D-861 Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground Water Rights, 10176 Judy Ave, APN 375-11-004RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of Cupertino WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: City Clerk's Office City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOV. CODE 27383 25171276 Regina Qlcomendras Sarita Clara Caurity - Clerk-Recorder 11/17/2e21 ll:!el QM Titles: 1 Pages: 7 (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) QUITCtAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS APN 375-11-004 10176 Judy Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 0 0riginal 0 Conformed Copy QUITCLAIM DEED Ah"D AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS APN 375-1 ] -004 10176,Judy Avenue, Cupertino, C,A 95014 Dccpak Somanatli Baswant and Sarita Dccliak Baswant, as trustees of thc Baswant Family Trust. dated l/I 6y20l8, hereinaftei- i'eferred to aS the "(3RANTOR". this ! clay of /Qt/(',ljq'.[ , 202], hercby gt-ants, bargains, assigns, COnVL)7S, i-cmiscs, i-clcascs and forever quitclain"is unto the CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municilial coi'poration, 'hereinafter rcfcrrcd to as tl'ic "GRANTEE", its successors and assigns, all tlic riglits, titlcs, intcrcsts, estates, chii'ins :ind demands, botl'i :it law and in equity, ;ind ;is well in possession as in expectancy of t)ic GRANTOR as oii=aner of tliat ccrtain real propcrty sihiatc in tlic County of Santa Clara, State of California, and spccifically dcscribcd as follows: SEE ATT ./ICHED EXHIBIT "A" The rigl'it to pump. take or othei-wise extract water froiri tlie rindergro'iu'id basin or any underground strata in tlie Santa Clara Valley ror beneficial use upon tlie lancts overlying said untlerground basin, and GRANTOR hereby irrevocably aritliorized GRANTEE, its successors ancf assigns. on bclialf rif tlic GRANTOR and its succcssors ii'i owncrship rif ovcrlying I:mcis in thc lot to takc frcim thc undci-grormd basin within the lot any and all water wl"iich the owxicr or owners of said ovcrlyi'i'ig lands may be entitled to takc for beneficial use oil said lands and to supply such water to sucl'i owner oT owners or otl-iers as a public ritility: pi-ovidcd, l'iowcvcr, that notl'iing contained in tliis instnu'ncnt sl"iall be dccmcd to aritborizc GRANTEE to cnter III)Oil any of tlic lot dclincatcd upon tlic above described legal description or to aritliorize GRANTEE to i'iiake any witlidrawal of water wliich will result in dai'iiagc to any building or structiirc crcctcd ripon tlic lot. Tliis assigninent, conveya'nce and aritl'iorization is made for tl'ie benefit lot yvithin tlie above described legal description and shall liind tlie owner of fl'ie lot(s) witliin tlie legal descrililion. "NO FEE" City of Cupertinc'+ CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereLty given llTh orcier to comply witl'i tlw provisions of Section 27281 of tlie Government Code. Tliis is to ccrtifv tliat the interest in real pmpcrty coiweyed by tl'tc deed or grant corporation, is hereby accepted by the undersigned on bel'ialf of tlie City Council of the City of Cripertino prirsuant to authority conl'errcd by Resolution No. 11-175 of tlic City Council adopted on C')ctober 4, 2011, anc'l tlie grantee consents to recordation tliereof by its duly aritliorized officer. Dated: kO/g2Az' By:[,,-Z',2',,,- Rojer T,x!' Public liVcirks Director CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notar)a pcibhc or nthei officer comliletxng liiis cerlil'iciile ven&s only the iJenFit>a of tl'ie individual is'ho hignecl the Jocument to . wlncli tliis certificate is attaclictl,.iiid iiot tlic tnitlifiilncss, accuracy, or iaalidit)a of that docuinent. , Notary Public, wlio lirovcd to me Oil the basis of satisfactory cvidcncc to bc tlic person(s) wihosc name(s),m/arc subscribed to tlic witliin instrument and acknow]cdgcci to mc tliat l;w/slg'/thcy cxccuted tlic same in ]iis/]icr.,thcir arithorizcd caliacity(ics), and tliat by 2/lwr/t-hcir signaturc(s) on the instrumcnt tl'ic person(sl or thc entity upon bchalf or which tlie person(s) actec't, executed tlie instrument. Sliitc iiiid County nii'riiin.inoii mllhl L'ic llic Sl.ilc (IIICI ('otinly islicic llic rlocuinenl qigner(sl peisonally a)i)ieared lie+'oi c the notary )'iulilic foi acknovrledginenl Dnie Of llOTtiTl7atmll InllSi l'ie tlit dtitc Thm t1ic signei'[sl personally appeared whli:it IIIIISI iilso be tlie saini. daic ilic aclainwlcdginenl is co+nplcicd. Tlic notar> public muiil prini lus or hcr iiainc as it Fil)pealh iiiihin liis cir bcr cnuiuussicin follcnvcd Liy +i co+iuna acid Tocn yoru title (iiokuy )'uiLilic) Piint llic nainc(b) of' docuincnl higncrls') w)io pcrson,illy ill3peill al llic tiinc oi' ntiTarizal pin. lndicaie tlie coriect si+igtiliu (11' liltiral fonnq b) cios';ing off i+'iccii+eci f'orins (ic !v/sliei IS/tl+ta ) or ciicling ilie coiicci fonns Faihue 10 cni'reclly inJic:ile tliii, infoiintitio+i i+iay leiid to rt3ect+on of docuineiit recordiiig. Tlie notary seal iinpressic'in muh-[ lie cleai +mcl lilit'ilogialiliically itpiotlucil-ile. 11111)leSSl(111 mllSl 110i Col'el leX[ UI Imcs. II Seal ImllleS'iiOl1 Smudges, ic-scal II il srifficicm (lit!Fl l)l!l mirs, citliei'tvise cumlilcle +i tlifl'ci'cnt acknowlcdgmcm toi m. Signa[urc of tlie 111)till}' IXII)liC mllS( mn+ll1 TITI! Sl%,ol'lntlll'e 011 tile Wl[ll tlie cittice (11' llic cori+ily cleik. 