CC 06-09-2022 Item No. 1 Community Funding_Written Communications (Single File)CC 06-09-2022 Item No. 1 Community Grant Funding Program Written Communications 1 Kirsten Squarcia Subject:FW: information about Omniware Networks to address your questions last night Attachments:CA registration approved.pdf From: Omniware Networks <omniwarenetworks@gmail.com>   Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 3:49 PM  To: City Council <CityCouncil@cupertino.org>; Kitty Moore <Kmoore@cupertino.org>; Hung Wei  <HWei@cupertino.org>; Jon Robert Willey <JWilley@cupertino.org>; Liang Chao <LiangChao@cupertino.org>; Darcy  Paul <DPaul@cupertino.org>  Cc: Rachelle Sander <RachelleS@cupertino.org>  Subject: information about Omniware Networks to address your questions last night  CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the  sender and know the content is safe.  Dear Cupertino City Council members,   I was not able to attend last night's meeting and appreciate everyone's attention and time to review and discuss our  applications for the community fund.  I watched the YouTube video today and noticed that people have some questions about our organization.  I'd like to  provide the accurate information of our organization for you to consider / review.  1)I include the IRS link here, which verifies our 501c(3) nonprofit status and our tax report is complete/compliant through 2021.  The quick snapshots of our tax records published by IRS are below: 2 2)We are a registered nonprofit organization in California, a copy of the CA registration is attached. 3)We have been partnering with and received grants from the County of Santa Clara.  County had an official press release highlighting our organization (click here) 4)Our activities: on our websites and our application form, we only publish select activities that we organized but not an exhaustive list, since many of our volunteers do small and grassroot activities. We believe it is a good way to contribute to and engage with communities, and should be aligned with Cupertino's community fund vision and mission ‐ which was also stated by the vice mayor last night. 5)Our size: One key personnel retired in recent year and we are in the process of backfilling. Anything else that I can provide in order to enable the you to review our application based on the accurate  information?  If a live presence at the meeting is helpful, I'd be glad to attend if someone can let me know the time/date  in advance.  Thanks  Judy  4855568 02/28/2022 I, STEVE R. HOBBS, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian of its seal, hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE OF OMNIWARE NETWORKS I CERTIFY that the records on file in this office show that the above named entity was formed under the laws of the State of Washington and that its public organic record was filed in Washington and became effective on 02/07/2007. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the entity’s duration is Perpetual, and that as of the date of this certificate, the records of the Secretary of State do not reflect that this entity has been dissolved. I FURTHER CERTIFY that all fees, interest, and penalties owed and collected through the Secretary of State have been paid. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the most recent annual report has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing and that proceedings for administrative dissolution are not pending. Issued Date: 02/28/2022 UBI Number: 602 693 803 Given under my hand and the Seal of the State of Washington at Olympia, the State Capital Steve R. Hobbs, Secretary of State Date Issued: 02/28/2022 4855568 NP-25 (REV 1 71(66 5(2)H[HFXWH WKLV FHUWLILFDWH DQG DIIL[WKH UHDW 6HDO RI WKH 6WDWH RI DOLIRUQLD WKLV GD\RI State of California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arch 8, 2022. KVM CC 06-09-2022 Item No.1 Community Grant Funding Program Updated Attachment C Evaluation Totals and Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation Desk Item Memorandum June 9, 2022 To: City Council From: Rachelle Sander, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Subject: Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Community Funding Grant Program ______________________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this memo is to update the City Council on information requested at the June 7 regular meeting. Organizational status of Omniware Networks. The current Community Funding policy states that an organization must be a 501c3 non- profit. 501c3 non-profits are not issued a new IRS letter each year, however, the IRS website allows you to download a spreadsheet of current non-profits. The spreadsheet is updated monthly. Given that Omniware Networks 501c3 status is in Washington, staff has downloaded the list for Washington State (Attachment A). Does the Cupertino Union School District qualify given the 501c3 requirement? The IRS considers educational organizations to be public charities by the nature of their structured educational offerings. Internal Revenue Code section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) defines educational organizations, which are most referred to as "schools." While public schools may apply for recognition of tax-exempt status under section 501c3 of the internal revenue services code (IRC), this step is not required for such organizations to qualify for grants. Given the IRS definition of schools, funding a school district would be up to City Council’s discretion. Metrics use for organizations such as West Valley Community Services, School Districts, Omniware Networks, and Relay for Life. The Community Funding Policy (Attachment B) states the following metrics for eligibility and evaluation criteria: Eligibility To receive consideration for a Community Funding Grant, grant requests must: • Be made or sponsored by a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with experienced members capable of implementing and managing the program/project/event. • Identify how the funds will be used to benefit the Cupertino community. • Be awarded only once per project • For specific needs, not ongoing, operational costs. • Have more than 75% of the requested funds allocated for direct service costs versus administrative costs. • Be complete and submitted by the application deadline. Evaluation Criteria • Impact on and benefit to the Cupertino community • Community need for the program/project/event • Alignment with City mission and values • Uniqueness of the program/project/event • Qualifications and experience of the organization and its members • Reasonable cost • Demonstrated effort to secure funding from other sources and/or establishing partnerships with other community or city organizations • Clarity, completeness, and accuracy of grant application • Past performance and compliance with requirements if a recurring applicant Regarding future funding, the policy does not set expectations for multi-year grant approval. Each year the organizations must fill out a new application if they wish to be considered for funding. The final funding approval each year is at the discretion of City Council. Parks and Recreation Commission uses the funding totals form (Attachment C) when providing their total out of 100 for each organization. Organizations are ranked by Parks and Recreation Commission after a meeting for questions and clarification with the organizations and then the evaluation and eligibility process. This year the questions and clarification meeting was March 3 and the evaluation and eligibility meeting was April 7. The Parks and Recreation Commission’s funding recommendation may be different than City Council’s final funding recommendation. Final funding is at the discretion of City Council. Third party funding The current Community Funding Policy does not preclude the use