TC 02-06-02Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
February 6, 2002
Chair Sal Algeri called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: Sal Algeri, L.T. Guttadauro, Ernest Tsui, Reggie Duh6
Commissioners absent: David Eggleston
Staff: Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt, Bob Haber
It was suggested by the commission that an action items list be created and updated each
month. Linda will provide that information to the commission at the next meeting.
Guttadauro made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Algeri seconded the motion. All
in favor. Duhe abstained.
Oral: Linda Grodt reported that Silicon Kids won a WAVE award. There were articles about
the award in both the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences newsletter and the San Jose
Film and Television Commission newsletter.
Guttadauro and Tsui both gave brief reports on the prior Mayor's breakfast meetings.
David Eggleston will present the annual video report to council at the April 1 st council meeting.
Kitson will prepare the bullet items and give them to Eggleston who will then send them on to Haber.
Written: None
Activities Calendar.
the producer's meetings.
The commission reviewed the activities calendar and added the dates for
Work plan for 2002 - After discussion, commission had consensus on the following work plan
for 2002.
1. Engage in joint project with Planning Commission to implement wireless facilities Master Plan
for city, including siting and design of aerial facilities.
2. Work with Pacific Bell to define DSL services and a timeline for deployment in Cupertino.
3. Continue to monitor citywide AT&T broadband performance standards through review of
periodic technical reports.
4. Generate informational forum and video (DTV, Cellular, Cable - entertainment services)
5. Provide articles for the Cupertino Scene with current status of telecommunications services in
Cupertino (100-150 words).
6. Update the Utility Users Tax as it applies to telecommunication services in Cupertino.
Guttadauro made a motion to approve the work plan. Tsui seconded the motion. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Reports from:
City of Cupertino: Kitson reminded the commission of the Commissioner's Dinner on
February 8. Kitson distributed the November AT&T customer service report.
AT&T: No report. Eddie Garcia did not attend the meeting.
De Anza College: Bob Haber reported the training program has been going strong for the
winter quarter. Producing, directing, camera, audio and tape operation are among the studio class
offerings. The deadline for the Hometown Award entries is March 1st. Haber said they have a new
producer group that has gone through the new studio-training program and will have a dress rehearsal
on February 14 and then the first studio taping on February 28. The program is about cultural issues
affecting Muslim women. Haber also mentioned a Cupertino Union School District psychologist began
training to do a program about community and national issues facing grade school children. The
program is slated to begin production at the beginning of the spring quarter.
Guttadauro made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.; Tsui seconded and the motion
passed unanimously.
City Clerk