22-162 Maintenance Agreement, 22690 Stevens Creek Blvd, APN 342-14-104, 342-14-105, 342-14-066RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of Cupertino WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: City Clerk's Office City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOV. CODE 27383 2541395(2) RSaartianaCloarlaco('a@unndtrya-s Clerk-Recorder 12/el9/2e22 le:31 Qt'l Titles: 1 Pages: 9 Fees: $Q)!21(!) Taxes :$2) Total: $!).(DO IIIIW'A:Xllil!aMM'.'l'h'<'!W'4:,%l!!!'TV,*.'!ff*&4 €1111 (SP ACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 22690 Stevens Creek Blvd, APN 342-14-104, 342-14-105, 342-14-066 [:J Original 0 Conformed Copy RECORDED AT THE REQ?JEST OF And WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY MAINTENANCE AGREEA4ENT 22690 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Cupertino, CA 95014 APN 342-14-104, 342-14-105 & 342-14-066 THIS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into tliis,23 day of 4 20;24, by Alan Enterprise, LLC ("Declarant"), and tlie City of Cupeitino ((( (2 i t y ) ) ). RECIT ALS: Tlie followiiig recitals are a substantive portion of tl'iis Agreement: A. The real propeity and improvements ("Propeity") tliat coi'nprise of Tl'ie Alan Row Project ("Project") is located at 22690 Stevens Creek Boulevard within tlie City of Cupeitino ("City"), Corinty of Santa Clara, State of California. B. As set foith, the provisions of this Agreement are intended to and sliall run wit]i tlie Project arfd be binding upon all owners, successors and assigns of tlie Project, or any portton. C. The purpose of tliis Agreement is to allocate the costs of maintenance, repair and replacement between Declarant and the City of certain improvements, including landscaping, tliat is situated on real property owned by City along Stevens Creek Boulevard and Footliill Boulevard in front of the Project, and to establish ceitaiii criteria and procedures for tlie accomplishment of maintenance, repair and replacement. NOW, THEREFORE tlie parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Covenants Running with tlie Land; Property Subject to Agreement: All of tlie i-eal property described in Exhibit "A" shall be subject to tliis Agreeinent. It is intended that the provisions of tliis Agreement sliall run with the laiid and shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any riglit, title or interest in the real property described in Exhibit "A" or any portion and shall be for tlie benefit of each owner of any of tlie parcels or any portion of the property and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon each successor in interest of tlie owners. Eacli of tlie limitations, easements, obligations, covenants, l conditions, and restrictions contained herein shall be deemed to be, and sliall be construed as equitable servitudes, enforceable by any of the owiiers of any of the property subject to this Agreement agaiiist any other Owner, tenant or occupant of tlie propeity, or any portion. 2. Responsibility for Cost of Repair, Replaceinent and Maintenance: Declarant, or its successor in interest, shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain, repair, replace, reinove and keep in excellent, like new condition all improvements, including storinwater treatmei'it facilities, irrigation, and landscaping located on tlie portion of the City's property that abuts and fronts tlie Project ("tl'ie Frontage Area of tlie Project") along Stevens Creek Boulevard and Footliill Boulevard to back of curb lixie, excepting tlierefrom the standard public sidewalk abutting the propeity line of the Project wliich shall remain the i'naintenai'ice responsibility of tlie City. Exliibit 'B" shows the poition of tlie City's propeity for wliich Declarant is responsible for maintenance hereunder. 3. Definitions of Repair, Replacement and Maintenance: The repair, replaceinent and maintenance to be undeitaken and perfori'ned under tliis Agreement sliall include all work necessaiy to inaintain tlie Frontage Area of tlie Project described in paragraph 2 and delineated on Exl'iibit "B" in excellent, like new and useable condition uiider all weather conditions. Tlie Frontage Area of tlie Project shall be maintained to the standards, specifications and condition to wliicli, at a minimum, tliey were originally constructed as evidenced by plans and specifications on file witl'i tlie City of Cupertino and/or provided to tlie Declarant. The ii'nprovements shall be maintained to a high standard that is comparable to otlier improvements at similar high quality developments in the City. To accomplisli tlie maintenance, Declaram shall either provide licensed, qualified personnel to perform the maintenance work or contract with licensed, qualified companies for this, and any other itei'ns necessary to comply with the requirements of tliis Agreement. 