of a third party to run the program, project, or event being applied for. In the case of the Fremont Union High Schools Foundation request that includes Care Solace for a Mental Health program, the decision to fund or not would be at City Council’s discretion. Care Solace does have a webpage that speaks more to their organization. https://www.caresolace.org/ Other City money received by the organizations Staff pulled information from the past five years on any money paid to organizations that applied for Community Funding this year (Attachment C). The payments include: • Prior community funding grants • Payments for contractual classes through Parks & Recreation • Other grant programs • Payments for rental of facilities (i.e.: Fourth of July, Pools for Learn to Swim program, field house for sports classes/camps, etc.) Festival funding is not captured in this spreadsheet. Three organizations that are proposed for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023 festival funding (Attachment D) are also applicants for Community Grant Funding. The organizations are Cupertino Rotary, Cupertino Bhubaneswar Sister City, and American Cancer Society. Community Funding Historical funding information (Attachment E) is also provided. CUSD clarifications • The program will be at Sedgwick Elementary School and will serve Cupertino residents from that area • "Selected students" means students who meet the state criteria: Low income, Foster Youth, or English Learners. The lowest achieving students from these groups are prioritized to address capacity limitations and serve students who need support • The program is free of charge to our students • The School District does not plan to apply annually for this city grant Omniware Networks: Why there are only two Board Members for this non-profit organization? My understanding is that non-profit Board should have at least 3 Board members: President (or Chair), Secretary, Treasurer. The state of California requires a minimum of one board member for each organization. The IRS requires a minimum of three, to retain tax-exempt status the organization needs to comply with both. Omniware networks has had turn-over and is actively looking to replace the third board member. Omniware Networks: Are the two board members and two staff different people? One board member is also staff; however, all “staff” are volunteers, no one in the organization gets paid. Omniware Networks: Does the non-profit keep its monthly board meeting minutes? Yes, Omniware keeps records of their board meeting minutes. Additional Information: FY 2021-2022 agreements were implemented with organizations that were approved for funding (Attachment G). Additional funding received by organizations for the specific program, project, or event they are applying to receive funding for is answered in question 14 of the organization’s application. Attachments: A – Washington Non-Profit List B – Community Funding Policy C – Commission Totals Form D – Five years of payments to applicable organizations E – Proposed FY 2022-2023 Festival Costs F – Community Funding Historical Funding Information FY 2018-2022 G – Community Funding Agreement EIN NAME 260262566 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 260267290 EDENSAW COMMUNITY CANCER FOUNDATION 260276699 CASCADE PAYROLL ASSOCIATION 260280801 GREYWOLF PTA 260285747 NORTH COUNTY WILDCATS VOLLEYBALLCLUB 260286017 NINOS CON VALOR INC 260286346 SPOKANE TURBINE CENTER 260295234 WASHINGTON STATE ANIMAL RESPONSETEAM 260302417 SPOKANE URBAN MINISTRIES 260309541 TONASKET MENNONITE CHURCH SCHOOL 260309672 FAHEY FAMILY FOUNDATION 260311125 KIDS FIRST ENTERPRISE 260319149 COLLABORATIVE PROFESSIONALS OFWASHINGTON 260319712 OMNIWARE NETWORKS 260324244 MYANMAR HOPE CHRISTIAN MISSION INC 260328868 TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL 260330950 THE GENESIS PROJECT SEATTLE 260332102 ANIMAL AID & RESCUE FOUNDATION 260335623 COLFAX THRIFTY GRANDMOTHERS 260337748 ISD WOMENS LACROSSE CLUB 260337980 MICK LAMB FOUNDATION 260356858 SENIOR CITY COUNCIL 260366014 NORTHWEST WIRELESS ASSOCIATION 260366230 ENUMCLAW FORESTED FOOTHILLSRECREATION ASSOCIATION 260370293 WASHINGTON SCHOOL COUNSELORASSOCIATION 260378733 LENORE HANAUER FOUNDATION 260380763 HOMELESS BACKPACKS 260381569 THE WALLA WALLA BLUE MOUNTAIN ARCHERS 260387536 RED CEDAR ZEN COMMUNITY 260387930 SOUTH HILL ARTISTS 260392161 FRANCE EDUCATION NORTHWEST 260395749 EASTERN WASHINGTON ATV ASSOCIATIONINCORPORATED 260400785 PUERTA ABIERTA FOUNDATION 260409082 WISDOMTOOTH 260415703 SISTERS OF MARY MOTHER OF THE CHURCH 260418345 CROSSWATER COMMUNITY CHURCH 260425275 WHITMAN COMMUNITY HOSPITALAUXILIARY 260427221 ROTARY CLUB OF LAKEWOOD WASHINGTON CHARITABLE FUND 260435523 THE AARON SCHULTE MEMORIAL FOUNDATION 260436574 BIG LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY AUXILIARY 260444160 FRED GOLDBERG FAMILY FOUNDATION 260445647 UNION BAND BOOSTER ASSOCIATION 260451866 HARVEST BAPTIST CHURCH 260469538 WHATCOM POETRY SERIES 260476938 MOSAIC MINISTRIES 260481964 SEATTLE CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Fiscal Policies – Community Funding Grant Policy PURPOSE The City of Cupertino currently provides funding to local non-profit organizations in the areas of social services, fine arts and other programs for the general public. The policy provides a framework for the City's Community Funding Grant Program and guides the administration of the program and decision-making process. It also provides guidance on key aspects of the City's Community Funding Grant Program processes including: Eligibility, Evaluation Criteria, Restrictions/Guidelines, and Procedure. SCOPE All requests for funding must comply with this policy. POLICY The City has established the Community Funding Grant Program, subject to availability of funds, with a range of $70,000 to $90,000 in total funding available. Community Funding Grants shall not exceed $20,00 per applicant, per year. City Council will determine the organizations to be awarded funds through the Community Funding Grant Program. City Staff shall review applications for completeness and review the qualifications and accuracy based upon the eligibility criteria set forth below. In all cases, the City reserves the right to reject any and all applications in the event staff identifies a potential conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. Submission of an application in no way obligates the City to award a grant and the City reserves the right to reject any or all applications, for any reason, at any time. Eligibility To receive consideration for a Community Funding Grant, grant requests must: • Be made or sponsored by a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with experienced members capable of implementing and managing the program/project/event. • Identify how the funds will be used to benefit the Cupertino community. • Be awarded only once per project • For specific needs, not ongoing, operational costs. • Have more than 75% of the requested funds allocated for direct service costs versus administrative costs. • Be complete and submitted by the application deadline. Evaluation Criteria • Impact on and benefit to the Cupertino community • Community need for the program/project/event • Alignment with City mission and values • Uniqueness of the program/project/event • Qualifications and experience of the organization and its members • Reasonable cost • Demonstrated effort to secure funding from other sources and/or establishing partnerships with other community or city organizations • Clarity, completeness, and accuracy of grant application • Past performance and compliance with requirements if a recurring applicant Applications will be sorted into two categories: • New applicants • Past recipients Applications in each category will be evaluated using a tiered structure based on the dollar amount requested for award as follows: • < $999.99 • $1,000.00 - $4,999.99 • $5,000.00 – $9,999.99 • $10,000.00 - $20,000.00 Restrictions/Guidelines • An organization that is applying for multiple grants shall only submit one application. • Proceeds generated from the funded activity may only be used for the conducted activity. • If requested, recipients must provide full financial statements for the organization. • Admission to or participation in the event must be "free of charge" for Cupertino residents unless stated in the application and approved by Parks & Recreation Commission. • If an applicant makes a grant request directly to a member of the City Council, whether individually or as a group, the Council shall refer the applicant to the Parks and Recreation Department for a Grant application to be reviewed in accordance with this policy. • Grant recipients shall acknowledge the City contribution in formal promotional materials and efforts related to the funded activity. Any use of the City logo must be approved by the City’s Communications Officer. Procedure 1. Applicants submit timely and complete grant applications by February 1. 