㜷ⴷ㌳㠰਍䅆㩘⠠〴⤸㜠㜷㌭㌳ളഊ䌊呉⁙䙏਍啃䕐䩒义൏ഊ䌊䵏啍䥎奔䐠噅䱅偏䕍呎਍਍慍⁹㔱‬〲㠰਍਍畓慳桃湥਍〲ㄹ‰敐灰牥吠敲⁥慌敮਍畃数瑲湩Ɐ䌠⹡㤠〵㐱਍਍啓䩂䍅㩔䐠卅䝉⁎䕒䥖坅䌠䵏䥍呔䕅䄠呃佉⁎䕌呔剅ⴠ䄠灰楬慣楴湯䔠䍘㈭〰ⴸ㘰਍਍桔獩氠瑥整⁲潣普物獭琠敨搠捥獩潩景琠敨䐠獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥‬楧敶瑡琠敨洠敥楴杮਍景䴠祡ㄠⰴ㈠〰㬸愠灰潲楶杮琠敨挠湯瑳畲瑣潩景愠瀠牯楴湯漠⁦⁡楳敤礭牡⁤摡楤楴湯琠൯眊瑩楨楦敶映敥⁴景琠敨氠晥⁴楳敤瀠潲数瑲⁹楬敮‬潬慣整⁤瑡ㄠ㄰〷䄠敭楬⁡潃牵ⱴ愠捣牯楤杮਍潴删獥汯瑵潩潎‮㜲⸱਍਍汐慥敳戠⁥睡牡⁥桴瑡椠⁦桴獩瀠牥業⁴獩渠瑯甠敳⁤楷桴湩漠敮礠慥Ⱳ椠⁴桳污硥楰敲漠൮䴊祡ㄠⰴ㈠〰⸹਍਍汁潳‬汰慥敳渠瑯⁥桴瑡愠灡数污漠⁦桴獩搠捥獩潩慣敢洠摡⁥楷桴湩ㄠ‴慣敬摮牡搠祡൳昊潲桴⁥慤整漠⁦桴獩氠瑥整⹲䤠⁦桴獩栠灡数獮‬潹⁵楷汬戠⁥潮楴楦摥漠⁦⁡異汢捩栠慥楲杮ബ眊楨档眠汩敢猠档摥汵摥戠晥牯⁥桴⁥楃祴䌠畯据汩മഊ匊湩散敲祬ബഊ挊℻⁾䍇䩶噍㜱਍਍敌汳敩䜠潲獳਍獁楳瑳湡⁴汐湡敮൲䌊瑩⁹景䌠灵牥楴潮਍਍湅汣獯牵獥ഺ刊獥汯瑵潩潎‮㜲റഊ䌊㩣䈠汩敄杮‬〱㜱‰流汥慩䌠畯瑲‬畃数瑲湩Ɐ䌠⁡㔹㄰ഴഊ倊楲瑮摥漠敒祣汣摥倠灡牥਍ ਍塅ⵃ〲㠰〭ശഊ䌊呉⁙䙏䌠偕剅䥔低਍〱〳‰潔牲⁥癁湥敵਍畃数瑲湩Ɐ䌠污晩牯楮⁡㔹㄰ഴഊ刊卅䱏呕佉⁎低‮㜲റഊ伊⁆䡔⁅䕄䥓乇删噅䕉⁗佃䵍呉䕔⁅䙏吠䕈䌠呉⁙䙏䌠偕剅䥔低਍佔䌠乏呓啒呃䄠倠剏䥔乏传⁆⁁䥓䕄夭剁⁄䑁䥄䥔乏吠൏圊呉䥈⁎䥆䕖䘠䕅⁔䙏吠䕈䰠䙅⁔䥓䕄倠佒䕐呒⁙䥌䕎മഊ匊䍅䥔乏䤠›剐呏䍅⁔䕄䍓䥒呐佉ൎഊ䄊灰楬慣楴湯丠⹯ഺ䄊灰楬慣瑮ഺ䰊捯瑡潩㩮਍਍塅ⵃ〲㠰〭ശ匊獵湡䌠敨൮ㄊ㄰〷䄠敭楬⁡潃牵൴ഊ匊䍅䥔乏䤠㩉䘠义䥄䝎൓ഊ圊䕈䕒十‬桴⁥敄楳湧删癥敩⁷潃浭瑩整⁥景琠敨䌠瑩⁹景䌠灵牥楴潮爠捥楥敶⁤湡਍灡汰捩瑡潩潴挠湯瑳畲瑣愠瀠牯楴湯漠⁦⁡楳敤礭牡⁤摡楤楴湯琠楷桴湩映癩ⵥ敦瑥漠⁦桴⁥敬瑦ബ猊摩⁥牰灯牥祴氠湩⹥਍਍䡗剅䅅ⱓ琠敨䐠獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥映湩獤琠慨⁴桴⁥档湡敧⁳牡⁥敢敮楦楣污愠摮਍潣灭瑡扩敬眠瑩⁨桴⁥畳牲畯摮湩⁧牡慥഻ഊㄊ‮楌整慲湅潦捲浥湥⁴景琠敨瀠潲楶楳湯⁳景琠楨⁳档灡整⁲楷汬爠獥汵⁴湩爠獥牴捩楴湯൳椊据湯楳瑳湥⁴楷桴琠敨猠楰楲⁴湡⁤湩整瑮漠⁦桴獩挠慨瑰牥਍਍桔⁥湩整瑮漠⁦桴⁥牯楤慮据⁥獩愠摤敲獳摥‮桔⁥潬⁴獩椠牲来汵牡椠桳灡ⱥ爠獥汵楴杮椠൮甊敭獡湯扡敬爠獥牴捩楴湯⁳桴瑡氠浩瑩琠敨甠敳漠⁦桴⁥潬⹴਍਍⸲吠敨瀠潲潰敳⁤敤敶潬浰湥⁴楷汬渠瑯戠⁥湩番楲畯⁳潴瀠潲数瑲⁹牯椠灭潲敶敭瑮⁳湩琠敨愠敲ⱡ਍潮⁲敤牴浩湥慴潴琠敨瀠扵楬⁣敨污桴‬慳敦祴‬牯眠汥慦敲਍਍桔⁥牰灯牥祴愠畢獴愠瀠扵楬⁣慰歲爠瑡敨⁲桴湥愠爠獥摩湥散‬桴牥扥⁹汥浩湩瑡湩൧洊獡楳杮椠灭捡獴漠瑮桴⁥摡慪散瑮瀠潲数瑲⹹਍਍⸳吠敨攠捸灥楴湯琠敢朠慲瑮摥椠⁳湯⁥桴瑡眠汩敲畱物⁥桴⁥敬獡⁴潭楤楦慣楴湯漠⁦桴⁥牰獥牣扩摥਍敤楳湧爠来汵瑡潩湡⁤桴⁥業楮畭慶楲湡散琠慨⁴楷汬愠捣浯汰獩⁨桴⁥異灲獯൥ഊ䠊獩潴楲慣汬ⱹ琠敨洠橡牯瑩⁹景琠敨瀠潲潰敳⁤敳扴捡硥散瑰潩獮愠敲瀠潲潰敳⁤污湯൧瀊牯楴湯⁳景愠瀠牡散桴瑡椠⁳潮⵮潣普牯業杮椠楷瑤⁨牯猠慨数‮桔⁥畳橢捥⁴潬⁴獩਍ ਍敒潳畬楴湯丠⹯㜲റ倊条⁥ലഊ䔊䍘㈭〰ⴸ㘰਍਍慍⁹㐱‬〲㠰਍਍牴慩杮汵牡椠桳灡ⱥ愠摮琠敨愠摤瑩潩楤灳慬獹爠慥潳慮汢⁥敭獡牵獥琠敤牣慥敳琠敨਍浡畯瑮漠⁦湥牣慯档敭瑮椠瑮桴⁥楳敤礠牡⹤਍਍⸴吠敨瀠潲潰敳⁤硥散瑰潩楷汬渠瑯爠獥汵⁴湩猠杩楮楦慣瑮瘠獩慵浩慰瑣愠⁳楶睥摥映潲൭愊畢瑴湩⁧牰灯牥楴獥਍਍桔⁥牰灯獯摥猠瑥慢正愠畢獴愠瀠扵楬⁣慰歲愠摮眠汩潮⁴敲畳瑬椠楳湧晩捩湡⁴楶畳污਍浩慰瑣⹳਍਍低ⱗ吠䕈䕒但䕒‬䕂䤠⁔䕒体噌䑅ഺ吊慨⁴晡整⁲慣敲畦潣獮摩牥瑡潩景洠灡ⱳ映捡獴‬硥楨楢獴‬整瑳浩湯⁹湡⁤瑯敨⁲癥摩湥散਍畳浢瑩整⁤湩琠楨⁳慭瑴牥‬桴⁥灁汰捩瑡潩潎‮塅ⵃ〲㠰〭ⰶ椠⁳敨敲祢愠灰潲敶㭤愠摮਍਍桔瑡琠敨猠扵潣据畬楳湯⁳灵湯眠楨档琠敨映湩楤杮⁳湡⁤潣摮瑩潩獮猠数楣楦摥椠桴獩਍敒潳畬楴湯愠敲戠獡摥愠摮挠湯慴湩摥椠桴⁥異汢捩栠慥楲杮爠捥牯⁤潣据牥楮杮䄠灰楬慣楴湯਍塅ⵃ〲㠰〭‶獡猠瑥映牯桴椠桴⁥楍畮整⁳景琠敨䐠獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥䴠敥楴杮漠൦䴊祡ㄠⰴ㈠〰ⰸ愠摮愠敲椠据牯潰慲整⁤祢爠晥牥湥散栠牥楥⹮਍਍䕓呃佉⁎䥉㩉䌠乏䥄䥔乏⁓䑁䥍䥎呓剅䑅䈠⁙䡔⁅佃䵍乕呉൙䐊噅䱅偏䕍呎䐠偅⹔਍਍⸱䄠偐佒䕖⁄塅䥈䥂協਍灁牰癯污椠⁳慢敳⁤湯琠敨瀠慬敳⁴獡瀠牡⁴景琠敨猠慴晦爠灥牯⁴潴琠敨䐠獥杩敒楶睥਍潃浭瑩整⁥慤整⁤慍⁹㐱‬〲㠰‬硥散瑰愠⁳慭⁹敢愠敭摮摥戠⁹潣摮瑩潩獮椠桴獩਍敲潳畬楴湯മഊ㈊‮剆乏⁔佐䍒⁈䕓䉔䍁ോ䘊潲瑮瀠牯档猠慨汬渠瑯攠据潲捡⁨湡⁹畦瑲敨⁲桴湥㌠ⴧ∰椠瑮桴⁥牦湯⁴敳扴捡⹫਍牄睡湩獧猠慨汬戠⁥敲楶敳⁤湡⁤牰癯摩摥琠汐湡楮杮匠慴晦映牯爠癥敩⁷湡⁤灡牰癯污਍牰潩⁲潴戠極摬湩⁧数浲瑩椠獳慵据⹥਍਍⸳䔠䍘偅䥔乏䄠偐佒⁖䱁਍灁牰癯污椠⁳敨敲祢朠慲瑮摥映牯琠敨挠湯瑳畲瑣潩景愠瀠牯楴湯漠⁦⁡楳敤礭牡⁤摡楤楴湯਍潴眠瑩楨楦敶昭敥⁴景琠敨氠晥ⱴ猠摩⁥牰灯牥祴氠湩⹥਍਍⸴丠呏䍉⁅䙏䘠䕅ⱓ䐠䑅䍉呁佉华‬䕒䕓噒䄠吠佉华传⁒呏䕈⁒塅䍁䥔乏൓吊敨䌠湯楤楴湯⁳景倠潲敪瑣䄠灰潲慶敳⁴潦瑲⁨敨敲湩洠祡椠据畬敤挠牥慴湩映敥ⱳ਍敤楤慣楴湯爠煥極敲敭瑮ⱳ爠獥牥慶楴湯爠煥極敲敭瑮ⱳ愠摮漠桴牥攠慸瑣潩獮‮畐獲慵瑮਍潴䜠癯牥浮湥⁴潃敤匠捥楴湯㘠〶〲搨
ㄨⰩ琠敨敳䌠湯楤楴湯⁳潣獮楴畴整眠楲瑴湥਍潮楴散漠⁦⁡瑳瑡浥湥⁴景琠敨愠潭湵⁴景猠捵⁨敦獥‬湡⁤⁡敤捳楲瑰潩景琠敨਍敤楤慣楴湯ⱳ爠獥牥慶楴湯ⱳ愠摮漠桴牥攠慸瑣潩獮‮潙⁵牡⁥敨敲祢映牵桴牥渠瑯晩敩⁤桴瑡਍桴⁥〹搭祡愠灰潲慶数楲摯椠桷捩⁨潹⁵慭⁹牰瑯獥⁴桴獥⁥敦獥‬敤楤慣楴湯ⱳ਍敲敳癲瑡潩獮‬湡⁤瑯敨⁲硥捡楴湯ⱳ瀠牵畳湡⁴潴䜠癯牥浮湥⁴潃敤匠捥楴湯㘠〶〲愨Ⱙ਍慨⁳敢畧⹮䤠⁦潹⁵慦汩琠楦敬愠瀠潲整瑳眠瑩楨桴獩㤠ⴰ慤⁹数楲摯挠浯汰楹杮眠瑩⁨污൬ ਍敒潳畬楴湯丠⹯㜲റ倊条⁥ളഊ䔊䍘㈭〰ⴸ㘰਍਍慍⁹㐱‬〲㠰਍਍景琠敨爠煥極敲敭瑮⁳景匠捥楴湯㘠〶〲‬潹⁵楷汬戠⁥敬慧汬⁹慢牲摥映潲慬整൲挊慨汬湥楧杮猠捵⁨硥捡楴湯⹳਍਍䅐卓䑅䄠䑎䄠佄呐䑅琠楨⁳㐱桴搠祡漠⁦慍⁹〲㠰‬瑡愠删来汵牡䴠敥楴杮漠⁦桴⁥敄楳湧਍敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥漠⁦桴⁥楃祴漠⁦畃数瑲湩Ɐ匠慴整漠⁦慃楬潦湲慩‬祢琠敨映汯潬楷杮爠汯൬挊污潶整ഺഊ䄊䕙㩓਍低卅ഺ䄊卂⁔䥁㩎਍䉁䕓呎ഺഊ䌊䵏䥍卓佉䕎卒›桃楡灲牥潳楇晥牥‬潒敳਍佃䵍卉䥓乏剅㩓渠湯൥䌊䵏䥍卓佉䕎卒›潮敮਍佃䵍卉䥓乏剅㩓渠湯൥ഊ䄊呔卅㩔਍਍偁剐噏䑅ഺഊ⼊猠匯整敶倠慩敳正൩匊整敶倠慩敳正൩䐊物捥潴Ⱳ䌠浯畭楮祴䐠癥汥灯敭瑮਍਍ ⽳楌慳䜠敩敦൲䰊獩⁡楇晥牥‬桃楡൲䐊獥杩敒楶睥䌠浯業瑴敥਍ ਍਍†㬠‬⸮㬻⹜⸩ബ †∠਍⁵⸬Ⱒ〠㸠✠∯മⰊ✠ൊ 䨠⁊✮ര ⠠
唢਍†〺਍ⴠⰧ†ല ✨਍㨠‭⤠ാ †⵲਍਍਍潴氺਍ൾ唊ഩ縊਍ൺ䌊ഩ✊伧ൊ琊✢਍൯漊਍ൾ✊㨱൬☊ഺ稊਍ാ稊਍橴਍橴਍≴൬愊㨺਍൯琊ഺ縊਍㔼਍ൺ∊汃਍㨦਍ൺഊ †❟ㅜ਍††൶ †∠਍††❉਍††൴ †氠ധ †⸠㨱਍††楴†††††††⁚††ൾ †琠‡††∠㬠⁧⁡⁓⁉朻愠縠✠•ㄡ縠縠਍††††縠㬠ㄻ縠਍††⵾㨠†††⸬〠縠縠†縠ㄠ䨺਍†††††•⁾⁾⁾⁾䥉⁉縠਍††⁌††縠縠挠稠㬠ㄻ縠†㬧※縠਍尠爠††††㬻‡縠䌠
㬠ⰰ‭㴠ധ †汦†††⁾縠縠挠†⁾†䔡†⸬਍††††縠䌠
