501 Candidate Intention Statement - Initial for 2022 AmendmentCandidate Intention Statement Check One: 0 Initial Ill Amendment (Explain) Amended date of execution 5/ 17/'1J.Y22 Original was signed in error on 5/18/2022 1. Candidate lnfonnation: NAME OF CANDIDATE (LIIII. Fnt _ .,_, Sheila Mohan STREET ADORESS 10960 Santa Teresa Dr OFFICE SOUGHT (POSITION TlTl.E) Cupertino C.Ouncilmember OFFICE JURISDICTION D State (Compll9 Plrt2.) Ill City D Courty D Multi-County: AGENCY NAME Cupertino 2. State Candidate Expenditure Limit Statement: DAYTIME mEPHONE NUMBER (408 ) 839-5405 CITY Cupertino (N111111 o1 Mt.ffi.County Jurisdiction) (Ca/PERS and CalSTRS awxfdat98, judges. )utldlll canddalss, and canddat~ for local offices do not complete Part 2.) (Check 01111 box) 01 accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. 0 I do not accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. Amendment 01111 Sta""' FAX NUMBER (optional) STATE CA CALIFORtl!!\ 501 ;:-ORM For Offldal Use ~ EMAIL (oplional) sbeilamoban 1616@gmail.com ZIPCODE 95014 ISTRlCT NUMBER. if applic:able. Ill ~SAN OFFICE PARTY PREFERENCE: '1J.Yl2 (Chlldt 01111 bax, if applicablll.) Ill PRIMARY' GENERAL tv-a/Eidin) 0 SPECIAL/RUNOFF 0 I did not exceed the expenditure ceiling in the primary or special election held on _ _._/ _ _./__ and I accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the general or special run-off election. (MIWk if appicable) 0 On, __J---1, __ I contributed personal funds in excess of the expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. 3. Verification: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Callfomla that the foregoing 11 true and correct. ExllCUtlld on 05 17 2022 Sw;inatur11 '-41~ ~ (month, day, )'Mt) (Card.-) FPPC Form 501 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advke@fppc.ca.gov (866/27S-3n2) www.fppc.ca.gov