CC 03-15-2022 Item No. 12. CUSD_Written CommunicationsCC 315 #2 Consider issuing a request to CUSD for reconsideration of the future closures of Regnart and Meyerholz Elementary Schools Written Comments From:Roberta Hollimon To:City Clerk; Cupertino City Manager"s Office; City Council; Darcy Paul; Liang Chao; Kitty Moore; Hung Wei; Jon Robert Willey; Cupertino Union School District Subject:Letter against proposed action on Agenda Item 12 Date:Friday, March 11, 2022 1:54:42 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Roberta Hollimon 11155 La Paloma Drive Cupertino, CA 95014 March 11, 2022 Cupertino City Council re: Letter against proposed action on Agenda Item 12 Dear Council Members, I have read your letter to the Cupertino Union School District Board. I ask that you not send this letter. I believe the operations of the City of Cupertino and the Cupertino Union School District should be kept separate. One should not try to influence the other. The city should not be telling the School District how to run its business, likewise CUSD should not run the City’s business. In the 1970’s, I chaired the committee that studied enrollment in CUSD and the necessity of possibly closing some schools and advised the board of its findings. I know this is not an easy process. We struggled with our decisions. In the end it was necessary to close many schools but we lived through that process and the district continued to be a great place for educating our children. I have followed the process this board has taken in the current situation and feel they have done everything necessary to come to their decision. I think the city’s letter is improper and includes information not supported by fact. Please do not send it. Sincerely, Roberta Hollimon CC: City Manager Jim Throop: manager@cupertino.org City Clerk Kirsten Squarcia: cityclerk@cupertino.org City Council: citycouncil@cupertino.org Mayor Darcy Paul: dpaul@cupertino.org Vice-Mayor Liang Chao: liangchao@cupertino.org Councilmember Kitty Moore kmoore@cupertino.org Councilmember Hung Wei hwei@cupertino.org Councilmember Jon Willey: jwilley@cupertino.org Cupertino Union School District webmaster@cusdk8.org From:Pengkai Zhao To:City Council Subject:Comment for item 12 on 3/15/2022 agenda: please save Regnart Date:Monday, March 14, 2022 8:23:34 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Pengkai Zhao, I live at Elmsford Drive, Cupertino. I have a comment for item 12 of 3/15/2022 agenda: Please save Regnart Elementary and DO NOT close the school! It is an important part for our community. Also moving students to Lincoln Elementary has traffic and safety concerns. So please do not close Regnart! Thanks, Pengkai From:Nancy Mak To:City Council; Darcy Paul; Liang Chao; Kitty Moore; Hung Wei; Jon Robert Willey; Cupertino City Manager"s Office; City Clerk Subject:Letter to Cupertino City Council Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9:26:40 AM Attachments:Letter to City Council.pdf CUSD FACTS re School Closures 2022.pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor, Vice Mayor, Honorable Council Members, City Manager, and City Clerk: We have enclosed the following documents in reference to Agenda Item #12 of the March 15, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting: Letter from CUSD to the Cupertino City Council, dated March 15, 2022 CUSD Facts re: School Closures 2022 Best, Nancy Mak Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent Cupertino Union School District Tel: 408-252-3000 x61-200 | Direct FAX: 408-343-2801Office: 1309 S. Mary Avenue, Suite 150, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 | Mailing: 10301 Vista Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 Statement of Confidentiality: The information in this email is confidential and/or legally privileged. If you received this email in error, you may not review, use, copy, or disseminate it and any of the information it conveys. Please notify the sender by reply email and delete the message and any attachments, if any, from your system. Kindly consider the environment before printing this email. From:Amy Pang To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Comment in tonights City Council meeting Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 11:39:10 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi City Council, I would like to submit a comment for the City Council meeting for agenda item 12. Can you please let me know what you will need from me? -- Thank You, Amy Pang From:Kay Tiff To:City Clerk; City Council Subject:Comment for March 15 City Council Meeting Item#12 Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:13:30 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Paul and City Council members, We moved into the City of Cupertino last year. Our main reason to move here was to send our kids to a good school in a nice and friendly neighborhood. We would like you, our City leaders, to urge CUSD to revisit its decision to close the schools. The CUSD board members based their school closure decision on low enrollment and financial issues. However, we found that Regnart elementary's enrollment was intentionally manipulated to lower it. As one of the many examples we know of, even before the school year started last Fall, my daughter's home school is Regnart but we were told from our next door neighbor (who moved into Cupertino a month before us) that CUSD overflowed their daughter, same grade as my daughter, to Steven Creek already for the upcoming school year because they were told there was no space at Regnart. Also, the financials of CUSD have been found to be in much better state compared to what CUSD board members' claimed for school closure. Hence, CUSD's decision to close Regnart Elementary is wrong, and needs to be re-visited through a re-vote. As a CUSD parent, the closure of Regnart without a reasonable cause will damage the reputation of the city and the school district! Please take immediate action to demand a CUSD special board meeting to revote on the school closure. Best Regards, Betty (concerned Cupertino resident) From:CUSD Parent To:City Council Cc:punam.verma@gmail.com; Fang Liu; 29ethanh@gmail.com; deyunhan5566@gmail.com; he000303@gmail.com; lixin2008@gmail.com; shuchentai@hotmail.com; haoxiaolin86@gmail.com; cindy110109@gmail.com; dgg1226@gmail.com; lanwei0131@gmail.com; guoyu1100@gmail.com; liulijuan@gmail.com; sapiryjy@google.com; yangleying1114@gmail.com; Jimmy Zhang; lyun.li@gmail.com; Amy Pang; bettyatrainbow@gmail.com; anat.leshem@gmail.com; roni.feldsher@gmail.com; aiykedon@yahoo.com; lkalluri@gmail.com; Benjamin Lu;kamainaoko@gmail.com; Sharlene_rain@yahoo.com; shi.cheng@gmail.com; Zuoping Cai; cusd parents; Jimmy Zhang; lonmow02@gmail.com; sonali.padgaonkar@gmail.com; verma.mayank@gmail.com; indusharma.13@gmail.com; Sai.Mylavarapu@gmail.com; Swatitee@gmail.com; shukla.r@gmail.com; sana.mui@gmail.com; Nelson.sana@gmail.com; lichenchong@gmail.com; gouri.alampalli@gmail.com; pavan.alampalli@gmail.com; feiyan@gmail.com; liuxian9@gmail.com; msangmitra@gmail.com; csharma10@gmail.com; Jyoti_chaudhary@hotmail.com; Anilkc@hotmail.com; ketan.deshpande@gmail.com; maggie@fongan.net; msfong@fongan.net; Ye.zhao@gmail.com; Kevin Yang; Schan2003@gmail.com; keshavp@gmail.com; megrao@gmail.com; Kelly Tong; Nirupama; Ms.trantnguyen@gmail.com; Tuan_t1@yahoo.com; vivek376@yahoo.com; Samyuvgc1@gmail.com; Mailgd092@gmail.com; shilpa.loan@gmail.com; maheshil@hotmail.com; circlestop@gmail.com; Pojui.chen@gmail.com; rumna.mishra@gmail.com; narainpoonam@gmail.com; Bing Liu Subject:Public comment for Agenda Item #12 Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:31:53 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council, Below is my public comment for agenda item #12. I will raise my handduring that period to speak. __________________________________ Thank you Cupertino city councilmembers for urging CUSD to keep Regnart OPEN. I speak to you as a Cupertino taxpayer. We have put in countless dollars to CUSD for parcel and bond measures. We are tired of seeing tax dollars siphoned out of Cupertino, to go to schools in other cities. What happened with Bond Measure H? Per https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/? url=http%3A%2F%2Fcusdbond.org%2FAR2021%2Fbyelementary.html&amp;data=04%7C01%7CDebraN%40cupertino.org%7Cf2c621800e304a2aef9908da06ba72c8%7C19e13f83dce947c3ae6712c6a63e2ed6%7C0%7C0%7C637829695126262231%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&amp;sdata=kSyBzIXq3ciXUidl%2BfnIjt%2B1y3csKiYZS1aAAcb%2Fhi0%3D&amp;reserved=0, CUSD spent a total of $210M, including- $6M to renovate Regnart, which it voted to close - $7M to renovate Meyerholz, which it voted