††⁾縠਍†††✠㨱縠†㬺‬⁾††椠汬਍†•††縠†††‰ൾ ∠†縧䥾✧✧氧⥦✺Ⱗ椭∧弬瑪❲††ര 䤠⁩⁉⸠⸬Ⱝ⸧⸮⸮⸮∮⸢ⰠⰠ⸠㩲⸬晲‬‧⸮⸮†††ൾ ∠਍†•†琠㩯൬ ∠਍†䱉彟†††∨ഩ ∠崠†††∧䤧†††ൾ ∠਍†䩬਍张彟彟彟彟彟繪㨺›⁾∭㩾縺繲繾氺††䤠㨻൪ ††ാ ††⁾㬺✠•≬氠•≬氠ㄻ†汩ㅌ✠•潳縠縠†ൾ ⴭⴭ⴮ⴭⴭ縭繾縠縮Ⅼ爠✮‡††䤠縠ㄠ氻ㄠ氻℠樺縠縠㨠‸ⱊ਍†⸧⸮✠•䥉䤠‬†††縠†⁾⁾†縠਍†映✽⵾㵬㴽㨽ℽ㨡㴽⁾›†††㰾∠‭⁾⁾⁾⁾㨱‹†ൾ †⽌縠†††⁾⸮縠瀠㬠㨺㬠㨺㨻氺††㰭਍††††⁾㨻氺縠㬠㨺㨻氺縠਍††††⸮Ⱐ⸮††⸬‮䤠䥉਍⁾†⁾†††䥉††††⁾†⁾縠਍⵲††††✠•㭴਍⵲††††縠††††㨠㩉਍‾††††⸮††††㠠਍稺††††ㄠ㤺††††⁥†䥉൉䌊൬✊•††††㬠㨺†††〠†㠠਍††††††††⸬਍‰††††††††朠†✠ഢ《††††††††††䔡਍ഢ昊ㄻ††††††††††⸠⸮਍†††††††††㨠ര✊•†††††††††縠਍∧਍稺℠਍∧਍䰠਍਍਍⁾ൾ✊ഢ愊縠਍⁾ൾ縊㬠਍⁾ൾഊ上਍਍൉ഊ 爠਍†ൾ 椠਍ⴠ䤠൉ 模䥉਍㬠楉䤠൉✊•⁾䥉਍癴†⁉縠਍⹕†䥉਍⅏†䥉†䥉਍†⁾䤠൉ 䰠⸮㨺攺㴺㴽∽䘠㴽㴽㴽㴽ⴽ䩤਍縠਍✠ഢ ൩ ∧਍†〠਍†〠਍†〠਍†〠਍縠਍✠ഢ ❬൬ ൾ ⁾†㨢൩ഊഊ耊穴਍਍唢਍㸩਍㨻ര帊਍਍ㄢ樺਍㨺ര漊਍ㄢ樺਍൯攊൮琊樾਍㩴氺਍湥਍⸮⸮਍ൾ琊樾਍ㄢ樺਍㭦਍൚ഊ縊਍਍ൾഊ縊ൾⰊ〮਍⸬਍സ㠊਍∧਍ലഊ㈊✰〭മ䐊䑅䍉呁⁅佔䌠呉൙ഊ㈊✰〭മ䘊佒呎夠剁⁄䕓䉔䍁ോഊഊⴊ਍਍൚爊䩔਍㹇਍൉愊ൊ漊਍㨻രഊ氊䩊㐬❂਍਍⸮⸮਍਍摾൮縊橳਍‮繾਍㨻氺⡉䕬਍ⅾ਍਍㵣䨽਍⸬മ ⁾㨠挺਍㈠ 牴൪ ㅩ㤡䌠⥊琠㨺൬ 䍾⸮⸮਍琠㨺牴൪ ⸠㨱※牴൚ ⁾繾娠挠椻਍縠൮ 繾⠠൪ 牴൪ഊ ⁣⁾※繾਍縠⁾⁾⁾楩൬ ⴰ഼ ❣•ⴷ縠縠਍㨠℺Ⱒ∠਍ㄻ‾繾†⁾ൾ✊•椠਍⁾㩓❒†൩ ⁺縠਍ ਍⁾†䤺❩਍†㸩਍†⸬⸮മ Ⱐ⸮⸮਍†⸬⸮മ 爠汔਍†ര 爠汔਍†൚ †ഹ縊縠䤠഼氊‡䥃縠਍⁀氱⁉ൾ椊汬਍⁾⁾䥃਍഻ഊ †††⼠㨻㩾縺彜彟彟彟彟彟䩟縠਍††††•ബ †††⁾⵪弭ഺ †✠ഢ †縠†攠†搠ബ ††爠䀠⁾∢†ൾ †㨠›†㨼縠†✠✻਍†††⁺⁾℠਍†✶㘭‧†〠縠⁾⁺†氢਍††††ⴭ⁝†椠Ⱐ〠਍†††††䠠൉ ††⁾††䤠ㄠㄧ਍†††††Ɽ਍†††††䤠䥉〠਍〠†††椠††䥉൉ ‰†††††›䥉൉ 縠娧‡††††弢灟਍†㬠氻椺††††㨠〬਍†ⴠ‼††††䤠਍✡⁻†⁾††††䤠൉䤊Ⱐ†⁾††††䥉਍⁾††††䤠൉縊‭††††††䥉਍††††††䤠൉ ㌠ⴧㄱ‭††††䤠൉ ‰†㌠ⴧ‴†縠൩ ‰††〱ⴧ✲†††䤠൉ ††縠†⁄楏਍†††൥ †縠†汕†漠〠樠൩ ††ⴭ‼ൾ ††⁃❊儭ഢ †縠›縠਍††✲䨭ധ †††††∢਍†††††Ⱐ਍†††††漠മ ⸠⸬മ 漠മഊഊ縊਍ൾഊ⸊⸮਍㩊ൾഊ縊繾繾縺਍汾⁏※愺㩴繬਍Ⅹ繾楲楬਍㹕㩾縮਍縻縠縠਍縮⁩⁾ൾ縊⁡䥩਍䤡⁩ൾ縊縠਍⁾ൾ㠊〠਍⁡ൾ縊਍ൾഊ弊⸮⸮㨮മഊ⸊Ⱐ⸮⸮縮ⴭ⹟繟ഭഊ琊ബ椊൪琊ഢ縊മ䤊൉爊਍਍繦਍਍൷焊਍⤨਍਍㸩਍✮രⴊ䩣਍爺ൊ㈊਍㬭഻爊ഭഊ縊℺਍਍㩩ഺഊ⸊ൾഊ挊ധഊⰊ਍൉ഊ∊਍ⱪ਍㩾਍਍਍縧਍਍㬮਍ⱜ਍൩尊ബഊⴊⰮ⸠⸬‬⸮⸮⸢⁾⸧ധഊ⸊⸮⸮∠ⱉ∢਍਍਍㘲ⴧ樲ധഊㄊ✰䈭❪਍਍❂㤭❩਍਍〱ⴧⴶ਍਍਍ㄱⴧ樮ധഊ縊ഺഊഊഊ⸊മ䨊⸮ഺഊ✊ഢ挊㭯਍਍ൾഊⰊമ⸊⸮਍਍⹾਍ൾഊഊഊ䤊൉爊⸭❪㨠㨠਍汏⁚㨺਍䩥⁗䥉਍㸩画䤠൉㬊㭧㨺㨠㨠਍乾䤠൉䤊൉䤊൉䤊൉ഊ娊਍ൾ攊൮ⴊ㰭਍⸬ബ㬊൵䌊ൄ漊਍਍汏਍൭㨊ര㬊㨺਍਍൉縊਍਍ൺ縊爺਍ⴽഭ縊൷⸊縮਍繾਍✵㜭❪਍਍✶✭❩਍਍✵∭਍਍✹㤭ധഊ∊ㄭ✰਍਍✲䨭ധഊ㈊✲氭橬ധഊ∊ⴧ〱ഭഊㄊ✶〭ധഊ㔊‧✰਍਍䤵❬㘭ധഊ ℠椠縠ൾ ⸮‬⁾⁾椡൩ ൲ ‰⁾⁾൩ ര ∧਍䨺‾•⁾ൾ㸊氠℧਍⁎⁺㬬›䥉ഺ 㩴ൾ 椠楩਍മഊ䤊縠⸠‮⁾㴠愺਍ഢ《†松琠爺൪⸊‮‰湥琠㨺൬ ∧縠∠縧⸠⸮⸮മ縊⸠‮縠⁲㩴氺縠਍⁧㈱਍⁩†⁾㬮䔿‧㩴橲娠਍⁾⁾⸺娠㐠ഩ琊縠൯椊⁳繾⠠⤢਍㰡⸠‮㩴橲਍䥉਍ ਍✠㌭‱朠ⴧ❏†൪ †䤠††䤠਍††⁉††൉ †䤠††䤠਍††⁉††൉ †䤠਍䤠‡䤠⁉䤠䥉਍ൾ ††††൉ ††††ⴠ਍††††縠†ഭ †††ⴠ縠ൾ ††⁉⁲䉂縠਍††縠਍†††ⴾⴠ⸮਍††䤠℠䈠⁂ⴾ਍††䤠㬭總਍†††䘽ⴽ਍††††㴠Ȿ⴮਍††††㴠ൾ ††††ⱜ㵲਍†††䔠ⵉ㴱Ⱗഽ †††䈠✠ഭ †††䥉ⴭ㸠縭਍楉††††ⴾ縠਍⁾†⁉†䤠⁾汅縠㴺‽ⴭ਍†⁉††ⴭ氠ⴾ਍†䤠††ⴠ†汆൴ †⁉††㨠䘽屆਍†䤠†††ⴡ䤽ഭ †⁉††䤠㵾✽਍††††䤠ⴠ✺⵳਍†††删䉉䤠㴠‽൜ †††㴠㩣ⴺ਍††††✽ㄽഭ †††‭⁾†㵦਍†††ⴠ†昽ⴭ䤭‭ൾ †††縠㵴㴨਍††††⁂†ⵉ✠ഽ †††‭㴭ㄠㄭഭ ††††㹾✭‽爭⸮൜ †††ⴭ‭†㴭㴻㴱弮㴠㴻റ 䤠††††琽ㄽ‭琽ഽ 䤠††䥉繢†张㩣⁾總਍†⁉††‭㴭ⴠ਍†⁉††尬總⁾ⴽ਍䤠†††‭ⴧⴠ‭‽‭ⴭ਍〠›†††ⴠⴭ਍⁾†††⵾‭ⴠ挬൤䤊਍⁾⁉††††尬㴠✽‽Ⱝ਍⁲†††††㴮൪ ⁲††††⵾‭ⵉൾ ⁉††††繾⸠㴭‭ⴭ਍尠਍䤠††††⸠㵜ⴱ张ൟ ⁲††††㵾ൗ ൉ †††††❩൜ †††††⼧਍਍൸甊഻縊਍਍ഽ㴊਍਍㴱਍㴱਍਍㴧਍਍✽਍㴭റഊ䤊䨽਍਍⵷樮ധഊ縊㨠挺਍⸮⸮⸮਍娢≃ൊ✊✢″ഽ ⴾള琊㩯൬縊琠㩯൬㬊※ൾ㰊਍ⴾ″ാ⸊⸮⸮‮∧㌧਍‰⸮⸮⸮਍⁺ര稊਍⁾ൾ㸊㹊‮⹣㨮䨺਍਍†⁾‵椺縠਍†ൾ ⸮‮⁾⁾楬൬ ⵲਍縠縠縠椠਍⤠‾㨮഻ ⸮⸮†ൾ㨊‾‶縠਍⁺縠਍⹣甮䤠䥉†ㅪ縠਍†汩൬ †氡∠਍਍ㄺ਍⸺✻਍❴਍਍㨨⤧਍਍൯縊⸬Ⱞ਍❍ഩ漊਍਍㸩਍〮਍唢਍⸺൵漊਍ൾ爊ഭഊ✊‮മ縊‮⸮⸮਍਍弮✬ൾ洊਍਍਍਍㸩਍〢਍〢਍
⁾‧ൾ✊⵾繉〠琠攠൯✊⁉汐〠਍‮⁩䑃㨠ൊ弊 ⁉ⴢ娠਍ⴧ䤠✠✭䤠㨺਍䤧縠⁦ൾഊ †㬠ൾ †䤠਍✠䨭‧⁗∰਍††•⸬⸠尮⸮⸠∧ⰮⰮ‮⸮⸮⸮⸮∠⸧㸢‧⸮⸮∠മ †ⵗ∵਍†††‱ഺ ††䤠䤠਍⸮⸮਍㭜⁉†䥉孉䈠൉縊਍†††⁉爭ഽ 䤠††弧繅ഽ 䤠਍†⁉†䤠†㴮ഽ ††㨠挠⸺‽ഽ㠊†††尠⸭਍⁾††Ⱐ尬總㴽਍††䤠唠ⵅ਍†††›屜㨺ㄬ㴭਍†††‬⵾ൾ †††൜ ††††敉ഺ †㤠†⁾⽲ൾ ††琭✺਍††㴠㩃ൾ縊††㴠ഽ∊਍⁾†††⁴㴽ഭ ††㴠椽總਍†††✠⁆㴽屾਍††ⴠ†ⴧℽ‽†⹌ⵦⴭ൬ †††‭ⴠⰭ਍††ⴠ†㴭⁅㴭縭ൾ ††††㴠⴮✠✽਍†††䰠਍††††⁆ⴠ†ⵉ਍†††Ⱐ㩴ⴧ†Ȿⴽⵦ਍†††䰠⸮††ഭ †††⁾†‽䤠ഭ †††䱾⸮†總ⴧ਍†Ⱐⵉ‭张㵉‧㴠䘭൬ †䤧ⴭ†ⴽⴱ†ഽ †㴠牾‽㴠഻ †ⴠ總਍†††㴠ഭ †††ⴭ਍†††ⴠ†ഽ †††㸽‭ㅾ਍†††ⴠഭ †††‭ⴧ਍†††ⴠ‭䤠✽਍††††ഽ ††††ഭ †††ⴭⴠ਍††††䤠✽਍⁾†††㴠ⵦⴭ਍⁾†††㴠ഽ ††††ⴧ਍††††䰭⸮਍†††ⴠ㨽∢਍††††ⴠ਍††††⸭਍†††素ⴭ਍†††䘠㴽ഹ †††ㅾ਍†††椠ഽ †††‭繊਍ഭ ⁲䥉䤠䤠䥉਍℠†⴮਍爠਍䤠਍䤠਍䤠††䤠਍ⴧㄳ†❧伭‧†൩ഊ∊⸠⸮⬬楾㩬Ⱞ਍਍㨺ൣ琊㩯൬㸊਍㨺ൣ琊㩯൬縊਍㬻਍ⴾള⸊⸮⸮മ漊਍൚ഊ縊਍਍ൎഊ✊㌭਍਍❧伭ധഊ縊਍ൾഊഊ㬊਍਍楉਍ൾഊഊ椊਍ൾ昊ധഊ縊਍氧ി㨊റ匊റഊ倊佒䕐呒⁙䥌䕎਍਍㬻਍ㄲ਍ൾഊㄊ㨧ⴭ‭ⴭⴭⴭ਍尺਍⁉ധ縊ഢ尊਍൜尊਍൜尊਍൜ഊ㠊ⴧ✵਍਍⸮⸮਍਍ൾഊഊ縊ൾഊ䤊਍਍൭爊൮昊楦਍湲਍൭ഊഊഊഊ爊਍਍牄਍൲䤊਍൉䤊਍൉䤊਍㨰਍൉ഊ縊਍਍ൾഊ尊䤻਍ൾഊ縊㍬਍਍ാ挊਍ഢ縊਍਍✸〭ധഊ㨊䌱਍∱ㄵ਍›ⰺ縠縠਍⁉› 繾਍ⱉ‧‮ൾⴊⴠ㨠楌⁴‭剐偩剅晲䰠义⁅ഭഊ ❦਍䔠਍縠਍娢൪㨊挺਍ര稊਍∧㌧਍潴氺਍൓㸊਍ⴾള《਍൚縊਍ൾഊ㤊ⴢ✰਍਍ㄧ㈭ഢഊ渊縠਍⁣❬ൾ䤊†ൾ㬊※㈠ 㩴橲਍⸮䤠汩椠䥬⁧❕ൊ䨊㬡⁊䤡⁉縠汃⸠⸮⸮‮㩴㨺൬縊縠†㩴㨺ൾ椊†⸠縠琠爺ൺ ┠縠ൾ縊縠縠縠⁾⁺ര⠊樧਍楉℠⁚⸮琠爺൪ ਍਍潃浭湵瑩⁹敄敶潬浰湥⁴敄慰瑲敭瑮਍਍牐橯捥⁴灁汰捩瑡潩畓浭牡൹ഊ䘊汩㩥䔠䍘㈭〰ⴸ㘰਍ⴭ⸮‮ⴭⴭⴭⴠⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭ⴮⸭ⴭ਍਍汒䔠捾灥楴湯਍਍湅楶潲浮湥慴㩬⥾縨呬瀡彴彟彾繟繟ൾഊ倊⡎⥳਍㈳ⴶ㜱〭㌱਍਍牐橯捥⁴慎敭›畓慳繾繨ㅬ⠠⥉繾繾摾湥繣彌਍਍慍慮敧㩲䰠獥楬⹥片獯彳਍਍潎楴散吠灹㩥਍਍〳‰瑦਍਍潌慣楴湯ഺㄊ㄰〷䄠繭楬⁡䱃਍਍敄捳楲瑰潩㩮਍楓杮敬䘠浡汩⁹繒楳搮䑥楬䱡㉅弼散瑰佩ㅬ⸮㩊潣獮牴捵⁴⁡潰瑲潩景愠猠湩汧⁥瑳牯൹愊摤瑩潩瑮彯楷桴䑩楦繹敦瑾漠⁦桴⁥兮⵮潣湲潦浲湩⁧楳敤礠牡⁤敳扴捡൫ഊ䘊汩摥਍⼳㘲㈯〰സഊ倊敲㨮ⅾ彧彟䕟䍒渠彟ⅾ攺慧繌 剄⁃䍐਍縵琧㈱〰സㄊഴ䌊湯敳瑮‿ൄഊ䌊ൃഊ䌊湯慴瑣൳ഊ上浡൥ഊ吊氡故  ൟഊ䄊摤敲獳਍਍桐湯ⱥ䘠硡‬ⵥ慭汩਍ⴭⴭⴭⴭⴭ‭ⴭഭഊ匊獵湡䌠敨൮ഊ䄊灰楬慣瑮਍਍〲ㄹ‰敐灰牥吠敲⁥湌਍畃数瑲湩Ɐ䌠⹡㤠〵㐱਍਍㐨㠰
