D-897 Quitclaim Deed and Authorization for Underground Water Rights, 18901 Tuggle Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014, APN 375-33-063RECORDING REQUESTED BY: 25329756 City of Cupertino WHEN RECORDED, MAI[ TO: City Clerk's Office City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOV. CODE 27383 Regina Qlcomeridras Santa Clara Courity - Clerk-Recorder e7 /9!11 /2e)22 09 : 56 QM Titles: I Pages: 7 Fees : $8. earl Taxes : $O. 00 Total : $21J2N)) llllNIFiffVl!M'(ba)%i:IliN'}H*A'J:'ml%'iJll-4i €1111 (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER"S USE) QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS APN 375-33-063 18901 Tuggle Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 [1 0riginal 0 Conformed Copy QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS APN 375-33-063 18901 Tuggle Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 i.okcsh K.ui'iiar Shai-ma aiid Ncha Sharix'ii;, husband anci 'i;vifc as conununity property witl'i l-arcver quitclaii'iis un(o ti'ie (lTarY OF C'UPERTINO. a rriunicipal corporalioyi, 1i.ereiriai'ter estates. c!aii'i"is atxd d.ernands. bcith at iaw ai'id ixi cqui't5i, and as vicil :.n I:iossessioi'i ;15 iri :a')t.Ja'l;.ATT/'l(."t-'{,5"J)'r:."-'(-1"!t-'!Ta'A'fa" rirk:r,ground :=trata irt the ."'ai'ita Clara 'siiaiiley for b=helicial usc upon tl'ie lariJs cwcrlyiri siiirJ ui'ideri.;round basin, arici ("yl;'AT'-IK)R t'icreby irrevot.;ably aut)'iorized GRA'!'iJTEE, its ;iicccssors an<i :issigns.. Oil behaif of the GRANarOR and its successorsi iii owricrs!iip ..yf beneficiai use ciii said 1;mds and to sup(aily sucb water to such ('+'vlTle! Cir ()Wllel-S O.a orhers a. a piiblic utility; providecl. Jiovyevcr, that ntiti'im@ eon"i:.iiiieti ii't t)iis insfroi'ncal shall be whii'li ax;ili irsu!t ii'i clainii@c to any i"ixiiitii'i'ig oi sli'aci.urc crccted lfpOi1 tiie lot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has executed this insttument the day and year first above written. GRAN'TORS : awrier SY- CrI'Y OF CUPERTINO: (Aelcnowledgineni atid No!.arial Seal Attached) "NO FEE" aty of Cuperth'io CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereby gtven in omer to amiply with the pmons of Section 272Bl of the GovemmentCode. Ttffs is to oertify that tie intetest in real property conveyed by the deed orgram dated, $67)y(J@ froniLokeshKumarSardNehaSharma,husbandandmfeas counity property with right of auvivorsl$, to City af CuperUno, a municipal oorporatk4 is hereby accepted by k underat@md on betudf of the aty Courd of k aty of Cupertino puraiant to authomy axiferted by Resolution No. 11-175 of die City Council adopted on Ckfober 4, 2011, and die grantee consents to tecordation Qieavofby tts duly authorized offia,r. Dated:,/'zllZo2' l By:44-IHrA&Mtrt €0 7 ) Public Works r)ueaot 1. y E)a-IIBIT 'r Legal Desaiption For APN/Pamel 10(a): 3764340 THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS 81TlJATED fNTHE CITY OF CUPERnNO, COlflSITY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIF6RN1A AND IS DESCRJBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 164, A8 SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN MAP ENTffLED "TRACT N0. 1088' WHICH MAP WAS FILEO FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE REOORDER OF THE COtJNTY OF 8ANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON APRIL 16, 1953 IN BOOK 42 0F MAPS AT PAGE(S) 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 AND 29. CALrFORNNA AN,L-PURTl'€),'.';E CERT-tfFNC.'ATE GF ,/-tCKN(JXX7N,EDGMENT l ":'-'2:..,,,,j State of Ca.lifornia befcireme, Vf!llSHl'+ R. tatUPJ414lCOPOr (Herc insert nanie iiiid title of llie ofliccr) , Notary Public, who proved to i'ne on ti'ie basis cif satisfactory eviderice to be the persor6)) whose nam@ is/are; qobscribed to l cer!if'y under PENALI-Y OF 1)ER.7tJRa'f under thc laws of tlie State of California that the foregoing para@rap'n is ti'ue ariJ COrrec.t. VARSHA R. COMM#2351500 SAcNoTAMMCL#A2R3A5lC5oOuon(y BCaliforinia - Notary PublicVv'i'l'NESS rny iiand and official seat Stgiialtuc of Noiaiy hililic (Notary Se.il) lNSalaRUCanOl'4S F'OR COThv4PLETiNG arlllS FORM 4risi rrclnou'letlgment com)ileled m Cd/iirma mirtl conrain i;'tai'hfiiy ciucj/)i uq apprxws above iii llie riolar)' secafiriii tir aseparate acbimi'ledgmenl Jorm musr bti properl) compMed rmd mrrched to krr docurnenr. The orrly exceprrryn i.i r/ .-I tloeunivm is hi lie rei:'ort/ed oulsrde ti/ Qdifnrnia. 7n.iiiic/i iu.Vzinces, onl. airername aehnoii /edgment vcrlira,qc tis rnay be lirinti'c/ ori siid a documem IO fong as Nie llgrhilJgti (/oes n(ff l'eqllrle {/12 Itofcil:II to t/o s(l+nJf)llllg IIILII IS Illeg(lljOr (I +lo7(lr.ll m ('allfO'nhl (i.Ca [ael'lihillg tlle alllllOrlZeCi i(lpZl('ltl' tf tile Sigllel') PIE(l."l C'l(!d Ille tjoctuitgitf Ctlj ejui:y joi pi typey iutmt'ttrl bi'ui't/fiig r'nid rif!oi:/i !/iis jm'rn 7f'i'e4iiii t'u'. Skate anil County lillnl'mll!!