to close - $5M to renovate Dilworth, which was considered for closure - $8M to renovate Lincoln, which was considered for closure - $9M to renovate Stevens Creek Elementary, which was considered for closure Did we pay to fix up Regnart, just so it could be sold to a private school? Our taxpayer dollars are not meant to help create an attractive portfolio of "lease sites" for CUSD. They are meant to create better learning and educational environments for our students. If we, the taxpayers, had known that we were paying hard-earned money to renovate schools that would either be sold or considered for closure, we would not have supported this ballot measure. To hear CUSD to ask for even more bond funding after closing our schools simply adds insult to injury. In an email obtained via PRA request, the CUSD board named Saratoga and Los Altos schools as “anchor schools”. What does that make Cupertino schools? Second-tier? Did we pay so much in taxes to hear CUSD insist that Los Altos and Saratoga “ballot support” is important, while they ignore the entire city of Cupertino, over half of its voter and funding base? We, the residents of Cupertino, refuse to put more into a system that not only takes our money for little return, but subsequently PENALIZES us by closing our schools and redirecting our enrollment and resources elsewhere. We, the taxpayers, paid for better schools -- not to have children crammed into overcrowded schools. It is painful to hear of students sitting on the floor at lunch because there aren't enough benches for them to sit on. It is painful to hear about the bumper-to-bumper traffic in front of schools that is about to worsen. It is painful tohear that schools must have staggered lunches, and can't even socialize with other grade levels because the school is too crowded. This is, quite frankly, a worse educational experience than the one I grew up with in CUSD 20-30 years ago. Cupertino City Council, we thank you for your efforts tonight in helping to keep Regnart open. __________________________________ Many thanks, Tracy From:T Dowdell To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Agenda Item:12: Consider issuing a Request to CSD to Reconsider: Comments for the Record Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 12:47:40 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Darcy and Members of the Cupertino City Council, I would like to respectfully request that you investigate fully, the information contained in the letter you are considering sending to CUSD regarding its decision to consolidate schools. It is my expectation when you review official public records, you will recognize that your letter contains factually inaccurate information that not only promotes a false narrative to the community but also endangers yours / and the city of Cupertino’s reputation. I am an active and engaged parent in the CUSD district; whose children attended Meyerholz as the neighborhood elementary school, and who now attend Miller Middle School and Lynbrook High. I have attended the CUSD board meetings for years. I am well informed about the decision making process, what was considered, why and how we arrived at this point. Let me also assure you that I care about education and our children because I am a frequent volunteer on school campus and within our community, supporting children other than my own. This is important to me. It has always been important to me. Since 2016, some members of our community have not accepted the realities of declining enrollment and the need to be fiscally responsible. They have pushed back on fact-based public discourse on this topic and now because they don’t agree with the decisions being made - they are creating and sharing misleading information. They have cherry picked items to create emotional, biased and opinionated arguments which serve only to further division and strife within the community. As a registered CUSD voter, I am a believer in the process and due process. Facts matter and I should hope that you feel the same way as elected officials representing the community. The decision to close schools was not taken lightly by the trustees. No-one wants to close schools but all this misguided, negativity by this group of dissatisfied parents would be better spent trying to create a positive, embracing environments for our children at school and for those moving to a new campus in the fall. Change is hard but our children will follow our lead. Instead of taking an adversarial position, we should teach them resilience and empower them to embrace this change (though sad), positively. I urge you to decline the request to issue this letter and avoid making false allegations. Support due process, meet with the district administration, learn the facts and advocate for unity within the community to accept the change and the decision of the CUSD school board of trustees. Many thanks. Sincerely, Tara Dowdell From:C Z To:City Clerk; City Council Subject:Please request CUSD to revert Regnart and Meyerhozl school closure decision Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1:27:13 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Cupertino City Council, As a CUSD resident, I strongly urge CUSD to reconsider their school closure decision last year. The decision has been made on questionable data and assumptions the decision was based on has drastically changed that is no longer valid. Please put my email in public record. Thank you. CZ From:Nelson & Sana To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Reconsider Regnart closure Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1:44:23 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please reconsider not closing down Regnart. The Regnart families found updated data that shows CUSD has the budget to keep the school open. Also, there should be an investigation towards one of the female CUSD board members because she is personally biased and driven in keeping Blue Hills open instead of Regnart. Our daughter has adapted to Regnart culture and made great friends, but they'll be parting ways next school year if Regnart is closed. Thanks. From:GMAIL To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Strongly Opposing CUSD"s School Closure Decision Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1:45:40 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Cupertino City Council, Thank you so much for your time. I am a resident in San Jose, but my kids used to attend CUSD schools. We have been expressing all our opposing in closing schools during pandemic. CUSD members are not working for the benefits of our community. CUSD did not form a 7-11 committee with public meetings to gather facts BEFORE the decision on school closure was made. They made the decision during pandemic, when we could not express our opposing freely. They easily cut our call, or disable the Chat function. They did not provide a 2 way communication. Whenever we asked a key question, they would round about and did not answer directly. Then we had not chance to ask again. It has been 40 years since the last closuring of schools. Why they need to rush so hard to close 3 schools during pandemic. If they do not have money, why they trouble that much to move Clip program to be an independent school. If they do not have money, why they spent a lot of money to renovate Blue Hills?! I could hardly understand CUSD’s logic. If we defeat one of their reasons to close schools, they form another one. Please, Please do keep my email in the public record. Again, I strongly oppose CUDS’s vote to close 3 schools! Best regards, Li From:Li Liyun To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Public comments for agenda item #12 Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1:58:13 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council, Below is my public comment for agenda item #12. Please put my email in public record. __________________________________ Thanks to city council members for urging CUSD to keep Regnart open. I speak to you as a parent of two pupils. We moved to Cupertino 4 years ago mainly out of the consideration of its good schools. We chose Regnart as we see it forms a close community around it. The decision to close Regnart hurts the feelings of our children. They would be forced to leave the school they love and friends they made there. We have sent our concerns to CUSD many times. We questioned their decision on taking much more open enrollments at their preferred schools than Regnart. But they never replied us with a clear answer. We need the city to standup for us and urge an open and fair process from CUSD. We really appreciate your effort on saving Regnart. Thanks, Liyun From:Santosh Rao To:City Council Subject:Public comment for agenda item 12. Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 2:08:26 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Cupertino City Council, I am a resident of the city of Cupertino as well as a CUSD parent with 2 kids in CUSD. I want to commend and greatly appreciate the council putting agenda item 12 (CUSD) on the agenda. The hasty closure of Regnart as well as Meyerholtz by CUSD is going to cause a horrid traffic nightmare on Bubb, McClellan, DeAnza, Bollinger and other city roads. No traffic study was done prior to CUSD voting on this closure. Should a private school be opened at one or both sites traffic conditions might get even worse. To compound matters the Santa Clara county sheriffs are constantly ticketing helpless parents in the morning hours on school drop roads. Parents are being hit from all sides, closed schools, increased density per school, increased traffic, more challenging school drops and then traffic tickets from Sheriffs as parents try to navigate clogged roads around schools. The city of Cupertino is renowned for good schooling. For decades new residents have moved here due to its reputation of good schooling. Not any more. The cities of Los Gatos, Los Altos, Palo Alto all have better schooling than Cupertino. Soon Santa Clara will have better schooling that Cupertino. The decline in quality of education in CUSD will impact property values in Cupertino. I urge the city to raise these matters with CUSD. I hope the city will raise traffic as a priority item and insist on a traffic study by the city as an input into the decision to close schools. Thank you for placing this item on the city council agenda and raising this matter with CUSD. Thank you for protecting property values in Cupertino and maintaining the quality of life by stemming declines in schooling, increase in traffic and further rise in tickets issued by Sheriffs to parents. Thanks, Santosh Rao From:Mohan C To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Please reconsider the closure for Meyerholz Elementary School - Do Not close please! Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 2:43:08 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi city council members: I am writing this email hoping you can think about revoting the school closure. This time, three schools are closing in CUSD, two of them are in West San Jose. For myself and all the residents in the neighborhood here, that means two walking distance elementary schools are closed, which is so unfair and doesn't make any sense. The Declaration of Independence states “All Men are created equal", so I would think all schools are equal in CUSD, then why 2 out of 3 is closed in West San Jose? We pay such a high property tax here, but what we get is our kids and parents have to drive all the way to another elementary school and even have to sit in the traffic. If you are thinking about enrollment, lots of efforts are made for all the other schools in CUSD, but why just abandon us, schools in West San Jose? Elementary school is the basic and the beginning of every people's education, it is the first place that our kids go when they step out of the home. It takes more than 10 years to grow a tree, and it takes longer to make a man. A good elementary takes years and years to develop, deciding to close a school shouldn't be that easy. It definitely needs more deliberation. Please think for the future and consider for the West San Jose kids, think about this again and revote. Please put my email in the public record. Hopefully, you can hear the voice from students in Meyerholz elementary school, and hope you have a wonderful day. Thanks, Mohan From:Tony Zheng To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:please help keeping Regnart and Meyerholz elementary school open in our community Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:02:30 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Honorable Cupertino City Council members, Thank you very much for the agenda to discuss the impact of school close to our community. Please do request on behalf of the City to CUSD that they reconsider their decision. Their financial situation is much better now, and the State now requires to add Pre-K class. Regards, Tony W. Zheng From:frances hu To:City Council; City Clerk; Darcy Paul; Liang Chao; Jon Robert Willey; Kitty Moore; Hung Wei Cc:CUSD Parent; punam.verma@gmail.com; Fang Liu; 29ethanh@gmail.com; deyunhan5566@gmail.com; he000303@gmail.com; lixin2008@gmail.com; shuchentai@hotmail.com; haoxiaolin86@gmail.com; cindy110109@gmail.com; dgg1226@gmail.com; lanwei0131@gmail.com; guoyu1100@gmail.com; liulijuan@gmail.com; sapiryjy@google.com; yangleying1114@gmail.com; Jimmy Zhang; lyun.li@gmail.com; Amy Pang; bettyatrainbow@gmail.com; anat.leshem@gmail.com; roni.feldsher@gmail.com; aiykedon@yahoo.com; lkalluri@gmail.com; Benjamin Lu; kamainaoko@gmail.com; Sharlene_rain@yahoo.com; shi.cheng@gmail.com; Zuoping Cai; cusdparents11@gmail.com; Jimmy Zhang; lonmow02@gmail.com; sonali.padgaonkar@gmail.com; verma.mayank@gmail.com; indusharma.13@gmail.com; Sai.Mylavarapu@gmail.com; Swatitee@gmail.com; shukla.r@gmail.com; sana.mui@gmail.com; Nelson.sana@gmail.com; lichenchong@gmail.com; gouri.alampalli@gmail.com; pavan.alampalli@gmail.com; feiyan@gmail.com; liuxian9@gmail.com; msangmitra@gmail.com; csharma10@gmail.com; Jyoti_chaudhary@hotmail.com; Anilkc@hotmail.com; ketan.deshpande@gmail.com; maggie@fongan.net; msfong@fongan.net; Ye.zhao@gmail.com; Kevin Yang; Schan2003@gmail.com; keshavp@gmail.com; megrao@gmail.com; Kelly Tong; Nirupama; Ms.trantnguyen@gmail.com; Tuan_t1@yahoo.com; vivek376@yahoo.com; Samyuvgc1@gmail.com; Mailgd092@gmail.com; shilpa.loan@gmail.com; maheshil@hotmail.com; circlestop@gmail.com; Pojui.chen@gmail.com; rumna.mishra@gmail.com; narainpoonam@gmail.com; Bing Liu; frances hu Subject:Re: Public comment for Agenda Item #12 Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:07:39 PM Importance:High CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Paul, Vice Mayor Zhao and all city councils: Thank you for your consideration of issuing a request to the CUSD board for reconsideration of the future closure of Regnart and other CUSD schools, We Regnart parents here truly appreciate your effort! As a CUSD parent and long-term resident of city of Cupertino, I can't agree more with Tracy's comments. CUSD has abused Cupertino taxpayer's money by closing Regnart while $$supporting schools in Los Altos and Saratoga, though Cupertino residents account for over 50% of CUSD voter and funding base. CUSD's redirection of enrollment and resources elsewhere is total discrimination against city of Cupertino schools and violation of educational equity rights of our children and our families. In addition, packing the Lincoln Elementary with more Regnart students would create more traffic burden on some of our city's already overcrowded roads at peak time, and bring more traffic safety concerns to our children, our families, and our community. It is painful to hear of students sitting on the floor at lunch because there aren't enough benches for them to sit on. It is painful to hear that schools must have staggered lunches, and students can't even socialize with other grade levels because the school is too crowded. It is even more painful for parents to worry everyday about the safety of their children while on the roads/parking lots next to their school. We, Cupertino taxpayers, deserve better school environment for our children and our community. A safe, great NHS is one of the most valuable assets of our city, and one of the major reasons for families to move and live here. For the sake of our city and our children/families, pls take immediate action to save Regnart, the long-term beloved NHS for Cupertino families and residents! Many thanks. All the best, Frances From: CUSD Parent <cusdparents9@gmail.com> Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 Subject: Public comment for Agenda Item #12 To: citycouncil@cupertino.org Cc: "punam.verma@gmail.com" <Punam.verma@gmail.com>, Fang Liu <liufang94@gmail.com>, "29ethanh@gmail.com" <29ethanh@gmail.com>, "deyunhan5566@gmail.com" <deyunhan5566@gmail.com>, "he000303@gmail.com" <he000303@gmail.com>, "lixin2008@gmail.com" <lixin2008@gmail.com>, "shuchentai@hotmail.com" <shuchentai@hotmail.com>, "haoxiaolin86@gmail.com" <haoxiaolin86@gmail.com>, "cindy110109@gmail.com" <cindy110109@gmail.com>, "dgg1226@gmail.com" <dgg1226@gmail.com>, "lanwei0131@gmail.com" <lanwei0131@gmail.com>, "guoyu1100@gmail.com" <guoyu1100@gmail.com>, "liulijuan@gmail.com" <liulijuan@gmail.com>, "sapiryjy@google.com" <sapiryjy@google.com>, "yangleying1114@gmail.com" <yangleying1114@gmail.com>, Jimmy