㈴ⴱ㤵〲਍≓匧屎繥攠夠䥉∮∧攠⤨്ഊ䈊汩敄杮਍਍睏敮൲ഊㄊ㄰〷䄠敭楬⁡潃牵൴䌊灵牥楴潮‬慃‮㔹㄰ഴഊ⠊〴⤸㠠㠲ㄭ㤹ര戊汩祬敤杮㠸桀瑯慭汩挮浯਍ ਍䤨删塅䕃呐佉⁎偁䱐䍉呁佉⁎但䵒਍潃浭湵瑩⁹敄敶潬浰湥⁴敄慰瑲敭瑮਍〱〳‰潔牲⁥癁湥敵⠠〴⤸㜠㜷㌭〳‸慆⁸㐨㠰
㜷ⴷ㌳㌳਍畃数瑲湩Ɐ䌠⁁㔹㄰‴汰湡楮杮捀灵牥楴潮漮杲਍啃䕐呒义⁏栠瑴㩰睪睷挮灵牥楴潮漮杲灪慬湮湩൧ഊ倊潲数瑲⁹睏敮⁲††倠潨敮⠠⥷†桐湯⁥栨ഩ 䥂䱌䐠䩡䜠⁩††㡾‭繾氭焹൯匊牴敥⁴摁牤獥⁳†††䘠硡†敃汬਍氠汯佬䄠尠嘧繉攠Ⱞ⴫††潱⵾汓•匭㐢ൾ䌊瑩ⱹ匠慴整‬楚⁰潃敤†††ⵅ慍汩਍縠爭瑜尧⁏䩃⁜㕑‰汬ⵦ†∧❂䱌捹攱縮繽䁾届ㄭ䤺ㄮㄱⱾⱌ縠਍牐橯捥⁴潃瑮捡⁴敐獲湯†††桐湯⁥眨
桐湯⁥栨ഩ ⴮攠瑦††⠠㽾
⠰ⴠ琠‹氮⠮ഩ ⴧ楊ⱬ䱵⼱⁜ㅕ✯ൌ匊牴敥⁴摁牤獥⁳†††䘠硡䌠汥൬氊潌㤠⁴汏⁐灲䩦攠礠䘠⁾繌਍楃祴‬瑓瑡ⱥ娠灩䌠摯⠠†⡾晬䔠䴭楡൬䌊瑩㭥愻縭縠䌠ⵁ਍††䄠乐਍牐橯琠䄠摤敲獳縠⁜䌠⹔†繧⸮‮㜱⠭䤩ൂ ⥻⁻
❉਍㔢䅴爠㐠⁤繢愠⹊瑷㨠⸲⴯⤱∠മ䤊挠牥楴祦琠慨⁴桴⁥潦敲潧湩⁧瑳瑡浥湥獴愠敲琠畲⁥湡⁤潣牲捥⁴潴琠敨戠獥⁴景洠⁹湫睯敬杤⹥䤠甠摮牥瑳湡⁤桴瑡愠洠獩敲牰獥湥慴楴湯漠⁦湡⁹畳浢瑩整⁤慤慴洠祡਍湩慶楬慤整愠灡牰癯污戠⁹桴⁥楃祴‮⁉慨敶爠慥⁤湡⁤湵敤獲慴摮琠敨漠摲湩湡散⁳湡⁤敤楳湧朠極敤楬敮⁳晡敦瑣湩⁧桴獩瀠潲敪瑣椠桴⁥楃祴漠⁦畃数瑲湩⹯਍⁘⁾††ⴠ繙⽾紨⠠ി䄊灰楬慣瑮猧匠杩慮畴敲†⸠††䐠瑡൥䤊搠捥慬敲甠摮牥瀠湥污祴漠⁦数橲牵⁹桴瑡䤠愠桴⁥睯敮⁲景猠楡⁤牰灯牥祴漠⁲慨敶倠睯牥漠⁦瑁潴湲祥⠠瑡慴档挠灯⥹映潲慳摩瀠潲数瑲⁹睯敮⁲湡⁤桴瑡䤠挠湯敳瑮琠൯琊敨愠潢敶搭獥牣扩摥愠灰楬慣楴湯愠摮䤠愠瑵睬楲敺䌠瑩⁹瑳晡⁦潴瘠獩瑩琠敨猠瑩⁥湩漠摲牥琠慴敫瀠潨潴牧灡獨‬汳摩獥愠業漯⁲楶敤瑯灡⁥桴瑡洠祡戠⁥桳睯瑡愠挠瑩൹洊敥楴杮മ縊☠✱†䥄ⵕ䐠繭†⤺ⴠ㈠⁾‭捾縭㽦਍楓湧瑡牵⁥倠楲瑮倠潲数瑲⁹睏敮❲⁳慎敭†慄整਍匠慴晦甠敳漠汮㩹⠠潄渠瑯眠楲整戠汥睯琠楨⁳楬敮ഩ 灁啰Ⱒ楴湯∠䤢搪漠⍮戠⁹㰼਍†††䤠൩ †††ൕഊ倊条⁥′景ഴ䔊䍘䅟灰な㜰搮捯删癥獩摥ㄠㄯ⼰〲㠰਍ Basemap Labels Abc Street Names Address Basemap Easements Freeway Street Centerline Freeways County Major Roads Parcels 0 City Boundary ® Aerials - 2006 C!,y of Cupert..io 0 SCALE 1 :409 20 0 20 40 FEET http://gissvr/cupertinointranet/home/mapFile.aspx ME Tuesday, April 08, 2008 5:11 PM v ML \1 10110, v CUPERTINO CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 7 PITNEY BOWES 02 1A $ 00.42° 0004358612 MAY16 2008 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 9501 4 X 9 l C NFE I 4070 00 OZ/20/00s FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND 11? 1 1<0VANDA WAY M:IL P ITAS CA t. So3S—Sj2q RETURN TO SENDER ILII„I, I III Mild 1111, I I, I I, I 11111111 11 I I I I I I I I, I I I111„I I I CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue 408 -777 -CITY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino will hold a public hearing on the matter described below. The public is encouraged to attend and speak. APPLICATION NO.: EXC-2008-06 APPLICANT: Susan Chen (Deng residence) LOCATION: 10170 Amelia Ct. APN : 326-17-013 DESCRIPTION: Single Family Residential Exception to construct a portion of a single story addition to within five feet of the non -conforming side year setback HEARING DATE: May 14, 2008 beginning at 12:30 p.m. ADDRESS: Conference Room A, City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue If you challenge the action of the Design Review Committee in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. Please note that Design Review Committee policy is to allow an applicant and groups to speak for 10 minutes and individuals to speak for 3 minutes. The agenda for this application will be available on the Friday afternoon preceding the meeting. The file and plans are available for viewing/preview during normal hours of operation. Questions concerning the application should be directed to Leslie Gross, Project Manager at (408) 777-1356. NOTE: Agenda may be subject to change. If interested in an item, or have questions, please call the Planning Department at 408-777-3308 prior to the meeting date to verify that the item is still on the agenda. The time this item will be heard on the agenda cannot be predicted. NOTE TO OWNERS OF RECORD: This notice is sent to owners of real property as shown on the last tax assessment roll. Tenants are not necessarily notified. Steve Piasecki Community Development Department 326 13 131 326 14 005 326 16 045 MITCHELL LUANA H TRUSTEE CUPERTINO CITY OF TOY ANTHONY AND GRACE TRUSTEE 10249 AINSWORTH DR (LAND ONLY) 10130 