4. Decisions Regarding Perforinance of tliis Agreement: All decisions regarding the need for maintenance, tlie ii'nplementation, the removal, and any particular other matters relating to tlie Frontage Area of the Project sliall be determined by tlie City. 5. ObligationsandResponsibilitiesofDeclarant:Declarantshallbesolelyresponsible for tlie performance of tlie obligations required under tliis Agreement and for the payi'nent of aiiy and aII fees, fines, and penalties associated with such performaxice or failure to perform under this Agreement. Provided, however, notwitlistanding any provisions of tliis Agreement to the contrary, upon the recordation of a deed or otlier instrument of sale, transfer or other conveyance of fee simple title to the Property or any poition thereof (a "Transfer") to a tl'iird pazty, Declarant shall be released of its obligations and respoiisibilities under this Agreement accruing after the date of sucli Transfer to the extent such obligatioiis aiid responsibilities are applicable to tliat portion of the Property included in such Transfer, and such obligations and responsibilities shall be assui'ned by each paity acquiriiig any riglit, title or interest in the Property pursuantto Section 1 of this Agreement. 6. Property Transfer: Notliing lierein shall be construed to proliibit a transfer of tlie Propeity or any pait tliereof by Declarant to subsequent owners and assigns. 2 7. To tlie fullest extent allowed by law, Declarant shall indemnify and liold liarmless CITY, its City Council, boards and commissions, officers, officials, agents, employees, servants, consultants and volunteers (hereinafter, "Indemnitees") from and against any liability, loss, damage, expense, and cost (inclriding reasonable legal fees and costs of litigation or arbitration), resuIting from injury to or death of any person, damage to property, or liability for otlier claims, stop notices, den'iands, causes of actions and actions, arising out of or in any way peitaining to, or related to tlie use, inaintenance and improvements by Declarant or Declarant's employees, officers, officials, agents or independent contractors of tlie Frontage Area of the Project described in paragraph 2 and delineated Oil Exhibit "B", or from negligent acts or omissions or willful misconduct of Declarant, its agents, employees, contractors, or subcontractors. Declarant shall, at his/lier own cost and expense, defend any and all claims, actions, suits or legal proceedings tl'iat may be brouglit against tlie City or any of the Indemnitees (witli council acceptable to City) in connection with tliis Agreement or arising out of Declarant's performance or nonperfori'nance of his/lier duties and obligations liereunder, except to the extent any of tlie foregoing is caused by tlie negligence or willful misconduct of tlie CITY or the CITY'S agents, employees and independent contractors. 8. Insurance Requirements: Declarant sliall not coininence work under tliis Agreement until it has obtained all insurance required. Declarant sliall maintair+ Worker's Compei'isation Insurance, and if applicable shall also require all subcontractors to provide Worker's Compensation Insurance. Declarant shall maintain Coi'npreliensive General Liability in an amount of not less than $1,000,000.00 9. Attorney's Fees: In tlie event tliat any party institutes legal action or arbitration against tlie other to interpret oi- enforce this Agreement, or to obtain damages for any alleged breacli, tlie prevailing paity in tlie action or arbitration sliall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' or arbitrators' fees in addition to all other recoverable costs, expenses and damages. 10. Further Documents: Tlie parties covenant and agree tliat they sliall execute furtlier documents and instructioiis as sliall be necessary to fully effectuate the terms and provisions of tliis Agreement. 11. Entire Agreement: Tliis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of tlie parties witli respect to tlie subject matter coiitained herein and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral. Tliere are no representations, agreements, arrangements or undertakings, oral or written, whicli are not 'fully expressed herein. 12. Severability: Ill the event any part or provision of tliis Agreeinent sliall be deteri'nined to be invalid or unenforceable under tlie laws of t)ie State of California, tlie remaining portions of tliis Agreement which can be separated from the invalid, unenforceable provisioris shall, neveitheless, continue in full force and effect. 13. No Waiver: Tlie waiver of any covenant contained herein shall not be deemed to be a continuing waiver of the same or any other covenant contained herein. 3 14. Recordation: It is anticipated tl'iat tliis Agreement sliall be recorded and sliall be executed and acknowledged in proper recordable fori'n. 15. Amendment: This Agreeinent may be amended in wliole or in part only by mutial written agreement. Any ai'nendi'nent shall be recorded in Santa Clara County, California. In the event any conflict arises between tlie provisions of any such amendment and any of the provisions of any earlier document or documents, the most recently duly executed and recorded amendinent shall be controlling. Executed the day and year first above written. DECLARANT: Alai Enterprise, LLC, a California limited liability coinpany Ali Mozaffari Managing Member CITY OF CUPERTINO Cliristopl'ier D. J n City Attorney (i'iotaiy acknowledgement attached) 4 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate veri&s only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Califoinia County of Santa Clara On U.,..;t7,.,16i=.- ,:i.'i', ;-:)z,)._ before me, Lauren Sa';'udar , Notary Public, (Here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared MallheW MoneY who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the ip:§ffi5n(s) whose i_ie(s)idare subscribed to thep_ithin instiument and a.cknowledg%e thattEM- she/they executed,the same ir4!s/her/their authorized effipAEily(ies,).,_4ndthatby-8/her/the%e(s) onthe instrumentthlh(s), orthe entityuponbehalfoffficTi the ,per?in(s) acted, executed the instrument. / I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. %, & & & & & & & & & A & & f 4 a_ LAkJREN SAPUDaR ?- u' 0 Santa Clara County > Th Commission # 2409321 - WITNESSmyhandandofficialseal. NotaryPubllc-California 2 /XX " a" ]"-""'a"a'- (No(a' Sea') l :y acao m-am a Ex p ' r esaaJ u naa2 8 ' 2 0aa2 6 t.,,.,..,b.i:;,..,,. * * ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING TEnS FORM Any acknowledgment completed in Ca%nia must contain verbiage exactly as DESCRIPTION OF TaHE ATTACHED DOC{JA4ENT appears above in the notary section or a separate aclanowledgrnent form rnust be properly completed and attached to that docmnent. The only exception rs if a document is to be recorded outside oj'California. In such instances, an)i alternative (Title or descniph'on ofattached dOcumenO aclrnoxiledgrnent verbiage as may be printed on such a document so long as the verbiage does not require the notary to do something thar is illegal _for a notary in California (i.e. cert'j5ring the authorized capaciff of the signer). Please checlc the (Title or description ofattached doc unnent con hn' ued) document carefidly for proper notarial wording and atlach this %m if required. * State and County infonnation inust be the State and County where the docuinentNumberofPages- DocumenfDa'e signer(s)personallyappearedbeforethenotarypublicforacknowledginent. * Date of notaiation must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which inust also be the same date the acknowledg+nent is completed. (Additional infor+nation) * The notaiy public inust print his or her name as it appears within his or h(,r coininission followed by a coiiuna and then your title (notary public). * Print the nanne(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization. CAJ' ACIT'f CLAJN'IF-D BY TT'IE SIGR " d'a'e 'e co'ec' s'gulm' o' pl"a' fonns by crossing off incorrect fonns (i.e. € Individual (s) he/she&y- is me ) or circling the correct forms. Failure to correctly indicate thisinfonnation may lead to rejec!'on of docuinent recording. 0 Corporate Officer ii The notaiy seal iinpression must be clear and photographically reproducible. hnpression must not cover text or lines. If seal iinpression smudges, re-seal if a (Title) sufficient area pennits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. € pa,nel.(s) * Signahire of the notaiy public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. € Attorney-in-Fact <i Additional infonnation is not required but could help to enSllI'e this [] Trustee(s) acknowledg+nent is not inisused or attached to a different docuinent. € Other *:* Indicate title or type of attached docuinent, number of pages and date. /as Indicate the capacity claiined by the signer. If the claiined capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretaiy). * Securely attach this docunnent to the signed docuinent C 2004-2015 ProLink Signing Service, Inc - All Rightt Reserved www TlieProLink com - Nakiomvide Notary Servlce CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary priblic or other officer completing tl'iis certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the docutnent to which this certificate is attaclied, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that docui'nent. State of California (Here insert naine and title of tlie officer) , Notary Public, wlio proved to me on tlie basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(J wl'iose name(d is/asubscribed to tlie within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sy executed the same in his/he-# autliorized capacity(:u$, and that by his/hrsignature(4 on the instrument tlie person(.0, or the entity upon belialf of which the persorp) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California tliat tlie foregoing paragrapli is true and correct. ). - o o a COMM.