WC 1980 GRANT - 1980 PARKLANDS ACT 1 of 3 PROJECT #80-4*3001 xm�i:2: i State of Califomfa res—The Rssnua Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PAYMENT REQUEST State Grant Programs See InsftcNons an reverse. . 1 COl1TPACT NW1aiF1 80-43001 B 0 — 0 1 — 9 2 0 1 APPLICAMr — City of Cupertino �. PgWECTTlnB Willson Park 1 NPOOPPAWSIVY �- �— �17 Adva es C3 Reimbufsement IR Final 6. PAYMENT INFORMATION mouc qua Rawss m n+t NrasEsr sauyo a.C:am Project Amount $ 819754 b.Funds Received To Date $ 8,000 + 4,693.80 interest c.Available(a minus b.) d.Amount Of ThiS Request $ 69,060 20 e.Remaining Funds After This Payment(C.minus d.) $ 7. SEND WARRANT TO ------ AGENCY NI:16 - City of Cupertino STPEET A001493 -- 10300 Torre Avenue GiSYlETAtHZIP 000E .�. Cupertino, CA 95014 ATiNrI0N Blaine Snyder. Director of Finance B.4�NANPE P5 90N A tD�PIA 101UT57N nT � OA f� City Manager FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION USE ONLY P ArNENT AOPPOYM.A'SNA:LRB r_-�_ �A� DPA 212(Fsv.V91)(fmnq -- - -—- -- - — ses�rRucnoxsox,teveRse Slate or dlKomu-The Resources Aar,cv DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECRJATIUM e AMENDMENT TO PROJECT AGREEMEAT 1 ) 1974 Bond Act 1 ) 1964 Bond Act I ) Urban Grant Program(SB 174) ( ) 1989 Bond Act ( Y 1976 Bond Apt ( ) 1998 Bond Act I %) 1980 Bond Act Other (Iderttily) Project Title Cupertino Recreation Facilities Amendment No. 3 -Project No, 80-43001 THIS AMENDMENT is hereby mach and agreed upon by the of CalNgmis,acting through the Director ai the Department of Parks and Recreexion and by the Sr"1 ity of l;upert?.no pursuant to the above identfield program. The State and the Applicant,in mutual consideration of the promises made herein and in the agreement in which this is an amendment,do promise as follows: That the above•mentionod agreement is amended ace follows: Extend project performance period to June 30, 1992. In all other respects the agreement of which tt,is 15 an amendment,and the terms and conditions if relevant thereto. shall remain in ful!fo"m and affect.In s Fitness whereof the parties hereto have Pxecuted this amendment as of Cie date entered below. STATE pE_rF PARKS AND RE u e Applicant `t >-t:ino By _p By-41 ___ y nag^r Title Applicant's Authorized Representative as shown ir. Resolutior Date_ _.� CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING ' (To be completed for all except scope changes! CONTRACT NUMSEF1 FUND ' 80-01-920 Am. Ill Parklands Fund of 1980 Ps�OJE:T O AMOUNT OF THIS ESTIf,IATE APPROPRIATICN U-4 i"tIl Tiime Extension UNENCUMSEFIED SALA R STAkYV-fWr-- 1—SC—AL—Y-FXA S 3i9-101-721(c)(433) 99 1981 1 1989(90 AOJ.I CR ASIh V RANC S J. S I 80-82 U04F] 860 II"pem cendt uoon my own P—I knowooee the,Wdoned fund. T.B.A.No. B.P.No. are evelahle for tNe ancumbPA SIGNAT VRF OF ACC�T7NG�fFSCER , ��,�(' OPP6341Re� 1188f v Cit4&f Cupertino P.O.Eba 580 10300 Torre Avenue C Cupertino California 95015 Cupertino,California 95014 Telephone:(408)253-4505 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT june 9, 1989 Mr. Hat Project Officer of Parks and Recrisation P.O. BCOt 942896 Sacramento, Ch 94296 ievar Wayne: I would like to request an extension on the following Projects: B3-43-411 8E-43-611 BB-43-613 BE-43-713 BB-43-910 BO-43001 the reason for Ltis request is we hive zr>cently discovered in this facility the nresenoE+ of asbestos and scene of the loatbearinti walls may not be coTA=Va to our tentative Plans for r—deliM. Consequa ltly I wo.11d like to regiest an wttemsion on our expiratirm date so we may evaluate**ha validity of (MntinUiJV with this Project in light Of these i'Drn of averts. Thank you for your consideration of thts matter. Sincerely, Stephen G. DOWUM, Director SGD:bc Stmi ftmb-TM Raaum AWnot DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING CONTRA&NUMBER _. � FUND 80-01-920 Amdt. #2 Parklaneg Fund of 1980 AMOUNT OF THIS ESTIMATE APPROPRIATION S time wmeaeien _ UNENCUMBERED BALANCE ITEM CHdtTER STATUTE FISCAL YEAR 379-101-721(c)(433) 99 81 1988 a-IH NCECREASlNO ENCUM• FUNCTION BRA y ADJ.OECAEASINO ENr.Utl j LIA£ITEM ALLOTMENT gR � 80-82 U0481 860 _ 1 Hw*v r.Wny Wnn n*nr n Fmn.d k s IMt Wd{Mnd hn0t TBA.NUMBER B.R.HUMSER Ma 11.,kfw .Inkwwumb�. _ SIO TU O A �UNT Cr OFFICER 3-/3-Sg DPR SZB P,tm terse 1 Sate of California—The Remuroas Ag—v DEPARTMENT OF.PARKS AND RECREATION AMENDMENT TO PROJECT AGREEMENT I ! 1974 Bond Act ( % ) 1980 Bond Act ( 1 Urban Grant Program ISS 174) ( 1 1984 Bond Act 1 1 1973 Bond Act ( 1 1986 Band Act Other (Identify) Project Ti de Cupertinn Recreation Facilities Project No. 10-43001 Amendment No. 2 DPR Contract No. 80-01-920 Budget Items) 379-101-721(c)(433) Original Grant Amount 881.754 THIS AM NDMENT,s hereby made and agreed upon tryth a State of Calitorn its,acting through tsar Director of the Department of Parks end Recreation and by the City of Cupertino .Pursuant to the above identified program.. The State and the Applicant,in mutual consideratio.i of the promises made herein and in the agreement in which this is an amendment,do promise as follows: That the above-mentioned agreement is amended by: Extend project perf.rcance I:esiod to June 30, 1989. In all other respects the agreement 3f which this is an amendment,and the terms and conditions if relevant thereto, shall remain in lull force and effect.In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this amendment as of the date entered below. STATE DEPART ENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Applicant City of Cupertino By :_.__ a By Date ti Title Director, Parks and Recr at.ion Applicant's Authorized Representative as shown in Resolution / Date '�JT� DPR 634(Rev,6,87) boas o1 Conlornis—7ha Rasoures Aaanay OEPA:ITMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AMENDMENT TO PROJECT AGREEMENT l 1 1974 Bond Act 1 X ) 1980 Bond Act ( 1 Urban Grant Program(138 174) 1 1 1984 Bond Act l I 1976 Bond Act 1 1 1986 9ond Act Other (identifv) Project Title Cupertino Recreation Facilities Project No. 80-43001 Amandment No. 2 DPR Contract No. 80-01-920 BudgetItern(s) 379-101-723(c)(433) Original Grant Amount 181,754 THIS AMENDMENT is hereby made and agreed upon by�h a State.of California,acting thro.gh the L,rector of the Department of Parks and Recreation and by the City of Cupertino _pursuant to the above identified program. The State and the Applicant,in mutual consideration of the promises made herein and in the agreement in which this is an amendment,do promise as follows: That the above-mentioned agreement is amended by: Extend project performance period to June 30, 1989. In all other respects the agreement of which this is an amendment,and the terms and conditions if relevant thereto, shall remair,in full force and effect,in witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this amendment as of the date entered below. STATE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Applicant City of Cupertino 8y By Date Title Director, Parks and Recreation Applicant's Authorized Representative as shown in Resolution Date DPR 634(Rev,6 87) STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY GEORGE OELIKMEMAN,Gowmor DEPARTM:NT OF PARKS ANZ RECREATION F.O.BOX 2390 SACRAMENTO 95811 (916) 322-9568 July 30, 1986 Mr. Stephen Dowling Director of Parks and Rec. eation City of Cupertino P. 0. Box 580 Cupertino, CA 95015 Dear Mr. Dow Ling: Project #80-43001 Cupertino Recreation Faciliti 4nclosed, for yoL- files, is one copy of a fully executed project amendment for the subject prcject(s). Sincerely, ' '2 Gerald H. Ramsdell Park and Recreation Spec4.alist enclosure Stm of Callfomlo—TM Raw { 1r DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND CR ION - CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING 80l4=1 CONTRACTNUMBER FUND W41-90 YI.1 f .tmB�of ilt�o AMOUNT OF THIC ESTIMATE APPROPRIATION $ d" "a UNENCUMBEREDBALANCE ITEM C"J PIR STATUTE FISCAL YEAR 179 101•l81(e)(489) 99 i�i a986.7 ADJ.INCREASING ENCUM- FUNCTION BRANCE ADJ.DECREASING ENCUM- LINE ITEM ALLOTMENT BRANCE 80-81 00b81 860 !ilela 11 CUUIy upon my own perwnal krauuledgs Mat budgeted fulls T.BA.NUMBER E.R.NUMBER are robV Co far Mb eMvmbrence SIGNATURE O ACCOUN I F E eto 7 {O DPR 5243 oiev.wm I Suta of Californb—TM Renmee Aq—, DEPARTMENT CP PARKS AND RECREATION AMENDMENT TO PROJECT AGREEMENT 1 1 1974 Bond Act 1 1 1976 Bond Act 1 1 Urban Grant Program(SB 174) 1 R 1 1980 Bond Act Other ( ) 1984 Bond Act ildentify) Project Title Cupertino Recreation Facilities Project Nd. 80-43001 Amendment No. 1 OPA Contract No. 80-01-920 Budget Item(s) 379-101-721(c)(433) Original Grant Amount $81.754 THIS AMENDMENT is hereby made and agreed upon by the State of California,acting through the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation and by the. City of Cupertino pursuant to the above identified program. The State and the Applicant,in mutual consideration of the promises made herein and in the agreement in which this Is an amendment,do promise as follows: That the above•merticned agreement is amended by: Extend the project agreement period to June 30, 1988. In all other r aspens the agreement of whi&,this it an amendment,and the terms and conditions J relevant thereto, shall remain in full force ar3 effect.In witness whereof the parties hereto have execumd this amendment as of the date entered below. STATE DDEEPA ENT OF:PAM RECREATION Applicant City of Cupertino By— BY L ✓z--�o—...b-__3 Date_ l Title Director, Parks and Recreation Applicant's Authorized Representative as snown in Resolution Date OPP 634 11"<�901 ` STATE OF CAUFORNIA—T11E EESOUQCES AOEHCT GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN.Coeamor DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION P.O.SOX 2M SACRAMENTO 95811 IrOb (916) 322-9568 June 18, 1986 Mr. Stephen Dowling Director of Parks and Recreation City of Cupertino P. 0. Box 580 Cupertino, CA 95015 Dear Mr. Dowling: 1980 Bond Act Project #80-43001 Cupertino Recreaticn Facilities Enclosed are five copies of an Amendment for the above Program and Project. Please return four, signed copies of this Amendment within 30 days. A fully-executed copy will be returned to you. Please contact me at the above phone number if you need assistance with your project. Sincerely, Ce.ald H. Ramsdell Park and Recreation Specialist Enclosures Srate of Califcrnia-The.1-Aeeney OSPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AMENDMENT TO PROJECT AGREEMENT 1 1 1974 Bond Act 1 1 1976 Bone Act 1 ) Urban Grant Program(S8 174) 1 X ) 1980 Bond Act Omer ( ) 1984 Bald Act (identity) Project Title. Cupertino Recreation Facilities p,oject No 80-43001 Amendment No. 1 -DPR Contract No. 60-'?5-920 Budget ltem(s) 379-101--721(c)(433) Original Grant Amount $81,754 THIS AMENDMENT is hereby made and agreed upon by t.