Zhang <jzhang818@yahoo.com>, "lyun.li@gmail.com" <lyun.li@gmail.com>, Amy Pang <amy.pang@gmail.com>, "bettyatrainbow@gmail.com" <bettyatrainbow@gmail.com>, "anat.leshem@gmail.com" <anat.leshem@gmail.com>, "roni.feldsher@gmail.com" <roni.feldsher@gmail.com>, "aiykedon@yahoo.com" <aiykedon@yahoo.com>, "lkalluri@gmail.com" <lkalluri@gmail.com>, Benjamin Lu <Benjamin_lu2008@yahoo.com>, "kamainaoko@gmail.com" <kamainaoko@gmail.com>, "Sharlene_rain@yahoo.com" <Sharlene_rain@yahoo.com>, "shi.cheng@gmail.com" <shi.cheng@gmail.com>, Zuoping Cai <michelle.cai@gmail.com>, cusd parents <cusdparents11@gmail.com>, Jimmy Zhang <jzhang818@hotmail.com>, "lonmow02@gmail.com" <lonmow02@gmail.com>, "sonali.padgaonkar@gmail.com" <Sonali.Padgaonkar@gmail.com>, "verma.mayank@gmail.com" <verma.mayank@gmail.com>, "indusharma.13@gmail.com" <indusharma.13@gmail.com>, "Sai.Mylavarapu@gmail.com" <Sai.Mylavarapu@gmail.com>, "Swatitee@gmail.com" <Swatitee@gmail.com>, "shukla.r@gmail.com" <shukla.r@gmail.com>, "sana.mui@gmail.com" <sana.mui@gmail.com>, "Nelson.sana@gmail.com" <nelson.sana@gmail.com>, "lichenchong@gmail.com" <lichenchong@gmail.com>, "gouri.alampalli@gmail.com" <gouri.alampalli@gmail.com>, "pavan.alampalli@gmail.com" <pavan.alampalli@gmail.com>, "feiyan@gmail.com" <feiyan@gmail.com>, "liuxian9@gmail.com" <liuxian9@gmail.com>, "msangmitra@gmail.com" <msangmitra@gmail.com>, "csharma10@gmail.com" <csharma10@gmail.com>, "Jyoti_chaudhary@hotmail.com" <Jyoti_chaudhary@hotmail.com>, "Anilkc@hotmail.com" <Anilkc@hotmail.com>, "ketan.deshpande@gmail.com" <ketan.deshpande@gmail.com>, "maggie@fongan.net" <maggie@fongan.net>, "msfong@fongan.net" <msfong@fongan.net>, "Ye.zhao@gmail.com" <Ye.zhao@gmail.com>, Kevin Yang <Yangrch@gmail.com>, "Schan2003@gmail.com" <Schan2003@gmail.com>, "keshavp@gmail.com" <keshavp@gmail.com>, "megrao@gmail.com" <megrao@gmail.com>, Kelly Tong <kellytong531@gmail.com>, Nirupama <Nirupama.deshpande@gmail.com>, "Ms.trantnguyen@gmail.com" <Ms.trantnguyen@gmail.com>, "Tuan_t1@yahoo.com" <Tuan_t1@yahoo.com>, "vivek376@yahoo.com" <vivek376@yahoo.com>, "Samyuvgc1@gmail.com" <Samyuvgc1@gmail.com>, "Mailgd092@gmail.com" <Mailgd092@gmail.com>, "shilpa.loan@gmail.com" <shilpa.loan@gmail.com>, "maheshil@hotmail.com" <maheshil@hotmail.com>, "circlestop@gmail.com" <circlestop@gmail.com>, "Pojui.chen@gmail.com" <Pojui.chen@gmail.com>, "rumna.mishra@gmail.com" <Rumna.mishra@gmail.com>, "narainpoonam@gmail.com" <Narainpoonam@gmail.com>, Bing Liu <liubingyy@yahoo.com> Dear City Council, Below is my public comment for agenda item #12. I will raise my hand during that period to speak. __________________________________ Thank you Cupertino city councilmembers for urging CUSD to keep Regnart OPEN. I speak to you as a Cupertino taxpayer. We have put in countless dollars to CUSD for parcel and bond measures. We are tired of seeing tax dollars siphoned out of Cupertino, to go to schools in other cities. What happened with Bond Measure H? Per http://cusdbond.org/AR2021/byelementary.html, CUSD spent a total of $210M, including - $6M to renovate Regnart, which it voted to close - $7M to renovate Meyerholz, which it voted to close - $5M to renovate Dilworth, which was considered for closure - $8M to renovate Lincoln, which was considered for closure - $9M to renovate Stevens Creek Elementary, which was considered for closure Did we pay to fix up Regnart, just so it could be sold to a private school? Our taxpayer dollars are not meant to help create an attractive portfolio of "lease sites" for CUSD. They are meant to create better learning and educational environments for our students. If we, the taxpayers, had known that we were paying hard-earned money to renovate schools that would either be sold or considered for closure, we would not have supported this ballot measure. To hear CUSD to ask for even more bond funding after closing our schools simply adds insult to injury. In an email obtained via PRA request, the CUSD board named Saratoga and Los Altos schools as “anchor schools”. What does that make Cupertino schools? Second-tier? Did we pay so much in taxes to hear CUSD insist that Los Altos and Saratoga “ballot support” is important, while they ignore the entire city of Cupertino, over half of its voter and funding base? We, the residents of Cupertino, refuse to put more into a system that not only takes our money for little return, but subsequently PENALIZES us by closing our schools and redirecting our enrollment and resources elsewhere. We, the taxpayers, paid for better schools -- not to have children crammed into overcrowded schools. It is painful to hear of students sitting on the floor at lunch because there aren't enough benches for them to sit on. It is painful to hear about the bumper-to-bumper traffic in front of schools that is about to worsen. It is painful to hear that schools must have staggered lunches, and can't even socialize with other grade levels because the school is too crowded. This is, quite frankly, a worse educational experience than the one I grew up with in CUSD 20-30 years ago. Cupertino City Council, we thank you for your efforts tonight in helping to keep Regnart open. __________________________________ Many thanks, Tracy From:Xiangchen Xu To:City Clerk; City Council Subject:Please send request to CUSD. Thank you! Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:40:30 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Honorable City Councilmembers, I am a resident in Cupertino for more than 10 years. As I know, many residents have concerns regarding CUSD's decision on school closure. School closure is a big issue which may hurt our community deeply. I can't understand why CUSD board decided to close schools in such a short time. And I believe using the enrollment data during pandemic is inappropriate. After this special time, the enrollment data may change a lot. Thank you for adding CUSD school closure discussion in tonight's agenda! I really hope our city can ask CUSD board to reconsider it. Sincerely yours, Xiangchen Xu From:frances hu To:Kirsten Squarcia Cc:City Clerk Subject:Re: Public comment for Agenda Item #12 Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:41:11 PM Attachments:image009.png image010.png image011.png image012.png image013.png image014.png image015.png image016.png CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Pls also keep it in the public record too. Many thanks!! From: Kirsten Squarcia <KirstenS@cupertino.org> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:39 PM To: frances hu <frances_hu@hotmail.com> Cc: City Clerk <CityClerk@cupertino.org> Subject: RE: Public comment for Agenda Item #12 Good afternoon Francis (Council moved to Bcc on this email), Your comments have been received for the 3/15 City Council meeting, Agenda Item #12 CUSD. Your email will be included with the written communications for the meeting and added to the public record for this item. Regards Kirsten Members of the public wishing to comment on an item on the agenda may do so in the following ways: 1) E-mail comments by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15 to the Council at citycouncil@cupertino.org. These e-mail comments will also be forwarded to Councilmembers by the City Clerk’s office before the meeting and posted to the City’s website after the meeting. 2) E-mail comments during the times for public comment during the meeting to the City Clerk at cityclerk@cupertino.org. The City Clerk will read the emails into the record, and display any attachments on the screen, for up to 3 minutes (subject to the Mayor’s discretion to shorten time for public comments). Members of the public that wish to share a document must email cityclerk@cupertino.org prior to speaking. Kirsten Squarcia​ City Clerk City Manager's Office KirstenS@cupertino.org (408) 777-3225 From: frances hu <frances_hu@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:07 PM To: City Council <CityCouncil@cupertino.org>; City Clerk <CityClerk@cupertino.org>; Darcy Paul <DPaul@cupertino.org>; Liang Chao <LiangChao@cupertino.org>; Jon Robert Willey <JWilley@cupertino.org>; Kitty Moore <Kmoore@cupertino.org>; Hung Wei <HWei@cupertino.org> Cc: CUSD Parent <cusdparents9@gmail.com>; punam.verma@gmail.com; Fang Liu <liufang94@gmail.com>; 29ethanh@gmail.com; deyunhan5566@gmail.com; he000303@gmail.com; lixin2008@gmail.com; shuchentai@hotmail.com; haoxiaolin86@gmail.com; cindy110109@gmail.com; dgg1226@gmail.com; lanwei0131@gmail.com; guoyu1100@gmail.com; liulijuan@gmail.com; sapiryjy@google.com; yangleying1114@gmail.com; Jimmy Zhang <jzhang818@yahoo.com>; lyun.li@gmail.com; Amy Pang <amy.pang@gmail.com>; bettyatrainbow@gmail.com; anat.leshem@gmail.com; roni.feldsher@gmail.com; aiykedon@yahoo.com; lkalluri@gmail.com; Benjamin Lu <Benjamin_lu2008@yahoo.com>; kamainaoko@gmail.com; Sharlene_rain@yahoo.com; shi.cheng@gmail.com; Zuoping Cai <michelle.cai@gmail.com>; cusdparents11@gmail.com; Jimmy Zhang <jzhang818@hotmail.com>; lonmow02@gmail.com; sonali.padgaonkar@gmail.com; verma.mayank@gmail.com; indusharma.13@gmail.com; Sai.Mylavarapu@gmail.com; Swatitee@gmail.com; shukla.r@gmail.com; sana.mui@gmail.com; Nelson.sana@gmail.com; lichenchong@gmail.com; gouri.alampalli@gmail.com; pavan.alampalli@gmail.com; feiyan@gmail.com; liuxian9@gmail.com; msangmitra@gmail.com; csharma10@gmail.com; Jyoti_chaudhary@hotmail.com; Anilkc@hotmail.com; ketan.deshpande@gmail.com; maggie@fongan.net; msfong@fongan.net; Ye.zhao@gmail.com; Kevin Yang <Yangrch@gmail.com>; Schan2003@gmail.com; keshavp@gmail.com; megrao@gmail.com; Kelly Tong <kellytong531@gmail.com>; Nirupama <Nirupama.deshpande@gmail.com>; Ms.trantnguyen@gmail.com; Tuan_t1@yahoo.com; vivek376@yahoo.com; Samyuvgc1@gmail.com; Mailgd092@gmail.com; shilpa.loan@gmail.com; maheshil@hotmail.com; circlestop@gmail.com; Pojui.chen@gmail.com; rumna.mishra@gmail.com; narainpoonam@gmail.com; Bing Liu <liubingyy@yahoo.com>; frances hu <frances_hu@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: Public comment for Agenda Item #12 Importance: High CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Paul, Vice Mayor Zhao and all city councils: Thank you for your consideration of issuing a request to the CUSD board for reconsideration of the future closure of Regnart and other CUSD schools, We Regnart parents here truly appreciate your effort! As a CUSD parent and long-term resident of city of Cupertino, I can't agree more with Tracy's comments. CUSD has abused Cupertino taxpayer's money by closing Regnart while $$supporting schools in Los Altos and Saratoga, though Cupertino residents account for over 50% of CUSD voter and funding base. CUSD's redirection of enrollment and resources elsewhere is total discrimination against city of Cupertino schools and violation of educational equity rights of our children and our families. In addition, packing the Lincoln Elementary with more Regnart students would create more traffic burden on some of our city's already overcrowded roads at peak time, and bring more traffic safety concerns to our children, our families, and our community. It is painful to hear of students sitting on the floor at lunch because there aren't enough benches for them to sit on. It is painful to hear that schools must have staggered lunches, and students can't even socialize with other grade levels because the school is too crowded. It is even more painful for parents to worry everyday about the safety of their children while on the roads/parking lots next to their school. We, Cupertino taxpayers, deserve better school environment for our children and our community. A safe, great NHS is one of the most valuable assets of our city, and one of the major reasons for families to move and live here. For the sake of our city and our children/families, pls take immediate action to save Regnart, the long-term beloved NHS for Cupertino families and residents! Many thanks. All the best, Frances From: CUSD Parent <cusdparents9@gmail.com> Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 Subject: Public comment for Agenda Item #12 To: citycouncil@cupertino.org Cc: "punam.verma@gmail.com" <Punam.verma@gmail.com>, Fang Liu <liufang94@gmail.com>, "29ethanh@gmail.com" <29ethanh@gmail.com>, "deyunhan5566@gmail.com" <deyunhan5566@gmail.com>, "he000303@gmail.com" <he000303@gmail.com>, "lixin2008@gmail.com" <lixin2008@gmail.com>, "shuchentai@hotmail.com" <shuchentai@hotmail.com>, "haoxiaolin86@gmail.com" <haoxiaolin86@gmail.com>, "cindy110109@gmail.com" <cindy110109@gmail.com>, "dgg1226@gmail.com" <dgg1226@gmail.com>, "lanwei0131@gmail.com" <lanwei0131@gmail.com>, "guoyu1100@gmail.com" <guoyu1100@gmail.com>, "liulijuan@gmail.com" <liulijuan@gmail.com>, "sapiryjy@google.com" <sapiryjy@google.com>, "yangleying1114@gmail.com" <yangleying1114@gmail.com>, Jimmy Zhang <jzhang818@yahoo.com>, "lyun.li@gmail.com" <lyun.li@gmail.com>, Amy Pang <amy.pang@gmail.com>, "bettyatrainbow@gmail.com" <bettyatrainbow@gmail.com>, "anat.leshem@gmail.com" <anat.leshem@gmail.com>, "roni.feldsher@gmail.com" <roni.feldsher@gmail.com>, "aiykedon@yahoo.com" <aiykedon@yahoo.com>, "lkalluri@gmail.com" <lkalluri@gmail.com>, Benjamin Lu <Benjamin_lu2008@yahoo.com>, "kamainaoko@gmail.com" <kamainaoko@gmail.com>, "Sharlene_rain@yahoo.com" <Sharlene_rain@yahoo.com>, "shi.cheng@gmail.com" <shi.cheng@gmail.com>, Zuoping Cai <michelle.cai@gmail.com>, cusd parents <cusdparents11@gmail.com>, Jimmy Zhang <jzhang818@hotmail.com>, "lonmow02@gmail.com" <lonmow02@gmail.com>, "sonali.padgaonkar@gmail.com" <Sonali.Padgaonkar@gmail.com>, "verma.mayank@gmail.com" <verma.mayank@gmail.com>, "indusharma.13@gmail.com" <indusharma.13@gmail.com>, "Sai.Mylavarapu@gmail.com" <Sai.Mylavarapu@gmail.com>, "Swatitee@gmail.com" <Swatitee@gmail.com>, "shukla.r@gmail.com" <shukla.r@gmail.com>, "sana.mui@gmail.com" <sana.mui@gmail.com>, "Nelson.sana@gmail.com" <nelson.sana@gmail.com>, "lichenchong@gmail.com" <lichenchong@gmail.com>, "gouri.alampalli@gmail.com" <gouri.alampalli@gmail.com>, "pavan.alampalli@gmail.com" <pavan.alampalli@gmail.com>, "feiyan@gmail.com" <feiyan@gmail.com>, "liuxian9@gmail.com" <liuxian9@gmail.com>, "msangmitra@gmail.com" <msangmitra@gmail.com>, "csharma10@gmail.com" <csharma10@gmail.com>, "Jyoti_chaudhary@hotmail.com" <Jyoti_chaudhary@hotmail.com>, "Anilkc@hotmail.com" <Anilkc@hotmail.com>, "ketan.deshpande@gmail.com" <ketan.deshpande@gmail.com>, "maggie@fongan.net" <maggie@fongan.net>, "msfong@fongan.net" <msfong@fongan.net>, "Ye.zhao@gmail.com" <Ye.zhao@gmail.com>, Kevin Yang <Yangrch@gmail.com>, "Schan2003@gmail.com" <Schan2003@gmail.com>, "keshavp@gmail.com" <keshavp@gmail.com>, "megrao@gmail.com" <megrao@gmail.com>, Kelly Tong <kellytong531@gmail.com>, Nirupama <Nirupama.deshpande@gmail.com>, "Ms.trantnguyen@gmail.com" <Ms.trantnguyen@gmail.com>, "Tuan_t1@yahoo.com" <Tuan_t1@yahoo.com>, "vivek376@yahoo.com" <vivek376@yahoo.com>, "Samyuvgc1@gmail.com" <Samyuvgc1@gmail.com>, "Mailgd092@gmail.com" <Mailgd092@gmail.com>, "shilpa.loan@gmail.com" <shilpa.loan@gmail.com>, "maheshil@hotmail.com" <maheshil@hotmail.com>, "circlestop@gmail.com" <circlestop@gmail.com>, "Pojui.chen@gmail.com" <Pojui.chen@gmail.com>, "rumna.mishra@gmail.com" <Rumna.mishra@gmail.com>, "narainpoonam@gmail.com" <Narainpoonam@gmail.com>, Bing Liu <liubingyy@yahoo.com> Dear City Council, Below is my public comment for agenda item #12. I will raise my hand during that period to speak. __________________________________ Thank you Cupertino city councilmembers for urging CUSD to keep Regnart OPEN. I speak to you as a Cupertino taxpayer. We have put in countless dollars to CUSD for parcel and bond measures. We are tired of seeing tax dollars siphoned out of Cupertino, to go to schools in other cities. What happened with Bond Measure H? Per http://cusdbond.org/AR2021/byelementary.html, CUSD spent a total of $210M, including - $6M to renovate Regnart, which it voted to close - $7M to renovate Meyerholz, which it voted to close - $5M to renovate Dilworth, which was considered for closure - $8M to renovate Lincoln, which was considered for closure - $9M to renovate Stevens Creek Elementary, which was considered for closure Did we pay to fix up Regnart, just so it could be sold to a private school? Our taxpayer dollars are not meant to help create an attractive portfolio of "lease sites" for CUSD. They are meant to create better learning and educational environments for our students. If we, the taxpayers, had known that we were paying hard-earned money to renovate schools that would either be sold or considered for closure, we would not have supported this ballot measure. To hear CUSD to ask for even more bond funding after closing our schools simply adds insult to injury. In an email obtained via PRA request, the CUSD board named Saratoga and Los Altos schools as “anchor schools”. What does that make Cupertino schools? Second-tier? Did we pay so much in taxes to hear CUSD insist that Los Altos and Saratoga “ballot support” is important, while they ignore the entire city of Cupertino, over half of its voter and funding base? We, the residents of Cupertino, refuse to put more into a system that not only takes our money for little return, but subsequently PENALIZES us by closing our schools and redirecting our enrollment and resources elsewhere. We, the taxpayers, paid for better schools -- not to have children crammed into overcrowded schools. It is painful to hear of