CC 10-18-2022 Item No. 17 Lozano Lane Crosswalk Written CommunicationsCC 10-18-2022
Lozano Lane crosswalk
Written Communications
From:Seema Lindskog
To:City Council; City Clerk; Cupertino City Manager"s Office
Subject:Please follow staff recommendations on Lozano Lane Access path
Date:Tuesday, October 18, 2022 2:39:23 PM
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Mayor Paul and councilmembers,
The community is excited to start using the Lozano Lane access path to get to the Regnart
Creek Trail. Many residents who live on Rodrigues, especially those in the Biltmore
Apartments and Waterfall Condominiums are anxiously waiting for the trail to open.
The city does not have any data currently to assist with a decision on
whether a crosswalk is needed or
where it should be located.
I urge you to follow the staff recommendation and gather data for one year after the Regnart
Creek trail opens before making any decisions on whether to add a crosswalk and if so, where
to locate it.
If you are determined to add a crosswalk today, without any data to justify the decision, then
Option B is the best choice that will benefit the most residents, based on feedback received
from residents on Rodrigues. There are parents who live in the Biltmore Apartments whose
small kids will use the access path to get on Regnart Creek trail to go to Eaton, Wilson Park,
and Creekside Park. They view Option B as the safer alternative. There are senior citizens
living on Rodrigues who have mobility issues, who have stated that it would be easier for
them to use Option B.
At the end of the day, the council needs to make a fact and data-based decision that will
benefit the biggest number of residents. This is why the staff recommendation to gather data
for a year after the Regnart Creek trail opens is the best course of action.
The signage proposed by the staff is good and should be adopted. It addresses all the concerns
raised by the residents in the Lozano Lane HOA.
Thank you for your consideration.
Seema Lindskog
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
To:City Council
Subject:Bike Path
Date:Tuesday, October 18, 2022 2:16:30 PM
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Please support keeping Lozano Lane open. My family and I have used this lane for years for our
walks. We should use data, if a crosswalk is needed, to decide where the crosswalk should go.
Most studies show that it should be as close to where people want to go to make sure it is used.
Otherwise, it defeats the purpose and just wastes our city’s money. If a decision needs to be made
tonight—without that data—then it’s clear which of the concepts should be considered. (see
attached image)
Concept A makes no sense as it is farthest away from the path.
Concept B or C are much more likely to be used, with Concept B better as would be more
likely to be used by people living in both Waterfall and Biltmore.
The signage asking those on bikes to dismount is reasonable and adequate. There’s no sign of
bikes going through there now. People are reasonable and will be willing to walk their bikes for the
short distance to get to the main Trail.
Leslie Ericksen
Sent from my iPhone please excuse typos.
From:Sharon Walker
To:City Council
Cc:Jim *(ICE) Walker
Subject:Lozano Lane access path
Date:Tuesday, October 18, 2022 2:06:14 PM
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We totally support the Lozano Lane access path. We have walked the path and feel it’s important to approve for the
many people who will benefit.
Sharon & Jim Walker
From:J Shearin
To:City Council
Subject:Fwd: Follow City Staff recommendations for Agenda item 17- Lozano Lane crosswalk
Date:Tuesday, October 18, 2022 12:46:51 PM
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Dear City Councilmembers and Mayor Paul:
I ask today that you follow the recommendation of the City Staff on Agenda item 17 for both
studying the area on Rodrigues for a crosswalk for one year and for the signage at the walking
path. I know that you wish to make your decisions based on data, and following their
recommendation will ensure that it is.
The City Staff’s recommendation—based upon their many years of experience and expert
training (they are Civil Engineers, and many PE’s as well) is reasoned and thoughtful. They
would like to get some data for one year after the Regnart Trail opens to determine whether a
crosswalk is needed across Rodrigues near the Lozano Lane pathway. I encourage you to
follow their recommendation to get data before making any decision on whether and
where to build a crosswalk. As an engineer myself—albeit an electrical engineer—I know
that they have amassed the skills and experience to create a sound judgement on an item in
their field of expertise.
If you feel a decision must be made today, then Concept B seems like it would make the most
sense, as it would be beneficial to the most amount of people near Biltmore and Waterfall, and
would be close to the path that it would connect to. Many studies show that people will walk
the most obvious line and if a crosswalk is placed at Concept A then likely it would not be
useful for the Lozano pathway.
