CC 03-01-2022 Item No. 12. Housing Element Update_Written CommunicationsFrom:Jenny Griffin To:City of Cupertino Planning Commission; City Clerk Subject:Fwd: Los Angeles Housing Element Rejected by HCD, City Must Rezone in 1 Year, Instead of 3 Date:Tuesday, March 1, 2022 3:51:19 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Fyi. Please add to Public Record for Item 12, City Council agenda, Mar 1,2022. Thank you. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Los Angeles Housing Element Rejected by HCD, City Must Rezone in 1 Year, Instead of 3 From: Jenny Griffin <grenna5000@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 3:48 PM To: CityCouncil@Cupertino.org CC: grenna5000@yahoo.com Dear City Council: Today (March 1)the HCD rejected the city of Los Angeles Housing Element and is requiring that City to rezone it's land in one year, instead of three as reported by McKenzie Locke, in an article Of the California Planning and Development Report from March 1, 2022. The article states "the Department of Housing and Transportation has rejected Los Angeles' Housing Element and ordered the city to rezone to add over 250,000 new homes by mid October, 2022. Per state law, cities with Jon-compliant housing elements must rezone in one year Rather than three years." Why does this sound like highway robbery by the HCD? What kind of society are we living in Now? What a simple way to get land rezoned. Just refuse to certify? Wow. Is this Putin Russia? Sincerely, Jennifer Griffin From:Connie Cunningham To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:March 1 Agenda Item 12 Housing Element Date:Tuesday, March 1, 2022 1:43:32 PM Attachments:4 - Sites for Planning Commission review.pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor, Vice-Mayor, and Councilmembers: Regarding the Housing Element Agenda Item 12, I urge the City Council to review the list of sites carefully to maintain Cupertino’s goals of environmental stewardship when making decisions about housing. > I urge that areas in the hills (Stevens creek canyon rim) not be a part of the housing element . Better sites for the Housing Element lie within already developed areas in the City. Below is the list of Sites for Planning Commission review PDF presented at the Feb 22 Planning Commission meeting. > I have seen this list, but have not had the opportunity to review it with a map. It is critical that the City maintain its goals of environmental stewardship when making decisions about housing. Native trees and plants, as well as wildlife from mammals to birds to insects, need cities like ours to protect the little remaining wild habitat under our jurisdiction. Sincerely, Connie Cunningham 34 year resident Audubon Society Member >  Sites for review presented at the Feb 22 Planning Commission meeting. From:Jenny Griffin To:City of Cupertino Planning Commission; City Clerk Subject:Fwd: City Park Areas Being Considered for Housing Element Sites Date:Tuesday, March 1, 2022 1:43:33 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. FYI. Please add to the Public Record for Item 12 on City Council agenda for March 1, 2022 City Council meeting. Thank you. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: City Park Areas Being Considered for Housing Element Sites From: Jenny Griffin <grenna5000@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 1:39 AM To: CityCouncil@Cupertino.org CC: grenna5000@yahoo.com Dear City Council: I understand that the Villa Montalvo Park Area in Saratoga may be considered As a possible Housing Element site. This is an example of how far out of line The Housing Element Numbers are for this RHNA cycle. A city is considering destroying a historic house from 1910 that is a cultural and Park and recreational icon to build high density housing on? Villa Montalvo Provides an architectural heritage from the home from 1910 and also provides Areas for theatre on its grounds. It also has an important arboretum of trees from Other countries. I visited the arboretum with a good friend to see species of trees And plants from her homeland in South America. Villa Montalvo has lovely grounds which allow families to enjoy picnics outside while Listening to bands and musical entertainment. It has hiking trails which are used by local schools and colleges to teach students to learn to identify plants And creatures in their native habitats. These trails also provide recreational hiking opportunities for Individuals and families. To take away such a valuable public asset as Villa Montalvo to put high density housing on Its premises just to satisfy the ginormous number of housing units this Housing Element Cycle is requiring of cities across California shows what a complete farce this Housing Cycle is And the circus it is becoming as cities are desperate to try to fulfill outrageous RHN A Numbers. California cities are having to give up their parkland to be rezoned into Some pie in the sky housing numbers that have been dreamed up by some oligarch Infrastructure in the state. It is time to return to Redevelopment Agencies if we are making Saratoga rezone Villa Montalvo for some one else's high density housing numbers. And they have to rezone it By January, 2023. And it can't be downsized once it is forced to be upzoned? Wow. Who Dreamed up that rush job? Talk about being in a land of oligarchs. We in California are not allowed to have Parks? We get no say in the way our public resources are given away or taken away? We are not even citizens in our own state? Yes, time for Redevelopment Agencies to come back and oligarchy to stay out of Taking away local control here in California, in Oregon, in Washington State, In Colorado, in Texas, in Washington DC, all over the country. Our parks are our Parks and no matter what you say, you don't get to take them away from us or The rest of our land for that matter, either. Sincerely, Jennifer Griffin From:Jenny Griffin To:City of Cupertino Planning Commission; City Clerk Subject:Fwd: Housing Element Stakeholder Groups Date:Monday, February 28, 2022 1:24:48 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. FYI. Please add to the Public Record for Item 12, Cupertino City Council Meeting, March 1, 2022. Thank you. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Housing Element Stakeholder Groups From: Jenny Griffin <grenna5000@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022, 1:22 PM To: CityCouncil@Cupertino.org CC: grenna5000@yahoo.com Dear City Council: Why are there Stake Holder Groups for this RHNA Cycle? We have never had a Stake Holder Group before in the other RHNA Cycles. Why do we need a Stake Holder Group in this Cycle? No one ever said a Stake Holder Group was required. What are these people going to do? Can the public to go there meetings? I think the Public should be allowed to attend this meetings. I don't think there should be a Stake Holder Group. What are these people going to do? Rezone the land in Cupertino? Why would a special group be required to do that? If we are going to rezone the whole Land, the whole city should be involved, not some secret group. This whole Housing Element RHNA Cycle is turning out to be some sort of secret plan To up zone land so no one know's what is going on. And now the rush to rezone the Land! Like it was some race? Why? Why are we doing this? Why do we have to have All this land in Cupertino rezoned by a certain date? Who came up with that rule? I really have some very grave concerns about this entire RHNA Cycle and all of the very Bizarre things going on with it. Also, why do we have to have a Stake Holder Group When we have never had one before? That smacks of something very unusual Going on that the public is not supposed to know about. Let's please get rid of the Stake Holder Group and just have meetings with the public involved. What is trying to be kept hidden from the public in this whole process? We have enough issues not being able to be involved in any of the Housing Bill passages Or say in them, and now people are trying to rezone the land in secret? No thank you to this process! Sincerely, Jennifer Griffin