`.e State of California,acting through me Director of me Department of Parks and Recreation and by the_ City of Cupertino pursuant to the above identified program. The State and the Applicant.in mutual consideration of the promises made herein and in the agreement in which •hts Is an amendment,do prdmde as follows: That the above-menticned agreement is amended by: Extend the project agreenent period to June 30, 1988. in all other respeCII the agreement of which this is an amendment.and the terms and Conditions if relevant thereto, shill remain in full force and effect.In withesi whereof the parties hereto have executed mu amendment as of the date entered below. STATE DEPARTMENT OF PAR K';AND R-cCR EATION Applicant City of Cupertino By _ By Date Tine Director, Parks and Recreation Applicant's Authorized Representative as shown to ResoluLon Date DPR 634(12'E0) State of Calif." in-The Resources Agency DSpART}ERT OF PARKS Al®RECREATION PAYMENT REQUEST State urent program 1. Check Box tow Appropriate Grant Program(DLo But Combine Two or pore Program or projects on one Request) ( ) 1974 Rod Act ( ) 1976 Road Art ( ) 1984 Bond Act ( )Urban Greet Program(IN 174) ( xX) 1290 Bed Art ( )other 2. All the Information Headed toe the Best Pour Lines is Show on Your Agreement M ject Title Cupertino Recreation Facilities Applicant City of Cupertino Project Ihmbar 80 43001 BR Contract umber 80-01-920 Items) _ 3. Iaymeat Bequest umber One Advance ( X) Reimbursement( ) panel ( ) 4. Total Project Expenditures to Date A. Acquisition parcels were exchanged with B. Development Cupertino Union School Dist. in 1979. (1) Real Property O (1) Consultant Service 8 (2) Relocation 0 (2) Contracts(3) Other 6 (4) Total 0�� ( 9 (44)) materials and Supplies 8 (3) Equipment Rental" 0 (S) Other 0 (7) Total O---U- S. Payment Request (a) Total Grant Asamt ( 80,754 (b) Grant Turfs Received to Data g_ -0- (c) Remaining(a minus b) 8 80,754 (4) AMOUNT GI TBIS R4YMEN1'REQU88T 8,000 8. Ramalatog Grant Purls after this Payment O 72,754 7. Bale Warrant Payable to: City of Cupertino Lddreas P.O. BOX 580, Cupertino, CA 95015 Certification I certlty that Pha above information is correct and that all funds received have or will be expanded in accordance with the approved agreement for state grant man"*. (Signed -Stet be Paveem Awtheri to Rew seiam), (Title) (Data) Approved tot Paymwnt: R! tab Bepmsasa9 of Puft and Recreation Data DSR 212(Sew. 8/04) at4 of CHper""o 10300 Torre Avenue P.O.Boa 580 Cupertino,California 95014 Cupertino,California 95015 Telephone:(408)252.4505 Parka and Recreation Departrumnt 408-253-2060 Jur:e 11, 1986 Mr. Gerald H. Ramsdale Park and Recreation Specialist Department of Parks and Recreation State of California P.O. Box 2390 Sacramento, CA 95811 Dear Mr. Ramsdale: Re: Cuoeetino Recreation Facilities, Project #80-43001 Let me begin with an expression of gratitude for your assistance and patience while the Ci•cy of Cupertino has deliberated over the future of. Monta Vista Recreation Center. We are now ready to proceed with renovation of the building and to that end, I am submitting our first payment request for this project. The requested funds (10%) are for the services of an architect to prepare the renovation plans. In addition to modifying existing room space, we will have to remodel a number of facilities in order to comply with current codes, such as rest rooms and heating/air conditioni:,g systems. I am also including a copy of the original building plans we obtained from Sacramento (the local school district did not have plans), and a simple sketch of now staff envisions the interior space to be remodeled. Thank you for your attention to this request. Respectfully, Stephen G. Dow ling Director of Parks and Recreation SGD:bc Enclosure PATE O►CAUPOENIA—TNE RESOURCES AGENCY OEOROE OBUKUSAAN.aMmor DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION P.G.SOX noo RACUMEN:D 93211 (916) 322-9568 March 21, 1986 Mr. Stephen Dowling Director of Parka and Recreation City of Cupertino P.O. Box 580 Cupertino, CA 95015 Dear Mr. Dowling: Subject: 80-43001, Cupertino Recreation Facilities 7his is to remind you.that final payment for the project(a) listed above cannot be made until we receive the following items: X 1. Fbur copies of payment request, DPR 212, signed by person authorized in application resolution. (Agreement ends 6-30-86) _2. Description of completed project, including parcel numbers acquired and/or facilities developed by contract and/or force account. X 3. Summary of all project costs—include: (Bal. $81,754.00) a. Warrant numbers b. Amount of warrants c. Date of warrants d. Recipients of warrants e. Purpose of expenditures 4. 9mmary of force account labor costs, including employee name a no., job title, no. hours worked, dates, amount with fringe benefits, work performed. 5. Summary of equipment costs, including type of equipment, license no., ' no. hours used, dates, amount, work performed. X 6. List all sources of funds including all other grants for above expenditures. Include amounts, purposes, and dates received or due you. _ 7. Copy of Award of Contract for each contract, showing date awarded, name of contractor and contract amcun>. _ X S. Notice of Completion and acceptance of contract for each contract.() g 9. Amount of interest earned cn advance grant payments. X 10. Certification that final payments have been made on all expenditures and no other reimbursement has been or will be received for which payment is requested. Please contact me at the above phone number if you have questions. Prat attention to the above will allow expeditious payment and completion of this project. Sin cereI Note: No plans have been reviewed or approved by this office. Gerald H. Ramsdell \ Park and Recreation Specialist !cs Support Material Fbr Final Payment 1. Fbur copies of payment request, DPR 212, signed by person authorized in application resolution. 2. Description of completed project, including parcel numbers acquired and/or facilities developed by contract and/or force account. 3. Summary of all project costs, include: a. warrant numbers b. Amount of warrants c. Date of warrants d. Recipients of warrants e. Purpose of expenditures 4. Summary of force account labor costs, including employee name 6 no., job title, no. hours corked, dates, amount with fringe benefits, work performed. 5. Summary of equipment costs, including type of equipment, license no., no. hours used, dates, amount, cork performed. 6. List all sources of funds including all other grants for above expenditures. Include amounts, sources, purposes, dates received. 7. Copy of Award of Contract for each contract, showing date awarded, name of contractor and contract amount. 8. Notice of Completion and acc—eptance of contract for each contract. 9. Amount of interest earned on advanced grant payments. 10. Certification that fin31 payments have been made on all expenditures and no other reimbursement has been or will be received for which payment is requested. STATE OF CALIFORNIA-TNE RESOURCES AGENCY GEORGE DEUEMWIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION F.O.Box 2390 SACRAMENTO 93811 (916) 322-9568 August 11, 1983 Stephen Dowling Director of Parks and Recreation City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Dear Mr. Dowling: Cupertino Recreation Facilities Project #80-43001 Enclosed is a fully-executed Project Agreement for the above Program and Project. All Bond Act Projects You may request a 10% advance for the preparation of acquisition documents and/or construction plans and specifications. Acquisition documents include an appraisal and preliminary title report. Construction documents include one full aet of plans and specifications, a force account schedule if the work is being done in-house, or a complete bid package if the work is being done by contract. Such documents must be submitted to this Department for review and approval. Up to 90% of the grant amount can be advanced after state approval, and when you are ready to commence work on the project. Roberti-Z'berg Projects The Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program does not generally require this Department's review of acquisitior documents or plans and specifi- cations. However, you may request an advance of 10% to prepare such documents and up to 90% of the grant amount may be advanced when you are ready to commence work on the project. All Projects If you wish an advance, submit four (4) Payment Request forms =o this Office. Copies are enclosed for your use. Also enclosed is a checklist with some of the items that will be required for the audit, upon completion of the project. The information should be readily available and centrally located, in ord*r to expedite the audit and final pay- ment once the project is complete. Please be sure that the full amo:^_t of the grant including any required matching funds plus any interest ea_ned has been expended before calling for the audit. otherwise you may not receive the full amount of reimbursement r that you would normally be entitled to. r: You are encouraged to review the Procedural Guide forthe appropriate Program for instructions on accounting procedures and allowable costs. Sincerely, Ed Navarro Park and Recreation Specialist /cs Enclosures a i } t State o1 California—The Resources r.genry DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECT AGREEMENT CALIFORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 1980 APPLICANT City of Cupertino PROJECTTITLE Cupertino Recreation Facilities PROJECT NUMBER�?4c331217L. PROJECT PERFORMANCE PERIOD Date of Appropriation to June 30,1986 Under the terry"and conditions of this agreement,the applicant agr9es to complate the project as described in tie o-olect description,and the State of Caeicrma,acting through its Diracsn.of Parks and Recreation punuant to the California Parklands An of 198D,aerees to fund the proieM up lathe total state gsant amount indicated. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: "Acquisition and,/or development of land and/or facilities for recreational pttrPoses." Total State Grant not to exceed$ 83,754 City of Cupertino Applicant The General Provisions attached are male a par t ey —� uat bf Awhor Au otl, of and are incorporated into the Agreement. $ierreiure xad Repreaentativa Tide Director of Parks and Recreation Date -71t s/E13 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Tide City Manager Date_ T18,(83 Data -- CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING CONTRACT NUMBER O-01—q^D FUND PARKLANDS FUND OF 1980 PfOBCt NO. AMOUN`7 F T IS E TI E APPROPRIATION 1 80-43001 /" UNENCUMBERED BALANCE ITEM CHAPTER STATt1TES FISCAL v=aa $ It 99 1981 1981 32 ADJ.INCREASING ENCUMBRANCE FUNCTION $ * 3 - - Z 3 ADJ.DECREASING ENCUMBRANCE LINE ITEM ALLOTMENT g _ 2 _ I h..by wIlIV upon spy own porsnnol Lnowladge that budgeted fun —s T.B.A,No. 1 a R.Nc' are available for this enoumbmrtcu. t ,� SIGNATURE QF�A DUN q FFICE DATE DPR 602(11/80) .f, CALIFORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 19M Project Agreement Gamut Provisions A. Oe0nitlom 1. The term"State"a used herein means the California State Department of Faults and Recreation. 2. The term"Act"ae used herein mum the California Parklands Act of 1980. 3. The term"Project"as used herein moans the project which is described on page 1 of this epreomnt. 