940eLJ BAsi9 OF BEARING The bearing of S.26°MI'W. of the alignment forthe Southern Pacific Railroad Canpony right of way as shown on the California State Right of Way Record Map No.R•1$4.5 was taken as the basis of bearings shown onthis mop. The bearing ofsaid righi of way alignment is shown as N.25°2179'e. oafhe Record of Survey Filed in Book 147of Maps page 2, Sonia Clara Counfy Records. NOTES AND LEGEND / All ais onces 017d drme7sion3 areahown in feet and decimals thereof • Ind Gales monument found. a Indicoles I"iron pipe monument set. ■ Wicates 2'x2'stake found. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This mop correcf/yrepresem!sasurveymade by me or undermydirecAon in conformance with the requirements of the Land Surveyors'Acf oftherequest of California Water Service cwon4. M.I.SPLITSTONE R.C.E.N0.12A46 pHItL` SURVEYORS C09VAICATE This mop correcf/y represents a survey made by we oirrnder my direction rrr conYormance lvifh •Ihe requirements of fhelond.iurveyors ,4:> ap Me regtiexp of ,4. CLImiuER/ ET !/X $707 "cNS TO A�cEeh Et*��M Y\RING 1 � 1 :5ti4�Pt 851 ,Fd.Spikt SefPie N.31°48'39"E. i 295. 4- 8S ( ti 8Q� ses �igF A 8 F ® p0 N a mo, 3 � s m w F 0 m m m w %02 m N 4- LL� 3.396t ACRES AA9 83.15 l°51.51 S.260231214W. SOUTHERN COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This mophas been examined forconformonce with the requimmeds ofthe Lond Surveyors"Act Mis_4!3 doyol' .Av_�v_sa�`_)1366 DAMES T. POT7,, Counfy Surveyor ey Deputy c COUNTY SURVEYORS C50TIFICA7E 7hls map has bee& exawined for conformance with -1hr-egvirements of the Land .!tsrveyors ,4et- M/s- 3d _day of _Avq� _1_.966 ✓Avis T• PL7TT ,eounfy 16y PACIFIC N.63°36'39"w. 1,20.00 129.66 RAILROAD 5.26°2TVw. N.63°36'39'W. 20.00 30977,? S 'Ve5.00 RECORDERS CERTIFICATE Fl7edfor r4=dthis 3—dayofAqcZ,fse at 'IinBook2i3 of Maps ofpo9e_�_ oth5erequesfoflieoryeS.' Nolte. fkUL R. IMLH, County Aecordel: By Deputy: � &"e6g — — — COMPANY 205.08 RECORD OF SURVEY BEING A PORTION OF THE 5AN ANTONIO RANCHO FOR: CAi.IMft WATER SERVICE COMPANY @W11111H SCALE 1"=60' MAY,1%6 GEORGE S. NONE CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. P40 ALTO' SUNNYMt"WALNUT CREEK ° 5AN RkML' SW FRAN IM ° SAIIMS R'4 NCp/0 R It-ICONLIDA DE l0S CYATOS SECT/ON 22 T. 8 S. R.I;Y M.b.9. tAe. 0. p� o �h•-sC� �F &SIS OF BELL RIA16Y /s J 89 ' & 'F. Ae 17or1h hounda, c of The /lie L'/s'an �vroperly QS shown an ll recordo!' Sur✓may iL1a� Filed in doh oY Maos _ d93' ai Paq e 45 of Cor�„ij o/ ,fanfa C"/Ora /�ecordtrs OL'�ce *S09772`I �(S.00 RECORDERS CERTIPICA7E Filed jorrecord' Ahis_3 ¢,__day ofA°9ds� 1966 af_,j�:!? M. in BOOk 2/3 PG / pf the request o!' E. W. M6'Afr40146 /CAUL Q. 'rE/L li Recorder- :, gr o p - - 4S- LEOEMO RECORD OF SURVEY AMP /N p_ fpefound TOWN OF Los aA-ros •PzPipeJet- SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF, p Al, Na%t Sel S=Sfokefau�d PORTION OF SECTION Zt? W ® SPk- Spike one TOWNSHIP 8 S. R.I W M.D.B. $ M. SCALE.: 111w 100' ✓LINE Z9. 1966 E. N. MON TA C OF C.E. ,6307 LDS 6A705 CALIF. r t