I’d also like to support the sign that the city staff have proposed. As someone who bikes
regularly for errands to the library and shopping, I know that there are places when I must
dismount, and the proposed sign is a great way to show that this is one of those places. The
vast majority of people are reasonable and follow signage.
Though this is not listed on your agenda for this evening, I’d also like to emphasize here that
giving away the easement to the 10 homeowners in the adjacent HOA would not be the best
for our city. Residents use and enjoy this pathway to walk today, and would continue to do so
especially after the Regnart Creek Trail opens. This pathway was designed as a walking path
to connect to the trail prior to the Lozano HOA homes being built, and each homeowner signs
that they know there is a pathway there when their house is purchased. There is no evidence
that the pathway has issues with undue accidents or criminal mischief.
Thank you for considering the input of one of your residents. I don’t live in that neighborhood,
but I’ve talked to many of the people there—one of my daughters’ best friends lived in
Biltmore until recently—and I care as a neighbor about making sure they don’t lose a great
connector to the soon-to-open trail.
Jennifer Shearin
19511 Howard Ct, Cupertino
From:Ross Heitkamp
To:City Council
Subject:Regnart Creek Trail and Lozano Lane
Date:Tuesday, October 18, 2022 12:09:43 PM
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Dear Honorable City Council Members,
I’m writing you about the possibility of a crosswalk near the walkway through Campo de
Lozano on Rodrigues Ave. I agree with the Staff Report that this area should be studied after
the Regnart Creek Trail is opened and this walkway starts having greater use. This will also
help to provide data on the need and on the best location for such a crossing.
I also think the “Trail Rules” signs are an appropriate addition at each end of the walkway.
However, I do wonder about the title of “Trail Rules”. This is an access walkway with
different rules than the trail itself and users may misconstrue these rules as applying to the
whole trail.
I’d like to emphasize how important I think it is for a trail like Regnart Creek Trail to have as
many access points as possible. This maximizes the trail’s availability to the neighborhood and
lessens the demands on any one access point. This walkway has long been an important part of
the Regnart Creek Trail plan. It will bring the trail closer to many residents and enable more
options for including the trail in neighborhood walks.
Ross Heitkamp
To:City Council
Subject:Vote NO on closing the Lozano Lane access path to the Regnart Creek Trail
Date:Tuesday, October 18, 2022 11:56:16 AM
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Dear Cupertino City Council,
I am writing today to urge you to vote NO on closing the Lozano Lane access path to the Regnart Creek
Trail. This idea makes no sense and is ill-conceived and ill-advised.
It’s quite exciting to see the progress that is being made on the trail! The City of Cupertino has shown its
commitment to walking and biking connectivity, and as such should be encouraging the use of this trail,
including providing clear signage and convenient access. Taking away this access point is clearly
counter-productive to the many Cupertino residents who will use this trail. More access points make for
convenience and usability, plain and simple.
As a long-time taxpayer in Cupertino I object to giving away valuable assets. It is fiscally irresponsible and
sets a dangerous precedent which would undoubtably have future consequences. It’s puzzling why the
city council would spend its time on the desires of a small group at the expense of the entire community.
Please focus council energy and efforts on the greater good to our community, not special interest
In summary, there is no community-beneficial reason to close this access. Please vote NO.
Jim Davis
Cupertino Resident for 39 years
From:Yvonne Strom
To:City Council
Subject:In support of the Lozano path, agenda item 17
Date:Tuesday, October 18, 2022 10:30:02 AM
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I am writing in support of the Lozano path connector (agenda item 17.) The whole community
benefits when there are numerous, safe places to walk. I agree with the city staff who
recommended reviewing the trail usage one year after it opens to see if a crosswalk is
necessary. The crosswalk option, if necessary, should be chosen to be the most convenient for
pedestrians. If a decision on a crosswalk cannot be deferred for one year, then the best option
is Option B because it is more likely to be used by nearby residents. The signage for the trail
looks adequate.
Yvonne Thorstenson
From:Taghi Saadati
To:City Council
Cc:City Clerk
Subject:Lozano Lane
Date:Tuesday, October 18, 2022 9:37:41 AM
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I urge you to keep the Lozano Lane open and revisit this issue after one year of the Regnart Creek Trail opening. At
this time there is not sufficient data as to the potential impact of the trail on the Lazaro Lane. Also it would be
reasonable to put a walk your bike signs at each end of Lazaro.
Thank you.
Taghi Saadati
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