TC 06-05-02Telecommunications Commission Regular Meeting June 5, 2002 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chair Sal Algeri called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Sal Algeri, David Eggleston, Reggie Duhe, L.T. Guttadauro (a~dved 7:02) Commissioners absent: Ernest Tsui Staff: Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren Guests: Linda Grodt, Bob Haber, Laura Dominguez-Yon, Dale Dwelle, Matt Weiland, Bill Boggle APPROVAL OF MAY 1, 2002 MINUTES Eggleston made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Duhe seconded the motion. All in favor. Guttadauro arrived at 7:02 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: Linda Grodt announced that the series of three programs that she did on the National Association of Student Councils Conference would be cablecast in November. L.T. Guttadauro thanked Sal Algeri for the article he wrote for the June Scene. Written: None The Commission agreed to take New Business item - Presentation from Cupertino High School out of order. NEW BUSINESS Presentation from Cupertino High School - recipient of the 2001 Educational Grant - Cupertino High School brought the video project they were able to create with the grant money they received from the city. Laura Dominquez-Yon, school administrator, said the students felt there was a need to communicate the rules of the student handbook to all the students in several languages. Two students (Dale Dwelle and Matt Weiland) were present at the meeting to answer questiOns. Instructor Bill Boggle explained in more detail about the making of the project. The commission viewed the video and requested a copy be sent to the city for their files. OLD BUSINE88 Activities Calendar. The commission reviewed the activities calendar. The date of the July commission meeting was changed from the 3rd to the lOth and the location of'the V~AME awards, which will be Santa Rosa, was added to the calendar. Annual Report Video Update: David Eggleston reported that he would present an oral report to council on July 15th instead of a video report. Action Item List: The commission reviewed the action item list. 1) No updates were received from Colin Jung on the wireless master plan project. 2) Reggie Duhe spoke to Leon Beaucham and he will come to the July 10th commission meeting with an update on the DSL rollout. 3) Rick has not received any updates on test data from AT&T. 4) Eddie Garcia will suggest three possible dates for tours. The tour will begin at 3:30 p.m. 5) Cupertino High School educational grant recipient item was deleted from the list. This item was completed. 6) No action on this item. Ernest Tsui will write future article for Scene on Pac Bell. Item 7 was added - Hold Forum. A tentative date was scheduled for October 2nd. NEW BUSINESS Review language - Educational Grant Guidelines and Application - The commission reviewed the educational grant guidelines and application. The commission recommended putting a revision date on the bottom of the document. It was also suggested to add language that the recipient selects a date for when they will come back with the finished product. It was the consensus of the commission to add to the guidelines that it is required that the applicant attend the commission meeting to answer questions when their application is discussed. L.T. Guttadauro made a motion to accept the educational grant guidelines and application as amended by the subcommittee. Reggie Duhe seconded the motion. All in favor. Proposal for COPA selection process - Bob Haber presented his ideas from his written report. Haber will compile the changes and additions to the COPA process and submit it to the commission at the July meeting for final approval. Discuss postponement or cancellation of July and August Commission meetings - The Commission agreed to postpone the July meeting to July 10th and wait until the July meeting to discuss the cancellation of the August meeting. Reports from: City of Cupertino: Kitson distributed three items 1) article on Wireless Service Tower Zoning, 2) May survey on Cell Towers 3) Notification from AT&T regarding rate increases. AT&T: No report De Anza College: Haber reported that they had just completed judging the Hometown tapes from other regions of the United States. Within the next two weeks they should received notification from the Hometown Awards regarding their award entries. The students of the new Broadcast Journalism class at De Anza began airing news segments on the channel during the month of May. Algeri thanked Haber for his work on the COPA process. ADJOURNMENT Guttadauro made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Duhc seconded and thc motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk