E-919 Dedication in Fee for Roadway Purposes, 22690 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Cupertino, CA 95014RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of Cupertino WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: City Clerk's Office City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 NO FEE IN ACCORDMVCE WITH GOV. CODE 27383 25409849 Regina Qlcomendras Santa Clara County - Clerk-Recorder 11/3el/2e22 11:51 Q("I Titles: I Pages : 8 Fees: $e.eH21 Taxes : $e Tota 1 : :$e. O(h 1111!!Il'i?j €<llil&>'r'k#J//Ir&'l':!'r:<I!Wq)'+lkki!!&i+, $1111 (SPACE ABOVE THIS uNE FOR RECORDER'S USE) DEDICATION IN FEE FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES 22690 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Cupertino, CA 95014 APN 342-14-104, 342-14-105 & 342-14-066 Original DEDICATION IN FEE FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES 22690 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Cupertino, CA 95014 APN 342-14-104, 342-14-105 & 342-14-066 Alan Enterprise, LLC, a California limited liability coinpany, dedicates in fee to the CITY OF CUPERTJNO, a California municipal corporation, for public purposes including, but not liinited to roadway purposes, together witli tlie right to construct, repair, operate, and maintain any and all public utilities and improvements in, on, uiider, along and across tlie real propeity whicli shall be or becon'ie necessaiy for preservation of tlie public safety, welfare or convenience, tlie real property described in Exliibit A and showi'i in Exhibit B, whicli is situated in tlie City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, executed tliis ,,'< day of 0 ( +0 %), ,,' , 2021 Owner: Alan Enterprise, I,LC, a Califori'iia liinited liability coinpai'iy hx!Z;z&ia/77!Z'LI Managing Member City of Cupertino: -/ ] ")/'/ /) Director of Public <porks (Notcuy acknoiailedgment to be attached) "NO FEE" City of Cupertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereby given in order to comply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Government Code. This is to certify that the interest in real property coi'iveyed by the deed or grant dated 0bt0h3, lbl'L from Alan Enterprise, LLC,'a California limited liability company, to the City of Cupertino, a municipal corporation, is hereby accepted by tl"ie undersigned on behalf of tlie City Council of the City of Cupertino pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 11-175 of the City Council adopted on October 4, 2011, and tlie grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: If, zC> 21)7Z Public Works Director By: September 29, 2022 BKF No. 20190138 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description STREET DEDICATION OF STEVENS CREEK BLVD. & FOOTHILL BLVD. CITY OF CUPERTINO All that real property in the City of Caipertino, Corinty of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Being portions of Parcels One and Two of the lands of Alan Enterprises, LLC, a Califoriiia limited liability company, as said lands is described in that certain Grant Deed, recorded December 31, 2019 in Document No. 24370764, Official Records of Santa Clara County Records, and described as follows: Being also portions of those certain Deeds of Right of Way, conveyed to the Corinty of Santa Clara, recorded on October 25, I972 in BOOk 0082 at Page 615 and in Book 0082 at Page 6I8, Official Records of said Corinty and further described as follows: COMMENCING at a 3/4" Iron Pipe monument inside a monument well at the intersection of the centerline of Foothill Borilevard (formerly lmown as Mountain View-Stevens Creek Road), and a monument line 5.00 feet nortlierly (measured at right angles) from the centerline of Stevens Creek Boulevard (formerly known as Permanente Road), from which a 1" Iron Pipe inside a monument well bears North 89o56'35" West, 331.57 feet distant; Thence leaving 3/4" Iron Pipe, and along said monument line, North 89o56'35" West, 141.63 feet; thence South 00o03 '25" West, 20.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of said Parcel One, said point being also tlie TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of tliis description: Thence parallel with said centerline of Stevens Creek Boulevard, South 89o56'35" East, 125.00 feet to the northeasterly conter of said Parcel One, said coriier being distant 16.75 feet westerly, right angle measurement, from said centerline of Footliill Boulevard; Thence leaving said conter and along tlie easterly and soritherly lines of said Parcel One, tlie following courses and distances: * Parallel with said centerline of Footl'iill BouIevard, Soutli 00ol6'57" East, 100.00 feet; * North 89o56'35" West, 13.25 feet to a point distant 30.00 feet westerly, right angle measurement, from said centerline of Footliill Borilevard, and tlie Northeast conier of said Parcel Two of said lands; Thence parallel with said centerline, Soritli 00ol6'57" East, 64.71 feet to said soutlieasterly conier of said Parcel Two; Sheet I of 2 Thence along the soritherly line of said Parcel Two, South 89o48'25" West, 15.00 feet; Thence leaving said soritherly line, the following corirses and distances: * North 00ol6'57" West, 124.87 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the le'ft, having a Radius of 15.00 feet; * Northwesterly along said curve, tl'hough a central Angle of 89o39'38", witli an arc Length of 23.47 feet; * North 89o56'35" West, 81.84 feet; * North 00ol6'57" West, 25.