2. City Staff reviews application for completeness and compliance eligibility. 3. Applications will then be forwarded to the Parks and Recreation Commission to be evaluated and sorted into the tiered funding structure. All applicants will be notified and invited to attend the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting where their applications will be discussed. This meeting typically takes place in Spring. 4. City Council will make the final decision on grant amounts for each applicant as part of the budget adoption which typically happens in June. All applicants will be notified and invited to attend the City Council Meeting where their applications will be discussed. 5. Grant recipients shall submit a written report to the Parks and Recreation Department to show proof that the grant funds have been spent in the manner and for the purposes stated on the application, including information about the number of persons served and other results that benefit Cupertino. o Due by the 15th business day of July following the Fiscal Year in which grant funds are disbursed. o Failure to submit a written report by the July deadline could result in the loss of grant funding eligibility in the future. o Applicants will be expected to reimburse the City any funding awarded and not used for their program/project/event. Evaluation Criteria Fu n d i n g f r o m p r i o r y e a r (i f a p p l i c a b l e ) Impact on and benefit to the Cupertino Community - Total # participants - # of Cupertino part. - Cost per resident - Availability of event to the Cupertino Community Community Need for the program/ project/event - Demonstrated community impact Alignment with City Mission and Values - Exceptional Service - Education - Innovation - Collaboration Uniqueness of the program/ project/event - Unduplicated service/ originality - Level of collaboration if a duplicated service Reasonable Cost - How will the organization use the grant funds Demonstrated effort to secure funding from other sources - Non-City funding sources or - Established partnerships with other organizations Qualifications /experience of the organization/ members NEW APPLICANTS: Application Impact - Originality RETURNING APPLICANTS: Application Impact - Past performance and program efficacies Total Score NOTES: To t a l B u d g e t Am o u n t R e q u e s t e d Max Points 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Organization: Silicon Valley Jewish Film Festival Program/Project/Event: Silicon Valley jewish Film Festival Organization: Monta Vista High School Music Boosters Inc Program/Project/Event: Monta Vista Speech Program Organization: Rotary Club of Cupertino Program/Project/Event: Silicon Valley Fall Festival Organization: West Valley Community Services Program/Project/Event: Gift of Hope 2022 Organization: Omniware Networks Program/Project/Event: Peace Love Unity Youth Art Contest Exhibition Organization: Palisadoes Foundation Program/Project/Event: Calico Challenge SF Organization: American Cancer Society Program/Project/Event: Relay for Life - Silicon Valley North Organization: STEMBoost Corporation Program/Project/Event: STEMBoost Summer Workshop Organization: Youngzine Program/Project/Event: Summer Youth Climate Steward Program Organization: Able 2 Shine Program/Project/Event: Teens Club Events in 2022 Organization: Cupertino Educational Endowment Foundation Program/Project/Event: Expansion of the Teacher Grant Program Organization: Cupertino Union School District Program/Project/Event: CUSD Summer Bridge Organization: Fremont Union School District Foundation Program/Project/Event: Care Solace Prtnership for Mental Health Services Organization: Women SV Program/Project/Event: Technical Support for Domestic Abuse Survivors Organization: Breathe California of the Bay Area Program/Project/Event: Seniors Breather Easy Organization: Tian Hong Foundation Program/Project/Event: 2022 Tian Hong Cross Cultural Youth Art Contest Organization: Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation Program/Project/Event: Healthy Cupertino Health Fair Organization: Cupertino Bhubansewar Sister City Initiative Program/Project/Event: Bhubansewar Sister City Festival for Exchange Immersian Organization: Euphrat Museum of Art - DeAnza College Program/Project/Event: Euphrat Museum Exhibitions and Events Organization: Senior Services - Heart of the Valley Program/Project/Event: COVID Car Kit Organization: Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care Program/Project/Event: Mindfully Facing Grief and Loss and Starting the Conversation Vendor AP Invoice Item Item Detail Description Fiscal Calendar  2018 Fiscal Calendar  2019 Fiscal Calendar  2020 Fiscal Calendar  2021 Fiscal Calendar  2022 Grand Total 0 ‐ HEART OF THE VALLEY Community Funding Grant Program FY 2020 FUNDING 7,000.00 7,000.00 TOTALS 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 0 ‐ WomenSV Mayor's Fund FY 20‐21 Mayor's Fund donation to WomenSV 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 1551 ‐ CHINESE AMERICAN COALITION COMPASSIONATE CARE Community Funding Grant Program Starting the Conversation and Mindful Self‐Care 12,000.00 12,000.00 1551 ‐ CHINESE AMERICAN COALITION COMPASSIONATE CARE Contract Services Distribution for Community Funding Grant Recipient 6,000.00 6,000.00 TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 18,000.00 1553 ‐ SILICON VALLEY JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL Contract Services Distribution for Community Funding Grant Recipient 5,000.00 5,000.00 TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 1692 ‐ Tian Hong Foundation Community Funding Grant Program 2021 Youth Art Contest (Nature and Me)3,000.00 3,000.00 TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1708 ‐ Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation Community Funding Grant Program Healthy Cupertino Health Fair 7,400.00 7,400.00 TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,400.00 7,400.00 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense None 652.98 652.98 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Contract Services Kennedy Waste Audit 645.00 645.00 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense CUSD facility use for July 4 1,059.14 1,059.14 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense July 4 event‐ Sedgwick permit fees‐ 7.4.19 30.00 30.00 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense July 4 event‐ Hyde Middle permit fees‐ 7.4.19 1,261.64 1,261.64 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Contract Services Lawson Teen Center ‐ Rental Fees FY 19‐20 22,187.22 22,187.22 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Contract Services Lawson Teen