students sitting on the floor at lunch because there aren't enough benches for them to sit on. It is painful to hear about the bumper-to-bumper traffic in front of schools that is about to worsen. It is painful to hear that schools must have staggered lunches, and can't even socialize with other grade levels because the school is too crowded. This is, quite frankly, a worse educational experience than the one I grew up with in CUSD 20-30 years ago. Cupertino City Council, we thank you for your efforts tonight in helping to keep Regnart open. __________________________________ Many thanks, Tracy From:Liu Wei To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Please do not close Meyerholz and Regnart elementary schools and save the school for our kids Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:43:29 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Cupertino council members: I'm writing as a Meyerholz neighborhood communitymember and I'm copying our concerned community membersas well. As Frances outlined below, there is no valid reason to closeany CUSD schools and we're urging the CUSD Boardmembers and San Jose district council members to revoke thedecision, as it was rushed and divided (3 vs 2 and both thepresident and vice president of the CUSD board voted no onclosing Meyerholz) in the first place. The data is outdated andthere has been no traffic study done. The two highly arguable/debatable reasons for closingMeyerholze are low enrollment and CUSD'sfinancial status. However, right after the decision was made, the two originallyhighly debatable reasons became completely unfounded andgroundless. Financial Status: From:Jean Bedord To:City Clerk Subject:Agenda Item #12 CUSD reconsideration March 15, 2022 Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:51:41 PM Attachments:Bedord-Council 2022-03-15.pptx CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I'd like to present this PPT for public comment tonight. Thank you. Warm regards, Jean Bedord From:Xiaochun Li To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Fw: Please do not close Meyerholz and Regnart elementary schools and save the school for our kids Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:52:53 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Cupertino council members: I'm writing as a Meyerholz neighborhood community member and I'm copying our concerned community members as well. As Frances outlined below, there is no valid reason to close any CUSD schools and we're urging the CUSD Board members and San Jose district council members to revoke the decision, as it was rushed and divided (3 vs 2 and both the president and vice president of the CUSD board voted no on closing Meyerholz) in the first place. The data is outdated and there has been no traffic study done. The two highly arguable/debatable reasons for closing Meyerholze are low enrollment and CUSD's financial status. However, right after the decision was made, the two originally highly debatable reasons became completely unfounded and groundless. Financial Status: Now CUSD's Financial Status is healthier than ever. There are no funding issues at all! Below is a chart from the most recent 2021-2022 second interim budget of five-year projection file that illustrates the MY projection and we can see clearly that CUSD's projected fund ending balance for 2025-2026 is at $72M <image.png> Low Enrollment - What caused it and why closing Meyerholz will exacerbate the problem and why it's no longer an issue What caused it? 1) CUSD focuses on Alternative schools and Alternative schools draw attendance from NBH schools like Meyerholz. See below chart for details 2) CUSD helped Montclaire and Blue Hills stabilize their enrollments, and these efforts started in 2017. However, CUSD has not provided any support to Meyerholz to stabilize enrollment, and in fact, some of the Meyerholz neighborhood students were turned away and overflowed to other schools. 3) Why it's no longer an issue New Legislations are not taken under consideration, which will lead to a positive impact on the enrollment issue. AB-130 was signed by Governor Newsom on Oct 5, 2021 : https://www.gov.ca.gov/2021/10/05/governor-newsom-signs-early-childhood-legislation-highlights-transformative- investments-in-early-learning/ Governor Newsom Signs Early Childhood Legislation, Highlights Transformative Investments in Early Learning | California Governor AB 1363 develops procedures to identify and report data on dual-language learners at state preschools, and SB 393 improves access to child care for migrant agricultural workers by aligning voucher… www.gov.ca.gov “The California Comeback Plan includes investments to transform public schools into gateways of opportunity. As part of the Governor’s $123.9 billion Pre-K and K-12 education package, California will provide free, high-quality, inclusive pre-kindergarten for all four-year-olds, beginning in 2022-23 with full implementation anticipated by 2025- 26. The plan also reduces class sizes, cutting adult-to-child ratios in half with at least an average of 1 adult for every 12 children, down from one for every 24 children.” CUSD will add one grade to each elementary school to provide free PreK for all four-year-olds; if kids attend PreK, it is very likely that they will attend the same elementary school. The enrollment in CUSD schools will potentially increase by ~20%. SB9 and SB10 (high-dense living, signed into law on September 16, 2021) and Proposition 19 (inheriting property from parents, approved in Nov 2020) will increase school enrollment as well. CUSD’s decision on school closure is based on the old enrollment projection, which was conducted before the above legislations took effect; and the new legislations weren't considered at all when the decision was made. If Meyerholz is closed, CUSD will have the largest enrollment compared to all neighboring school districts, and young pupils will need to cross dangerous intersections like Bollinger to get to school. So we're strongly urging all the board members to revoke the CUSD Resolution No. 21-22-07. and start a motion to revote! Closing Meyerholz and all other NBH schools will have a long lasting negative impact on the community members, especially young pupils, so please listen to the community's voice and do the right thing! Please put my email in public record. Thank you! Wei From:makshum To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Letter Request for Public Record Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:18:19 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear The Honorable Cupertino City Council Members, Thank you for considering the impact of school closure on our community including traffic congestion and the safety of children in over-crowded school facilities. Please request on behalf of the City to CUSD and ask them to reconsider their decision. CUSD's financial situation has improved and the need for school closure should be re- evaluated. Thank you, Karen Shum & Ernest Mak (Cupertino residents since 2006; parents of children attending Eaton elementary and Lawson middle school) From:Jie Xun To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Please revoke school closures! Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:20:48 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Sir/Madam, I'm from the Meyerholz neighborhood. Please add my email to the public record. I'm writing to strongly urge you to revoke school closures in CUSD. As residents in CUSD, we are helpless and hopeless without your help. We paid very high tax to live in CUSD primarily for the education. We've tried everything we could to save our schools. But the heartless board members and the Superintendent don't want to hear our voices. I use OUR here because I'm not the only one who's fighting. We have hundreds of Meyerholz residents here that don't want our schools to be closed. They may not have time to email or make a public comment today. Closing schools is not the only solution. It's going to bring very bad influence to the community. If you do care about our kids, care about the future of Cupertino, Please, please help us to stop closing schools! Thank you! Hundreds of residents from wechat group "Meyerholz Home Owner" From:Amy Xie To:citycupertino@cupertino.org; City Clerk Subject:Please help stop closing Cupertino schools Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:23:19 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Council Members, Since 2020, the Cupertino School district has made decisions regardless of hundreds and thousands of objections from parents, community and children, to close multiple schools. The school district quoted the