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1001 CUPERTINO CA 95014 CUPERTINO CA 95014-1051 326 16 064 MERRICK ROBERT G TRUSTEE & ET 10190 HILLCREST RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1023 326 16 067 WANG GARY CHORNG-JYH AND JUDY 10105 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1063 326 16 071 GROSS STEPHEN J AND MEI YAN 10160 HILLCREST RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1023 326 17 012 NG FLORA P. O. BOX 700005 SAN JOSE CA 95170 326 17 019 DANEK MICHAL 10201 AMELIA CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-1005 326 17 026 ARTHUR CHRISTINE A ET AL 10171 AMELIA CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-1005 326 17 043 IYER SHANKAR AND REVATHI TRUST 22240 VARIAN WY CUPERTINO CA 95014-1065 326 17 049 XIE PING PETER AND LEE PING PA 10118 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1054 326 16 065 CHEN WENJIE AND MEI SHENG TRUS 10115 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1063 326 16 068 LODOEN MICHAEL A AND SITNEY TR 10195 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1063 326 16 084 YUEN ALAN K AND CHEUNG MEEKIE 22277 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014 326 17 013 DENG BILL PO BOX 362128 MILPITAS CA 95036 326 17 020 SIMONOVICH WENDY R E AND ALEX 10185 AMELIA CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-1005 326 17 028 ENNIS SCOTT P AND LEI T 10104 CRESCENT CT CUPERTINO CA 95014 326 17 044 HOFFMAN STEVEN D 22230 VARIAN WY CUPERTINO CA 95014-1065 326 17 050 DONG PING AND HU RUILI 10116 CRESCENT CT CUPERTINO CA 95014 326 16 066 SANGA MADAN AND KAMESWARI 10125 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1063 326 16 069 STRACHMAN HOWARD L AND IRENE B 10075 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1050 326 17 011 TANASE GABRIEL E AND MARIA L T 10146 AMELIA CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-1066 326 17 017 BUERER ELLEN M TRUSTEE 10231 AMELIA CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-1005 326 17 025 CHEUNG WAYNE AND JENNY 30556 MALLORCA WY UNION CITY CA 94587 326 17 036 WOO KENNETH AND MING-RONG C 10076 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1012 326 17 048 CHANG JAMES L AND CHEN CHIA-JE 10120 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-1054 326 17 053 ROSS JANE AND CAMPBELL JON 10151 AMELIA CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-1005 326 17 054 326 37 020 326 37 048 PATTERSON STEVEN WAND LAURA L PEREYRA VICTOR AND PAGALLO GIU S C V W D 10106 CRESCENT CT 10181 STONYDALE DR 5750 ALMADEN EX CUPERTINO CA 95014 CUPERTINO CA 95014-1056 SAN JOSE CA 95118 Freeways Annotation Abc Street Names Address City Boundary Street Centerline ParcelOutline Right -of -Way Parcels CiLy of Cupertino SCALE 1 : 2,120 100 0 100 200 300 FEET http://gissvr/cupertinoassessor/home/mapFile.aspx Tuesday, April 29, 2008 1:40 PM PLEASE NOTE: A Public Works pre -application conference is required prior to submittal on all applications. The purpose of this pre -application is to determine whether all preliminary Public Works issues have been identified, which may adversely affect this application. Please contact Jason Chou, Public Works Department, at (408) 777-3354 or email him at jasonc@cupertino.org to review your project with him. Please provide a phone number you can be reached at. Please submit this form to the pre -application meeting along with a copy of the site plan for his review and signature. Include thins form in your application submittal. �,` Address: j0170 A ME� Ulq CT , Email Address: ApplicantName: Phone No: For Internal Use Only — Do not write below Public Works Department Addition: X Single Family Dwelling: Flood Zone Designation: Z`D �z D - c -)k Dedications Required: Nu Q"tK- t�1A60MV- REW`D - (!1 VATf ADDITIONAL NOTES AND COMMENTS: Iv Srn� si re, rtirg 6ym� V,V0&-w6R0u,..n Wb,,/ o4ak'g-Ay- PUBLIC WORKS CONFIRMATION Community Development Department Si ature Title Date 10300 Torre Avenue (408) 777-3308 / Fax (408) 777-3333 C O I Cupertino, CA 95014 planning@cupertino.org http://www.cupertino.org/planning U P E RTI N PLEASE NOTE: A Public Works pre -application conference is required prior to submittal on all applications. The purpose of this pre -application is to determine whether all preliminary Public Works issues have been identified, which may adversely affect this application. Please contact Jason Chou, Public Works Department, at (408) 777-3354 or email him at jasonc@cupertino.org to review your project with him. Please provide a phone number you can be reached at. Please submit this form to the pre -application meeting along with a copy of the site plan for his review and signature. Include thins form in your application submittal. �,` Address: j0170 A ME� Ulq CT , Email Address: ApplicantName: Phone No: For Internal Use Only — Do not write below Public Works Department Addition: X Single Family Dwelling: Flood Zone Designation: Z`D �z D - c -)k Dedications Required: Nu Q"tK- t�1A60MV- REW`D - (!1 VATf ADDITIONAL NOTES AND COMMENTS: Iv Srn� si re, rtirg 6ym� V,V0&-w6R0u,..n Wb,,/ o4ak'g-Ay- X Si ature Title Date page 4 of 4 EXC App_2007.doc Revised 1/10/2008 To: Design Review Committee Date: May 14, 2008 From: Leslie Gross, Assistant Planner Subject: Application: EXC-2008-06 Location: 10170 Amelia Court Project Description: Single family Residential Exception to construct a portion of a side - yard addition to within five -feet of the non -conforming left, side property line. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Design Review Committee approve EXC-2008-06, based on the model resolution. BACKGROUND: The project parcel is located along the north side of Amelia Court near its terminus (see diagram below). The applicant is proposing to add approximately 1,617 square feet to the existing single story home (approximately 40% floor area ratio). Also as part of the project, the applicant is requesting an exception to allow portions of the addition to encroach into the required side yard setback area due to the irregular shape of the project parcel (see Sheet A-1 of the site plan). May 14, 2008 EXC-2008-06 DISCUSSION: According to the R1 Ordinance, the combined side yard setbacks for a single family home shall be 15 feet, except that no side yard setback may be less than five feet. For properties with existing five foot legally non -conforming setbacks, one side can be designated the five foot side, while any future construction on the other side would need to be set back 10 feet. Lots with irregular shapes have been allowed to extend into portions of their setbacks. The intent is to allow flexibility for lots that do not have 90 degree angles, or have portions of the lot that are less than 60 feet wide, or have less then four sides. This property is triangular in shape, with the left side, yard at a 45 degree angle. The shape of the lot doesn't allow reasonable use of the lot, and any addition towards the side and rear yard would extend into the ten -foot setback. In addition, the purpose for a ten -foot side yard setback is to minimize the visual impacts onto adjacent neighbors. Because the left side yard abuts a park, and the addition is a single -story, massing impacts are not a concern. The applicant is requesting an exception to permit a partial reduction of the required ten - foot setback along the left side yard. Staff supports the exception for the following reasons: ■ The intent of the ordinance is addressed. The lot is irregular in shape, and the addition displays reasonable measures to decrease the amount of encroachment into the side yard. ■ The property abuts a public park rather then a residence, thereby eliminating massing impacts onto the adjacent property. Findings for Exception Per Section 19.28.110 of the R1 Ordinance, the Design Review Committee may grant an exception based upon the following findings: A. Literal Enforcement of the provisions of this chapter will result in restrictions inconsistent with the spirit and intent of this chapter The intent of the ordinance is addressed. The lot is not typical in shape, resulting in unreasonable restrictions that limit the use of the lot. B. The proposed development will not be injurious to property or improvements in the area, nor detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare The property abuts a public park rather then a residence, thereby eliminating massing impacts onto the adjacent property. C. The exception to be granted is one that will require the least modification of the prescribed design regulation and the minimum variance that will accomplish the purpose Historically, the majority of the proposed setback exceptions are proposed along portions of a parcel that is non -conforming in width or shape. The subject lot is 2 May 14, 2008 EXC-2008-06 triangular in shape, and the addition displays reasonable measures to decrease the amount of encroachment into the side yard. D. The proposed exception will not result in significant visual impact as viewed from abutting properties The proposed setback abuts a public park and will not result in significant visual impacts. Approved by: Steve Piasecki, Director, Community Development Prepared by: Leslie Gross, Assistant Planner Enclosures: Model Resolution 11" X 17" Plan Set 3 EXC-2008-06 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO TO CONSTRUCT A PORTION OF A SIDE -YARD ADDITION TO WITHIN FIVE FEET OF THE LEFT SIDE PROPERTY LINE. SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: EXC-2008-06 Applicant: Susan Chen Location: 10170 Amelia Court SECTION II: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino received an application to construct a portion of a side -yard addition to within five -feet of the left, side property line. WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee finds that the changes are beneficial and compatible with the surrounding area; 1. Literal Enforcement of the provisions of this chapter will result in restrictions inconsistent with the spirit and intent of this chapter The intent of the ordinance is addressed. The lot is irregular in shape, resulting in unreasonable restrictions that limit the use of the lot. 2. The proposed development will not be injurious to property or improvements in the area, nor detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare The property abuts a public park rather then a residence, thereby eliminating massing impacts onto the adjacent property. 