TC 04-03-02Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
April 3, 2002
Chair Sal Algeri called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioners present: Sal Algeri, David Eggleston, Reggie Duhe, Ernest Tsui (arrived 7:05p.m.)
Commissioners absent: L.T. Guttadauro
Staff: Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren, Colin Jung
Guests: Linda Grodt, Ted Kreines
Commission did not have a quorum at this time to approve the minutes.
Oral: None
Written: None
Reports from:
City of Cupertino: Colin Jung reported that at the last commission meeting in March he had
submitted reports from Ted Kreines. Jung distributed to the commission the Kreines & Kreines
statement of qualifications.
(Ernest Tsui arrived at 7:05 p.m.
Jung said in the past mobile usage was the big issue with everyone, but cellular home usage is
becoming more important. More and more people are beginning to use cellular service instead of
Jung introduced Ted Kreines and he reported on the progress of the wireless master plan. Jung will
prepare the wireless master plan and Ted Kreines will critique it. They proposed the wireless master
plan be free standing and not a part of the general plan.
Jung will put together a work schedule for the wireless master plan. Tsui and Algeri will work as
members of a subcommittee on this project.
Tsui made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Eggleston seconded the motion. All in
Activities Calendar.
The commission reviewed the activities calendar and no changes were
Annual Report Video Update: David Eggleston reported that he is working on the annual
report video and it should be completed soon.
Action Item List: The commission reviewed the action item list. 1) Letter to AT&T has gone
through several drafts and is now completed and ready to be mailed to AT&T. 2) Kitson prepared
bullet items for the annual report video and e-mailed them to Eggleston. 3) Ernest forwarded the Pac
Bell contact to the Mayor. 4) Haber sent an e-mail to Kitson with the information he prepared for the
COPA selection process, but he wasn't in attendance at the meeting so the commission decided to
continue this item until next month. 5) Jung will submit updates of the wireless master plan as he
receives them. 6) Duhe is working on inviting Leon Beauchamp, PacBell representative, to a
commission meeting. 7) Kitson has requested from AT&T the up-to-date reports. 8) Kitson will try
once again to set up a tour for the commissioners of AT&T. 9) Kitson will contact Cupertino High
School and ask for a copy of the video they produced with the grant money we gave them for the
Report on Public Access Forum - This item was continued to next month because Guttadauro
and Haber, who are taking the lead on this event, were not at the meeting.
COPA selection process - This item was continued to May 1, 2002.
Reports from:
City of Cupertino: Kitson informed the commission that he has been spending a great deal of
time on the AT&T/Comcast merger. Kitson distributed the letter he wrote to the Communications
Workers of America. He also reminded the commission that the CREST awards ceremony will take
place on May 16th at the Quinlan Community Center and nominations are due by April 12th at 4:30
AT&T: Eddie Garcia did not attend the meeting. Kitson distributed the customer service
reports from AT&T.
De Anza College: No report. Haber did not attend meeting
Duhe made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.; Tsui seconded and the motion passed
City Clerk