following reasons to support their decisions, whereas all of them are groundless: 1. Deficit: turned out to be the school district has $45 millions of surplus; 2. Declining enrollment: the fact is that the CUSD schools are the most crowded compared to neighboring city schools; 3. saving costs: the fact is that the district will not save much from closing schools as the class size at each closed school is already at the upper limit for maximum. I strongly urge Cupertino city to step up to represent our voters to say no to the school district's decision. Calling for no closing schools are based on the following: 1. Crowded schools cause negligence to kids' development and education. Studies show that small sized schools are better for kids mental and emotional health. It has been a trend for moden educators to advocate smaller sized schools to help kids develop individualized and personalized growth paths. An example of this belief iis in: https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/school-size/ 2. Neighborhood schools help connect communities. The decision CUSD made moved kids out of their own neighborhood to cluster in large schools far away. This not only creates local traffic but also increases the time kids spend commuting, which can be invested more wisely on other activities; increases risk for traffic accidents and makes it less likely for kids to make friends in school that they can hang out with after the class. 3. Under the current covid situation, it is definitely better to have smaller sized schools as a defense for spreading of the virus. This will also help prevent spreading of future potential outbreak of virus. 4. Our neighborhood is heavily populated with senior residents, which leads to short-term declines in certain schools. However, this will not be a permanent fact pattern as the younger generation will eventually move in. It takes years for a neighborhood school to be established but only a stupid decision to tear it down over one night. These schools are there because of the education needs from the community. When younger generations move in, when this needs ramps up, we will not have schools to serve and schools take years to build. In sum, please stand together with thousands of the Cupertino voters to say no to CUSD decision to close schools. Please put my email in public record. Thanks! Helen From:Yung Chen To:City Council; City Clerk Cc:Yung Chen Subject:Please revoke school closures! Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:26:00 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Sir/Madam, I'm from the Meyerholz neighborhood. Please add my email to the public record. I'm writing to strongly urge you to revoke school closures in CUSD. As residents in CUSD, we are helpless and hopeless without your help. We paid very high tax to live in CUSD primarily for the education. We've tried everything we could to save our schools. But the heartless board members and the Superintendent don't want to hear our voices. I use OUR here because I'm not the only one who's fighting. We have hundreds of Meyerholz residents here that don't want our schools to be closed. They may not have time to email or make a public comment today. Closing schools is not the only solution. It's going to bring very bad influence to the community. If you do care about our kids, care about the future of Cupertino, Please, please help us to stop closing schools! Thank you! Hundreds of residents from wechat group "Meyerholz Home Owner" From:Leon Zhu To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Don"t close any CUSD schools! Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:27:34 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Cupertino Councils, It is wrong to let the CUSD board close any school. We haven't closed any schools for forty years. Their enrollment projection is old and not considering the new universal pre-kindergarten (UPK) program; their financial projection is old and not considering the new funding from the CA and CUSD have $45million balance this year. School closure should NOT be a rushed decision; it should not be based on the old enrollment and financial projection. Many housing projects around here and enrollment will surely go up! We cannot let our kids to play in overcrowded schools Please put my email in public record Leon From:Jie Xun To:City Clerk Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:29:01 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Sir/Madam, I'm from the Meyerholz neighborhood. Please add my email to the public record. I'm writing to strongly urge you to revoke school closures in CUSD. As residents in CUSD, we are helpless and hopeless without your help. We paid very high tax to live in CUSD primarily for the education. We've tried everything we could to save our schools. But the heartless board members and the Superintendent don't want to hear our voices. I use OUR here because I'm not the only one who's fighting. We have hundreds of Meyerholz residents here that don't want our schools to be closed. They may not have time to email or make a public comment today. Closing schools is not the only solution. It's going to bring very bad influence to the community. If you do care about our kids, care about the future of Cupertino, Please, please help us to stop closing schools! Thank you! Hundreds of residents from wechat group "Meyerholz Home Owner" Sent from Mail for Windows From:Alan Tsui To:City Clerk; Alan Tsui Subject:request to the CUSD board for reconsidering school closures Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:30:34 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Officer, We agreed NOT to close schools (Regnart, Meyerholz, Muir) because they are good schools and have high ranking on usnews.com. If closure is unavoidable, the low ranking schools (blue hill) should be closed. Thanks Alan From:Yan Yu To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Please do NOT close CUSD schools Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:31:14 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear city council and city managers, please do not close any CUSD schools. I would like to keep this email in public record. Thanks! yan Sent from my iPhone From:huang Amanda To:City Clerk; City Council Subject:Cusd Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:31:15 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Cupertino City Council, As a CUSD parent, I strongly urge city to reach out to CUSD asking them to reconsider their school closure decision last year. Please put my email in public record. Get Outlook for iOS From:Shi Cheng To:City Council Cc:City Clerk Subject:Re: Public comment for Agenda Item #12 Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:31:25 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear mayor, vice mayor and city councils, Please help save our neighborhood schools. Please help to request CUSD reconsider the decision. It is ridiculous that how early they set Los Altos, Saratoga and Santa Clara schools out of the discussion for closing. The message was address by former superintendent a few years ago, simply because they were the single school of CUSD located in their city. I am not sure if this is reasonable and there are all kinds of conflict of interest from our CUSD board members. Please help them to make right decisions. Regnart parent On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 3:07 PM frances hu <frances_hu@hotmail.com> wrote: Dear Mayor Paul, Vice Mayor Zhao and all city councils: Thank you for your consideration of issuing a request to the CUSD board for reconsideration of the future closure of Regnart and other CUSD schools, We Regnart parents here truly appreciate your effort! As a CUSD parent and long-term resident of city of Cupertino, I can't agree more with Tracy's comments. CUSD has abused Cupertino taxpayer's money by closing Regnart while $$supporting schools in Los Altos and Saratoga, though Cupertino residents account for over 50% of CUSD voter and funding base. CUSD's redirection of enrollment and resources elsewhere is total discrimination against city of Cupertino schools and violation of educational equity rights of our children and our families. In addition, packing the Lincoln Elementary with more Regnart students would create more traffic burden on some of our city's already overcrowded roads at peak time, and bring more traffic safety concerns to our children, our families, and our community. It is painful to hear of students sitting on the floor at lunch because there aren't enough benches for them to sit on. It is painful to hear that schools must have staggered lunches, and students can't even socialize