FAC 07-25-2022MINUTES FINE ARTS COMMISSION Monday, July 25, 2022 6:30 p.m. FINE ARTS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER At 6:35 p.m., Vice Chair Chokshi called the meeting to order via virtual teleconference. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Sudha Kasamsetty, Janki Chokshi, Esha Rao, Madhusudan “Satish” Tare, Carol Maa Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Rachelle Sander, Jessica Javier CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENTATIONS None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Subject: Meeting Minutes for the March 28, 2022 Fine Arts Commission Meeting Recommended Action: Review and approve the minutes for the March 28, 2022 Fine Arts Commission meeting. Vice Chair Chokshi motioned to approve the minutes as submitted. Chair Kasamsetty seconded. Motion passed with 3 yes and 2 abstain. 2. Subject: Meeting Minutes for the May 23, 2022 Fine Arts Commission Meeting Recommended Action: Review and approve the minutes for the May 23, 2022 Fine Arts Commission meeting. Vice Chair Chokshi motioned to approve the minutes as submitted. Commissioner Rao seconded. Motion passed unanimously. POSTPONEMENTS None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None OLD BUSINESS 3. Subject: Update on the City Work Program Fiscal Year 2021-2022 item for the Fine Arts Commission Recommended Action: Receive an update on the City Work Program Fiscal Year 2021-2022 item for the Fine Arts Commission. Rachelle Sander, Acting Director, provided an update on the City Work Program item. Informed the Commission that City Council conducted the first and second reading of the Fine Arts Name Change Ordinance. Staff will work on updating all documents and locations with the Arts and Culture Commission name. NEW BUSINESS 4. Subject: Marketing Plan for the 2022 Artist Award Programs and Theme for the 2022 Young Artist Award Program Recommended Action: Discuss the marketing plan for the 2022 Artist Award Programs and finalize the theme for the 2022 Young Artist Award program. Acting Director Sander introduced the item and asked the Commission to discuss the marketing dates for the 2022 Artist Award Programs and the theme for the 2022 Young Artist Award program. Chair Kasamsetty motioned for the theme “Your Vision for the Future of Cupertino” for the 2022 Young Artist Award program. Commissioner Rao seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Staff will work on updating the flyer with the new theme and dates for 2022. 5. Subject: Discuss Fine Arts Commissioners Attendance at Upcoming Festivals and Events Recommended Action: Discuss and assign commissioners to upcoming festivals and events. Acting Director Sander presented on the upcoming festivals and events for the remainder of 2022. Vice Chair Chokshi requested the Volunteer Fair be added to the next agenda when the date is finalized. Vice Chair Chokshi and Chair Kasamsetty will attend the Fall Festival. Commissioner Tare and Commissioner Rao will attend Diwali. Commissioner Maa will check the schedule and try to attend one of the Movies in the Park. 6. Subject: Update on and Discuss Return of Art Talks Recommended Action: Receive an update and discuss return of Art Talks in a virtual or in- person format. Item postponed to the September meeting. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. Subject: Monthly Update Reports Recommended Action: Receive monthly update report from staff and commissioners. Commissioner Rao reported on the June Mayor’s Meeting. Informed the Commission that with the Library expansion there is additional space availability for potential use. Commissioner Tare reported on the July Mayor’s Meeting. Acting Director, Rachelle Sander, provided the Director’s update on the following: - Council approved extending the resolution authorizing continued remote teleconference meetings of the legislative bodies for the period July 19, 2022 through August 18, 2022. - Former Director of Parks and Recreation, Joanne Magrini’s last day was Friday, July 8. Rachelle Sander is currently the Acting Director. - City Manager, Jim Throop, has resigned. Dianne Thompson is currently the Acting City Manager. City Council has appointed Pamela Wu as the next City Manager and her first day will August 29. - Staff will be asking for Commissioners to reply confirming receipt of emails sent to the Commission due to email issues. COMMISSIONER ATTENDANCE AT UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS Commissioners to attend the upcoming Mayor’s meetings as follows: August 10 – Vice Chair Chokshi September 14 – Chair Kasamsetty October 12 – Commissioner Rao November 9 – Commissioner Maa FUTURE AGENDA SETTING None ADJOURNMENT Vice Chair Chokshi adjourned the meeting at 7:09 p.m. to the September 26, 2022 meeting at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted By, Jessica Javier, Administrative Assistant Parks and Recreation Department Minutes approved at the 09.26.22 regular meeting