3. The exception to be granted is one that will require the least modification of the prescribed design regulation and the minimum variance that will accomplish the purpose Historically, the majority of the proposed setback exceptions are proposed along portions of a parcel that is non -conforming in width or shape. The subject lot is Resolution No. EXC-2008-06 May 14, 2008 Page 2 triangular in shape, and the addition displays reasonable measures to decrease the amount of encroachment into the side yard. 4. The proposed excEption will not result in significant visual impact as viewed from abutting properties The proposed setback abuts a public park and will not result in significant visual impacts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the Application No. EXC-2008-06, is hereby approved; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this Resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application EXC-2008-06 as set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee Meeting of May 14, 2008, and are incorporated by reference herein. SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the plan set as part of the staff report to the Design Review Committee dated May 14, 2008, except as may be amended by conditions in this resolution. 2. EXCEPTION APPROVAL Approval is hereby granted for the construction of a portion of a side -yard addition to within five -feet of the left, side property line. 3. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90 -day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. Resolution No. EXC-2008-06 May 14, 2008 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of May 2008, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ATTEST: Steve Piasecki Director, Community Development APPROVED: Lisa Giefer, Chair Design Review Committee Design Review Committee May 14, 2008 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON May 14, 2008 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Committee Members absent: Staff present: Staff absent: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 6, 2008 Lisa Giefer, Chairperson Jessica Rose, Commissioner None Colin Jung Gary Chao Leslie Gross Elizabeth Pettis None Minutes of the March 6, 2008 Design Review Committee meeting were approved March 20, 2008 Minutes of the March 20, 2008 Design Review Committee meeting were approved April. 3, 2008 Minutes of the April 3, 2008 Design Review Committee meeting were approved WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None UBLIC HEARING: 1. Application No. (s): EXC-2008-06 Applicant: Susan Chen (Deng residence) Location: 10170 Amelia Court Single Family Residential Exception to construct a portion of a single story addition to within five feet of the non -conforming side yard setback Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Staff member Gross explained that the applicant is requesting the exception due to the odd shape of the lot. The applicant has taken measures to reduce the impact to the setback areas around the rest of the 2 Design Review Committee May 14, 2008 house. She also explained that intent of the R1 Ordinance is still being met given that the house is adjacent to a park and is a single story structure, which reduces the impact to surrounding neighbors. Staff supports the application. Chairperson Giefer clarified that the deck is not included in the FAR calculation and that the overhead eaves are not considered encroaching in to the setback. The applicant did not wish to address the Committee. Chairperson Giefer asked the applicant what is the square footage of the deck as it appeared that it is very close to the rear property line. The applicant stated that the deck was about 100 feet. Staff member Chao explained that since the deck was so close to the ground, there were no setback constraints on it. Staff is recommending that the front porch be pushed back about 6 inches so that only the eaves of the porch would be in the setback area. A neighbor spoke in objection to this exception application, as the new design would cause the house to be out of character with the rest of the houses on the street. Chairperson Giefer explained that the house is within its allowed development percentages. The exception is for the side of the house that faces the park so there would be no visible impact to the neighborhood. The neighbor then stated that he had no further concerns after receiving this explanation. MOTION: Commissioner Rose moved to approve EXC-2008-06 SECOND: Chairperson Giefer ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none VOTE: 2-0 Application No.(s): ASA -2008-08 Applicant: Susan Chen Location: 20007 Stevens Creek Blvd Ardhtvctural and Site approval for an outdoor seating area an existing restaurant (I Restat) Design Review mittee decision final unless ap d. Staff member Jung reviewed the lication for the ommittee members. The I Restaurant would like to install outdoor seating to enhance th ining ex ence for its customers. The seating area would include an overhead trellis, planter boxes and a 1 1 to separate diners from the sidewalk and traffic. The new seating would not adversely affect the p i requirements. The City is encouraging "walkability" along Stevens Creek Boulevard, so Staff s orts the lication. Chairperson Giefer asked if the patio would be required to be maintained by p sible future tend . Staff member Jung explained that the new tenant would be required to maintai he patio space, but c Id submit an application to remove it if they desired. She also asked ab t the logic of requesting a n -fruiting pear tree instead of an Ash tree. Commissioner Rose had o questions. The applicant did not 'sh to address the Committee. A resident expressed concern ab t the patio being placed in the public rig of way. Another resident wanted to make sure the Ian caping around the patio was replaced and repla ed. Chairperson Giefer asked the applicant what t hours of restaurant would be. She said they would b open until 9:30, maybe later in applicant/ summerti e. She thanked the residents for their comments. They are rking hard to compete with the other I al restaurants by making a nice outdoor eating area. The applic t said they already have soin o come and take care of the dry area near the restaurant. There is anot r strip of landscaping that h been unattended for several years which is not part of the restaurant's areas. taff member Jung co rmed that the patio would be entirely on private property. Commissioner Rose as r clarification out how many street trees are required to be along the road. Staff member Jung explaine at there is at least 1 tree missing. The Public Works department is responsible for the rest of the trees in the a a.