Center ‐ Rental Fees FY 19‐20 18,653.50 18,653.50 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District General Service Agreement Cell Plan and Web Page Maintenance Req# D19‐01457 1,424.60 1,424.60 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Dilworth School creek ed busing 5/18 and 5/23/17 434.81 434.81 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Dilworth school creek ed busing 9/25 and 9/26/17 443.58 443.58 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Garden Gate School Creek Ed Busing 10/17/17 209.87 209.87 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Busing to 3rd grade creek education program at McClellan 154.04 154.04 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Busing to 3rd grade creek education at McClellan 747.74 747.74 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing 3rd grade creek busing to McClellan‐Collins, GG, Eaton, Eisenhow 1,452.48 1,452.48 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing 3rd grade busing to McClellan‐Murdock, Sedgwick 1,323.54 1,323.54 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing De Vargas busing to McClellan for creek education 504.28 504.28 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing 3rd Grade Creek Ed busing ‐ 5 schools, 7 days 1,185.47 1,185.47 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing 3rd grade creek busing ‐ Faria 357.03 357.03 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing busing of 3rd graders to creek education at McClellan 436.37 436.37 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Collins school busing to 3rd grade creek ed 161.88 161.88 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing De Vargas School busing for creek education 222.26 222.26 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Eaton, Muir, De Vargas, Eisenhower buses to creek education 823.47 823.47 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Eaton, Collins busing to creek education 388.07 388.07 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Stocklmeir busing to creek education ‐ 4 days 839.78 839.78 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Nimitz busing to creek education 370.78 370.78 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing busing for Sedgwick students to McClellan 410.94 410.94 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing creek ed busing ‐ 6 trips 1,219.34 1,219.34 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing creek ed busing ‐ Faria 5/24/19 299.59 299.59 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing 3rd grade creek ed busing Garden Gate and Regnart 613.27 613.27 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing 3rd Grade Creek Ed ‐ Blue Hills School 9‐28‐18 193.87 193.87 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Creek education busing Stevens Creek Elem 403.42 403.42 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing Sedgwick‐Blue Hills‐DeVargas‐Eaton ‐ Creek Ed buses 995.19 995.19 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing M. Portal 3rd grade creek busing 759.47 759.47 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Creek Education ‐ Busing StevensCreek‐M.Portal‐Collins‐Stocklmeir ‐ creek ed busing 1,680.48 1,680.48 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Special Departmental Exp Clean Water and Storm Protection Fee Reimbursement FY 2019‐2020 8,705.80 8,705.80 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Special Departmental Exp Clean Water and Storm Protection Fee Reimbursement FY 2020‐2021 8,705.80 8,705.80 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense Accrual FY1718 ‐ CUSD 17‐18 Permits 789.75 789.75 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense Accrual FY1718 ‐ CUSD 17‐18 Permits 4,954.50 4,954.50 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense Accrual FY1718 ‐ CUSD 17‐18 Permits 958.50 958.50 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense Accrual FY1718 ‐ CUSD 17‐18 Permits 4,483.50 4,483.50 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense Accrual FY1718 ‐ CUSD 17‐18 Permits 958.50 958.50 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense Accrual FY1718 ‐ CUSD 17‐18 Permits 2,983.50 2,983.50 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense Accrual FY1718 ‐ CUSD 17‐18 Permits 5,589.00 5,589.00 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense Accrual FY1718 ‐ CUSD 17‐18 Permits 5,335.50 5,335.50 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District Rent Expense Accrual FY1718 ‐ CUSD 17‐18 Permits 2,085.75 2,085.75 198 ‐ Cupertino Union School District General Supplies Facility Use Permits for 2016‐2017 3,579.94 3,579.94 TOTALS 39,620.63 8,478.12 5,324.07 49,546.52 8,705.80 111,675.14 250 ‐ EUPHRAT MUSEUM OF ART Community Funding Grant Program FY 2020 FUNDING 10,000.00 10,000.00 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Community Funding Grant Program Distribution for Community Funding Grant Recipient 10,000.00 10,000.00 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Community Funding Grant Program Euphrat Museum Exhibitions and Events 2021‐2022 15,000.00 15,000.00 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services Euphrat Museum of Art ‐Grant Funding for FY 18‐19 10,000.00 10,000.00 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Grant Expenditures Grant funding for FY17‐18 10,000.00 10,000.00 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services Spring 2017 Classes (Missed Payment) 7,992.80 7,992.80 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services Youth Art Instruction FY 18‐19 16,428.10 16,428.10 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services Youth Art Instruction FY 18‐19 7,508.80 7,508.80 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services Youth Art Instruction FY 18‐19 7,471.75 7,471.75 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services Youth Art Instruction FY 18‐19 3,482.70 3,482.70 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services Youth Art Instruction FY 19‐20 8,950.50 8,950.50 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services Youth Art Instruction FY 19‐20 988.00 988.00 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services Euphrat Fall 2019 Check Reissue 5,096.00 5,096.00 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services Euphrat Winter 2020 Check Reissue 3,763.00 3,763.00 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE Contract Services FY 21‐22 Youth Art Instruction 1,776.00 1,776.00 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE General Service Agreement Euphrat Museum of Art Agreement (7/1/17 ‐ 6/30/18) 5,083.00 5,083.00 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE General Service Agreement Euphrat Museum of Art Agreement (7/1/17 ‐ 6/30/18) 7,842.25 7,842.25 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE General Service Agreement Euphrat Museum of Art Agreement (7/1/17 ‐ 6/30/18) 11,805.30 11,805.30 250 ‐ FHDA CCD EUPHRAT MUSEUM DE ANZA COLLEGE General Service Agreement Euphrat Museum of Art Agreement (7/1/17 ‐ 6/30/18) 15,811.90 15,811.90 TOTALS 58,535.25 44,891.35 19,938.50 18,859.00 16,776.00 159,000.10 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES Community Funding Grant Program FY 2020 FUNDING 20,000.00 20,000.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Community Funding Grant Program Out of Cycle Funding‐ Gift of Hope 2019 5,000.00 5,000.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Community Funding Grant Program Gift of Hope Holiday Program 10,000.00 10,000.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Contract Services Distribution for Community Funding Grant Recipient 20,000.00 20,000.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Contract Services Poverty Simulation 2019 1,000.00 1,000.