208A9 U J N ° M to I" 25 9.T. oI5`/y Cor Edgemonf SURVEYORS CE!?TIFICATE correcfly represents cn sur ve y rnade by me or under my f conformance with Me regwremenIs o{'fhe land5urveyors' reque5f off' Louls Bosco 1n November,19G4•. 25 ON z PERMANWE ROAD o..... N 8905 g0°w 141.56 i".••• 74.55 O moo �✓ �� S� AG I I Gtr.R D.541 G BASIS OF BEARINGS The bea&ing u 89055'00"w along .the eenifA& e 01 PeAmanende Road c4 Ahocun 42 rWee NO. 1093 artotyn Gandena Boo& 42, og Mop. ad Page 87, Santa clam County Reco%da , wa..iahen a. ,fhe ba&4 og beaA0q.4 .hoton heheon. i 20 I 20 1 m °c L — •�c N STEVENS CREEK •• N �t•� as � ca IRIW t0 9.0.00. a t- — 5014 0-2.403 �0��20 N 89° 55' 00" w{ W aD } t0"e. d m 125 Coo3J(2569 o i02 v i .` �• in �a 0 z;z N 04 , Future Street tine s 1 0 C >• M Loa = 20 75 O 0.287 +' Acres CGross> ; 30 20 0.162 2 Acres CNet) 3 vi 5' ✓� B 125.02 (Totol) z w ( •.. ee iie•- moo �✓ �� S� AG I I Gtr.R D.541 G BASIS OF BEARINGS The bea&ing u 89055'00"w along .the eenifA& e 01 PeAmanende Road c4 Ahocun 42 rWee NO. 1093 artotyn Gandena Boo& 42, og Mop. ad Page 87, Santa clam County Reco%da , wa..iahen a. ,fhe ba&4 og beaA0q.4 .hoton heheon. i 20 I 20 1 m °c L — •�c N STEVENS CREEK •• BOULEVARD �t•� as � N CL It. — �0��20 W aD �o v .n ca in �a 0 o c °iot o .wy s 1 0 C >• M = 20 75 O 5 � 30 20 .. Fd.1•G. in Mon. Box N° 2693 BASIS OF BEAR/NG$ & NOTES The bearing (A138*3-9'W) oFihe cerrfer1117 o,'Miguellk Avenue a5 shown on Record of Survey mop recordedin 8,10K led or'A/faps, Pages, was usedas Basis o�6eorrn9s shown upon this map. • lndicafes iron pipe tound,unk5s olherwlse no{ed o lndicalc5 Iron pipe sef, unless oiherwise nofed � e a� 0 COUNTY SURVEYORS CEenrICATE This map has been examined rGer con-,46rmonce wdh Me requirements off' fhe Land Surveyors Acf this 18t4 day o� JanuarT /9G5 . Jgrne5 r Poll, (ounfy Surveyor By Deputy RECORDERS CERTIFICATE Fi/e Ns) ;Z 7 77V -S"7 Fee 15 04 Fold Filed for record this lRf4- .day or'jil jut., -,r° 96-6 q{ a:Io P/Vl in 6'oort 19 s5 of A411ps,a Age_J 7 of the rnquesf of IYlorir omas � Ca. Inc. Paul R. Tei/h, Count ,Pecorder By _ epu>ey RECORD OF SURVEY OF AORTION$ OF LOT ZZ - OBSERVATORY TRACT SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALIFORNIA FOR LOUIS Bosco SCA L E - I "= SO ' NOVEMBER,1994 NOTES & LEGEND All dw.tancea and d4wenAXon4 ahe 9.u/en at feet and dec -ndA •ehe teo� . o Ind1x0194 sly" Own ploe jet Monumen14 bound ac noted MARK THOMAS A CO. INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS 41SURVEYORS SAN JOSE CAZ14FORN/A .106 NQ 64223 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE Thld map coa/cec,tly hepAaentd a whVey ,Wade by me at under, my d4teation Dt con - p,ulw&mance wxM .fhe hequ4temen& oa the Land eyo,0 �Iet aE ..t1ie hequnit og Mu...Tohn W,clfLama .tn Octobe%, X964° S./.pORDAN COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Thi. map /za4 been examined P/v con?, Itmonce wVit the hegai�emen& og 4'M Land uh1/eyor! Act tk,id /8/h day og Ja n va r w o /965 lame. r. Pott , County Suhueyoh By: Depu.iy RECORDERS CERTIFICATE File No. 2 %hI 12 Fee 0 5.00 Pabd Faed Soh MCO, d M4 _ ;tL&ofa 0 , Guar7 1965 , ad - o .A4 an BOO& 0B A404 at no �, at .the hec�ali t og .Robat S. Jordan ' and Ahzoclate.. Paul R, reaft , County Recoho' h, By: Deputy -' 9ECORD -OF SURVEY OF A POR7'/0N OF SAN ANTONIO RANCHO iy/Xl W17HIk SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF. SCALE I "= 3a' OCTOBER, 196f N, � ASSOCIATES 0 CONSULTING .ENGINEERS 4 346 VI/ ZAO£ ZANE 21