4. The term"Applicant"a wed herein mans the party described as applicant on page t of this agreement. 9. Project Execution 1. Subh a to the availability of grant moneys in the Act,the State hereby arann to the Applicant a sum of money(grant moneys)net to exceed the amount stated an page 1 in consideration of and on condition that the sum be expended in carrying out Ilia purposes as at forth in the Description of Project on page 1 and under the terms and conditions at forth in this agreement. Applicant agrees to assume any obligation to furnish any additional funds that may be necessary to complete the project.Any modification or alteration in the project as set forth in the application on file with the Sate must be submitted to the Sate for approval. 2. The Applicant agrees to complete the Project in accordance with the time of project performance set forth on page 1, and under the terms and conditions of this agreement. 3. If the Project includes development,the development plans and specifications or Force Account Schedule shall be reviewed and approved by the State. a, The Applicant shall secure completion of the development work in accordance with the approved development plans and specifications or Force Account Schedule. S. The Applicant shall permit periodic site visits by the State w determine if development wort is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications or Force Account Schedule,including a final inspection upon Project completion. 6. All significant deviations from the Project shall be submitted to the State for prior approval. 7. Applicant in acquiring real property,the eligible cost of which is to be reimburred with pant moneys under this agreement,shall comply with Chapter 16(commencing with Section 7260)of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code and any applicable federal,state,or 1=1 laws or ordinances.Documentation of such compliance will be made available for review by the State upon request. 8. Applicant agrees to furnish State preliminary title reports respecting such real property or such other evidence of title which is determined to be sufficient by State.Applicant agrees in negotiated purchases to correct prior to or at the close of escrow any defects of title which in the opinion of Sate might interfere with the operation of he Project.In condemnation actions such title defects must be eliminated by the final judgment. C. Project Costs The Grant moneys to be provided Applicant under this agreement may be disbursed as follows: 1. If the Project includes acquisition of real property,the State may disburse to Applicant the grant moneys as follows, but not to exceed in any event the Sate grant amount at forth on page 1 of this agreement: a. When acquisition is through negotiated purchase,State may disiourse the amount of the State approved purchase lrica together with Store approved costs of acquisition. b. When acquisition is through proceedings In eminent domain.State may disburse the amount of the total award w provided for bt the final order of condemnation toaethar with State approved costs of acquisition. c. In the event Applicant abandons such eminent domain proceedings,Applicant earns to beer all cos"in connection therewith and that no grant moneys shell be disbursed for such costs, 2 DPR 653(11/801 2. If the Project includes development,after approval by Slaw of Applicant's plans and specifications or Force Amount Schedule and after completion of the Project or any phase or unit thereof.State may disburse to Applicant upon receipt and approval by State of a statement of idaurred costs from Applicant,the amount of such approved incurred costs shown on such statement,not to exceed the Stem grant amount set forth fan mile 1 of this apex mart,or any remaining portion of such grant amount to the extent of such Interment.State may,disburse up to 100%of the State grant amount allocated for development upon receipt and approve!by State of Applicant's plans and specifications or Force Amount Schedule, The statements to be submitted by Applicant shall set forth in devil the in—veld or estimated met of work performed Or to be performed on development of the Project and whether performence will be by construction contract or by farce amount.Statements shall not bu submitted more frequently Than ninety day periods union otherwise requested by State. Modifications of the day tpment plan and schedule most be approved by Stew prior to any deviation from the State approv Olen and schedi unless pr,.i.oudy authorised by the State. D. Project Administration 1. The Applicant shall promptly submit such reports w the Sm.may request. In any event Applicant shall provide State a report showing total final Projmf trxpenditures. 2. Property and facilities acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement shall be available for inspection by the Store upon request. 3. The Applicant shall use any moneys advanced by the State under the Terms of this agrmment solely for the Project he-iin described. 4. If grant moneys are advanced,the Applicant s.lould place such moneys in a separate interest bearing amount,setting up and identifying such amount prior to the advance,interest earned on grant moneys shall be used on the Projector paid to the State.If grant moneys are advanced and not expended,the unused portion of the grant shall be set nned to the State within 60 days of completion of the Project or and of the Project performance Period,whichever is earlier. S. Income earned by the Applicant from a Sure approved nonrearoational use on a grant project shall be used for recreational purposes at the grant project,or,if approved by the Stale,for recreational purposes within the Applicants jurisdiction. E, Project Termination t, The Applicant may unilaterally rescind this agreement at any time prior to the commencement of the Project.After Project commencement this agreement may be rescinded,modified or amended by mutual agreement in writing. 2. Failure by the Applicant to comply with the terms of this agreement or any other agreement under the Act may be cause for suspension of all obligation of the State hereunder. 3. Failure of the Applicant to comply with the terms of this agreement shall not be cause for tho suspension of all obligations of the State hereunder if in the judgment of the State such failure was due to no fault of fire Applicant,In such case,any amount required to setto at minimum cast any irrevocable obligations properly incurred shall be eligible for reimbursement under this agreement. 4. Because the benefit to be derived by the Suite,from.1 o full complionce by the Applicant with the Terms of this agreement,is the preservation,protection and net increase in the quantity and quality of beaches,nary,public outdoor recreation facilities and historical resources available to the people of the State of Califamia and bemuse such t—ofit exceeds to an immeasurable and unascertainable extent the amount of money furnished by the State by way of grant moneys under the terms of this agreement,the Applicant agrees that payment by The Applicant to the State of an amount equal to The amount of tha grant moneys disbursed under this agreement by the State would be inadequate compensation to the State for any breach by the Applicant of this agreement.The applicant further,agrees therefore, that the appropriate remedy,in the event of a breach by the Applicant of We agreement shall be the specific performance of this agreement. F. Hold Harmon 1. Applicant hereby wales all claims and recourse against the State including the right to contribution for loss or damage to persons or property arising from,grovWng out of or in any way concocted with or incident to this grear ent except claims arising from the concurrent or sole negligence of State,its of ican,agents,and employees. 2. Applicant shall Indemnify,hold harmlets and defend State,in officen,agents and employees against any and all ciolms, demands,damages,cost.,expanses or liability mats arising out of the acquisition,development,construction.operation or maintonenm of the property described es the Project which claims,demands or causes of action arise under Government Code Section 895.2 cr otherwise except for liability arising out of the concurrent or sole negligence of Stag,its officen,agents,or employees. 3 3. In the event State is named as codefendant under the provisions of Government Code Section 895 at seq.,the ' Applicant shall notify State of such fact and shall represent State in the legal action unless Slow undertakes to represent itself es codetendant in such legal action in which event Stets shall bear to awn litigation coats,expenses,and ettarney's fees. 4. In the event of judgment entered against State and Applicant because of the concurrent negligence of Suite and Applicant,their officers,agents,or employees,an apportionment of liability to pay such judgment shall be moo by a court of competent jurittlictfon.Neither party shall request a jury apportionment. G. Financial Records 1. The Applicant shall maintain satisfactory financial attoum e.documents and records for the Project and shall make them s wadable m the State for auditing to reasonebha timm m.Such accounts,documents and records shell be retained by the Applicant for three years following Project tertnlnatlonor eamplation. During regular office hours each of the parties harem and their duty outhorited represenutives shall have the right to inspect and snake copies of any books,records or reports of the other Party PaMining to this agreement or sooners rotated therein.Appli dart shall maintain and make mailable for inspection W. to accurate,records of all of it. casts,disbursemente and receipts with respect to Its octiviNat under this agreement. 2. The Applicant may use any generally accepted accounting r/starn. H. Use of Facilities 1. The property acquired or developed with grant moneys under this prQament shall be used by the Applicant anly for the Purpose for which the State Grant moneys were requested and no other on of the area shall be permitted except by specific act of the leghtloture. 2. The Applicant agrees to maintain and operate the property acquired or dewloped for a period commensurate with the type of ptaject and the proportion of State Grant fords and local funds allocated to the capital costs of the project. 1. Nondiscrimination i, The Applicant shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of tax,mot,color,national origin,age,reliPI n, ancestry,or physical handicap in the use of any propony or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement. 2. The Applicant shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of residence except to the extent that miumabte differences In admission or other fees may be maintained on the basis of residence and pursuant to law. 3. All facilities shall be open to members of the public generally,excoP:as noted under the special providens of this project agreement. 