501 ~E C"lETV E Type or Print in Ink. Candidate Intention Statement 2005 9 1 JUL (Explain) o Amendment ~tial Check One: E-MAIL (optional) FAX NUMBER (optional) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER t;\IQ~ ZIP CODE ~S'D l l..\- i! applicabJe_ IId'I'ifON-PARTISAN STATE (I>. DISTRICT NUMBER, PARTY: Candidate Information ~L \j '{\.,:\-! óì C::CY NAME .,\ 2m5 (Year of Election) NAME OF CANDIDATE 1)œ~ STREET ADORE \0\1:D OF' 1 (Complete Psrt 2. (Name oIMuJ j-Q,untyJuris&ction) Statement: judiclat candidates, and candidates for local offices 8m not o Multi-County: 2. State Candidate Expenditure Limit (CafPERS candidates, judges, o County required 10 complete Part 2.) Special/runoff election (YearofEleclion) (C/te{:k one box) o I accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. Primary/general election (YearolEklclion) and I accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the ---1---1_ the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. the expenditure ceiling in the primary or special election held on: special run-off election. do not accept Amendment: o I did not exceed general or o ceiling for the election stated above. (MaTkifappJir;abla) ---1---1_. contributed personal funds in excess of the expenditure On o EPPC Form 501 (January/OS) FPPC TolI·Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) California Signature 3. Verification penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of d\>.1 ~ S" year) \') th, day, 1m certify under Executed on