the time off.
However, IRS Regulationsalso provide that the constructive receipt doctrine will not
applyif an individual's control over the receipt ofincome is subject to substantial
limitations or restrictions. Several private letter rulings have held that income is not
constructively received as annual leave accrues if an individual has made an irrevocable
election before the tax year in which it accrues to receive only a designated portion of this
annual leave as cash.
Relying on these private letter rulings as an indication of how the IRS would view the
City's sell back ofleave provisions, the City has proposed and the Unionhas agreed to
modify the program prospectively to comply withapplicable IRS Regulations.
Summary of Modifications to Existing Leave Sell Back Provisions and Intent of This
The modification contained in this Agreement is designed to preserve the employee's
ability to receive sell back ofleave provisions but substantially limit that ability so that
there is no "constructive receipt" as the IRS definesit. To accomplish this, an employee
will be required to make an irrevocable election annually by December 31 or by the
preceding Friday if December 31 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, to specify how much pay-
in-lieu of leave to be earned in the following calendar year the employee wishes to receive
during that calendar year.
The details related to theadministration of this modified sell backof leave provisions are
set forth below. Unless otherwise noted herein, an employee's right to earn and use
annual leave as specified in any applicable MOUor City policies or Personnel Rules,
remains unchanged.
Terms of Agreement
Operating Engineers,
Local No. 3 Union,
The Cityand the Unionenter into this Agreement and hereby agree to as follows:
1.Effective for all calendar years beginning on and after January 1, 2022, employees
may sell back any applicable vacation or comp time leaves (as specified under
Sections 14.3 and 9.6 of the MOU, respectively; collectively referred to hereinafter
each calendar year, subject to the following rules:
a.If an employee fails to elect by December 31each year or by the preceding
Friday if December 31falls on a Saturday or Sunday, to receive any of the
annual leavehours he or she will earnin the following calendar year as pay-
in-lieu, his or her annual leave will accrue in accordance with the applicable
MOU, City policy or Personnel Rules provisions.
b.If an employee irrevocably elects by December 31each year or by the
preceding Friday if December 31falls on a Saturday or Sunday, to receive a
portion of the annual leave hours he or she will earn in the following
calendar year, not to exceed 80 hours ofvacation or 80 hours of comp time
for the calendar year, as pay-in lieu, the City willmake payments to the
employee as designated on the City-approved form, which may occur up
to twice annually on:the second full pay period in January and the second
full pay period in July of the following year. However, an employee cannot
request the pay-out of any pay-in-lieu hours until thosehours have been
earned and accrued. Further, at the time of payment, the employee must
have the requisite number of hours available and meet the requirements
pursuant to the applicable MOU section for sell back. Otherwise, the
amount to be cashed out will be based on the number of hours available at
the time of the sell back payment.
c.An employee must make an irrevocable election by December 31each year the preceding Friday if December 31falls on a Saturday or Sunday,
if the employee wishes to participate in the pay-in-lieu of annual leave
program for the following calendar year. Elections will not automatically
carry over from one calendar year to the next calendar year. An employee
who fails to elect by December 31 each year or by the preceding Friday if
December 31falls on a Saturday or Sunday, to participate in the pay-in-lieu
Operating Engineers,
Local No. 3 Union,
of annual leave program for the following year will be deemed to have
elected not to participate and he or she will be prohibited from receiving
any pay-in-lieu during that year except as, and only to the extent, permitted
under Section 4below.
d.Eachyear, in advance of this annual December 31 deadline, the City will
provide employees with notice and an explanation regarding the need for
an irrevocable election as well as the relevant form for making the election.
2.When pay-in-lieu is cashed out, it will be paid based on the employee's rate of pay
at the time it is paid. All pay-in-lieu pay-outs are taxable income, subject to all
applicable withholdings and payroll deductions.
3.Existingcaps on theaccrual of annual leave will remain in effect.
4.Effective for calendar years beginning on and after January 1, 2022, an employee's
election with regard to pay-in-lieu shall be irrevocable except in the event of an
unforeseeable financial emergency subject to the following rules:
a.In the event of an unforeseeable emergency, as defined in subsection b, an
employee may apply to receive pay-in-lieu of annual leave accrued on or
after January 1, 2022, but limited to the amount that is reasonably necessary
to satisfy the emergency need, including any amounts that maybe
necessary to pay any federal, state, or local income taxes or penalties
reasonably anticipated as a result of the cash out. If Human Resources
approves an employee's application, the Citywill pay the employee the
pay-in-lieu amount it deems necessary to meet the emergency need.
b."Unforeseeable emergency" means a severe financial hardship of the
employee resulting from an illness or accident of the employee, the
employee's spouse, or the employee's dependent (as defined in Internal
Revenue Code section 152, and, without regard to Internal Revenue Code
sections 152(b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(l)(B)); loss of the employee's property due
to casualty (including the need to rebuild a home following damage to a
home not otherwise covered by homeowner's insurance, such as damage
that is the result of a natural disaster); or other similar extraordinary and
unforeseeable circumstances arising as a direct result of events beyond the
control of the employee.For example, the imminent foreclosure or eviction
Operating Engineers,
Local No. 3 Union,
from the employee's home may constitute an unforeseeable emergency. In
addition, the need to pay for medical expenses, including non-refundable
deductibles, as well as for the cost of prescription drug medication, may
constitute an unforeseeable emergency. Finally, the need to pay for the
funeral expenses of a spouse or dependent (as defined in Internal Revenue
Code section 152, and, without regard to Internal Revenue Code sections
152(6)(1), (6)(2), and (d)(l)(B)) of the employee may also constitute an
unforeseeableemergency. Neither the purchase of a home nor the payment
of college tuition isan unforeseeable emergency. Pay-in-lieu of annual leave
on account of an unforeseeable emergency will not be paid to the extent that
such anemergency is or may be relieved through reimbursement or
compensation from insurance or otherwise, by liquidation of the
employee's assets, to the extent liquidation of such assets would not itself
cause severe financial hardship. Employees who face an unforeseen
emergency and experience the need for an emergency cash out of annual
leave are advised to contact Human Resources for a determination, which
will be made based on the individualized and specific circumstances
5.To comply with effective date of this change beginning on or after January 1, 2022,
employees must make the requisiteelection by December 31, 2021.
6.Specific provisions in this Agreement supersede any previous agreements,
whether oral or written, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement.
7.Upon approval by theCity Council, this Agreement is intended to be read in
conjunction with the MOU and where in conflict on the specific issue covered by
this Agreement, this Agreement will control.
8.The City and the Unionwill incorporate the language set forth in this Agreement
into any successor MOU, as well as into and applicable City policiesand Personnel
Rules. The terms and contents contained in this Side Letter Agreement shall
remain in force beyond the expiration of the 2019 2022 MOU.
Operating Engineers,
Local No. 3 Union,
All otherprovisions of the parties' MOUshall otherwise remain infull force and effect.
This Side Letter Agreement shall only become binding and effective upon the City
adoption of this SideLetter Agreement.
The parties' signatures below signify that they have met and conferred in good faith in
accordance with California Government Code Section 3500, «ºɎ¹«·. Agreed to on this 18
day of November2021, by the partiesauthorized representatives.
For the CityFor the Union
___________________ ____________________________ _________
Christopher Boucher DateMichael Moore Date
___________________ _________
Kristina Alfaro Date
___________________ _________
Vanessa Guerra Date