4 An audit of the project is usually required before the final grant payment will be made. Listed below are some of the items the auditor will examine during the review of your records, as applicable. Please have these records available in a central location ready for review. The auditor will con+act you to schedule the date for audit. If you have any questions re- garding these documents, you may contact the Audits Office at (916) 445-55E8. CCMRACTS ACQUISITIC'i _Summary list of bidders (including _Appraisal report individual bid packages) _Owner inspection certification —8ecommendation by reviewer of bids 10 year history Awarding by go.erning body (minutes Statement of just ccmpensaticn (sib ed by i of the meeting/resolutior) se'_ler) _Construction contract agreement _Statement of difference (if purchased above appraisal) _Contract bonds (bid, performance, payment' _Waiver of just compensation (aigned by seller) Contract change orders ^Cancelled warrants (payment's) to seller(s)) Contractor's progress billings Grant deed (vested to the participant) or Final order of condemnation _Payments to contractor (cancelled checks/warrants) r Title insurance policy (issued to participant) Stop notices (filed by subcontractors) nelocatioa locur,.ents _Liquidated damages (claimed against Income (rental, grating, anlo of improvements, the contractor) etc.) :,'once of completion (recorded) Land Agent approval (internal) FORCE LABOR E tii on. Authorization/wcrk order Authorizatior^/work order Time sheets (properly signed) _Time cards (properly si.nped) sourly rate (salary schedulez/payroll hourly rate (related backup documents) r register) Fringe benefits (;rovlde breakdown) I4A'MIAI _:ndi-ect custc; :a-,provad by Federal government) Furchaue Orderc Inroices ':TES Fn;aenta (cancoPed checks, _Sohedele of ntore.;: �ar::ea or. Stote funds advanced `.app'icab?o to all Le aces, groc^enls, .;to.. -- ..ai.rd.^,; ti ceeelcs.ed!ac^u is a�i ;^er�.. STATE OF CAUFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY GEORGE DFUKME31AN, Governor. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION P.O.EO%239R SACRAMENTO 95811 (916) 322-9582 July 11, 1983 Stephen Dowling Director of Parks and Recreation City of Cupertino '10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Dear Steve: Project No. 80-43001 Cupertino Recreation Facilities Enclosed are five copies of the project agreement far the above program and project. Please sign and return four copies of the agreement within 30 days. Also, please note that: 1. For 1974, 1976, and 1980 Bond Act projects, your construction and/or acquisition documents should be submitted to this Department for approval before you commence construction or acquire property. Construction documents include: one full set of plans and specifications, a force account schedule if the work is being done in-house, or a complete bid package if the work is being done by contract. For Roberti-Zlberg Urban Grant projects (SB 174) your development and/or acquisition documents need not be approved but the Department may request copies. 2. The agreement must be signed by the State before you can incur costa on your 1974 and 1976 projects. Funds for your 1980 Bond Act project and the Roberti-Ztberg Program must be appropriated by the Legislature before you begin. Pleasa contact me at the above phone number if you need assistance with your project. Sincerely yours,p� Park "and recreatio gpecialist Enclosures State of Cshfornia The Rpsoutcs Agency DEPARTMENT OF PAR KS AND R ECR EATION PROJECT AGREEMENT CALIFORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 1980 APPLICANT City os Qj=tino PROJECT TITLE QJDertinO Recreation Facilities PROJECT NUMBER aJ--31�'- PROJECT PERFORMANCE PERIOD Date of Appropriation to June 30 1986 Under the terms and conditions of th,s agreement,the applicant agrees to complete the project as described n the proleet descri%ion,and the State of California,acting through its Dira.ta.o:"arks and liccraacion punuam to the California Parklancs Act of 198D,agrees to fund the project up to the totes state grant amount Indicated. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: "Acquisition and/or develoFment of land and/or facilities far recreational purposes." Total State Grant not to exceed$ 81,754 City of Cupertino j Applicant The General Provisions attached are made a part By � of and are incorporatedt.into the Agreement Signature pef Authorized Roprosantatlra Title Director of Parks and Recreation Dam :74&63 STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY:jQV6-p DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Tine City Manager By_ Data_. '7�/0/83 Date CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING CONTRACT NUMBER FUND PARKLANDS FUND OF 1980 PTO'eM ND. AMOUNT OF THIS ESTIMATE APPROPRIATION 1 80-43001 UNENCUMBERED BALANCE ITEM CHAPTER STATUTES FISCAL.YEAR s * 99 1981 11961,3 ADJ.INCREASING ENCUMBRANCE FUNCTION S * 379-1 1- 2 ADJ.DECREASING ENCUMBRANCE LINE ITEM ALLOTMENT III I harabV WIRY upon MY own personal knowledge that budgetted funds T.B.A.No. B.R.No are owilabla for this encumbrance. SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING OFFICER DATE OPR 652(11/801 CALIFORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 1960 Pro)-Aiessmem Special ProWdow General Prodstotw A. Definitions 1. The am"State"of used herein means the California State Department of Parks and Recreation. 2. The farm"Am"as used herein means the California Parklands Act of 1950. a. The tom"Project"ae used herein means the project which is described on page 1 of this agreement. 4. The farm"Applicant"as wed herein means the party described as applicant on page 1 of this sweement, S. Project Execution 1. Subject to the availability of grant moneys in the Am,the State hereby grants to the Applicant a sum of money(grant moneys)not to exceed the amount stated on page 1 In consideration of and on condition that the sum Ws expanded in carrying out the purposes as set forth in the Description of Project on page 1 and under the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. Applicant agrees to assume any obligation to furnish any additional funds that may be necessary to m,mpleta the project.Any modification of alwmtion in the project as set forth in the application on file with the State must be submitted to the State for approval. 2. The Applicant agrees to complete the Project in accordance with the time of project perform—A sat forth on Pigs 1, and under the terms and conditions of this agreement. 3. if the Project includes development,the development plans and specifications or Farce Account Schedule shall be reviewed and approved by the State. 4. The Applicant shall nwure completion of the development work in accordance with the approved development plane and specifications or Force Account Schedule. S. The Applicant shall permit periodic site visits by the State to determine if development work is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications or Force Account Schedule,including a final inspection upon Project completion. S. All significant devimions from the Project shall be submitted to the State for prior approval. 7. Applicant in acquiring real property,the eligible cast of which is to to mimburted with grant moneys under this agreement,shall comply with Chapter 16(commencing with Section 7260)of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code and any applicable federal,state,or local laws or ordinances.Documentation of such compliance will be made available for review by the State upon request. 3. Applicant agrees to furnish State preliminary title reports respecting such real property or such other evidence of title which is determined to be sufficient by State.Applicant agrees in negotiated purchases to correct prior to or at the clop of escrow any defects of title which In the opinion of State might interfere with the operation of the Project.In condemnation actions such title defects must be eliminated by the final judgment. C. Project Casts The Grant moneys to be provided Applicant under this agreement may be disbursed as follows: 1. If the Pmjecs includes acquisition of real property,the Store may disburse to Applicant the grant moneys as follows, but not to exceed in any event the Stare Arent amount set forth on page 1 of this agreement. a. When acquisition is through negotiated purchase,State may disburse the amount of the Stare approved purchase price together with State approved coats of acquisition. b. When acquisition is through proceedings in eminent domain,State may disburse the amount of the total award of provided for in the final order of condemnation together with State approved costs of acquisition. c. In the event Applicant abandons such eminent domain proceedings,Applicant agrees to bear all costs In connectico therewith and that no grant moneys shall be disbursed for such wits. 2 OPR 653(11/801 s 2. 11 the Project includes development,after approval by State of Applicant's plans and specifications or Force Account ' Schedule and after completion of the Project or any phase or unit thereof.Star.may disburse tc Applicant upon receipt and epp•owl by State of a statement of incurred costs from Appiicam,the amount of such approved incurred coin sh.hwn on such statement,not to exceed the State grant amount set forth an page 1 of this agreement,or any remaining portion ul such grant amount to the extent of such statement.State may disburse up to 10096of the State Went amount allocated for development upon receipt and approval by State of Applicant's plans and specifications or Force Account Schedule. The statements to be submitted by Applicant shall set forth in detail the incurred or estimated cost of work performed or I,be performed on dervelopreent of the Project and whether performance will be by construction contract or by force account.Statements shall not be submitted more frequently then ninety day periods unless otherwise requested by State. Modifications of the development plan and schedule most be approved by State prior to any deviation from the State approved plan and schedule unless previously authorised by the State. D. Project Administration 1. The Applicant shall promptly submit such reports as the Stole may request. In any event Applicant chat[provide State a report thawing total final Project expenditures, 2. Property and facilities acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement shall be available for inspection by the State upon request. 3. The Applicant shall use any moneys advanced by the State under the terms of this agreement solely for the Project herein desmibed. 4. It grant moneys are rid no d,the Applicant should place such moneys in a separate interest bearing account,setting up and identifying such amwnt prior to the advance,Interest earned tat grant moneys shall be used on the project or paid to the State.If grant monvirs are advanced and not expended,the unused portion of the grant shall be returned to the State within 60 days of completion of the Project or end of the Project performance period,whichever is earlier. 