with other grade levels because the school is too crowded. It is even more painful for parents to worry everyday about the safety of their children while on the roads/parking lots next to their school. We, Cupertino taxpayers, deserve better school environment for our children and our community. A safe, great NHS is one of the most valuable assets of our city, and one of the major reasons for families to move and live here. For the sake of our city and our children/families, pls take immediate action to save Regnart, the long-term beloved NHS for Cupertino families and residents! Many thanks. All the best, Frances From: CUSD Parent <cusdparents9@gmail.com> Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 Subject: Public comment for Agenda Item #12 To: citycouncil@cupertino.org Cc: "punam.verma@gmail.com" <Punam.verma@gmail.com>, Fang Liu <liufang94@gmail.com>, "29ethanh@gmail.com" <29ethanh@gmail.com>, "deyunhan5566@gmail.com" <deyunhan5566@gmail.com>, "he000303@gmail.com" <he000303@gmail.com>, "lixin2008@gmail.com" <lixin2008@gmail.com>, "shuchentai@hotmail.com" <shuchentai@hotmail.com>, "haoxiaolin86@gmail.com" <haoxiaolin86@gmail.com>, "cindy110109@gmail.com" <cindy110109@gmail.com>, "dgg1226@gmail.com" <dgg1226@gmail.com>, "lanwei0131@gmail.com" <lanwei0131@gmail.com>, "guoyu1100@gmail.com" <guoyu1100@gmail.com>, "liulijuan@gmail.com" <liulijuan@gmail.com>, "sapiryjy@google.com" <sapiryjy@google.com>, "yangleying1114@gmail.com" <yangleying1114@gmail.com>, Jimmy Zhang <jzhang818@yahoo.com>, "lyun.li@gmail.com" <lyun.li@gmail.com>, Amy Pang <amy.pang@gmail.com>, "bettyatrainbow@gmail.com" <bettyatrainbow@gmail.com>, "anat.leshem@gmail.com" <anat.leshem@gmail.com>, "roni.feldsher@gmail.com" <roni.feldsher@gmail.com>, "aiykedon@yahoo.com" <aiykedon@yahoo.com>, "lkalluri@gmail.com" <lkalluri@gmail.com>, Benjamin Lu <Benjamin_lu2008@yahoo.com>, "kamainaoko@gmail.com" <kamainaoko@gmail.com>, "Sharlene_rain@yahoo.com" <Sharlene_rain@yahoo.com>, "shi.cheng@gmail.com" <shi.cheng@gmail.com>, Zuoping Cai <michelle.cai@gmail.com>, cusd parents <cusdparents11@gmail.com>, Jimmy Zhang <jzhang818@hotmail.com>, "lonmow02@gmail.com" <lonmow02@gmail.com>, "sonali.padgaonkar@gmail.com" <Sonali.Padgaonkar@gmail.com>, "verma.mayank@gmail.com" <verma.mayank@gmail.com>, "indusharma.13@gmail.com" <indusharma.13@gmail.com>, "Sai.Mylavarapu@gmail.com" <Sai.Mylavarapu@gmail.com>, "Swatitee@gmail.com" <Swatitee@gmail.com>, "shukla.r@gmail.com" <shukla.r@gmail.com>, "sana.mui@gmail.com" <sana.mui@gmail.com>, "Nelson.sana@gmail.com" <nelson.sana@gmail.com>, "lichenchong@gmail.com" <lichenchong@gmail.com>, "gouri.alampalli@gmail.com" <gouri.alampalli@gmail.com>, "pavan.alampalli@gmail.com" <pavan.alampalli@gmail.com>, "feiyan@gmail.com" <feiyan@gmail.com>, "liuxian9@gmail.com" <liuxian9@gmail.com>, "msangmitra@gmail.com" <msangmitra@gmail.com>, "csharma10@gmail.com" <csharma10@gmail.com>, "Jyoti_chaudhary@hotmail.com" <Jyoti_chaudhary@hotmail.com>, "Anilkc@hotmail.com" <Anilkc@hotmail.com>, "ketan.deshpande@gmail.com" <ketan.deshpande@gmail.com>, "maggie@fongan.net" <maggie@fongan.net>, "msfong@fongan.net" <msfong@fongan.net>, "Ye.zhao@gmail.com" <Ye.zhao@gmail.com>, Kevin Yang <Yangrch@gmail.com>, "Schan2003@gmail.com" <Schan2003@gmail.com>, "keshavp@gmail.com" <keshavp@gmail.com>, "megrao@gmail.com" <megrao@gmail.com>, Kelly Tong <kellytong531@gmail.com>, Nirupama <Nirupama.deshpande@gmail.com>, "Ms.trantnguyen@gmail.com" <Ms.trantnguyen@gmail.com>, "Tuan_t1@yahoo.com" <Tuan_t1@yahoo.com>, "vivek376@yahoo.com" <vivek376@yahoo.com>, "Samyuvgc1@gmail.com" <Samyuvgc1@gmail.com>, "Mailgd092@gmail.com" <Mailgd092@gmail.com>, "shilpa.loan@gmail.com" <shilpa.loan@gmail.com>, "maheshil@hotmail.com" <maheshil@hotmail.com>, "circlestop@gmail.com" <circlestop@gmail.com>, "Pojui.chen@gmail.com" <Pojui.chen@gmail.com>, "rumna.mishra@gmail.com" <Rumna.mishra@gmail.com>, "narainpoonam@gmail.com" <Narainpoonam@gmail.com>, Bing Liu <liubingyy@yahoo.com> Dear City Council, Below is my public comment for agenda item #12. I will raise my hand during that period to speak. __________________________________ Thank you Cupertino city councilmembers for urging CUSD to keep Regnart OPEN. I speak to you as a Cupertino taxpayer. We have put in countless dollars to CUSD for parcel and bond measures. We are tired of seeing tax dollars siphoned out of Cupertino, to go to schools in other cities. What happened with Bond Measure H? Per http://cusdbond.org/AR2021/byelementary.html, CUSD spent a total of $210M, including - $6M to renovate Regnart, which it voted to close - $7M to renovate Meyerholz, which it voted to close - $5M to renovate Dilworth, which was considered for closure - $8M to renovate Lincoln, which was considered for closure - $9M to renovate Stevens Creek Elementary, which was considered for closure Did we pay to fix up Regnart, just so it could be sold to a private school? Our taxpayer dollars are not meant to help create an attractive portfolio of "lease sites" for CUSD. They are meant to create better learning and educational environments for our students. If we, the taxpayers, had known that we were paying hard-earned money to renovate schools that would either be sold or considered for closure, we would not have supported this ballot measure. To hear CUSD to ask for even more bond funding after closing our schools simply adds insult to injury. In an email obtained via PRA request, the CUSD board named Saratoga and Los Altos schools as “anchor schools”. What does that make Cupertino schools? Second-tier? Did we pay so much in taxes to hear CUSD insist that Los Altos and Saratoga “ballot support” is important, while they ignore the entire city of Cupertino, over half of its voter and funding base? We, the residents of Cupertino, refuse to put more into a system that not only takes our money for little return, but subsequently PENALIZES us by closing our schools and redirecting our enrollment and resources elsewhere. We, the taxpayers, paid for better schools -- not to have children crammed into overcrowded schools. It is painful to hear of students sitting on the floor at lunch because there aren't enough benches for them to sit on. It is painful to hear about the bumper-to-bumper traffic in front of schools that is about to worsen. It is painful to hear that schools must have staggered lunches, and can't even socialize with other grade levels because the school is too crowded. This is, quite frankly, a worse educational experience than the one I grew up with in CUSD 20-30 years ago. Cupertino City Council, we thank you for your efforts tonight in helping to keep Regnart open. __________________________________ Many thanks, Tracy From:Liu Rui To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:Plead to request CUSD board to reconsider closure of Regnart and Meyerholz elementary schools Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:32:51 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear city council, As an elementary student's parent of CUSD, I plead with you to issue a request to CUSD to reconsider the decision to close Regnart and Meyerholz elementary schools. Thank you! Best, Rui P.S. Please put my email in public record From:Alan Tsui To:City Clerk; Alan Tsui Subject:Re: request to the CUSD board for reconsidering school closures Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:35:44 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Officer,. We agreed NOT to close schools (Regnart, Meyerholz, Muir) because they are good schools and have high ranking on usnews.com. If closure is unavoidable, the low ranking schools (blue hill) should be closed.. Thanks. Alan. On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 4:30 PM Alan Tsui <alantsui10@gmail.com> wrote: Hi Officer, We agreed NOT to close schools (Regnart, Meyerholz, Muir) because they are good schools and have high ranking on usnews.com. If closure is unavoidable, the low ranking schools (blue hill) should be closed. Thanks Alan From:邓超 To:City Council; City Clerk Subject:oppose closing schools in CUSD Date:Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:40:57 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear council members, I strongly oppose closing schools in CUSD. Some board members used insufficient financial resources as an excuse to propose closing schools like Meyerholz. However, based on the public figures, we do not see a financial problem with schools in CUSD. In addition, the proposal is premature and completely ignores other potential issues like traffic, and children's safety, Therefore I am strongly against closing schools in CUSD. Thank you for your time. Please put my email in the public record. Best, Chao