㜷ⴷ㌳㠰਍䅆㩘⠠〴⤸㜠㜷㌭㌳ളഊ䌊呉⁙䙏਍啃䕐光义൏ഊ䌊䵏啍䥎奔䐠噅䱅偏䕍呎਍਍慍捲⁨ㄳ‬〲㠰਍਍態敲⁎潧਍㠴‹⁓䥅䌠浡湩敒污਍慓慍整Ɐ䌠⹡㤠㐴㈰਍਍啓䩂䍅㩔䐠卅䝉⁎䕒䥖坅䌠䵏䥍呔䕅䄠呃佉⁎䕌呔剅ⴠ䄠灰楬慣楴湯䔠䍘㈭〰ⴸ㔰਍਍桔獩氠瑥整⁲潣普物獭琠敨搠捥獩潩景琠敨䐠獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥‬楧敶瑡琠敨洠敥楴杮਍景䴠牡档㈠ⰰ〲㠰※灡牰癯湩⁧⁡楳湧攠捸灥楴湯琠污潬⁷⁡牧畯摮猠杩敨杩瑨漠⁦ㄱ‧∰愠൳洊慥畳敲⁤牦浯猠摩睥污牧摡⁥湡⁤敤祮湩⁧湡攠捸灥楴湯映牯猠杩牡慥椠硥散獳漠⁦〱ര猊畱牡⁥敦瑥‬潬慣整⁤瑡ㄠ㐰㔹丠‮敄䄠穮⁡潂汵癥牡Ɽ愠捣牯楤杮琠敒潳畬楴湯丠⹯㈠㠶മഊ倊敬獡⁥敢愠慷敲琠慨⁴晩琠楨⁳数浲瑩椠⁳潮⁴獵摥眠瑩楨湯⁥敹牡‬瑩猠慨汬攠灸物⁥湯਍慍捲⁨〲‬〲㤰മഊ䄊獬Ɐ瀠敬獡⁥潮整琠慨⁴湡愠灰慥景琠楨⁳敤楣楳湯挠湡戠⁥慭敤眠瑩楨㐱挠污湥慤⁲慤獹਍牦浯琠敨搠瑡⁥景琠楨⁳敬瑴牥‮晉琠楨⁳慨灰湥ⱳ礠畯眠汩敢渠瑯晩敩⁤景愠瀠扵楬⁣敨牡湩Ⱨ਍桷捩⁨楷汬戠⁥捳敨畤敬⁤敢潦敲琠敨䌠瑩⁹潃湵楣⹬਍਍楓据牥汥ⱹ਍਍㭲㬡൨ഊ匊湥潩⁲汐湡敮൲䌊瑩⁹景䌠灵牥楴潮਍਍湅汣獯牵獥ഺ刊獥汯瑵潩潎‮㘲സഊ䌊㩣ㄠ〲‰慓慍整癁ⱥ㐠㤸匠䔠慃業潮删慥ⱬ匠湡䴠瑡潥䌠⁁㐹〴ലഊ倊楲瑮摥漠敒祣汣摥倠灡牥਍ ਍塅ⵃ〲㠰〭വഊ䌊呉⁙䙏䌠偕剅䥔低਍〱〳‰潔牲⁥癁湥敵਍畃数瑲湩Ɐ䌠污晩牯楮⁡㔹㄰ഴഊ刊卅䱏呕佉⁎低‮㘲സഊ伊⁆䡔⁅䕄䥓乇删噅䕉⁗佃䵍呉䕔⁅䙏吠䕈䌠呉⁙䙏䌠偕剅䥔低਍偁剐噏义⁇⁁䥓乇䔠䍘偅䥔乏吠⁏䱁佌⁗⁁則問䑎匠䝉ൎ䠊䥅䡇⁔䙏ㄠ✱〠•十䴠䅅啓䕒⁄剆䵏匠䑉坅䱁⁋則䑁ⱅ䄠䑎਍䕄奎义⁇乁䔠䍘偅䥔乏䘠剏匠䝉⁎剁䅅䤠⁎塅䕃卓਍䙏ㄠ〰匠啑剁⁅䕆呅䄠⁔〱㤴‵低呒⁈䕄䄠婎⁁䱂䑖മഊ匊䍅䥔乏䤠›剐呏䍅⁔䕄䍓䥒呐佉ൎഊ䄊灰楬慣楴湯丠⹯ഺ䄊灰楬慣瑮ഺ䰊捯瑡潩㩮਍਍塅ⵃ〲㠰〭വ䬊牡湥丠朠൯ㄊ㐰㔹丠牯桴䐠⁥湁慺䈠癬⹤਍਍䕓呃佉⁎䥉›䥆䑎义升਍਍䡗剅䅅ⱓ琠敨䐠獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥漠⁦桴⁥楃祴漠⁦畃数瑲湩敲散癩摥愠൮愊灰楬慣楴湯映牯愠匠杩硅散瑰潩Ɱ愠⁳敤捳楲敢⁤湩琠楨⁳敒潳畬楴湯※湡൤ഊ圊䕈䕒十‬桴⁥敄楳湧删癥敩⁷潃浭瑩整⁥楦摮⁳桴瑡琠敨挠慨杮獥戠湥晥捩慩湡൤挊浯慰楴汢⁥楷桴琠敨猠牵潲湵楤杮愠敲㭡਍਍⸱吠慨⁴桴⁥楬整慲湥潦捲浥湥⁴景琠敨瀠潲楶楳湯⁳景琠楨⁳楴汴⁥楷汬爠獥汵⁴湩爠獥牴捩楴湯൳椊据湯楳瑳湥⁴楷桴琠敨猠楰楲⁴湡⁤湩整瑮漠⁦桴獩琠瑩敬഻㈊‮桔瑡琠敨朠慲瑮湩⁧景琠敨攠捸灥楴湯眠汩潮⁴敲畳瑬椠⁡潣摮瑩潩桷捩⁨獩਍慭整楲污祬搠瑥楲敭瑮污琠桴⁥異汢捩栠慥瑬ⱨ猠晡瑥ⱹ漠⁲敷晬牡㭥愠摮਍⸳吠慨⁴桴⁥硥散瑰潩潴戠⁥牧湡整⁤獩漠敮琠慨⁴楷汬爠煥極敲琠敨氠慥瑳洠摯晩捩瑡潩景਍桴⁥牰獥牣扩摥爠来汵瑡潩獮愠摮琠敨洠湩浩浵瘠牡慩据⁥桴瑡眠汩捡潣灭楬桳琠敨਍異灲獯⹥਍਍低ⱗ吠䕈䕒但䕒‬䕂䤠⁔䕒体噌䑅ഺ吊慨⁴晡整⁲慣敲畦潣獮摩牥瑡潩景洠灡ⱳ映捡獴‬硥楨楢獴‬整瑳浩湯⁹湡⁤瑯敨⁲癥摩湥散਍畳浢瑩整⁤湩琠楨⁳慭瑴牥‬桴⁥灡汰捩瑡潩潮‮塅ⵃ〲㠰〭ⰵ椠⁳敨敲祢愠灰潲敶⁤獡਍潭楤楦摥※湡൤ഊ吊慨⁴桴⁥畳换湯汣獵潩獮甠潰桷捩⁨桴⁥楦摮湩獧愠摮挠湯楤楴湯⁳灳捥晩敩⁤湩琠楨൳刊獥汯瑵潩牡⁥慢敳⁤湡⁤潣瑮楡敮⁤湩琠敨瀠扵楬⁣敨牡湩⁧敲潣摲挠湯散湲湩⁧灁汰捩瑡潩൮䔊䍘㈭〰ⴸ㔰愠⁳敳⁴潦瑲⁨湩琠敨䴠湩瑵獥漠⁦桴⁥敄楳湧删癥敩⁷潃浭瑩整⁥敍瑥湩⁧景਍慍捲⁨〲‬〲㠰‬湡⁤牡⁥湩潣灲牯瑡摥戠⁹敲敦敲据⁥敨敲湩മ ਍敒潳畬楴湯丠⹯㈠㠶਍慐敧㈠਍਍塅ⵃ〲㠰〭വഊ䴊牡档㈠ⰰ㈠〰സഊ匊䍅䥔乏䤠䥉›佃䑎呉佉华䄠䵄义卉䕔䕒⁄奂吠䕈䌠䵏啍䥎奔਍䕄䕖佌䵐久⁔䕄呐മഊㄊ‮偁剐噏䑅䔠䡘䉉呉൓䄊灰潲慶獩戠獡摥漠桴⁥瑳晡⁦敲潰瑲攠桸扩瑩⁳㩁匠杩楄条慲Ɑ䌠›楓整倠慬湡൤猊杩牤睡湩獧琠瑩敬㩤∠畃数瑲湩慌摮湩⁧〱㤴‵敄䄠穮⁡求摶‬畃数瑲湩Ɐ䌠≁਍慤整⁤ⴲ〲〭ⰸ愠摮挠湯楳瑳湩⁧景琠潷猠敨瑥⁳畮扭牥摥ㄠ☠㈠‬硥散瑰愠⁳慭⁹敢਍浡湥敤⁤祢挠湯楤楴湯⁳湩琠楨⁳敲潳畬楴湯മഊ㈊‮則問䑎匠䝉⁎䕈䝉呈਍桔⁥牰灯獯摥朠潲湵⁤楳湧猠慨汬渠瑯攠捸敥⁤ㄱ‧∰愠潢敶愠橤捡湥⁴楳敤慷歬朠慲敤ബ漊⁲✸〠•扡癯⁥摡慪散瑮朠慲敤‬桷捩敨敶⁲獩氠獥⁳湩栠楥桧⹴਍਍⸳䜠佒乕⁄䥓乇䄠䕒ു吊敨攠捸灥楴湯爠煥敵瑳映牯朠潲湵⁤楳湧愠敲⁡湩攠捸獥⁳景ㄠ〰猠畱牡⁥敦瑥椠⁳敤楮摥മഊ㐊‮低䥔䕃传⁆䕆卅‬䕄䥄䅃䥔乏ⱓ删卅剅䅖䥔乏⁓剏传䡔剅䔠䅘呃佉华਍桔⁥潃摮瑩潩獮漠⁦牐橯捥⁴灁牰癯污猠瑥映牯桴栠牥楥慭⁹湩汣摵⁥散瑲楡敦獥ബ搊摥捩瑡潩敲畱物浥湥獴‬敲敳癲瑡潩敲畱物浥湥獴‬湡⁤瑯敨⁲硥捡楴湯⹳倠牵畳湡൴琊潇敶湲敭瑮䌠摯⁥敓瑣潩㘶㈰⠰⥤⠠⤱‬桴獥⁥潃摮瑩潩獮挠湯瑳瑩瑵⁥牷瑩整൮渊瑯捩⁥景愠猠慴整敭瑮漠⁦桴⁥浡畯瑮漠⁦畳档映敥ⱳ愠摮愠搠獥牣灩楴湯漠⁦桴൥搊摥捩瑡潩獮‬敲敳癲瑡潩獮‬湡⁤瑯敨⁲硥捡楴湯⹳夠畯愠敲栠牥扥⁹畦瑲敨⁲潮楴楦摥琠慨൴琊敨㤠ⴰ慤⁹灡牰癯污瀠牥潩⁤湩眠楨档礠畯洠祡瀠潲整瑳琠敨敳映敥ⱳ搠摥捩瑡潩獮ബ爊獥牥慶楴湯ⱳ愠摮漠桴牥攠慸瑣潩獮‬異獲慵瑮琠潇敶湲敭瑮䌠摯⁥敓瑣潩㘶㈰⠰⥡ബ栊獡戠来湵‮晉礠畯映楡潴映汩⁥⁡牰瑯獥⁴楷桴湩琠楨⁳〹搭祡瀠牥潩⁤潣灭祬湩⁧楷桴愠汬਍景琠敨爠煥極敲敭瑮⁳景匠捥楴湯㘠〶〲‬潹⁵楷汬戠⁥敬慧汬⁹慢牲摥映潲慬整൲挊慨汬湥楧杮猠捵⁨硥捡楴湯⹳਍਍䅐卓䑅䄠䑎䄠佄呐䑅琠楨⁳〲桴搠祡漠⁦慍捲⁨〲㠰‬瑡愠删来汵牡䴠敥楴杮漠⁦桴൥䐊獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥漠⁦桴⁥楃祴漠⁦畃数瑲湩Ɐ匠慴整漠⁦慃楬潦湲慩‬祢琠敨映汯潬楷杮਍潲汬挠污潶整ഺഊ䄊䕙㩓਍低卅ഺ䄊卂⁔䥁㩎਍䉁䕓呎ഺഊ䌊䵏䥍卓佉䕎卒›桃楡灲牥潳楇晥牥‬潒敳਍佃䵍卉䥓乏剅㩓渠湯൥䌊䵏䥍卓佉䕎卒›潮敮਍佃䵍卉䥓乏剅㩓渠湯൥ഊ䄊呔卅㩔਍਍偁剐噏䑅ഺഊ⼊⽳楃摤⁹潗摲汥൬䌊摩祤圠牯敤汬਍楃祴倠慬湮牥਍਍ ⽳楌慳䜠敩敦൲䰊獩⁡楇晥牥‬桃楡൲䐊獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥਍ ਍†††⹾†ൾ †††尠⸩⴮਍†††㘠〠਍†††尠਍†††⠠⤺਍†††␠㈠਍†††㐠‭ൾ ††㌱†ⴤ嘠൉ ††㨺⤻਍††⁉ൾ ††⹲䩾਍††⁉橾਍⸮⸮††൪ ⹬甮†䤠ബ㨊⹾㨠⸠⸮ൊ ⁾⸠⤱†Ⱐ਍⹾✮〠†⹴⸮਍⸮〠›ര琊⁾⹡਍⹡‮㨰⸠‮†൩ ⠼䌠䜠ൊഊ䤊䥉ⅉൃ琊ഭⴊ਍ഽⴊ਍ഽ愊൳ഊഊഊ✊⸲਍⸮晳✢਍楖਍਍ളㄊ਍ള樊਍਍Ⱞ‱⁊ധഊ縊਍ൾ㨊ളഊ⸊•㬧ㄬ‧⁲൲ഊ∊縬樠汯⸠മഊ⸊‮൉ഊ縊‧䤧മഊ⸊縠ഺ∊䨠‬Ⱗ✮•⸧਍਍‬繩✠ⰺ‭∬縠縮‧ധ✊❌屾Ⱐ⸺⸮‬‬匱估❬‬屾਍⁩≟Ⱒ≾ㄠ✢ⱜⰠ⽵琬Ⱐ⹜∠䨠‧൜⸊尠‧⸬ⴠ繾⸬⸮⸮‮✭਍ⱬ⸠尠∠ⱾⰠ尬‬⁲൜Ⰺ张❜⸠⹾㬠尬椠ⰺ‧Ⱜ✻⁜尬਍䨢尠ബⰊ欠✢Ⱐ✮⸻氬楩尠਍爧Ⱞⱜⰺ縠❜㩾⹜›⹾尮⸧尠਍਍❖❜⸮尠›㨮⁜⹜✠൜尊⸠尠⸬椮❜‬⹉⸬尠‮ബ尊⁜縧尺⸠屬•〱❍樠❊✻❾•⁲繾⸬਍⁜‧✰⸠✮䤠⁉㰧睏਍⁜‧繾⁾⵾❤⸠繾㬠‬‧‮㨮✬਍਍⁌⸮਍∩ⰧⰬ⸩ㄮ∮਍਍✮爠⸠⹊琠•‭⸮മഊ愊‮彟ൾഊ⸊മ漊਍മ爊਍⸮Ⱞ਍Ⱞ਍਍਍ൾഊ⸊⸮മഊ⼊⤺਍਍㨭ൺ㐊ㅊ਍ⴭഭ✊ഢ ਍‬㨮縮⸮‬‬㰮ⰱⰧ✢മഊ⠊⥲਍牴൲⠊ൾ㬊⸭⸬਍ൣ挊വഊ漊਍〺਍൯ഊℊ䤠਍⡴
൉䤊爧൬爊Ⱐ氠屜਍⁩∧മ昊物漢൯氊ⴧ⸮⁎尢㬺൬縊⸧Ⱞ⥜杜൜氊⁖⁡❾⸮਍繲〠‧ൾⴊ⸠㨠ൊ⸊䤠ബഊ縊‧⥃⁾ൾഊⰊ挠ഭ漊䤠縠਍਍㩩⁩ൾ㬊Ⅹ‮⁡൧氊繩਍汩录਍ⴽ椡਍椭ⅾ㩓਍⹡愭മ氊⹬ൾ愊挠⸺൬ㄊ❾റ縊汾਍㭣⸺䥬牣਍㩛ⴰ㨮㬺਍⸭縠朠਍㩪൴栊൩猊‧繧਍‮繾਍楴ഺഊഊഊ縊਍䩩਍〺਍ല⤊ാ爊ഭഊഊ⸊⸮⸮਍㩣ഺ氊⹑਍ൣ㌊਍ൾ㸊ാ挊⸮മ縊愠਍഼縊਍਍✵਍⸬਍ൾഊ挊൯ഊ椊਍਍ൾ氊ൌ琊਍਍∢䥃਍ാ稊਍഼縊਍਍湥਍൮㸊਍ൾ∊ഢⴊമ伊ൊഊ⸊Ⱞ਍ൾഊ †††⁾ൾ †✠•⁣⸮⸮‮潣਍†⁃⁃䥃䌠⁉⁾䱃‮㩣൲✊•⁾䑃䌠⁄⁾⁾⁾稺ഺ㨊爺䌠⁄⁾⁾䌠൉䌊⁄㨺䤺䌠䥃䌠䥃†㌠਍⁾䥃㬠℺㬠℺††ൾ㌊਍縠਍਍⸮⸮‬ഽ䤊ⴢ䤺繧਍繾਍ൾ⸊⸮⸮਍㩣ഺ⸊⸮਍䑃਍㨺⸺਍㨺✻਍ൣ⸊⸮⸮਍䥃਍㨺䤺਍䱃മ㨊㬺ധ䌊䥃਍਍∢ധ䌊ൄ㌊਍䥃਍㨺䤺਍稻ഺഊ縊਍ൾ縊਍ൾ縊਍䑃਍਍⁾⸮⸮മ縊挠㨺਍繷਍⁾㬺മ⸊⸮⸮Ⱞ✠獏਍⸮⸮മ㸊ാഊ縊⸠⸮⸮਍‽㩣ഺ⸊⸮ㄮശ《‰ൾ甊㴬ⰺ਍⁃㨺䤺਍䑃䌠਍㸾㨺ⴻ਍㨺䤺㨠㨺൉⸊⸮䌠⹌਍䥃张മ㔊縲਍ൾഊഊഊഊ縊ൾ㨊㨺⁲Ȿ਍∧✠ഢ椊❡挠൯✊•㸼਍∧✠ഢⴊⰢ਍兾਍⁾䑃਍䑃张਍㸼䌠ൄ朊›䤺൅✊•∧਍䑃㴠਍⹃਍≃਍∧਍∧਍⹣਍㨺✻਍〼਍਍⁾⸮⸮਍ൣ㨊楉⸠⸮⸮਍⁾〰਍䍃⁉⸮⸮਍㨺䤺਍∧਍ള⸊⸮਍∧਍㨺䤺਍㰭਍∧਍ളഊ㨊楉਍䤺൩㨊楉਍਍਍∢਍⹣㸮਍਍渭⸠⸮⸮‬‽㴠਍∧†㨺⁲∧†ⴧഢ㸊‼✠•⸠⸮⸮਍†㨺䤺†∧਍†䑃†㨺䤺†⸮⸮਍††䱃‮ⴰ਍‽††㨺൲✊∭㴠⸠⸮⸮਍⸻⸬‬㸾㸠ാ挊⸮‾†഼ ⹣㸮挠⸮‾〰䌠ൄ ‽⹣㸮⸠⸮‮㨺䤺਍㨠⸮⸮†ⴰ挠਍挠㴠䌠ൄ †ⴰ਍✠∭〠ര †⹣㸮਍਍ ਍湥䌠∢⁊㸠䌠❄攠䑃‧⁾㨺樺〠†††ൾ⸊❣挠›∲•⸰㨠㨺⁊㩣㨠㨺⁊㨺䨺洠㨠㨺⁊䨺‾†††ൾ㰊㌠縠∠⁃䑃਍㨺䨺✠•䌢✠•㈡‮ℳഺ攊∳㌠•䑃㬠⁡‰愻††††ⴠ䥴റ攊൮挊›散縠攠㸼縠∠⁃†‭†††❲氭਍䌢㰠‾✰†‰湥✠•†⁾湥††✸ⴠ∱†‽൮∊⁃‰∠⁃㨠㨺ൊ《㨠㨺⁊㨺䨺†㰭†㈡‮†㕩†††琠ㅔ਍⁾氧†††䌠⁄††氠⸧㨮൉ ℡⹬††††⁾൚ 䑃††††℡†††⁣⤺縠਍㨠㬺††††㨺䨺洠††✷ⴠ㐠ഢ †††℠Ⅼ‮⵲††爠ⴭ㸺਍縠††††㬮㨻‭††㴠਍††††㬻※††㴠਍†††††††攠㩸ാ ††††∲•†††ര㸊†⸠卻縠㸠⸠㨺㨺›㨢‱⁣″⸮⸮㤠•⸸∵䔠⹱䤠⁾繉䔠⹱਍∲•†∲•⁾⸰洠㌠•ര㌊†縠⸺㨺†″散䌠⁄䤨
䑃††㘠•∶਍†‽㸼㰠‾㩣漠⁲䌢㨠℡〠‮††繉䤠ൾ挊›†⵾⹳ⴠ⹳㌠攠牯਍″†湥ⴠ⁡ള †⁾㩣⸬䌠✧≩†朠⸮⸮〠਍†〠‮吢吢†❃≪〠㨠㨺ൊ ††㩣਍†漠䌠∢⁊≃䨢†縠㌠਍†㴠㨱‰‰†䑃娠䌠ൄ †††⸰†愻਍††††攠††∠氧ഺ ††††挮ധ ††††㨺䨺਍਍㩳猠›㩳縠猠›഼✊•∧✠•∧縠洠਍㴺㨠‽㴺㨠㨺⁊൚《മ縊縠縠〠縠䌠਍䑃䌠⁄䑃㴠㩉䌠⁄汃਍㨺※㨺※㨺※㨺഻攊湥攠湥攠䤺䥃਍㰭਍†縠਍†䌠ൄ †ള †湥਍਍∧‧⁾䑃䌠⁄䑃ⴠ⁉†䑃‧∧‧⁾䤨ഩ上挠›㰭ⴠ‼牯䌠⁄繾㌠丠挠›愭਍潣攠⁓⁓㸼瀠挠湥洠਍⸮‮∠⁃縠䌠⤢਍縠縠縠†湥†䌠⁄⁗䑃਍䌠⁄∧‧⸰堠縠਍⁗⸰℠氡℠氡縠䌠汩〠മ⸊⸮丠椠橩•〠‮⸮മ⸊⁎‾湥攠潣㌠•〠℠•‾൮ ∲•†⁎堠〠•⁡湥㈠∢縠攠൮攊″†⁎ⴠ㨠㨺⁊⁾″൮縊㌠•†‰∠㩪⤻散縠㌠‭‰Ⅹ㨽਍✳††䑃㌠ഢ挊›†∢†‽㩣爺〠‮㩣䤠❔਍㌠†攠㰠‾⁾†″⁚൷ †⁾✠•††ൾ ††䌢℠⸲਍††✳਍††††††ൾഊ氊ൄ㨊㹊਍൮∊ഢ縊਍汃਍൭ഊㄊ∰㐠•∴਍਍ㄱ൭ⴊ䤠਍⸮⸮റ䤊≉਍Ⱞ਍਍ൾഊഊഊ攊൮渊਍Ⅹ㨽਍呉ധ縊਍਍਍⸮⸮਍൭娊਍㸩਍൚⸊⸮മഊ縊਍਍橩映਍⸳愠⸮⸮਍⹓㌠䤠൉縊㩪ൾ㨊⹩椮മ縊椡਍✢ㄵⅾ㨹਍䡴਍⹩㬠⹊਍⹺⸮㨻䥉∧ബ㔊㨱椠⁳ㅡ਍繾൬嬊繾਍⴮‡റ朊⹯ㄡഺ㰊縸਍楨਍⹾‡昮਍℻縮਍汬∭਍潣匠ധ椊൩ഊ †椠Ⱐ⸮Ⱞ∠•⸮⸮⸮䌠⁉䥃∠•䥃Ⱐ⸮Ⱞ㨠㹊縠਍††㩣〠਍††儡‮㨺⁲䑃映㩊映㩊愠愠縠挠‭⸮⸮മ †縠›䑃縠縠਍††‰⁾㨺䤺挠佅挠佅℠℧㨠㩺਍††㌠愠㨠ℽ㨠ℽ†縠愠਍††℠氡†″†㌠਍††㨠㹊†✡‡†††✡ഡ✊•∧✠•㬻‾㹃⸠⸮ബ⸊⸬‬㬠※牡⸠⸮ബ縊䤠⁅⁾⁾挠※⸠⸮Ⱞ挠≑
㨳†⸬⸮‬Ⱐ⸮Ⱞ਍㰠਍縠†潣㨠㨺‡䑃縠†㩣挠㩣਍†††潣㌠挠⸺‮⸮Ⱞ⸠⸮‮⸮Ⱞ਍††㹃†Ⱐ㰠ⴾ†潣匠‮∢匠മ椊⁦椠⁦晩†愠縠㴠⸠ⰮⰮ਍楩†楩椠⁩⁾†⁾⸮⸮‬㨺䤺⸠⸮⸮‮∳䌠⁉㨺≩਍⁾猭††稻›⸬⸮‬张‰䑃〠਍䝬䤠氠⁇䝬縠⁲†⸬⸮‬縠†㨠㹊縠਍††挠›†Ⱐ⸮Ⱞ਍来⁏縠‮†⸮Ⱞ†䌠⁄㨠㹊㬠㨺›㨺䤺਍††⹓†††⁡ⵣ਍††††††㨽∻਍縠†⹳††㨽∻†††∢挠ൡ ⁾䝬††‰††縠਍縠縠††縠਍†縠††㨺䤺਍†††ⵣ਍†縠††㨽∻਍†縠††慣਍†愠਍†縠਍†愠਍†✠ഢഊ縊਍਍਍਍ⴧ⅜਍਍൱ഊⴊൊഊ∊㼧਍਍ഹഊ焊਍਍繉ൗഊ縊ൾ縊഼縊縮മ漊㰠ാ㨊㨺⁊രⴊ㨺䨺਍氡⸡㸼਍⁾ൾ朊›㨺഻攊∧਍䑃张਍⸰ⴠ਍㩣爺਍∧਍㨺䨺਍⸰਍✳਍散਍਍ⴭ尻നഊ縊ൾ⠊ൄ㨊䨺਍䩦਍⸮⸮⸮਍ൃⴊ⸮਍䑃਍਍൯㨊ര漊਍਍㸩਍ㅜ਍䩩਍町਍൯縊਍⵲਍਍ㅃ਍਍⹣愮਍㨺൳ഊ㌊਍ൣ嘊ഩഊⴊ⵲‭ൾ縊縭਍縨䤧✠Ⱐ眧縠⁔ⴰ਍呏牉❟潾汯ㄠⵟ〠 ✺汾⁾彾≩縠਍〧㬠爠✠㄰‰䌷ഩ縊⸠⸺樠椠⁾繛‮രⴊⴭ⵵‭✭⸻縠朠䤠਍戺挠爺⁜⸭㠠റⰊ⤢਍਍ൾⴊൡ渊਍䨺ാ爊ഭ攊൮㬊਍൚䌊൬䌊਍∮਍∮਍汃਍൭㬊਍㵩਍਍ⴱ⼱∲搠慩മഊㄊഴഊⴊ൉ഊഊ縊਍਍ൾഊ縊਍∧਍㨺䨺਍⸰਍൯㴊㩉਍਍楬彾਍䤬⸬㨮㨮ാ㬊尠爮ൊ尊ㄮ〮਍਍䤺ഺ縊਍湥਍൮縊਍਍⁦種⸮਍਍⁾⸠⸮⸮‮愭〠਍⁾✠•㨺⁲⁡潣਍⁾㸠‼‰⸮⸮‮⸮⸮⸮਍†㨺䨺਍∠•䌠⁄∧਍挠㸮†㨠㨺⁉⸮⸮਍†㸽⸠⸮⸮‮ⵣ㰠ⴾ਍‰⸮⸮਍⁾⸮⸮⸮㬠⸮⸮‮㸽Ⱐ⸮Ⱞ㨠爺਍∧∠•⹣‾⸮⸮⸮㨠㹊㨠㹊਍⸮‮⸮⸮挠㸮挠㸮∠•഼㨊㨺⁉〠挠㸮䌠ൄ ⸮⸮㨠㨺൉《†〰⸠⸮⸮‮㸼‭㩣਍″†㸼‭㸽䌠ൄ⸊⸮‬†∢਍∧†挠㸮਍㨺䨺਍∷਍ര㌊਍਍ ਍਍潃浭湵瑩⁹敄敶潬浰湥⁴敄慰瑲敭瑮਍਍牐橯捥⁴灁汰捩瑡潩畓浭牡൹ഊ䘊汩㩥䔠䍘㈭〰ⴸ匰਍਍楓湧䔠捸灥楴湯਍਍湅楶潲浮湥慴㩬䔠數灭൴ഊ倊⡎⥳਍㈳ⴶ㌳ㄭ〱਍਍牐橯捥⁴慎敭›態敲李൯ഊ䴊湡条牥›潃楬畊杮਍਍潎楴散吠灹㩥䄠橤捡湥൴ഊ䰊捯瑡潩㩮਍〱㤴‵⹎䐠⁥湁慺䈠癬⹤਍਍敄捳楲瑰潩㩮਍楓湧䔠捸灥楴湯映牯愠朠潲湵⁤楳湧洠牯⁥桴湡㠠映敥⁴慴汬洠慥畳楲杮映潲桴൥猊摩睥污牧摡⁥湡⁤⁡牧畯摮猠杩牡慥攠捸敥楤杮ㄠ〰猠畱牡⁥敦瑥਍਍楆敬⁤牐ⵥ牨⁧剅⁃䰠来污䐠䍒倠⁃䍃਍⼲㈲㈯〰‸††⼳〲㈯〰സ ††潃獮湥㽴〠਍潃瑮捡獴਍慎敭†⁔⁥摁牤獥⁳†倠潨敮‬慆ⱸ攠洭楡൬䬊牡湥丠潧†灁汰捩湡⁴㠴‹⹓䔠⁉慃業潮删慥†桰湯㩥㐠㠰㠭㠸㐭ㄹറ †匠湡䴠瑡潥‬䅃㤠㐴㈰†攠慭汩›湫潧獀灨⹷潣൭ㄊ〲‰慓慍整癁湥敵䰠䍌传湷牥㐠㤸匠‮䥅䌠浡湩敒污†瀠潨敮›㔶ⴰ㐳ⴴ㔱〰砠‮〱വ †匠湡䴠瑡潥‬䅃㤠㐴㈰†映硡›㔶ⴰ㐳ⴴ㘰㈵਍ ਍䥉਍਍偁䱐䍉呁佉⁎但䵒਍਍潃浭湵瑩⁹敄敶潬浰湥⁴敄慰瑲敭瑮਍〱〳‰潔牲⁥癁湥敵਍畃数瑲湩Ɐ䌠⁁㔹㄰ഴഊ䌊偕剅䥔低਍਍㐨㠰
桐湯⁥栨ഩ㘊匧ⵏ㌠㑾‭卬佯✠汸⁏൓䘊汪⁸⁾‮敃汬਍⁢体‮䱾⴯⹣⴫〠‶㬤娺਍ⵅ橾∢ㄺ਍䬬⸮䤠⁧‰縨℺⸠‵⵫⥉⼠㨭⁊‮⴨⽅噙൬倊潨敮睨⸩‮桐湯⁥栨ഩ䰊佪㨡⵳‭捦杦‭晌⡃䤠䤠਍慆⁸敃汬਍਍ⵅ慍汩਍਍ⰳ⤻‶ⴧ㌳ㄭറഊ瀊繣映牥਍਍縺縺ബഊ尊਍਍਍਍⁳牡⁥牴敵愠摮挠牯敲瑣琠桴⁥敢漠⁦祭漠汷摥敧‮⁉湵敤獲慴摮琠慨⁴⁡業牳灥敲敳瑮瑡潩景愠祮਍⁡潲慶祢琠敨䐠物捥潴⁲景䌠浯畭楮祴䐠癥汥灯敭瑮‬敄楳湧删癥敩⁷潃浭瑩整ⱥ倠慬湮湩൧琊椠⁳灡汰捩瑡潩⹮䤠甠摮牥瑳湡⁤桴瑡琠敨愠灰楬慣楴湯洠祡戠⁥楷桴牤睡晩洠⁹畡桴牯穩摥਍瑡栠⁥捳敨畤敬⁤敭瑥湩⡧⥳甠汮獥⁳⁡牷瑩整敲畱獥⁴潦⁲潰瑳潰敮敭瑮栠獡戠敥牰獥湥整⁤潴琠敨਍獳摥琠楨⁳灡汰捩瑡潩楷桴琠敨倠扵楬⁣潗歲⁳瑳晡⁦湡⁤⁉湵敤獲慴摮琠敨瀠扵楬⁣浩牰癯浥湥൴漊慳⹬਍਍਍橲牵⁹桴瑡䤠愠桴⁥睯敮⁲景猠楡⁤牰灯牥祴漠⁲慨敶倠睯牥漠⁦瑁潴湲祥⠠瑡慴档挠灯⥹映潲慳摩瀠潲数瑲൹ഊ䐊瑡൥ഊ倊楲瑮倠潲数瑲⁹睏敮❲⁳慎敭਍਍瑓晡⁦獵⁥湯祬ഺ䄊灰楬慣楴湯愠捣灥整⁤祢縠漠ⴱ‭⁾䐧縠਍灁汰捩瑡潩祴数›⹓ⴠ㩅‮ൾഊഊ䘊牯䄠敭摮敭瑮⁳牯䴠摯晩捩瑡潩獮‬楬瑳琠敨漠楲楧慮数浲瑩ഺഊഊ琊䨺䤠楊⡊⸠‮縻਍਍慄整਍਍桓敥⁴′景ㄠര䄊灰㉟〰ⴷ㄰搮捯爠癥獩摥〠⼶㤲琬㝖਍ Design Review Committee March 20, 2008 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON March 20, 2008 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Committee Members absent: Staff present: Staff absent: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None Lisa Giefer, Chairperson Jessica Rose, Commissioner None Colin Jung None POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application No. (s) Applicant: Location: EXC-2008-05 Karen Ngo 10495 N De Anza Blvd Sign Exception for a ground sign more than 8 feet tall measuring from the sidewalk grade and a ground sign area exceeding 100 square feet Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Staff member Jung explained that there are two parts to this sign exception application. The height exception is because the sign height is measured from the sidewalk grade. The ground grade where the sign is to be located is 3' higher than the sidewalk grade so the sign would be very limited. They have proposed a sign height of 11' 1" as measured from the existing grade. They would also like to have a sign of approximately 116.34 square feet where the code calls for no more than 100 square feet. Staff supports the application with the reduction from I V 1" to 11'. Staff does not support the enlarged sign design. The sign could be designed smaller and still not lose any readability. Chairperson Giefer asked for clarification that the address portion is not Imi CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue 408 -777 -CITY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino will hold a public hearing on the matter described below. The public is encouraged to attend and speak. APPLICATION NO.: EXC-2008-05 APPLICANT: Karen Ngo LOCATION: 10495 N De Anza Blvd. APN : 326-33-110 DESCRIPTION: Sign Exception for a ground sign more than 8 feet tall measuring from the sidewalk grade and a ground sign area exceeding 100 square feet HEARING DATE: March 20, 2008 beginning at 12:30 p.m. ADDRESS: Conference Room A, City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue If you challenge the action of the Design Review Committee in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. Please note that Design Review Committee policy is to allow an applicant and groups to speak for 10 minutes and individuals to speak for 3 minutes. The agenda for this application will be available on the Friday afternoon preceding the meeting. The file and plans are available for viewing/preview during normal hours of operation. Questions concerning the application should be directed to Colin Jung, Project Manager at (408) 777-3257. NOTE: Agenda may be subject to change. If interested in an item, or have questions, please call the Planning Department at 408-777-3308 prior to the meeting date to verify that the item is still on the agenda. The time this item will be heard on the agenda cannot be predicted. NOTE TO OWNERS OF RECORD: This notice is sent to owners of real property as shown on the last tax assessment roll. Tenants are not necessarily notified. Steve Piasecki Community Development Department 31602 103 316 22 017 326 33 109 SOBRATO DEVELOPMENT CO #940 BERG FAMILY PARTS LP MARIANI BUSINESS CTR LLC 10600 N DE ANZA BL 10050 BANDLEY DR 20600 MARIANI AV CUPERTINO CA 95014-2059 CUPERTINO CA 95014-2102 CUPERTINO CA 95014 32633 110 326 33 114 326 56 001 1200 SAN MATEO AVE LLC APPLE COMPUTER INC 20525 MARIANI DRIVE LP 489 S EL CAMINO REAL 1 INFINITE LP 2901 TASMAN DR STE 220 SAN MATEO CA 94402 CUPERTINO CA 95014 SANTA CLARA CA 95054 Annotation Abc Street Names Address CityBoundary Street Centerline ParcelOutline -- Right -of -Way Parcels CiLy of Cupertino SCALE 1 : 4,330 200 0 200 400 600 FEET N http://gissvr/cupertinoassessor/home/mapFile.aspx Monday, March 10, 2008 11:56 AM To: Design Review Committee Date: March 20, 2008 From: Colin Jung, Senior Planner Subject: Application: EXC-2008-05 Location: 10495 N. De Anza Blvd. Project Description: Sign Exception for a ground sign more than 8 feet tall as measured from the sidewalk grade with a ground sign area exceeding 100 square feet. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends: 1) a modified approval of the Sign Exception for sign height, lowering height from the proposed 11' 1" to 11' 0" as measured from sidewalk grade; and 2) Denial of the exception for more than 100 square feet of ground sign area, based on the model resolution. BACKGROUND: This speculative office building project is nearing completion and the applicant, Karen Ngo, representing 1200 San Mateo Avenue LLC, the owner of the property, is proposing a ground sign composed of brushed aluminum with tempered glass panels and acrylic letters. The ground sign is supported on one end by an aluminum post and on the other end by an existing curved wall. The ground sign actually rests on top of the wall before cantilevering over the wall (see Exhibit A: Sign Diagram (perspective)). The building identifier and street number are located on the wall. The applicant is requesting two sign exceptions: 1) Exception for Ground Sign Height. The maximum allowed ground sign height is 8 feet measured from adjacent sidewalk grade. The elevation grade at the sign is 3 feet higher than the sidewalk and the proposed sign measures 8' 1" from adjacent grade. Thus, the exception request is to exceed the maximum ground sign height by 3' 1". 2) Exception for Ground Sign Area. The maximum allowed ground sign area is 100 square feet. The applicant is proposing 116.34 square feet, which includes the area of the building identifier "CUPERTINO LANDING." The applicant's justifications are attached as Exhibit B. DISCUSSION: Ground Sign Height Staff believes the intent of the regulation is to prevent applicants from building up the adjacent grade to achieve greater sign height. This was not the case with the new, office building. The grade elevations were existing and could not be modified significantly without damaging the existing mature trees. The proposed sign should not appear excessively tall as it is set back 13 feet from the sidewalk (see Exhibit C). Staff recommends reducing the sign height slightly from 8' 1" to 8' 0" (measured from adjacent grade) and view this as a reasonable height accommodation given the topography, without seriously compromising the sign height maximum. Ground Sign Area The applicant requested a 116.34 square foot sign area, which includes the tenant sign and the building identifier, "Cupertino Landing," on the wall. The applicant is requesting the sign area exception in order to maintain the sign proportions (Exhibit B). Staff notes the awkward vacant area on the sign, which can be eliminated without affecting the size of the tenant panels, and reducing the sign area by up to 39 square feet, which eliminates the need for another sign exception. Findings for Exception Per Section 17.44.040 of the Municipal Code, the Design Review Committee may grant an exception based upon the following findings: A. Literal Enforcement of the Sign Regulations are Inconsistent zaith Spirit and Intent of Sign Ordinance The intent of the Sign Ordinance is to "provide architectural and aesthetic harmony of signs as they relate to building design" and to "promote attractive and effective signs." The staff recommendations would promote the visibility of the ground sign, which will be set back 18+ feet from the roadway, while limiting unnecessary visual mass. B. The granting of the exception will not result in a condition which is materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare The proposed Sign Exception will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare; C. Least Modification and Minimum Variance to Accomplish Purpose A proposed exception for an 11' 0" tall ground sign (as measured from sidewalk grade) recognizes the natural topographic differences on the site, the importance of maintaining the grade to protect the existing trees and achieving satisfactory sign visibility. Staff believes this would involve the least amount of modification and minimum variance to accomplish the purpose and intent of the sign ordinance. The sign area can be reduced below 100 square feet without affecting tenant identification. Staff believes a sign exception is not necessary and conforming to the code would accomplish the purpose and intent of the sign ordinance. 2 Prepared by: Colin Jung, Senior Planner ; Approved by: Ciddy Wordell, City Planner Enclosures: Model Resolution Exhibit A: Sign Diagram (Perspective) Exhibit B: Sign Exception Justification Exhibit C: Site Plan Plan Set EXC-2008-05 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING A SIGN EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A GROUND SIGN HEIGHT OF 11'0" AS MEASURED FROM SIDEWALK GRADE, AND DENYING AN EXCEPTION FOR SIGN AREA IN EXCESS OF 100 SQUARE FEET AT 10495 NORTH DE ANZA BLVD. SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: EXC-2008-05 Applicant: Karen Ngo Location: 10495 North De Anza Blvd. SECTION II: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino received an application for a Sign Exception, as described in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee finds that the changes beneficial and compatible with the surrounding area; 1. That the literal enforcement of the provisions of this title will result in restrictions inconsistent with the spirit and intent of this title; 2. That the granting of the exception will not result in a condition which is materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare; and 3. That the exception to be granted is one that will require the least modification of the prescribed regulations and the minimum variance that will accomplish the purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the application no. EXC-2008-05, is hereby approved as modified; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this Resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application EXC-2008-05 as set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee Meeting of March 20, 2008, and are incorporated by reference herein. SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Resolution No. EXC-2008-05 March 20, 2008 Page 2 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the staff report exhibits A: Sign Diagram, C: Site Plan and sign drawings titled: "Cupertino Landing 10495 De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA" dated 2-20-08, and consisting of two sheets numbered 1 & 2, except as may be amended by conditions in this resolution. 2. GROUND SIGN HEIGHT The proposed ground sign shall not exceed 11' 0" above adjacent sidewalk grade, or 8' 0" above adjacent grade, whichever is less in height. 3. GROUND SIGN AREA The exception request for ground sign area in excess of 100 square feet is denied. 6. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90 -day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of March 2008, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ATTEST: Ciddy Wordell City Planner APPROVED: Lisa Giefer, Chair Design Review Committee EXHIBIT B 1200 San Mateo Avenue, LLC 489 South El Camino Real San Mateo, CA 94402 Telephone 650-344-1500 Facsimile 650-344-0652 March 10, 2008 VIA EMAIL City of Cupertino DRC Committee 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, Ca 95014 Re: 10495 N. DeAnza Blvd., Cupertino, Ca Sign Exception Application Dear DRC Committee: We are writing to request your consideration for a sign exception for the above reference property as follows: 1)Sign height in excess of 8 feet above sidewalk grade: The portion of our property where we are installing our monument side is on a berm that is 3 feet above the closest adjacent sidewalk which means the height of our sign can only be 5 feet per the code instead of 8 feet. Therefore, we are requesting an exception to allow the height of our sign to be 8'1" measured from the base of the sign rather than from the sidewalk. Additionally, the sign sits on a low landscape wall which means our sign height is only 7'4". 