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Contract Services Haven to Home Job Training Pilot Program 14,305.81 14,305.81 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Contract Services Haven to Home Job Training Pilot Program 14,282.61 14,282.61 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Contract Services Haven to Home Job Training Pilot Program 5,187.16 5,187.16 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Contract Services Haven to Home Job Training Pilot Program 16,990.41 16,990.41 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Contract Services Haven to Home Job Training Pilot Program 10,867.68 10,867.68 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Contract Services Haven to Home Job Training Pilot Program 9,057.51 9,057.51 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Contract Services Haven to Home Job Training Pilot Program 13,241.70 13,241.70 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures HAVEN TO HOME 11,246.69 11,246.69 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures HAVEN TO HOME 12,390.94 12,390.94 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures HAVEN TO HOME 11,611.72 11,611.72 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures HAVEN TO HOME 4,750.65 4,750.65 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 19‐20 9,097.48 9,097.48 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation FY 19‐20 11,536.06 11,536.06 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 19‐20 0.00 0.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 19‐20 12,268.09 12,268.09 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 20‐21 18,283.30 18,283.30 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 19‐20 7,098.24 7,098.24 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 20‐21 21,844.51 21,844.51 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 20‐21 20,511.86 20,511.86 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 20‐21 5,140.33 5,140.33 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 21‐22 18,269.94 18,269.94 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 21‐22 8,386.89 8,386.89 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 21‐22 20,200.92 20,200.92 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Capital Housing Grant 10104 Vista Dr 99,346.67 99,346.67 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Capital Housing Grant 10104 Vista Dr 14,794.36 14,794.36 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Capital Housing Grant 10104 Vista Dr 51,575.17 51,575.17 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation Project 29,480.75 29,480.75 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation Project 73,353.51 73,353.51 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation Project 65,517.74 65,517.74 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation Project 7,849.24 7,849.24 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation FY 19‐20 0.00 0.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Haven to Home FY 19‐20 28,945.00 28,945.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation FY 19‐20 14,365.00 14,365.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation FY 20‐21 57,130.83 57,130.83 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation FY 20‐21 54,386.77 54,386.77 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation FY 20‐21 63,332.80 63,332.80 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures  Vista Village Renovation FY 21‐22 49,835.46 49,835.46 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Vista Village Renovation Pay Period Jan ‐ April 22 55,295.37 55,295.37 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures CDBG CARE Program FY 17‐18 9,169.21 9,169.21 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures CDBG CARE Program FY 17‐18 9,245.85 9,245.85 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures CDBG CARE Program FY 17‐18 10,299.41 10,299.41 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures CDBG CARE Program FY 17‐18 3,773.53 3,773.53 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) 9,750.88 9,750.88 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) 9,098.74 9,098.74 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) 9,810.54 9,810.54 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) 6,339.46 6,339.46 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) 9,243.65 9,243.65 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) 10,452.81 10,452.81 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) 10,952.81 10,952.81 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) 4,996.89 4,996.89 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) FY 20‐21 9,840.78 9,840.78 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) FY 20‐21 10,994.82 10,994.82 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) FY 20‐21 10,634.75 10,634.75 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) FY 20‐21 6,989.72 6,989.72 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) FY 21‐22 9,975.16 9,975.16 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) FY 21‐22 9,367.85 9,367.85 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Community Access to Resources and Education (CARE) FY 21‐22 11,774.80 11,774.80 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures De Anza College Housing Program 0.00 0.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Contract Services WVCS_EmergencyAssistance_Final 50,000.00 50,000.00 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures BMR AHF Greenwood Ct Renovation FY 17‐18 45,475.63 45,475.63 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures BMR AHF Greenwood Ct Renovation FY 17‐18 55,116.23 55,116.23 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Accrual FY 17/18 BMR Greenwood Court Renovation 2018/06 21,672.98 21,672.98 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures Greenwood  Court Renovation Project 79,986.13 79,986.13 3930 ‐ WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SVCS AGENCY Grant Expenditures De Anza College Housing Program 25,000.00 25,000.00 TOTALS 320,469.04 331,186.99 194,956.03 324,090.47 277,039.27 1,447,741.80 4082 ‐ CUPERTINO ROTARY ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION Contract Services Cupertino Rotary‐Grant Funding for FY 18‐19 12,000.00 12,000.00 4082 ‐ CUPERTINO ROTARY ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION Contract Services Distribution for Community Funding Grant Recipient 12,000.00 12,000.00 4082 ‐ CUPERTINO ROTARY ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION Grant Expenditures Grant funding for FY17‐18 12,000.00 12,000.00 TOTALS 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 36,000.00 844 ‐ CUPERTINO ROTARY CLUB Community Funding Grant Program Cupertino Fall Festival 12,000.00 12,000.00 844 ‐ CUPERTINO ROTARY CLUB Membership and Dues FY19‐20 Cupertino Rotary Membership Dues 2020‐2021 390.00 390.00 844 ‐ CUPERTINO ROTARY CLUB Membership and Dues Angela Tsui Membership Dues 390.00 390.00 TOTALS 390.00 0.00 390.00 0.00 12,000.00 12,780.00 4579 ‐ BREATHE CALIFORNIA OF THE BAY AREA Community Funding Grant Program FY 2020 FUNDING 2,500.00 2,500.00 4579 ‐ BREATHE CALIFORNIA OF THE BAY AREA Contract Services Distribution for Community Funding Grant Recipient 4,000.00 4,000.00 TOTALS 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 0.00 6,500.00 5068 ‐ CUPERTINO BHUBANESWAR SISTER Sister City Program Sister City Student Exchange Program ‐ Policy Paid 0.00 0.00 5068 ‐ CUPERTINO BHUBANESWAR SISTER Sister City Program Sister City Student Exchange Program ‐ City Hall DInner 500.00 500.00 5068 ‐ CUPERTINO BHUBANESWAR SISTER Contract Services Distribution for Community Grant Funding Recipient 7,500.00 7,500.00 5068 ‐ CUPERTINO BHUBANESWAR SISTER Contract Services Bhubaneswar Sister City Reimbursement 900.00 900.00 5068 ‐ CUPERTINO BHUBANESWAR SISTER Sister City Program Sister City Student Exchange Program ‐ Policy Paid 920.00 920.00 TOTALS 0.00 1,420.00 0.00 8,400.00 0.00 9,820.