'i Addilional inroi'inalion Ib ncil rcquiicJ but could bclp lo ciisuic flus acknowlcdiiment is not iiubuscd oi allac)ied to a tMf'cicm docuinci-it Ill(ill:tile title or lype of illlaCbCCl (101:ll)nClll, lllllnlX:l (l[ pages alld date Tndicaie ilie Cal)aClly claiined liy tlie signei If the clain'iecl ca)'iacitl R.1 CC)l'lCOla(e Ojf'lCer. !lldicare Ille title (l e (TO. ClaC', SeClel;II 'V) Secuicly iill:ic}i lliih dncunicnt lu ilic sigrried (I(ICIIIII(:lit C .!iltl4-.!It l; +l cl.ut( Sign ng Sci vitc !iit - 111 Riglili lltittx (kl 11 v. v Tlic%<l nila c.im - NamuiviiJt N(il.alj' Scri I(L CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California CountyofSantaClara i 0n October 5, 2021 before me, Marilyn Monreal , Notary Pllbli, (Here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Roger Lee twhheowpirthinoVedin'sotnunmeeonnt'ahnedbaacskn"soowfslea'd"gsfeadcItoo'meeVt'hda't%esnceIoheb/eth'ehyeepxeercsou:Whehosasmenea#me's rtheesirubasuct"hborizedeIod capacity(im), and that b@her/their signature(,sin the instrument the person0, or the entity upon behalf of which the persol acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAJ[_,TY OF PERJ[_JRY under the laws of the State of Califoiia that the foregoing paragraph is true and coitaect. r " " " 4- " % ah-m-=sO iRILYNMosRE,xL t- @ Notary Public Callforrua z#Q% -..' 5 Santa Clara County qv .. a Commission # 2367813 l'Ily ffiClal Seal. 3 "':boa"' My Comm. Expires Jut 27, 2025 !WI[ 5 a (" .:9 /kttvar-iQoa{l SignatureofNotafflu l"""""' f T ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any ac1mowledgment completed in California must contain verbiage exactly as DESCRIPTION OF THE AaIITACHED DOC{JMENT appears above in the notary secuon or a separate aclmowledgrnent form must be properly completed and attached to that document. The only exception is if a aocument is to be recorded outside of California. In such instances, any alternative (Title or descriph'on ofattached docuinent) aCICnOWleag?nenr VerDlage aS maJ De prln[ea ark SuCn a aOCument SO tang aS the verbiage does not require the notary to do something that is illegal for a notary in California (i.e. cert%ing the authorized capac% of the signer). Please check the (Title or descriph'on ofattached dOcumentcon,ued) aOCumentCareJullJJOrprOpern(Harlak WOralng ana attaCn tnlSJOrm lJrequlre(t. * State and County infonnation must be the State and County where the document Number ofPages - Documen' Da'e signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledg+nent. @ Date of notat'zation must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which ,I must also be the same date the acknowledginent is completed. (Additional infonnation) * The notary public must p it his or her nanne as it appears within his or her cominission followed by a coinina and then your title (notary public). it P it the naine(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the tiine of notanzation. CAP ACITaY CLAJN[ED BY T SIGN'ER " d"cate 'e co'ec' s"' or pl'a' fo"'s by crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. []Individual(s) be/sheAheyris/ape)orcirclingthecoirectforms.Failuretocorrectlyindicatethisinformation may lead to rejection of docuinent recording. [] Corporate Officer ii The notary seal impression must be ctear and photographically reproducible. Impression inust not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges, re-seal if a (Title) sufficient area pennits, othenvise complete a different acknowledginent fonn. 0 Partner(s) * Signature of the notaiy public must match the signature on file with the office ofthe county clerk. € Attorney-in-Fact '> Additional infonnation is not required but could help to enSWe this []Tnistee(s) acknowledgmentisnotmisusedorattachedtoadifferentdocument. z Other *:* mdicate title Or type of attached docuinent, number of pages and date. - *? lnatCate tne CapaClt)/ Clalmea DY tne Signet. it tne claimed CapaClt7 18 a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretaiy). * Securely attach this document to the signed docuinent C 2004-2015 Prolink Signing Service. Inc. - All Rightt Reterved www.TheProLink com - Nationwide Notary Semce