300OL VC srREfr 71 7S worf17 Kon er )%4"Iron bo SRN !� end N. 99'S7'/6 "' W. 33 , /6 found'' FERN,41V82.54' vy 82,54' c 62.54' 8P.54' J is b h N Z C' 13 /4 /5 -11� /6 ate./dot._cam 8p,5Q' N B2.5Q' B2. r R`4o• �' % l .N '14-6or GCAZAf? _N ! u�d iVL /VU4 __"��%4 psPe j/3.L tioui,cl- NBy"SB'W. /so, MB9-SO w ��90,/6' 40 "Z N 'g C114 60' (;0*60'Un¢Q22 GO, 25 � 2/ " 20 /9 /8 k9/7 i 04 \ N /60. 25• Z 60' 6o' .5' 9 j zo N. B9"Se'w. 296. 2s .5.69°s/'W.. L6Ly7�y .'M fount, �I 7Won B P ... f NB9'sa' w 298. 2 PPC DOLOR AVE. /Yoonon Z 4' MSL EL L Ali/ TR ICT N° 300 MAP OF /VOONAM *5UBDIV/s/ON- UNITIVSA? 3E/1V6 A PA.2 T OF THE S, IiV. %4 o, SEccion/ /4 , T 7,5% AC 2LV. - / -W45 a/Y/. COUNTY OF SANTA CLA7P.9 -STATE OF CAL/FO�'/Y/tel f7pril 1946 4 NJ'-M///an Hca/e /' Civil L nyrs. P Surveyors 7`he hearing of /Lie center line of Oronge Avenue as shown upon the Mop of Noonan Subdivisror7 No 1 as recorded /n Vo/arne 3 of Maps, looge 43, /Pecords or Santa CIO/ -,7' County, boos taken os Me basis 07' beor/nys shown upon thls "7aO 411 drs/antes 0,17,5/ d,nensions crre SG7OWn in feet and decima/s fhereol The h/ve horde,, /nalico1es /he houndar/es of the /and su/odrvided by this mop. 01/V1VZ•FF5 CENT/F/CATE This /s 1* cert/iy Thai Oovid /�1 Noonan Ond Mahe/ / ! Noonan Ore the owners of'fhe real proper/y /nc/vded 7v//h/n the .iUbd/V/S/an shown c goon Ahrs map , and /ha/ We ore 117,9 on/y p4gr- sor7s whose cor7senfs ore 17ecessory to Voss c7 c -/ear >`ii/P fo card pr%�er1y , and we consen/ to the r77ak)n 7 of said map one/ SC//6d/Y/S1.017 CIS show,, with In lh6> colored border /nes, a17d here.¢y o'adicale to �blic Use all street`s and par S rot st`rs�t`s show.a vpor7 sold map wl/h/n Sa/d sU.bdiv/s/or7 We a/so hereby c%dica/e 740r ,O&,b11C use easements ,nor /ighf 0,701 crit 4117dee' or/ or over Phase Ca/-74aln sfr/ps of /orifi /y/nybetween Abe lines 0 streets and the lines designaleo' aS " bU/lo/rhy line os shown Upon said map, w//h/n sard sudC/ivrsloh such strips of /and 70 he /wept ape and free from bU//dings and strut fares of any Mina' , e>rcepfyng )rrgotion ands rick/i,7g cyst rrrs and armour ponces (here fo. r t -574--r,6 O c' CAL /Fo.e/v/ q COo^lry oc S,4pV;rq CL/r&A l946, before 717,� a o ory P&bhr /r7 and for e oUn y 'o Son10 C/era. Sfor`e of Califon,/o, residing 117ore7r7, C7'Uly comm <ss/aned Ond -9Worn , persono l/y a opeared, Oov/c/ !YI Noonor� and Mohe/ %� 7'Uoonar7 , f�r7own AO me to Ge /hie /sersons Whose Homes ore suhsc/-ibed to the with/r� inalrument, or7d ackr7o`w/edged fo me /hal they atecUted the same. /A/ YV1-r1vEs5 wHE1ezo,=- : /hove her Ur7tb set r -n y hand 0,17d all'l ed m,/ o!! Cio/ Sea/ the da ar7d�ear—r7 fh7s cerfi 7cor`e A/ptar� X41 , >`or. of So�/a s7477`e0f Co, GE RT e47.5 OFCLEiP/( of BOFIiPO c,,,- 17' f /f 1s oro%red /hof rhe Moat/ 0/ %rock No 300 be and the same /s nporovea; ar7d /f /s hereby ordered 11701 o// streets arrd pan`s of st`rBL'fS, and tbal the ealemenfs S17OWn upon su/d mato be and the-'Wmeare A79r6bylVe>7 accepted fou' the dpurposes for tvh/eh /he carne are offered for edicaf/on . rhe Clerk o/ this Board 15 d/rec7`ed to endorse 411O®r7 the face of said reap a copy of tG7is order oUfhenfic�l>`ec/ ,by the .Sea/ of 111,9 Bo and of SUpery/somas. / hereby certify f/aof the ><oreg017 order Was.adop eed by the f✓oard of SuperG/sot s of ,ate meet/r7g 07Z said Board held ori f/�e �= day o,Z- —_ 1946 w1heri .✓. /1/Pw�/.✓ Covnfy Clerk Ex- 4'9111CIO of fhP /3oord o/. ,visors a onto C/or'v only, CK,�� Depuf v COUNTY 5CJeVEYOkf:5 CErPT/F/CFIT� Th/s is �o certify /hal /hove eya7rl- ined the f1na/ n?ap of 7rocl No. 3041, thof the svhdivrsiorr as shown /hereon /s 5-Ub$1an1io//y the some as /7` appeared on the fenfof7ve MOP, acro any approved o/tero�ions thereof , fhaf o// P1 -OV( -510,-7S o/' the /slap Act arra/ of any /OCo/ ordinance op- p/rcah/e a/ the 7irne- o/, the oppr'ava/ o/ -the 1`enfafivQ mop have ,been coo??/O//.-,O( WIM, and /hot / a,,n sa-1514ied fhaf Sold map IS fechnicolly cometl Oafeor a 6 9IL6__ RPlberf B. Cho,/'� Cour7 1 .Surveyov oP Jon1a C/aro noun/y ay , � o `��7.y— .SUR ✓E/oR S CERT/F/GATE /, P. !�t! MaMi//ars, hereby certify That c/. L/ce17sea/ 0/ the •state of Ca!/forr�itt, A/ of rhe Map ol-` Tract No. 300 Conslst/nq of orre sheer; correct/y, reppreser�ts a sUrve y made by /We durin Apr/I, /949, tG7at call or` the 7nOt741 7e(Me 5hoWn thereon ac/aa//y eyl5t, acro' chat 7f/teir ,00,5/1/0n5 are correct/y shown, and are sv/f/crelrt to enah/e the survey tO be retraced, and Mal the survey /s true and compete as 5170wn �censed! Surveyor ofthe Stole of Ca/ifornioll.S. 923. RECO/POGRS CC2T/F/C d TE Accep fed 7G,- record ant/ recorded /n Booh /o /OOge /6,117 the Office of //,, County /c'ecorder of SantO Clara Ccxwr7/y t/�is 6 day of /i'!Ay 1946 o f,2: ri1?/Y/ Reco.-der' c he tur7ry o7/ onfa C/oro oe O v�y 10 Ib � G`