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Contract Services Educational Classes and College Workshops FY 18‐19 67,978.00 67,978.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Contract Services Educational Classes and College Workshops FY 18‐19 19,320.00 19,320.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Contract Services Educational Classes and College Workshops FY 18‐19 27,150.00 27,150.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Contract Services Educational Classes and College Workshops FY 19‐20 70,978.00 70,978.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Contract Services Educational Classes and College Workshops FY 19‐20 153,630.00 153,630.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Contract Services FY 20‐21 Educational Classes and College Workshops 51,750.00 51,750.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT General Service Agreement FUHSD Agreement (7/1/17 ‐ 6/30/18) 11,128.00 11,128.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT General Service Agreement FUHSD Agreement (7/1/17 ‐ 6/30/18) 78,872.00 78,872.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Rent Expense 13862234 Cupertino High School 2018 Cupertino Summer Camps 1,163.00 1,163.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Rent Expense 13862234 Cupertino High School 2018 Cupertino Summer Camps 2,330.00 2,330.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Rent Expense 6027708 Cupertino High School City of Cupertino Summer Basketbal 1,165.00 1,165.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Rent Expense City of Cupertino Summer Learn to Swim Program at Monta Vista Hi 10,418.00 10,418.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Rent Expense 6027708 Cupertino High School City of Cupertino Summer Basketbal 2,191.00 2,191.00 5096 ‐ FREMONT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Swim Lessons 9168307 Monta Vista High School City of Cupertino Summer Learn t 16,473.00 16,473.00 TOTALS 91,163.00 128,361.00 243,272.00 51,750.00 0.00 514,546.00 Total Costs Festival Date Festival Producer Recreation Facility/Park/ Road Permits Public Works Sheriff Materials Total Kids 'N Fun Festival August 13, 2022 Taiwanese Cultural and Sports  Association $2,376 $5,510 $3,219 $4,852 $15,957 Dilli Haat Sept. 10, 2022 WomenNow $2,376 $3,000 $2,812 $4,003 $12,191 Day N Night Fun Fest Sept. 24, 2022 Cupertino Rotary $2,561 $4,304 $4,111 $5,822 $16,798 Diwali Festival Oct. 8, 2022 Cupertino Chamber of Commerce $2,207 $3,530 $3,176 $4,852 $13,764 Veterans Day November 11, 2022 Veteren's Memorial $675 $1,000 $0 $0 $1,500 $3,175 Ikebana Flower Show February (postponed  from Oct 22')WAFU Ikebana Society $2,944 $18,507 $543 $0 $21,994 Egg Hunt April 1,2023 The Home of Christ Church in  Cupertino $681.03 $2,000.00 $23.20 $0.00 $2,704.23 Holi April 1, 2023 Cupertino Chamber of Commerce $1,354 $1,720 $300 $2,183 $5,557 Cherry Blossom April 29‐ 30, 2023 Toyokawa Sister City $4,537 $16,878 $6,628 $9,461 $37,504 India Heritage Fair 18‐Mar‐23 Cupertino Bhubaneswar Sister City $2,037 $5,010 $3,136 $2,911 $13,094 Relay for Life June 17, 2023 American Cancer Society $309 $2,576 $14 $0 $2,899 Costs for FY 22/23 Events $22,059 $64,034 $23,962 $34,082 $1,500 $145,637 TOTAL Waived Fees $110,054.35 TOTAL City Paid $35,582.49 TOTAL Festival Costs Waived Fees City Paid expenses Proposed FY 2022‐2023 Festival Fee Costs Community Funding Historical Funding Fiscal Year 2018-2022 Organization FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY20-21 FY 21-22 Total Funding Received Friends of Deer Hollow Farm 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 7,000$ 67,000$ Cupertino Rotary 12,000$ 12,000$ 12,000$ 12,000$ 12,000$ 60,000$ Euphrat Museum of Art 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 15,000$ 55,000$ Cupertino Historical Society 15,000$ 15,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 90,000$ Iranian Federated Women's Club 400$ 400$ ---800$ Bay Area Chrysanthemum Show --1,300$ --1,300$ Cupertino Symphonic Band --2,000$ --2,000$ Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society --10,000$ 7,500$ 8,500$ 26,000$ Cupertino DeAnza Lion's Charities --10,000$ --10,000$ Heart of the Valley --7,000$ --7,000$ West Valley Community Services --20,000$ 20,000$ 10,000$ 50,000$ Breathe CA --2,500$ 4,000$ -6,500$ Elevate the Future ---3,000$ -3,000$ Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care ---6,000$ 12,000$ 18,000$ Bhubaneswar Sister City ---7,500$ -7,500$ Silicon Valley Jewish Film Festival ---5,000$ -5,000$ Cupertino Library Foundation ----15,000$ 15,000$ Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation ----7,400$ 7,400$ Valkyrie Robotics ----3,000$ 3,000$ Tian Hong Foundation ----3,000$ 3,000$ Monta Vista High School Music Boosters ----3,000$ 3,000$ Total 52,400$ 52,400$ 109,800$ 110,000$ 115,900$ 440,500$ Page 1 of 8 CITY OF CUPERTINO GRANT FUNDING AGREEMENT This Grant Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between the City of Cupertino, a municipal corporation (“City”), and ___________, a non-profit public benefit corporation (“Grantee”), together, the “Parties.” The allocation of funds pursuant to this Agreement will be a grant. This Agreement is effective on the last date signed below (“Effective Date”). The Parties agree as follows: 1. Purpose of Grant. This is a grant for ________________ as more specifically described in Exhibit A to this Agreement (“Grant Project” or “Grant Project Description”), and all work funded by this Agreement shall be completed in accordance with the Grant Project Description. 2. Term. This Agreement begins on the Effective Date and ends on June 30, 2023, unless terminated earlier as provided herein. 3. Grant. The total grant funding provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed the total sum of [grant maximum dollar amount in words] dollars ($[grant maximum dollar amount in numerals]) for work in connection with the Grant Project (the “Grant Funds”). 4. Disbursement of Grant Funds. The City will not disburse Grant Funds to Grantee until (1) this Agreement is fully executed, and (2) signed Federal Taxpayer ID Number Form (substitute IRS Form W-9) has been submitted. 5. Use of Grant Funds. In accepting grant funds, Grantee agrees that it shall use or expend grant funds, or any portion thereof, only as provided for in this Agreement and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, agrees to purchase materials, equipment, or other property specified in Exhibit A only for use in connection with the Grant Project authorized by this Agreement except as may be otherwise provided herein. 6. Grantee Obligations. 6.1 Performance. Grantee shall carry out the Grant Project to the best of Grantee’s ability and in accordance with the generally accepted professional and ethical standards of Grantee’s profession and community and currently approved methods and practices in Grantee’s field and in accordance with the standards required by the Grant Project Description. 