(111 ri'iu'il ti: 1111! Sliite iuia (f'ounty where lFle docunient signcr(s) pcri;onally appeared bei'orc iiie notary public fcii aclcnowledgrnent. Dllle nf'nolltnzaOon Illu!;l be [h(: date litai the !ligncr(s) personally appel)rcd Which n'iust also be tlic same darc ilie acknowledginem is co+nl.ilcted Tbs tiolary piil>lic inusi prim liis or her nainc il!i if appiiitis within lui: or liar crii'nmissioii laollowi:d b)i a COlllllla aiid !lien > our I illc (notary liuliiic) P Tllll Il1e n{lme(g 1 0la docutnen+ qigntr(s) VThU pet soia.iilly ill)peill' ii+ T!IC klmC Or notai izatiou. Indicaic thc l'OlreCl smgular Or pluial f'onn'i liy crossing rifi incorrect farms (i,c. he/she/y:- is illf!! )or cirdiitg the coirci:t fcltmS Failore to con'ectly indicaie this iiiforiniition iiiay lead to rejection of documctu i ccording The rnil:ny i:eal irripi'essioo must bt: clciii and liholograpliicai!y rcproducihle. fmpi'essian itluSI }fat Cl'lVel' leXl (II' lii'ies. '-i' sciil inlpl'e!iSiOll smudges. I'e-:'Cal it it sufi'tctcnl aiea lic.rmiT'i, (ltllCi'WlSe COll'lilkte -l l-lit"'lel1t acktlotVlcd,'mcnl i'llllTl. Sll:n.llli!'( Or tiic nOlilry pllbllC nlll}i ll'lfliCll tit(: signi'iturc oii i-ilc ll?illt tile t'iffiCt- Of ilic county slt:ili. ':a /'ld(lltlllnill Irli'Ol'lllalTOi-l iS Illit rcqiiiicd buT eilllld IlCl[l 10 ensure t'li!i ackttov.'li-dgtncrit is not mis+iseci or atiat'}ie*i kn a difT'erenR duct:ri'ienli lIl(11(:alia t!lie llr td pC 11f' a(IaCiil.a(l duciiinciil nuinber (If pa,,"es 81i(! da(e hidicatc (hc capacity claimiid by !he <inner if tlic ::.iiiiiicd capacity is :l coipotah:' offiacr, iridiciire the iillc ii.c. CEO, CFO. Sccretiii'y). Securely atlacl'i ihis docuinent lo tlii" signed docuinenl 101 II: lii II -,.=.!1, C 2004-2015 PioLiiik Si;;ning Seivn L. Ins - All R7ii Is Ilcii i i:d iini iv 'I lii'Prul i nl +cin * - N.iliu 1111 If}r No i.i ty Sci s it v CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the ttuthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Santa Clara On June 21i 2022 before me, K'sken SquarC'a , Notary Public, (Here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Ma" MOrla)'T who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(-s) whose name@ _is/are subscribed to the within instnument and acknowledged to me that _he/she/they executed the same in _Ms/her/their authorized capacity%a), and that by __his/her/their signature% on the instrument the person0, or the entity upon behalf of which the person% acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJ[_JRY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct, WITNESS my hand and official seal. l"" " :otfiary'pub'iic :aCal7iforania z ,y@,,, KIRSTENSQUARCIA ' t:4 2 4 Santa Clara County >% Commission # 2257122 - signam' + -----(Nofa' Sea') L'JI'-lllj-a%lMy com"' bp'es -k 4'J2022 * * Al)DITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any acknowledgment completed in California must contain verbiage exactly as DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOC{_JMENT appears above in the notary section or a separate aclrnowledgrnent form must be properly completed and attached to that document. The only exception is if' a document is to be recorded outside of California. Jn such instances, any alternative (Title or description ofattached doculnen0 ' aclmowledgment verbiage as may be printed on such a docurnent so long as the verbiage does not require the notary to do something that is illegal for a notary in California (i.e. certifying tlie authorized capac% oj'the signer). Please checjc the (Title or descriph'on ofattached dOculnent con hn' ued) document carefidly for proper notarial wording and attach this form ij'required. ii State and County infonnation must be the State and County where the document Number ofPages - Documen' Da'e signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. * Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which inust also be the same date the acknowledginent is coinpleted. (Additional infonnation) * The nOtaty public InuSt pnnt hiS or her natne as +t APPEARS Wlthln hiS Or her coininission followed by a co+nina and then your title (notary public). * Pit the naine(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notaia[iOn. CAPACIIIY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER a Indicate the correct singular or plural fonns by crossing off incorrect fomis (ie [1 Individual (s) he/she/they- is /m-s ) or circling the coi'rect fonns. Failure to correctly indicate thisinfonnation n_iay lead to rejection of docuinent recording. [] Corporate Officer * The notaiy seal iinpression must be clear and photographically reproducible. hnpression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression sinudges, re-seal if a (Title) sufficient area pennits, otherwise complete a different acknowledginent fonn. [] Partner(s) * Signahire of the notaiy public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. € Attorney-in-Fact *:i Additional infonnation is not required but could help to enSlu'e this [3 Trustee(s) acknowledgnient is not misused or attached to a different document. z Other *:* Indicate title Or type of attached docuinent, nutnber of pages and date.-> Indicate the capacity claiined by the signer. If the claiined capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). * Securely attach this document to the signed docu+rient C2004-20l5Ptol.mkSigningService.lnc AllRighitReserved Naiiomvidc Notary Semce