6. Income earned by the ApP6cent from a State approved nonr.creationel use on a grant project shall be used for recreational purposes at the grant project,or,if approyed by the State,far wormitional purposes within the Applicants jurisdiction. E. Project Tmrm;nation 1. The Applicant may unilaterally rescind this agreement at any time prior to the commencement of the Project.After Project commencement this agreement may be rescinded,modified or amended by mutual agreement in writing, 2. Failure by the Applicant to wmply witn the term of this agreement or any other agreement under the An may be cause for suspension of all obligations of the State hereunder. 3. Failure of the Applicant to comply with the terms of this agreement shall not be cause for me suspension of all obligations of the State hereunder if in the judgment of the State such failure was due to no fault of the Applicant.In such rate,any amount required to settle at minimum wit any irreveceble obligations properly incurred shalt be eligible for reimbursement under this agreement. 4. Samusa the benefit to be dariyed by the State,from the full compliance by the Applicant with the terms of this agreement,is the preservation,protection and net irscfoasp in the quamity and quality of beaches,parks,public outdoor recreation facilities and historical resources available to the people at the Stela of California and beta."such benefit exceeds to an immeosureble and unaxprtainable extent the amount of money furnished by the State by way of grant moneys under the farms of this agreement,the Applicant agrees that payment by the.Applicant to the State of an amount equal to the amount of the gram moneys disbursed under this agreement by the State would he inadequate compen"tfon to the State for any breach by the Appnoant of this agreement.The applicant further agrees therefore, that Ma appropriate remedy in m ve he e event of a breach by the Applicant of this agreement shall be t specific psrfarmenca of this agreement. F. Hold Harmless 1. Applicant hereby waives all claims and recourse against the Stole including the right to contribution for lost or damage to parsons or property aritng tram,growing out of or in any way connected with or incident to this agreement except claims arising from the sota.rtem or sole neplioenca of Swig.its officers,agents,and employees. 2. Applicant shell indom ity,hold Ismalaas and defend State,its officers,agents and employed%against any and all claims, demands,damages,costs,expenses or gabifity costs arising out of the s�quitition,development,construction,operation or main"mm"'of the ryoperty described as the Project which claims,demands m cause of action arise under Government Code Section 596.2 or otherwise except for liability arising am of the conourront or sole negligence of State,its mficem,agents,or ampfoyem. 3 3. In the event State is named as rodefendent under the provisions of Government Coda Sacsion 886 et seq.,the Applicant shall notify Soto of such fact and shall represent Soto in the legal action unless State undertakes to represent itself a code19ndant in such legal action in which event State shall bear In own litigation totes,expenses,and attorneys has. 4. In the event of judgment entered against State and Applicant bemuse of the concurrent negligence of Soto and Applicant,their officers,agents,or employees,an apportionment of liability to pay such judgment shall be made by a court of competent jurisdiction.Neither party shall request a jury apportionment. G. Financial Records t. The Applicant shelf maintain satisfactory financial accounts,documents and records for the project and shall make Sthem available to the Stets for auditing at reasonable times.Such accounts,documents and rewrdi shall be retained by the Applicant for three years following project te"Imition or completion. During regular office hours each of the parties hereto and their duly authorized representatives shall have the right to Inspect and make copies of any books,records or reports of the other parry pertaining to this agreement or matters related thereto.Applicoont shall maintain and make available tot Inspection by State accurate records of all of its touts,disbursements and receipts with respect to its or,;rules under this agreement. 2. The Applicant may use any generally accepted accounting system. N. Use of Facilities t. The property acquired or developed with grant monoys under this agreement shall be used by the Applicant only for the purpose for which the Slots Gram moneys were requested and no other use of the area sholl be permitted except by specific des of the Legislature. 2. The Applicant agrees to maintain and oporete the property acquired or developed for a period commensurate with the type of project and the proportion of State Grant funds and Jowl funds allocxded to the capital cosh of the project. I. Nondiscrimination t. The Applicant shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of sax,ram,color,national origin,age,religion, ancestry,or physical handicap in the use of any property or facility occulted or developed pursuant to this agreement. 2. The Applicant shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of residence except to the extent that reasonable differences in admission or other face may be maintained on the basis of residence and pursuant to low. 3. Ali facilities shall be open to members of the public generally,except as noted under the special provisions of this project agreement. 4 STATE OF CAIIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G.BROWN 1R.,0--.1 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION E.O. BOX 2390 SACRAMEAMENTO TC VlBII (916) 32P-9582 May 18, 1981 Mr. Stephen Dowling Director of Parke and Recreation City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Dear Stephen: 1900 Bond Act, #80-430D1 is, -r s4.oo Cupertino Recreation Facilities , The above grant application has been received and found to be incomplete. Please respond to the deficiencies checked below at your earliest convenience so that eligibility for the grant can be established. If you should need assistance in preparing your application, feel free to call or write the Recreation and Local Services Office, P.O. Box 23900 Sacramento# CA 95811, or at the above number. REMENBERi You must have a signed agreement with the State before you incur coats on this project. 1. 2 signed application forms 2. X 2'copies of authorizing resolution from governing body Sample attached certification that project is consistent with applicant's park and recreation plan 4. -2L 1 copy of Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration along with a response from the State Clearinghouses and a copy of the Notice of Determinations or, if applicable, a copy of the Notice of Exemption if the project is categorically exempt. 5. X Project location map (city or county) 6. �1 copy of evidence of adequate land tenure (25-year lease, grant deed, Policy Title Insurance, etc.) 7. JL 1 copy of acquisition map or develo me site ,map e. X 1 copy of Acquisition Schedule o os Estimate or development projects 9. �1 copy of permit or comments from o t , if applicable: San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) Regional Coastal Zone Protection Commission �-Corps of Engineers 10. _ 1 copy of all leases, agreements, etc., affecting project lands or operation and maintenance 11. X Other your two project arplicatioa9have been combined becanna no _ project can be less than 020,000. Sincernly yours, J r t(leotgene loria Albright Park and Recreation Specialist Attachment cs F SAMPLE RESOLUTION Resolution No. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY(COUNTY,DISTRICT,ETC.)COUNCIL CITY OF APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR 1980 STATE GRANT MONEYS PROJECT WHEREAS.the people of the State of California have enacted the California Parklands Act of 1980,which provides funds to the State of California and its political subdivisions for acquiring lands and for developing facilities for public recreation and historical purposes;and WHEREAS. the State Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program within the state, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies under the program:and WHEREAS. said procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Recreation require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of applications prior to submission of said applications to the state;and WHEREAS.said applications contain assurances that the applicant must comply with;and x y' q WHEREAS.the applicant agency will enter into an agreement with the State of California for the acquisition and/or development of the project; i NOW,THEREFORE.HE IT RESOLVED that the(city of,County ot) I. Approves the filing of an application for 1990 state grant assistance for project:and Y.a 1. Certifies that said agency understands the assurances and certification in the application;and 3. Certifies that said agency has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project; and 3. CertiC:s that said agency has reviewed and understands the General Provisions contained in the siateilocal agreement;and Appoint;the tdesignate position,not person occupying position) as agent of Elie city to conduct all negotiations,execute and submit all documents including but not limited to applications,agreements,amendments.payment requests,and so on which may be necessar:for the completion of the aforementioned project. -15- F Citq of Caperti"o 103UO Tone Avenue G,p,nino,Cdieornia 95014 Telephone 1400 252-4505 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT February 27, 1981 e State of California Department of Parks and Recreation P.O. Box 2390 Sacramento, CA 95811 i COORDINATOR, CALIFORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 1980: Please accept the City of Cupertino's grant application for our =hare of the funds available through the 1980 Parklands Act. . You will note, two applications have been submitted for two separate projects. Their combined estimated costs prepresents the City of Cupertino's share of Santa Clara County's allocation. Thank you for your consideration. - Respectfully, Stephen G. Do•..ling Director of Parks & Recreation SGD/mmm Stand CaAentie—The Rowtnaa Ap ay 06PARTMENT 09IARREAND NEMATtOR CAUfORMAPANR6AROEACV OI IM APPLICATION FOR LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT R°pat Tnb Arrotmt dI G,aro Ratluesttl t 75,000 IMm.cram s200M MONTA VISTA COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER 75,000 13.1—tee TMI latopct Coo 9. iuu�•rant 14etxr ,o_.del S°Vrca Ul Nalcmnd N/A (AW.only( CITY OF CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 580 ftIM Location: CUPERTINO, CA 95015 SANTA CLARA Counte e Naarm Cron CUPERTINO Site#senate Onuiet No. 12 Aearaa and NaraL Cron Snate: sure Aastnbtr 0•af¢t No. 22 22601 VOSS AVE./FOOTHILL BLVD. 1nu 4nfl Qt1YN,^•at�N Gut^�•!.4 nalatauan DIRECTOR, ' i-1e1 CTEPNP'N r_ nf1WT.T14r nBBK$_& RECREATION 140E§253-2060 tVamN iT�pal IPnons) I Pn.y�Nnn Oar f�dar'I fa°nf•D•:1r'a,aralaCt l�l enlfd•tnl I.am IumOl.leO,awatantah Ml I!yael. SAME AS ABOVE (Nadal (Title) tohoftv j OMCI�at•an nt Pr°act te"01 In the Fall of 1979, the City of Cupertino acquired the Monta.Vista Elementary School site from the Cupertino Union School District. The California Parklands Act will allow us to use available funds to convert the elementary school into Cupertinos' first community recreation center. In addition, part of one classroom wing could be converted to house the Parks and Recreation Department office. The bulk of the funds will be primarily used for refurbishing the school buildings for general programming, with specific plans for a family fitness center, a theatre arts rehearsal classroom and a kitchen facility for culinary arts. Some electrical and plumbing repairs/mod- ifications will have to be made. TOTAL ESTIMATE $75,000 t Land Tontine-Proom lane it: acm: Pi Iota oil to: 6.2 was: awnta�n fN emp4 by applttaM amutral in fN ttwpta be NWhoint t+aneple unit&a vaw taM X atdwnd in allow than rM tilnple(afpleml I In 1979, residents voted to "trade" park property for adjacent school facility with the Cupertino Union School District. --i<tlt.IV that tM . tt1nad in chit appllaabon, nelia oo.Iqu,Md nnaltmenb,it atxtuato atd that 1 naA read and °ndVoin'd the•m00,11M•ntol.."On and anUfanm an the tt'A1te of t"n tool.I1 dtN Oni*i n td,a A—Itlon.and appticuo n Mt 1 ii—Vil,I Zino cerhtr that Ihaq n aralebtt,Of*0 befdlM Mit"pride td the COftlff nt*Mltt of env tm,e on the ptolaet for wh,Ch,=l,WfW lw,Wenl loft W"ode,nletthulEMOMOy t#dM&"OMUW NbIca i Apollcoils Authonad NtOfwWeuta M SMWR i1poduilive OW L OA1 69141 tlpl Snn at CoMwela-The Raelwa Aencp OpARTUMV OF IaiRRiAND AWALIATIOR CALIFORNIA PARKLAtM ACT OR IM APPLICATION FOR LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT j __— Fr0KK1 Tgla' Arnpunt of Grant Rpuxnd S S t000 j IMat.Grant SW.000I BEAR BLACKSMITH SHOP Eutnnaled Total hog&Can S 5.000 aaw,.unt u,pecy addrw ma:v_oriel Sow.e at 1late:h„l N/A IAcu o 10 CITY OF CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT f P.O. BOX 580 . CUPERTINO, CA 95015 Ropnt101` CptMq SANTA CLARA Naarxl Go, CUPERTINO Adrian and Nwran Cron SO*": Stm.Sawn Om..ct No 12 Slit*Atnmbfy Omr,n No » 22221 MCCLELLAN ROAD/BUBB ROAD Aoc, nhi Raw•.ratan»A.E"c,-w Axalm,on DIRECTOR, et STEPHEN G. OOWLZNG PARKS 6 RECREATION 14081253-2060 �Namel ---- tT,nal ipnorol • ._a.n.,In,1.1,.daY'•MJnf•a,l„y,ar orONtt 1,1 adfn'lnt Mom tYthpr,:Atl rap,aLntanNl ! I !Ira1 SAME AS ABOVE �Namal ITit1U !Phom A.teMph an At.Pt.o.181,01 j In 1971, the City of Cupertino acquired a local historical structure - the Baer Blacksmith Shop and $10,000 worth of artifacts and implements. The structure was moved to McClellan Ranch Park and the Cupertino Historical Society labeled and described the hundreds of tools and artifacts associated with blacksmith work. At this point, We would like to se`-up the blacksmith shop for public access, as an historical museum reflecting Cuperti.nos' rural heritage. The project will require roof repair, adding electrical lighting, modifying the alarm system and purchasing display cases and units. TOTAL ESTIMATE $5,000 I 1 Lard Ton"-Prapct land N: atuae: Ismon 1".11 be: -S1(A aon: —� orM.0 m Ip 4mp1.by apphtlllt X Kfanred in IN t;tnpla by appliGnl an.IMS and&.—soon!Mr a q.,nd in xh&,han fail untpl.Ie.plainl oth&mt&xt le.ola,nl i I caH,1y that,M no the Apphtlitan.mcltAtne requ.,ld anwhom nil.,a otwen and that 1 haA r.a0 and ,mderlland file„nap,lant,nl.,Tll,tn and.I1.1101 l an the,a.""of the 1".If dill Wolaet re for aethephpn,and opolit ent is AM a.etrlpt,I twin&c&Ufy that that$is en,la0n.0 N1 fwewfN inanidle prior to the pbnytr,ntnant of arty.fah\an tha poloct 1p w%,h appltest.-fo,st wen,halt tran rna0a. l,edl a nets!soolom ApplWtl Aumale0 Ryy,elwrlltwrShewAM WRIT Oaaa 0011 SSI 11113p1 RESOLUTION NO. 5512 ' RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING THE 2RIORITY PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE OF ALLOCATION OF FUNDS TO THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA FOR PARK, BEACH, RECREATIONAL AND HISTORICAL PRESERVATION PURPOS (CALIFORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 1980) WHEREAS, the people of the State of California did, at an election on November 4, 1980, adopt the "California Parklands { Act of 1980" (Public Resources Code sections 5096.141, at seq.), said Act becoming operative on December 1, 1980, and WHEREAS, this Act provides for an allocation of $85,000,000 for grants to counties, cities and districts for the acquisition, development, or restoration of real property for p p y park, beach, recreational and historical resources preservation purposes pursuant to the allocation formula contained therein; and WHEREAS, the amount to be allocated for expenditure within the County of Santa Clara has been determined to be the sum of $4,488,206, to be spent in accordance with a "priority plan for expenditure" approved by the County Board of Supervisors and at least fifty per cent (50%) of the cities and districts representing fifty per cent (50%) of the population of the cities and districts within the County; and WHEREAS, the required consultation between the County of Santa Clara and all the cities and districts within the County has occurred and a formula for allocating the local share of this 1980 State Park Bond Fund has been prepared as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto, allocating forty per cent (40%) of the County's grant for regional parks and open space and sixty per cent (60%) of said grant for local city parks] NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, the City Council of the City of Cupertino does approve this priority plan for expenditure and formula for allocating the local share of said funds, as specified herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino by the following vote on December 15, 1980: AYES: Gatto, Plungy, Sparks, Rogers NOES: None ABSENT: Johnson Abstain: None By: /s/ Barbara A. Rogers _ Mayor of the City of Cupertino ATTEST: Dorothy Cornelius, City Clerk /s/ Dorothy Cornelius APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Chuck Kilian _ City Attorney THIS 19 TO L'ERT'I FY'1'>IA th+r NI; Y INOTRUM£NT 1r'ATRUE HIE) AND D£ qF OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE INS bl€ ATTEST R� ' City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Aveaua Cupertino, CoiHomio 95014 p08)2 2-d TO: Honorable Mayor 6 Members of City Council DATE: December 10, 1980 FROM-.,4V'k'7Me111-e 0. Butler, Director of Parks & Recreation SUBJECT: 1980 STATE BOND MONEY ALLOCATION The attached resolution outlines the formula for distribution of 1980 State Bond Monies approved by the voters in November. Santa Clara County's share is $4,488,206. Policy requires each city within the county to approve this formula split of 60% to cities and 40% to county (and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District). This resolution speakes to that formula. 81,7S¢ Cupertino's share should be, approximately, $061888•based on our 1980 census estimates. If we apply prior to March 1, this money could be available by July 1. Present thinking is that this share, along with two smaller state grants available, could be used to remodel the Monta vista School buildings. We would have, approximately, $100,000 available by July 1. Should you have any questions, I will be available at the Council meeting to answer them. MOB/mmm Attachment: APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO THE CITY COUNCIL C Robert W. Quinlan, City Manager � Onfo Q SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM NUMBER �-32__--AGENDA DATE Pebruary 17, 1981� SUBJECT AND ISSUE Proposal for expenditure of funds from California Parklands Act of 1.980. BACKGROUND Santa Clara County's established formula for allocating 1980 Parklands Act funds allows $67,818.00 for the City of Cupertino. This grant may be used for the "development, acquisition, rehabilitation or restoration of real property for park, beach, recreational, and historical resource preserva- tion. purposes." Cuportino's share of the funds could be used for the following projects: a) A designated amount not to exceed $5,000 to ba used for completion of the Baer blacksmith shop-museum. All of the artifacts have been labeled; now improvements must be made and display units purchased to allow the public to view the blacksmith shop. The operation of the museum will be the responsibility of volunteer groups inter- ested in preserving its' heritage. b) The balance of the funds (approx. $62,800.) could be usad for re- novation of the monta Vista School buildings. The ::resent thinking is to renovate only w117.c is necessary to mak^_ the facility oper- ational as a community center housing the Parks .s Recreation Dept. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1;ACR:R068D CONTINUED: b) This approach would give the City a very usable facility while minimizing the improvement investment, eo that if a more centrally located facility should become available in the years to come, the City would 'nave greater freedom to consider accuirina such a site. S'1W.7 AECOZ*11,1IDATION _t.if recommends apl:roval of the concept for expendinu Cu%7 rti.no's share of .'ali.fornia Parklands Act of 1980. .;;D/afv APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION 10 'I'Ut: CITY COtINCiI., Robert N. Quinlan, City Manager am; 10300 Torre Avenue Cape��Ah om 408 2 - MAR AGENDA ITEM NUMBER 22. (a) _AGENDA DATE Nov. 3, 1980 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Budget Appropriation -Monts Vista Park BACKGROUND Presently Monts Vista Park has a budget of $150,000.00, of which $50,000.00 is from Park Dedication and $100,000.00 from Revenue Sharing. Recent estimates indicate a much higher cost will be associated if the master plan Is implemented. However, at its meeting of October 1'4, 1980, authoriz6d expenriture of up to 250,000.00 ith a contingency of $SP,000.00, bringing the total to $300,000.0 ore, an additional appropriation in the amount of $150,000.00 will be required from the General Fund to implement development of Monts Vista Park. z2p orb _ L.++�ascwP� 3o aQa _ i3�oc- RECO%51ENDATION That the City Council appropriate $150,000.00 from the General Fund for the Monta Vista Park development budget. B.tV:sm Sob m ead by: Certified as to Approved for submission availability of funds: to the City Council: � Bert J. V's vicfi �liir..... �. Director of Public Works Blaine Sn, er r nlan Finance Director City Manager 'r w PROPOSITION ORE CALnORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 1980 GRANTS TO WCAL GOVERNMENTS Development, acquisition, rehabilitation or restoration of real property for park, beach recreational and historical resource preservation t purposes y89,i million Block grants to urban areas and need basis grants to both urban and rural areas under the Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space program, for acquisition, development and redevelopment only M million �. Contacts Mr, Norm Rongols, Supervisor State Grants Section Recreation and Local Services Office Department of Parks and Recreation P.O. Boot 2390 Sacramento. CA 95811 (916) 322-9589 For implementation of Local Coastal.programs, San Francisco Bay and Santa Monica Mountains Zone projects "million For restoration and enhancement of coastal resources and provision of public access through grants, and by the Coastal Conservancy itself $10 million Contact: Mr, Dennis Machida, Senior Project Analyst State Coastal Conservancy 1212 BroadwW Oakland, CA 94612 (415) 464-1015 TOTAL TO WCAL GOVEENNTS: $155 million STATE PARK SYSTEM Development, acquisition, rehabilitation and restoration of new and existing units of the State Park System $130 million Contact: Mr, Ross Henry, Chief Planning Division Department of Parke and Recreation P.O. Box 2390 Sacramento, CA 95811 '(916) 322-7384 i� 1 a: Information Local Grants for Parke and Recreation Purposes California Parklands Act of 198D (Proposition 1. November 4, 1980 Election) The following includes information on the two local, grant programs administered by the State Department of Parke and Recreation. These are the questions cost often asked about the adminietratioa of the grant programs. t 1. HOW Is THE $115 MILLION TO BE DISTRIBUTED AMONG IDCAL AGENCIES? There are two answers to this questions. Under the $85 million grant portion, funds will be distributed to each county in proportion to the State population. However, no county will receive less than $100,000. Funds are then internally distributed within each county in accordance with eligible cities and districts in the county. Eligible agencies are cities and counties and any special district authorized to provide a park and recreation service, except a school district. Distribution of the funds under the $30 million local grant portion is quite different. These funds are to be expanded in accordance with the existing Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Grant guidelines with the exception that operation and maintenance and innovative program grants are not eligible. Eighty-throe percent of these funds are directed to those cities, counties and districts with the greatest population concen- tration, and tnese funds are distributed on a per-capita basis to the local jurisdictions who are classified as "urbanized". Seventeen percent of the funds are placed into a Need Basis Account and nonurbanized and urban jurisdictions compete separately on the basis of need. (Grant applications under both of these Bond Act provisions must be consistent with local general plan). Lists of allocations are attached. Final allocation for the $85 million will be published soon after passage of the Bond Act in November based on the latest Department of Financa official projections. 2. HOW DO YOU APPLY FOR THE $30 MILLION URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM GRANTS? Use existing guidelines and application forms. This program is essentially the same as in the past e_xgeWt that no grant funds can be used for maintenance, pr operation or innovative ograms. THE FOLIDWING QUESTIONS REFER TO THE $85.000.000 PROGRAM ONLY 3. WHAT IS A "PRIORITY PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE"? The "Priority Plan for Expenditure" of each county is a. list of eligible jurisdictions within the county to whom portions of the county allocation will be made and the amount allocated to each jurisdiction. This pro- vision is the same as the 197E Park Bond Act. 4. WHAT IS THE DEADLINE FOR. THE "PRIORITY PLAN YDR EXPENDITURE"? The deadline for submission of each county's "Priority Plan for Expenditure" to the State is J_auary 1. 19% Failure to submit a priority plan by January 2, 1982, shall result in a 10 percent annual reduction of the total county allocation until the priority plan is submitted. By January 1, 19849 if the priority plan has not been submitted to the Director of Parka and Recreation, the county board of supervisors shall petition the (State) Director of Parks and Recreation to distribute to high-priority projects the remaining 80 percent of the total county allocation. 5. WHAT IS THE BASIS UPON WHICH THE STATE WILT ACCEPT A COUNTY'S "PRIORITY PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE"? The State will accept a county's"priority Plan for F.spenditsre", pro- vided that the County Board of Supervisors has certified by resolution that all eligible applicants have been consulted and that the priority plan reflects (1) regional park or open-space needs as well as community neighborhood park and recreation needs, and (2) consideration of deficiencies within the County in the preservation of historical resources and natural landscapes as well as in the provision of recreational areas and facilities. 6. UNDER THE PROVISION THAT THE COMM'S PRIORITY PLAN "SHALd,BE APPROVED BY AT LEAST 5096 OF THE CITIES AND DISTRICTS, REPRESENTING 50,'o OF THE POPULATION OF THE CITIES AND DISTRICTS WITHIN THE COUNTY", WHAT POPULATION FIGURES SHOULD BE USED IN DETz-RMINING THE CITY AND DISTRICT'S POPULATION? Population figures used to determine city and district populations are left tc the discretion of the local jurisdictions affected. The State suggests that the most current estimates by the State Department of Finance be used for incorporated city populations and that a special district interested in obtaining a portion of the grant monies should calculate the population within its boundaries and receive concurrec.ce from the county or counties in which the district lies. 7. IS THERE A MINIMUM AMOUNT THAT AN ELIGIBLE JURISDICTION MUST RECEIVE ON THE PRIORITY PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE? Yes, u20,000. Section 5096.157(b) of the Act states that "tha minimum amount that may be applied for any individual grant project is twenty thousand dollars (520,000)" and once the county adopts a priority plan :or expenditure, in accordance with Section 5096.156 it CkNNOT be changed. Therefore, the appropriate r.11ocation must be made to each eligible jurisdiction with con- sideration of the 32O,OGO minimm project amount. 8. ARE ALL :RANTS ON A 1OW, BASIS? No, only development giants and, in some instances, acquisition grants. Local assistance grants made pursuant to this article for the acquisition of real property shall be on the basis of 75 percent state grant moneys and 25 percent local matching money for the project. Grants shall be matched only by money or property donated to be part of the acquisition project. The grant recipient shall certify to the Department of Parks and Recreation that there is available, or will become available prior to commencement of any work on the project for which application for a grant has been made, matching money from a nonstate source. The certification of the source and amount of the funds shall be set forth in the application for a grant sub- mitted to the department. Local matching money shall not be required with respect to a grant recipient that has urgent unmet needs for recreational lands and lacks the financial resources to acquire recreational lands, as determined pursuant to a formula set forth in regulations aAopted by the Director of Parks and Recreation after a public hearing. 9. CAN A PROJECT BE STARTED BEFORE A FORMAL AGREEMENT (CCNTRACTi IS SIGNED BETWEEN THE APPLICANT AND THE STATE? Yes. Project expenditures become eligible for reimbursement on the date grant funds are appropriated by the Legislature. However, no state grant funds will be disbursed until the State has determined that the project is eligible, the applicant has met all state requirements, and an agreement (contract) has been executed between the State and the applicant. 10. IS A SCHOOL DISTRICT ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE FUNDS? Not directly. However, Section 5096.155(b) states: "Funds granted pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 5096.151 may ba expended for development, rehabilitation or restoration only on lands owned by or ub to siect a lease or other interest held by, the applicant city, county or district. If such lands are not owned by the applicant, the applicant shall first demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation that the development, rehabilitation or restoration will provide benefits commensurate with the type and duration of interest in land held by the applicant". Grant funds can therefore be used to develop school properties if there is a suitable lease, joint powers agreement etc., between the school district and the applicant. 11. ARE OTHER SPECIAL DISTRICTS SUCH AS WATER DISTRICTS, FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICTS, IRRIGATION DISTRICTS ETC., ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE FOD137 Yee, but only if they are authorized by law to provide park and recreation services without undue restrictions planed on public use. It should be noted, however, that the planning agency of the applicant must certify that th6 projects are consistent with the park and recreation plan for the applicants jurisdiction, and the area or facility must be open to the general ublic commensurate with the type of protect and the pro r io ."at s and local fps ailocatad to tha capital costs of the ro ect. 12. ARE INDOOR FACILITIES AS WELL AS OUTDOOR RECREATION FACILITIES ELIGIBLE? Yes. Structures which are primarily for recreational activity, to be con- ducted wholly within the structures, are eligible. Eligible facilities would Include recreation centers, gymnasiums and covered swimming pools. Historic building and their acquisition and construction are also eligible. 13. ARE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS ELIGIBLE:? No. 14. ARE ADMINISTRATIVE PROJECT COSTS ELIGIBIE2 Yes, but only costs which are directly attributable to the approved projects. 15. AgE BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS, SUCH AS THE LANDSCAPING OF ROAD MEDIANS AND PLANTING OF STREET TREES, ELIGIBLE UNDER THE ACT? No. Projects must provide for recreational opportunity. 16. ARE M114I-PARKS, NETGHBORHOOD PLAYGROUNDS, FE:-1fANENT PLAYGROUND EQUUMM, GOLF COURSES, 6;WI1,V4ING POOLS AND WILD LIFE SANCTUARIES ELIGIBLE? Yes, if the general public is permitted to u-:iiize the areas and facilities. 17. MUST EACH PROJECT HE SUBMITTED TO THE STATE CIEARINGHOUSE? The Act states that "Every application for a state grant shall comply with the provisions of the California Environmental quality Act of 1979 (commencing with Section 21000)". Evidence of compliance must be submitted with the application. If the applicant agency determines thr_c the project requires e, negative declaration or Environmental Impact Report, it must submit the project to the State Clearinghouse for review. it "Notice of Determination" is submitted for projects requiring an EIR or Negative Declaration. Exempt projects can be submitted directly to the State Department of Parks and Recreation along with a "Notice of Exemption' 18. IS THERE A MAXIMMI FOR PROJECTS? No. 39. 14UST THE PROJECT BE SH0WN ON AN ADOITfEL PIAM No. But "the application shall be accumpenied by a certification from the Planning agency of the applicant thrt the project is consistent with the park andi recreation plan for trie appliceat'a juriadiction and would satisfy a emonsra a need . 20. WHEN WILL.GUIDELINES TO THE PROGRAM BE PUBL.ISiED? Probably in December 1980 or January 1981. Until then, the applicant should use the 1976 Bond Act Procedural Guide. SAMPLE RESOLUTION to be used by a ODUM BOARD OF SUPERVISORS when approving the PRIORITY PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE under the provisions of the CALIlORNIA PARKLANDS ACT OF 1980 WHEREAS, the California Parklands Act of 1980 requires that each county shall consult with all cities and districts within the County which are eligible to receive grant funds under provisions of Section 5096.156 of the Act and develop and Gubmit to the State for approval a priority plan for expenditure of the county'e allocation; and WHERAS, said priority plan shall reflect consideration of deficiencies within the county in the preservation of historical resources and natural land- scapes as well as in the provision of recreational areas and facilities; and WHEREAS, said priority plan shall also reflect regional park or open-space needs as well as community and neighborhood park and recreation needs in say county in which a regional park or open-space district is wholly or partially located; and WBERMS, the County of has consulted with said cities and districts and has prepared a priority plan for expenditure of the county's allocation which reflects the deficiencies and needs required by the Program and includes expenditures by eligible cities and districts, said priority plan being attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A", and WHEREAS, said priority plan has been approved by at least fifty percent (50%) of the cities and districts representing fifty percent (50%) of the population of the cities and districts within the county, said approval being shown on Exhibit "B", attached hereto; NOW, TREAEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board of Supervisors does hereby approved the priority plan for the expenditure, of the county'e allocation of funds under the California Parklands Act of 1980+ and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authori¢ed and directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution along with Exhibit "A" and "B" to the State Dspartnent of Parke and Recreation. CALnMTIA PAA[ZI&]DS ACT OF 1980 (ST, 624) rPA? ALTfM-TIaTS,TO COJq= Section 5906.151(a) $85,000,000 Owry A txw COMITY Atf=r Alameda $ 3,896,850 Orange $ 6,726,633 Alpine 100,000 Placer 411,856 Amador 100,000 Plums 100,000 Butte 500,897 riverside 2,397,957 Caalaveras 100,000 Sacramento 2,732,229 Colusa 100,000 Fan Benito 100,000 Contra costa 2,289,155 San Beznardino 2,957,490 Del Norte 100,000 San niego 6,414,450 Dl.norado 309,690 San Prandsoo 2,2PO,641 ` Fresno 1,741,078 San Joaquin 1,153,269 Glenn 100,000 San Luis Obispo 530,695 Htmdtoldt 381,348 Ran Mateo 2,090,145 4 Lverial 335,232 Santa Barbara 1,046,846 inyo 100,000 Santa Clara 4,488,206 Kern 1,359,729 Santa Cruz 632,506 Kings 254,351 Shasta 409,373 Lake 124,869 Sierra 100,000 Lassen 100,000 Siskiyou 143,139 Los Angeles 25,410,583 Solsmo 799,945 Madera 211,072 swum 1,008,888 Rarin 799,881 Stanislaus 904,950 Dtariposa 100,000 Sutter 178,790 Mendocino 236,613 4ebaaa 135,511 !breed 456,554 Trinity 100,000 Woe 100,000 Tulare 832,936 t4ono 100,000 Tuobme 125,224 RbnteLty 997,992 Ventura 1,810,253 iiapa 331,330 y010 391,636 ?Xvada 174,888 Yuba 175,420 S82,000,000 Contingencies and AftAn.stration (3.5%) 3 000 000 ' 7P5,�i, 6 Population Foy: State Department of Finamp, January 1, 1980 too Final allocations to be based on July 1, 1980 population estimates. California Parklands Act of 1980 Roberti-Z'berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program (Proposition 1, November 4, 1980) $30,000.000 Cities and recreation and park districts $ 12,006,000 221 cities 31 RPO's Population: 15.931,355 Urbanized counties and regional park districts 8,004,000 Population of 200,000 or more 19 counties 3 Regional Pardo Distrlot Population: 19,888,100 Large cities 2,436,000 Population of 300.000 or more 6 cities Population: 5,557,900 Large counties and regional park districts 1,624,000 Population of 1,000,000 or more 4 counties 1 Regional Park District Population: 13,702,800 SUB-TOTAL $ 24,070,000 Non-urbanized Needs $ 4,338,400 Urbanized Needs 591,600 Contingencies and administration (3.3%) 1,000,000 $ 30,000,000 7-80 California Parklands Act of 1980 OFFICIAL ALLOCATION TO COUNTIES CITIES AND PARK DISTRICTS PROP. 1 AGENCY NOV. 1980 ALAMEDA COUNTY Alameda $ 54,787 Albany 11,606 Berkeley 83,198 Emeryville 3,384 Fremont 92,769 Newark 23,136 * Oakland 392,971 Piedmont 7,875 San Leandro 50,793 Union City 26,339 * East Bay Regional Park District 901.587 Hayward Area RPD 147,783 SUB-TOTAL $1,796,228 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY ** Antioch $ 30,069 Clayton 2,796 Concord 76,868 E1 Cerrito 17,107 Hercules 2,826 Lafayette 15,148 * Heavily Urbanized ** New Jurisdiction -1- PROP. 1 NOV. 1990 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (continued) Martinez $ 16,655 Moraga 11,530 Pinole 11.530 +* Pittsburg 21.892 Richmond 52.626 San Pablo 14,206 Walnut Creek 38,086 Ambrose RPD 10,550 Pleasant Hill RPD 19,745 Rollingwood-Wilart RPO 1,897 SUB-TOTAL $ 344,231 FRESNO COUNTY County Allocation $ 194,102 Clovis 22,834 Fresno 150,420 Calwa RPD 6,125 SUB-TOTAL $ 372.481 •2- PROP. 1 NOV. 1980 KERN COUNTY County Allocation $ 150,235 Bakersfield 69,1110 North Bakersfield RPD 25,924 SUS-TOTAL $ 245,11 LOS ANGELES COUNTY ' County Allocation $3,700,954 Alhambra 46,272 Arcadia 35,344 Artesia 11,229 Azusa 19,630 Baldwin Park 35,533 Bell 17.107 n01flower 39.263 Bell Gardens 23,889 Beverly Hills 24,907 Bradbury 648 Burbank 63,755 Carson 59,309 Cerritos 37,830 Claremont 21,365 Commerce 7,536 Compton 56,596 Covina 25,020 Cudahy 12,736 -3- PROP. 1 NOV. 1980 LOS ANGELES COUNTY (continued) Culver City $ 28,788 Downey 64,735 Duarte 11.530 E1 Monte 51,019 E1 Segundo 11.304 Gardena 33,673 Glendale 101.436 Glendora 27,770 Hawaiian Gardens 7,235 Hawthorne 41,373 Hermosa Beach 14,394 Hidden Hills 1,296 Huntington Park 29,654 Industry 475 Inglewood 68,503 Irwindale 580 ** La Canada-Flintridge 14,582 ** La Habra Heights 6,749 " La Mirada 33,272 La Puente 22.759 La Verne 16,542 Lakewood 60,550 Lawndale 17,747 Lomita 14.920 Long Beach 411,683 -4- PROP. 1 NOV. 1980 LOS ANGELES COUNTY (continued) * Los Angeles $3,339,594 Lynwood 30,296 Manhattan Beach 23,716 Maywood 13,716 Monrovia 22,468 Montebello 37,492 g Monterey Park 38,509 r ** Norwalk 63,303 Palos Verdes Est. 11,116 Paramount 23,513 Pasadena 80,485 Pico Rivera 38,208 Pomona 65.112 Rancho Palos Verdes 28,486 Redondo Beach 47,929 Rolling Hills 1,568 Rolling Hills Est. 5,822 Rosemead 30,370 San Dimas 16.052 San Fernando 71,342 San Gabriel 22,043 San Marino 10,098 Santa Fe Springs 11,568 Santa Monica 58,050 Sierra Madre 9,080 -5- PROP. 1 NOV. 1980 LOS ANGELES COUNTY (continued) Signal Hill $ 4,710 South E1 Monte 11,982 South Gate 45,895 South Pasadena 17,484 Temple City 22,458 Torrance 96,085 Vernon 173 Walnut 9,006 West Covina 67.199 Whittier 52,602 SUB-TOTAL $9,699,011 MARIN COUNTY County Allocation $ 90.310 Belvedere 1,907 Corte Madera 6,010 Fairfax 5,765 Larkspur 9,571 Mill Valley 10,211 Novato 29,692 Ross 1,937 San Anselmo 9,533 San Rafael 33,875 Sausalito 4,936 -6- PROP. 1 NOV. 1980 MARIN COUNTY (continued) Tiburon $ 5,369 Strawberry RPD 3,391 SUB-TOTAL $ 212,507 MONTEREY COUNTY County Allocation $ 61,253 Carmel 3,610 Del Rey Oaks 1,168 ec Monterey 20,762 k=` Pacific Grove 12,397 Salinas 58,932 Sand City 143 Seaside 26,037 Monterey Peninsula Regional 51,031 Park District } SUB-TOTAL $ 235,333 s ORANGE COUNTY * County Allocation $ 966,290 Anaheim 157,579 Brea 20,386 s Buena Park 47,929 Costa Mesa 60,364 _7_ PROP. 1 NOV. 1980 ORANGE COUNTY (continued) Fountain Valley $ 41,072 Fullerton 75,964 Garden Grove 89,453 Huntington Beach 126,003 e °* Irvine 40,017 La Habra 33,272 La Palma 11,342 Los Alamitos 8,327 Newport Beach 49,135 Orange 65,639 Placentia 25,585 Santa Ana 140,925 Seal Beach 19,933 Stanton 17,672 Tustin 25,397 Villa Park 5,520 Westminster 52,753 Yorba Linda 20,197 Cypress RPD 34,220 SUB-TOTAL $2,134,973 -8- PROP. 1 NO1. 1980 PLACER COUNTY Rocklin $ 4,898 Roseville 77,823 r; SUB-TOTAL $ 22,721 RIVERSIDE COUNTY County Allocation $ 249,641 Corona 27,959 Norco 14,432 Riverside 122,763 SUB-TOTAL $ 414,795 SACRAIIENTO COUNTY County Allocation $ 301.477 Folsom 7,875 Sacramento 200,234 Arcade Creek RPD 12,459 Arden Manor RPD 5,OJ5 Arden Park RPD 3,805 Carmichael RPD 28,672 _g_ PROP, 1 NOV. 1980 SACRAMENTO COUNTY (continued) Cordova RPD $ 55,567 Fair Oaks RPD 18,090 Fulton-El Camino RPD 16,900 Mission Oaks RPD 38,892 North Highlands RPD 21,618 Southgate RPD 20,864 Sunrise RPD 83,313 Windemere RPD 1,174 SUB-TOTAL $ 815,945 SAN BERNARDIND COUNTY County Allocation $ 320,190 Chino 28,298 Colton 14,808 Fontana 19,669 ** Grand Terrace 6,085 Lama Linda 7,253 Montclair 16,316 Ontario 55,993 Rancho Cucamonga 36,249 -10- PROP. 1 NOV. 1980 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ( continued ) Redlands $ 28,675 Rialto 25,020 San Bernardino 38j711 Upland 32,8E0 Bloomington RPD 11,368 North Fontana RPD 2,672 h Yucaipa Valley RPD 18,179 SUB-TOTAL $ 704,296 SAN DIEGO COUNTY * County Allocation $ 921,592 Carlsbad 25,321 Chula Vista 61,344 Coronado 16,052 Del Mar 3,938 El Cajon 53,582 ** Escondido 45,216 Imperial Beach 15,713 La Mesa 37,756 ** Lemnn Grove 15,034 National City 36,249 -11- PROP. 1 NOV. 1980 SAN DIEGO COUNTY (continued) Oceanside $ 54,561 5 * San Diego 984,035 Vista 25,208 Spring Valley RPD 13,565 SUB-TOTAL $2,309,166 SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY * San Francisco $ 771,638 SUB-TOTAL $ 771,638 SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY County Allocation $ 127,577 Stockton 99,024 SUB-TOTAL $ 226.601 SAN MATEO COUNTY County Allocation $ 167,903 Atherton 5,916 Belmont 19,782 Brisbane 2,276 -12- PROP. L NOV. 1980 SAN MATEO COUNTY (continued) Burlingame $ 20,988 w Colma 332 x Daly City 55,692 Foster City 17,521 Hillsborough 7,8£c8 Menlo Park 19,707 Millbrae 15,223 Pacifica 28,1F5 Portola Valley 3,933 Redwood City 41,9(1 San Bruno 28,483 San Carlos 20,536 San Mateo 60,364 South San Francisco 37,341 Woodside 4,088 Ravenswood RPD 73,339 SUB-TOTAL $ 571,356 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY County Allocation $ 117,717 Santa Barbara 55,390 -13- PROP. 1 NOV. 1980 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY (continued) Isla Vista RPD $ 8,183 SUB-TOTAL $ 181.290 SANTA CLARA COUNTY * County Allocation $ 448,136 N Campbell 18,840 Cupertino 17,710 Los Los Altos 19,858 Vf Los Altos Hills 5,633 Los Gatos 19,255 Milpitas 25,585 Monte Sereno 2,517 Morgan Hill 12,171 Mountain View 43,408 Palo Alto 40,695 * San Jose 724,558 Santa Clara 63,077 Saratoga 22,458 Sunnyvale 80,711 -14-