6.2 Compliance with Laws. a. Grantee shall observe and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations of governmental agencies, including without limitation all provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1979, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and all other applicable federal, state, and local laws. Page 2 of 8 b. Grantee represents and warrants to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatsoever nature which are legally required for Grantee to complete the Grant Project. c. Grantee shall comply with all labor laws applicable to this Agreement. If the Grant Project Description includes a “public works” component, Grantee is required to comply with prevailing wage laws under Labor Code Section 1720 and other labor laws. d. Grantee shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religious creed, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnicity, handicap, disability, marital status, pregnancy, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, Acquired- Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or any other protected classification. Grantee shall comply with all anti-discrimination laws, including Government Code Sections 12900 and 11135, and Labor Code Sections 1735, 1777, and 3077.5. Consistent with City policy prohibiting harassment and discrimination, Grantee understands that harassment and discrimination directed toward a job applicant, an employee, a City employee, or any other person, by Grantee or its employees, contractors, or sub-contractors will not be tolerated. 6.3 Not an Employee. Grantee and the agents, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Grantee shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers or employees or agents of City. Grantee acknowledges and promises that City is not acting as an employer to any individuals furnishing services or work pursuant to this Agreement. 6.4 Benefits and Taxes. Grantee shall not have any claim under this Agreement or otherwise against City for seniority, vacation time, vacation pay, sick leave, personal time off, overtime, health insurance, medical care, hospital care, insurance benefits, social security, disability, unemployment, workers compensation or employee benefits of any kind. Grantee shall be solely liable for and obligated to pay directly all applicable taxes, including, but not limited to, federal and state income taxes, and in connection therewith Grantee shall indemnify and hold City harmless from any and all liability that City may incur because of Grantee’s failure to pay such taxes. 6.5 Return of Unused Grant Funds. Any Grant Funds not expended for the Grant Project and substantiated in the Grant Report described in Section 7, below, shall be reimbursed to the City no later than fifteen (15) business days after submission of the Grant Report. 7. Grant Report. By the fifteenth (15th) business day of July in the fiscal year following disbursement of the Grant Funds, Grantee must submit to the City a written report (the “Grant Report”) proving that Grant Funds have been spent in the matter and for the purposes stated in the grant application. The Grant Report shall include, at a minimum, a description of the work completed, a description of what the Grant Funds were spent on, Page 3 of 8 substantiating documentation for grant expenditures (e.g., invoices, timesheets), and information about the number of persons served and other results that benefit Cupertino. The Grant Report shall also identify whether all Grant Funds were expended. 8. City Obligations. City shall make timely grant disbursements and may provide, at its expense, such services of its officers and employees and such use of its premises, facilities, supplies, and equipment as the City in its sole discretion determines is necessary in connection with the administration or monitoring of this Agreement. Grantee shall not use any such City services, premises, facilities, supplies, or equipment for any purpose other than in the performance of Grantee’s obligations under this Agreement. 9. Grant Coordination. City Grant Manager. City assigns ____________ as the City’s representative(s) for all purposes under this Agreement, with authority to oversee the progress and performance of the Grant Project. City reserves the right to substitute another grant manager at any time, and without prior notice to Grantee. Contractor Project Manager. Subject to City approval, Grantee assigns ___________ as its single representative for all purposes under this Agreement, with authority to oversee the progress and performance of the Grant Project. City written approval is required prior to substituting a new representative. 10. Notice. All notices, requests and approvals must be sent in writing to the persons below, which will be considered effective on the date of personal delivery or the date confirmed by a reputable overnight delivery service, on the fifth (5th) calendar day after deposit in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified, or the next business day following electronic submission: To City of Cupertino: 10185 N Stelling Road Cupertino, CA 95014 Attention: Rachelle Sander – Community Funding Email: communityfunding@cupertino.org To Grantee: Attention: Email: 11. Assignments and Subcontracts. Grantee shall not assign, sublease, hypothecate, or transfer this Agreement, or any interest therein, directly or indirectly, by operation of law or otherwise, without prior written consent of City. Any attempt to do so will be null and void. Any changes related to the financial control or business nature of Grantee as a legal entity is considered an assignment of the Agreement and subject to City approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Control means fifty percent (50%) or more of the voting power of the business entity. Page 4 of 8 12. Retention of Records. Grantee must maintain complete and accurate accounting records relating to its performance in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The records must include detailed information of Grantee’s performance, benchmarks and deliverables, which must be available to City for review and audit. The records and supporting documents must be kept separate from other records and must be maintained for five (5) years from the date of City’s final payment. 13. Conflicts of Interest. Grantee shall comply with all conflict of interest laws applicable to this Agreement and must avoid any conflict of interest. Grantee warrants that no public official, employee, or member of a City board or commission who might have been involved in the making of this Agreement, has or will receive a direct or indirect financial interest in this Agreement, in violation of California Government Code Section 1090, et seq. Grantee may be required to file a conflict of interest form if Grantee makes certain governmental decisions or serves in a staff capacity, as defined in Section 18700 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations. Grantee agrees to abide by the City’s rules governing gifts to public officials and employees. 14. Rights to Material Produced. 14.1 Grantee agrees that all original writings, sound recordings, pictorial reproductions, drawings, data, computer programs, and other works of similar nature produced in the course of or under this Agreement, are subject to the rights of City as set forth in this section. City shall have the right to reproduce, publish, and use all such work, or any part thereof, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever and to authorize others to do so. If any such work is copyrightable, Grantee may copyright the same, except that, as to any work which is copyrighted by the Grantee, the City reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, and use such work, or any part thereof, and to authorize others to do so. Grantee agrees to deliver a reproducible copy of such documents and materials to City upon request. 