2)Ground sign area in excess of 100 square feet: Our sign sits on a stepped landscape wall and in order to make the two sides of the sign symmetrical, we need to keep the width of the sign at 16' which means our ground sign area will exceed the allowable 100sf by 17.28sf. Very truly yours, r" 1200 San Mat Avenue, LLC I I --MARIANI JI, �---A 171 f. | \ 2 Design Review Committee March 20, 2008 counted as part of the calculation for the sign area but the center name is counted. If the sign were reduced, what would the linear area of the sign be? It would be well under the 100 square foot maximum. The applicant, Karen Ngo, stated that if the center name is counted in the sign area, she would remove the center name and just have the tenant's names. They felt that due to the curvature of the rear wall, the sign size is necessary for the tenant's name and the center's name to be visible from the eastbound direction. Commissioner Rose asked about the proposed letter height for the tenant names. Chairperson asked the applicant about the possibility of moving the sign closer to the street. The applicant was reluctant to do that. The neighboring business owner, Jane Wu, stated that she felt the height of the sign would block people's view of her business. Chairperson Giefer asked for clarification what the setback requirement was from the street. Staff member Jung explained that the setback is 1' from the sidewalk, but that there appears to be an easement along the sidewalk on this lot. Commissioner Rose confirmed that there is median landscaping that will prevent the sign from being visible from both directions of traffic. Chairperson Giefer liked the design of the sign, but felt it was too large and could be moved closer to the street. She suggested the applicant find out what type of easement existed on site. She supports Staff s recommendation. Commissioner Rose agreed with Chairperson Giefer. MOTION: Commissioner Rose moved to approve EXC-2008-05 with Staff's recommendations SECOND: Chairperson Giefer ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none VOTE: 2-0 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Respectfully submitted: /s/Beth Ebben Beth Ebben Administrative Clerk gplanning/DRC CommitteelMinutes032008