CC 03-15-2022 Item No. 13 Chamber of Commerce Services_Staff Presentation
March 15, 2022
Cupertino Chamber of Commerce
Council directed staff to provide a summary of services provided by the ChamberCity has made a payment to the Chamber in the amount of $16,000 annually dating back to at least 2008City
also pays a membership fee of $1,500
Lead outreach and service delivery conduitServes as an important feedback mechanismClose to 300 members
City/Chamber Relationship
istent with Economic Development
n to the greater Cupertino community.
directory of the City of Cupertino.
Ongoing Chamber Services
Support Cupertino businessesSupport City economic development initiatives.Maintain and distribute an official Produce and distribute information and economic development data packets.Support
business & public outreach consStrategy.Asian American Business Council.Legislative Action Committee.Support ad-hoc requests for information and services from individuals, organizations,
and businesses that pertaiRibbon cuttings and grand openings.Marketing and promotion of all events held in Cupertino.Education and outreach re: new city rules and regulations.
Chamber Services During the Pandemic
Door-to-door survey of all businesses in Cupertino during the pandemic.#ILoveCupertino initiative that is open to all businesses and organizations.Support campaigns such as #ShopCupertino
and #CupertinoCares.Support on topics such as staffing and recruitment.Seminars on various relevant issues.
Surveyed cities in Santa Clara County.All cities surveyed have partnerships with their Chambers.Only 4 out of the 10 cities surveyed have formal agreements. A fewcities have contracted
with chambers for one-time agreements for specific projects. Chamber services range from business assistance, to operating a visitor center, to augmenting economic development function
for local cities.City support to chambers include access to space/nominal rents, and/or funding ranging from $295 to $1,461,601 annually.
Chamber Relationship in Other Cities
Recommendation Receive report and adopt Resolution No.22-015 Accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending December 20, 2021