14.2 City may, in its sole discretion, require Grantee to identify or credit City as the funding agency or source for all materials or products generated or produced by Grantee pursuant to the Grant Project Description. This identification or credit may take the form of a logo or other representative mark of City or representative wording (e.g. “funded in whole or in part by the City of Cupertino”) which is printed or applied directly on or to those materials or products. Grantee shall not use City materials including logos, flyers, etc., without written permission from City. 14.3 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Grantee shall have and retain title to all real or personal property purchased or funded with grant funds; provided, however, that City may require, as an additional condition of eligibility for grant funds and in advance of approval of this Agreement, that the Grantee provide security to City in order to ensure the performance of Grantee’s obligations under this Agreement and that those obligations are performed consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Page 5 of 8 15. Intellectual Property. Grantee represents and warrants that it has the legal right to utilize all intellectual property it will utilize in carrying out the Grant Project. Grantee shall indemnify and hold City harmless from all loss and liability, including attorneys’ fees, court costs, and all other litigation expenses for any infringement of the patent rights, copyright, trade secret, or any other proprietary right or trademark, and all other intellectual property claims of any person or persons in consequence of the use by City, or any of its officers or agents, of articles or work to be carried out in the performance of this Agreement. 16. Publicity. Any publicity generated by Grantee for the Grant Project under this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement and for one (1) year thereafter, will reference the City’s contributions in making the Grant Project possible. The words “City of Cupertino” will be displayed in all pieces of publicity, including flyers, press releases, posters, brochures, public service announcements, interviews, and newspaper articles. No signs may be posted, exhibited, or displayed on or about City property, except signage required by law or this Agreement, without prior written approval from the City. 17. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City, its employees, agents, and officials, from any liability, claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs (including, without limitation, costs and fees of litigation) of any kind whatsoever without restriction or limitation, incurred in relation to, as a consequence of or arising out of or in any way attributable actually, allegedly or impliedly, in whole or in part, to the performance of this Agreement. All obligations under this provision are to be paid by Grantee as they are incurred by the City. This Section 17 shall survive termination of the Agreement. 18. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, by providing thirty (30) days’ notice in writing to the other party. The City may terminate this Agreement at any time without prior notice in the event that Grantee commits a material breach of the terms of this Agreement. Upon termination, this Agreement shall become of no further force or effect whatsoever, and each of the Parties hereto shall be relieved and discharged from their obligations under this Agreement, subject to payment for acceptable grant implementation work carried out prior to the expiration of the notice of termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all provisions which by their nature must continue after the Agreement expires or is terminated shall survive the Agreement and remain in full force and effect, including but not limited to the Funding Agency Requirements, if applicable); Grantee Obligations, Benefits and Taxes (Section 6.4); Retention of Records (Section 12); Rights to Material Produced (Section 14); Intellectual Property (Section 15); Indemnification (Section 17); Governing Law, Venue, and Dispute Resolution (Section 19); and Attorneys’ Fees (Section 20). 19. Governing Law, Venue, and Dispute Resolution. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California. Any lawsuits filed related to this Agreement must be filed with the Superior Court for the County of Santa Clara, State of California. Grantee must comply with the claims filing requirements under the Government Code prior to filing a Page 6 of 8 civil action in court. If the Parties elect arbitration, the arbitrator’s award must be supported by law and substantial evidence and include detailed written findings of law and fact. 20. Attorneys’ Fees. If City initiates legal action, files a complaint or cross-complaint, or pursues arbitration, appeal, or other proceedings to enforce its rights or a judgment in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. 21. Waiver. Neither the acknowledgement of work or disbursement of grant funds pursuant to this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any rights or obligations arising under this Agreement. The failure by the City to enforce any of Grantee’s obligations or to exercise City’s rights shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 22. Notice of Nonrenewal. Grantee understands and agrees that there is no representation, implication, or understanding that Grantee may be entitled to grant funds in the future or that the work or other activity funded by City pursuant to this Agreement will be funded by the City under a new agreement following expiration or termination of this Agreement. Grantee waives all rights or claims to notice or hearing respecting any failure by City to continue to fund all or any such activities by Grantee following the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 23. Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. 24. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the full and complete understanding of every kind or nature between the Parties, and supersedes any other agreement(s) and understanding(s) on this subject, either oral or written, between the Parties. Any modification of this Agreement will be effective only if in writing and signed by each Party’s authorized representative. No verbal agreement or implied covenant will be valid to amend or abridge this Agreement. If there is any inconsistency between any term, clause, or provision of the main Agreement and any term, clause, or provision of the attachments or exhibits thereto, the terms of the main Agreement shall prevail and be controlling unless otherwise indicated. 25. Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement, or its application to a particular situation, is found by the court to be void, invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such term or provision shall remain in force and effect to the extent allowed by such ruling. All other terms and provisions of this Agreement or their application to specific situations shall remain in full force and effect. The Parties agree to work in good faith to amend this Agreement to carry out its intent. 26. Execution. Each individual executing this Agreement, on behalf of one of the Parties, represents that he or she is duly authorized to sign and deliver the Agreement on behalf of such party and that this Agreement is binding on such party in accordance with its terms. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Page 7 of 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused the Agreement to be executed. CITY OF CUPERTINO GRANTEE A Municipal Corporation By By Name Name Title Title Date Date Tax I.D. No.: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: ____________________________ _______________________________ CHRISTOPHER JENSEN KIRSTEN SQUARCIA Cupertino City Attorney City Clerk DATE: DATE: Page 8 of 8 Exhibit A Grant Project Description Background The City of Cupertino provides funding to local non-profit organizations in the areas of social services, fine arts and other programs for the general public through the Community Funding Grant Program. The program is guided by the Community Funding Grant Policy, which all funded organizations must adhere to. Grantee has applied for grant monies for the project described below and City has determined that the Grantee is qualified to receive grant funds. Project Description Please refer to Exhibit A-1. -End of Exhibit A-