#2340572 TAnY rLIBLICaCALIFORNIA ALAMEDACO!)NTY €3 (Notary Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATT ACHED DOCUMENT (Title or description of atraclied doctiirient) (Title or description of anac)ied document cominued) Number of Pages Docun'ient Date (Additional i+ifonnation) CAP ACITY CLArMED BY THE SIGNER [3 Individual (s) [] Corporate Officer (Title) [0 Partner(s) [1 Attorney-in-Fact 0 Trustee(s) g Other INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any acknowledgnyenr conyplered rn Califorma mmr conram *ierbiage emcr5i OS appecn's abosie iri rlie nottrry secriori or (7 sepcn'me acknowledgnyenr forrn nmsr be properi,v compleled (771(/ atmched to thm documenr. The onl3r exception is if o docywent is io be recorded oursrde of Califor'nio. In SIIC/l inslances, ar;v aller'nalisie acknosvledgment sierbroge as nyay be primed ori suc/i Z7 docwnenr so long as ihe ver'biage does not reqynre Tlie nolcny lo do somelliing that fs illegd pr Z7 notcrry in Ccrhfor'ma (i.e. cerrif)rDyg r1ye tnrthor'i:ed capacity of rhe srgner). Plecrse clieck rhe documenT carefrdl)i for pr'oper riolariol wording (711(/ allacJi //ifs for'm if reqmred. State alld COkllltg mfonnatlon ITltlSt be tile State alld COtlnt5 Where tile dOCulnelll signer(s) personally appeared before tlie notary public for acknowledginent Date of no+ariza+ion inust be t)ie date t)iat f)ie signer(s) personally appeared w)iicli inust also be tl'ie saine date tlie acknowledginent is completed. The notaiy public inusi print lus or lier nai'ne as it appears witliin liis or lier commission fo)lowed by a comina and tlien your title (notary public) Print the naine(s) of docuinei'it signer(s) wl'io personally appear at tlie tiine of noianzation. Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect fonns (i.e. he/slie/ is /we ) or circling tlie correct forins. Failure to correctly ii'idicate lliis infonnation inay lead to rejection of docuinent recording. Tlie notary seal impression inust be clear and pliotograpliically reproducilile Iinpression inust not cover text or lines. If seal iinpression sinudges, re-seal if' a sufficient area permits, otlierwise coinplete a different acknowledginent forin Signature of tlie notary puLilic must n'iatcli tlie signature on file witli tlie ofl'ice of tlie county clerk a> Additional inforination is not required but could lielp to ensure tliis acknowledginent is not inisused or attaclied to a different docuinem. a> Indicate title or type of attac)ied doctiiiienf, ntimber of pages and date o> Indicate tlie capacity claiined by tlie signer. H' tlie claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate tlie title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary) Sectirely atfacli fliis document to ))ie signed document C 20042015 PtoLink Signing Sei'vice, Inc - All Riglitt Reserved ThePtoLiiik com - Nalionwide Notary Service EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Real property in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIPE AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, FORMERLY MOUNTAIN VIEW AND STEVENS CREEK ROAD, WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, FORMERLY PERMANENTE ROAD; THENCE NORTH 89o 55' WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF STEVENS CREEK BOULEV ARD, 125.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE SOUTH Oo 10' EAST AND PARALLEL WITH SAID WESTERLY LINE OF FOOTHnL BOULEVARD 100.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE SOUTH 890 55' EAST AND PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTHERLY uNE OF STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, 125.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON THE SAID WESTERLY LINE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, THENCE NORTH Oo 10' WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE 100.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND BEING A PORTION OF THE SAN ANTONIO RANCHO. PARCEL TWO: LOT 30, BLOCK 3, TRACT N0. 1093 FILED MAY 4, 1953 IN BOOK 42 0F MAPS, PAGE 37, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS. PARCEL THREE: LOT 29, BLOCK 3, TRACT N0. 1093 FILED MAY 4, 1953 IN BOOK 42 0F MAPS, PAGE 37, SANTA CLARA COUNTf" RECORDS. APN: 342-14-104 (Parcel One), 342-14-105 (Parcel Two) and 342-14-066 (Parcel Three) )rAT :ffi:AM( W:Lt7Sta I IXEi:}l ::)LH::: I j l%lllJ(NGIN((NlM.%tH((I}l(1 u}0001(J) ja0 EXHIBIT"B" . : H ffiFrontageArea I E ' I I ' l : I iil of the Project 1 : . l : : II li,II' i - - - - - " I = i i >__ J i i BII I x- I ----C.QM-IN-0-VISTADR-IGE--!__!! i':- - ' - _ ffla i'-- ( i I ,i'"""""""Ea:a;'a,J:'"4.hll,,,""'kl)I!'!!o,!)"' <'a ""' "'-l------ -i-=-..=-;-'-='- = -=-i'l :-i""i9 6 S fi S 5 5 i E E !: o, G G C S c s c c i:-i I..-...-. I !" !: g:" 5y'; !ta"" !' :'gi ffl: !' " Na "i: '5"' 5': !' !"" :5' !): !2"' :":i I rf" :" a" " ' = - - " I ' J'i " a'a'o : If!l " I'll :i ,,== I[=' ,!;il %, 'i-ffl ". 1. {: =l. . . Il'l !f €J l 4 @J . _ _ , . (l. 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