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of tl'iis description. Containing an area of 6,263 square feet or O. 144 acres, more or less. END OF DESCRIPTION. As shown on EXHIBIT "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. This legal description was prepared by me or rinder my direct supervision in conformance witli the requirements of tlie Professional Land Surveyors Act. BKF Engineers David S. Darling (J P.L.S. No. 7625 231ZD22-4t L.S. 7625 Sheet 2 of 2 } STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD '3/4" IRON PIPE, (FORMERLY PlRMA?4EiNTE ROAD) IN MONUMENT WELL (A PUBLIC 8TRR&T WIDTH VARIE8) PER 469 M 51 N89'56'35"W 331.57' (331.60' 469 M 51-59) - II'- l N89'56'35"W 141.63' -, muc POINT-, = / . . . , C5 0F_ s i S89 56 35 E 125.00 N 0 0F BEGINNING i I COMMENCEMENT"""-RIGHT-OF-WAY & EASEMENT FOR j PUBLIC STREET AND ROAD PURPOSES I< 0082 0.R. 618 @ i4 xsgase'ss'w 81.84' /,% _ STREET DEDICATION J ' -' (/) "' 2 6,263S.F.4: "-V a go 0 9 0 y . I ,iO"' (!Ra fflW e a 4'lo'i'k a.o,,o,P,, <us,OCI- <O(O r > 8 H'_ W (! _ 8 Q > > 9 a z C5 " J ffi 4LINE TABLE : i<=g 16.75' :) g,-l i tff'3 -' 0 S- a. NO. BEARING LENGTH _ _;-50t_, l 5;) < f > ' I " L2 a all L1 sooao.yozsaw zo.ooo p e 9 J '§ E-(@ .u 1 a,_m ,r " :) ' Z () LL23 Ns8899@'45861'2355H"WW 1513-a00l25' ooz 47 D730000,la = <, )=, S :)A ah 0 i 5 L4 NOO16'57"W 25.00,OS,'.. z , o, 9,aNtk;*S,-i3k E 4 a!o ! s'a - -R L3 CURVE TABLE ,oo' NO. RADIUS DELTA LENGTH ' aI C1 15.00' 89'39'38" 23.47' c,*X::"SaLDAA:D% 0 20 40 80 /#(28 a 0 0 Ci_ aX) = . L.S.7625II ( SCALE IN FEET ) 8 %, Q 4§ OF, c,y__ 2 r>, ,- 2 '2_ K:\2019'\190138_CUPERnNO_SuMN-CREEK-SJOONILL1SUR\DWG\PLAqSmEET DEDICATION.DWG E)GallBIT 'B' P1730 N, FIRSTSTREET SUsJECT STREET DEDICATIONs SUITE 600 STEVENS CREEK BLVD. & FOOTHILL BL!/t).,,SANJOSE,CA95112 JOBN0. 20190138 CUPERTINO 4<www=osy.";t"c-ogmtoo BY JG APPR.sh=n_rDATEoOp9-29-2i022 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attaclied, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Santa Clara On Nl;;t'i),x(ie' i7 ') 7, /,,'_ before me, Lauren Sa';'udar , Notary Public, (Here inseit name and title of the officer) personally appeared Maflhew MO"a)'1 who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be th6(s) whose (s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that@/she/they executed the same in */her/their authorized ty(ies thatbyi-s/her/their%-re(s)ontheinstrumentthepeJifi(s),ortheentityuponbehalfof wich the pm)annd(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. ! & & * & a & & & & & a 4 ( 4$ LallRENsaPuDaR k WITNESSmyhandandofficialseal. 4 NotaryPubllc-California ! i) € Santa Clara County e.J.., lm Commisslon#240931l i 0 'XUyyy _ I ay comm. Expires Jun 28, 2026 ? siiaa ffl of Nota q Public (Notaiy Seal) ffi # z ffl ffl z z z * * ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any aclmowledgment completed in California must contain verbiage exactly (IS DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOC{JMENT appears above rn the notary section or a separate acknowledgmentform must be properly completed and attached to that document. The only exception is ij' a document is to be recorded outsrde of Califor'iiia. In such instances, any alternative (Title or descriph'on ofattached doc uinent) acknowledgment verbiage as may be printed on such a document so long as the verbiage does not require the notary to do sornething thcrl is illegal pr a notary in Caljfrornia (i.e. certifirrng the authorized capacity of the signer). Please checlc the (Title or descriph'on ofattached doc unnent con hn' ued) document carefidly for proper notarial wording and attach this form ifrequired. * State and County infonnation must be the State and County where the docuinent Number of Pages - Documen' Da'e signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledginent. ii Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the sa+ne date the acknowledginent is coinpleted. (Additional jH[0ylBBii0H) * The nOtard publlC lust pnint hlS Or her name aS lt appears Wlthln hlS Or hel' coininission followed by a coa and then your title (notary public). ii Pit the na+ne(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the tiine of notarization. CAPACII'Y CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER a Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect fonns (ie be/she/ is /ape ) or circling the correct fonns. Failure to correctly indicate this €Ind"dual(s) infonnationmayleadtorejectionofdocuinentrecording. [0 Corporate Officer ii The notaiy seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must not cover text or lines. If seal iinpression smudges, re-seal if a (Title) sufficient area permits, otherwise coinplete a different acknowledgment for+n. [] Partner(s) * Signature of the notaiy public must match the signahire on file with the office of the county clerk. € Attomey-in-Fact <+ Additional infomiation is not required but could help to enSlu'e this 0 Trustee(s) acknowledginent is not misused or attached to a different document. € Other ':' Indicate title or type of attached dociunent, nu+nber of pages and date. As Indicate the capacity claiined by the signer. If the claiined capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). @ Securely attach this docuinent to the signed dociunent C 2004-21)15 ProLink Sig+uiig Service, Inc - All Rlghtt Reterved wwivThePro[ink com - Nationivide Notary Seivice CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing tliis certificate verifies only the identity of tbe individual who signed the document to whicli this certificate is attaclied, a+'id not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of oll Oea-,'?'i A')=) beforei'ne,S'l/11"Nl +',*-l kti Wi%ri (Here insert naine and title of tlie officer) personally appeared , Notary Public, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactoiy evidence to be tl'ie person(s) wliose name(s) is/are subscribed to the witliin instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed tlie same in liis/her/tlieir autliorized capacity(ies), and tliat by his/het/tlieir signature(s) on the instrument tlie person(s), or tlie entity upon belialf of which tlie person(s) acted, execrited tl'ie instrument. Iceitify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragrapli is true and correct. WITNESS m liand d o cial seaI. Stgnature or Noiaiy (Notary Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRlPTrON OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT (Title or description of attaclied docrii'nent) (TitJe or description of attaclied doctunen( contintied) Number of Pages Document Date (Additional inf'orination) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNEER 0 Individual (s) [1 Corporate Officer (Title) € Partner(s) 0 Attorney-in-Fact [1 Trustee(s) [] Otlier INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Anti acknowledgmen7 conypleted m Califorma mus/ con(arn sierbroge exacl5i (78 appears abme in the nomry section or zi sepame acknowledgriient foim imist be pr'operl)r cornpleted and orraciyed to ihai docunyent. The orily exceprion rs d'o documem is io be recorded oymrde of Calrfornia. In sucly imrmices, (71U1 alierncrme aclcnowledgmenl sierbiage as may be pririted on suc/i a documeni so lorig as Ihe verbiage does nor reqmre rhe nomry ro do sometiiirig Uyor rs dlegal for Z7 rioimy m Cahfornra (Le. cerrifying ihe mrihori:ed capacity of rlie signei). Pleme C/18C/( ihe documenl corefidly for proper riomriol wordDig myd mlcrch Ihis form f requrred. State and County inforination inust Le tlie State and Cotinty wliere tlie docuinent signer(s) personally appeared before tlie notary ptiblic for acknowledgiriem Date of'nolarizalion inust be tlie date tliat tlie sigi'ier(s) personally appeared wliicl'i i'nust also be tlie saine date tl'ie acki'iowledginent is coinpleted. Tile notar)t pil)ltc mklSt prtnt ILLS Or Iler nat'ne aS It appears Wltlllll 1115 0r l'ier coini'nission folloived by a coinina and tlien your title (notary ptiblic) Print tbe name(s) of docuinent signer(s) wllO 1iersonally a1ipear at llie tiine of notanzation )ndicate tlie correct singular or plririil forins by crossing off incorreci laoims (i e he/slie/t-hay,- is /ape ) or circling llie coned forins Failure to correctly indicate tliis infonriation inay lead to rejection of docuinent recording. The nOiaty seal iinpression must be clear and pliotograpl'iically reprodticible Iiiipression iritist not cover text or lines. If seal iinpression sinudges, re-seal if a sufficient area permits, otlierwise coinpleie a different acknowledgi'nent fonn. Signattire of tlie notary public inust matcli il'ie signanire oi'i file witli tlie office of the county clerk. *> Additional infonnation is not required btit could lielp to enSllre tliis acknoivledginent is not inisused or atiaclied to a dil'ferent docuinent. a> Indicate title or type of' attaclied docuinenl nuinber of 1iages and date a> {ndicate tl'ie capacity claiined by tlie signer. If tlie claiined capacity is a corporate officer, indicate tlie title (i.e. CEO. CFO, Secretary). Securely aitacli tliis docuinen( to tlie signed docuiiient C 2004-2015 PtoLink Signing Senice. Inc - All Righit Reterved wivw.l'liePioLink com - Nalionwide Notary Service