97��i Lam.%:. , 1•' � ... ��..%/ �/ /'`: . a .:° ALMADE, 4 vx/vuE A�FERNHNDa ,4vENL/E .�° •o f,'L CAZf1R p!� ss• ss: � CYoiJ/�G Moms enf TR,4q CT M,9 97 MAP CF NOON,4N SL/BD/lam/S/ON- UNI T N�/ BEING F Pf1RT OF THE S,,W/4 /4,T7S,R20/,-M.D,/3ecM, COUNTY OF SANT/-7 6'L147Rf7-ST/7TE of CAL/Fp/eN/F/ ' -ch'; I939 M°Mi/Ino e. M4I— llon ,Jca/e / = Go Civil Engrs e. <341'-Yeyors Tile beo{-�he Bost line oi' .5uGdivi,s/on ';4q- of N/on/o !/is><o as recorded /i-, Book /Pot /N/e�ps',091 2or /t'ecordS of Sonf4 Coro C;ounfy� was taken as fhe ba3'is o{orin9s shown u/o� fhio mop. fl//di'sfarrces and dimenfior/s care shown ire {eef and c%eimals thereof, 772e blue border /ndicafe C of fhe lend ,sc1h,71I ded by this mz7p , O WA/ER 5, CIE R 7-IFICI-7 TE 7Ai6 /s to Cer7=ii`y 71hal David m: Noonan and Mobel H, /Voonon are fhe ov1ners of the real properfy Inc/sided wirh/n the 3ubdivis/on ohown uppon th/'c /- 76R1) anal fhof we ore fhe 01-7/y/oer- 3ons w ose con,senf Is recce ssor� yo doss a G to 2a/d'Oro/oer� one/ we con serf 77 The mak/n� of so=d rhop nlnd 741b4P11'vj,5;i0n 0a shown w/f%in the co/orec! border lines aad here�y declicnre 7o /public use o// Jtreets and parts of streets J own upon 3oid n�op wi/hin Jail 3uhdivl/err, We o/so hereby de'dicofe 7,or/ouh/ic crse eo5ements �oY /iyht and oil^ uncicr> on or over f/�ose cEYfoin a�r/p3 of /end /yir�y befweer� he ///i s of sire fs one' -lhc /li/es des/ ne17 ad as ' bu/ldirrg //ne ?,� ,shovrr? upon spa/ oP wifh/n Yard cuhdiv/o/err ouch a of /end A he Dept apes and {reel from bur'ld/nos arrd 3fruc sires o 0ny Eind> /'rcepfing rrr G- ¢/on and �pr/nf:/ir�cJ Jya�emei ar�o! c��ur'f" c•-n i nee s �Fiere �`o . ,77f97*.E v,` CRI-I ORN11e; COOA.1 ry- or- S,o7�r-r� cL Ada On f his G 1J39, be{ore me �+ U �, fLblrc /-,I-he Coun S¢pfe of Co/iForn/Q> residing tom m /.ss/'v/JG-d a d swore ao0eoredo DaVrc! M. Noon N; Noorrarn o fcnoYvn fo me z whose tames a7,Wb r /n �fru/nc-/ t and ocknow �e they executed fhe some /IV WITNESS WI-1E/2E' un/o set my hand and o/ 7'h JG-aI ss da and ear rig {lest ahove� u c� /vo7 ar ✓o SOnigC/ra fhcre/n� duly �✓Cr3o/7o //�// r3 o/?d Mo7oe/ rd 7`o fhz- w/th/n 9ed to rn e M,074 / have here -- ,red mYofficloi /s eerfi'coke CcrRT/f/CATS aFCLERK oFBOARO oFJURERV/JURS /t /a ordered 7'ho7' fhe Mop of Trod Ne, 97 be eruct fhe .same is hereby a,o0f�rovEd� fhof o/I Jfrc-e7`S end /Dor',7�3 of ,?tr`eefS Shown upon oa/cJ r»oio (here/n of{erect {or dedication . 1>e and fhe some are {ohereby ila�accE'c pfea' for p r#iF pose r whicfh h e JGme aroffered {or d/colon 7`hot` fhe bond f'Jed in fhe office of this Board os s&eurity for fhe pevIne � bf 7WeS and �/nEciol nssea?menfs collecte As �oxc-s be Gnd fhe ,same /s hereby o� proYedd /n fhe cum of ,� �o.o •which /s hereby frXed 0,5 fhe re�gqwired crnount of ,told bond, The C1er,F of this /3oord ,/a directed 7`0 endOYSG' upon t-he {ace of .Told rr�o�, 4 eery o phis order 4ut'hen 74iCe, <ed - by fhe JEoI of f e Ooord of ,leodervisar sebyyyh 4 orde r wob�eBo od o fr 79 4 Visors of a meef/n of sold /3oord P held o-p(' �' 9 1939 af Clerk o f e 9u4rc &F JuperviiDrs of ,unto elate/ Co nty, iP� � piny COUNTY JURVEYOR• f C Qe 7-1F7CoqTE 7h/a is t`o hove eXam- ir,,ed fhe cnneXed may fhat fihe suhdiv/- Olon a.s shown fhereon� /s subsfanti /I�y -fhe some os /t opf✓Fore o' on fhe tenaiive nny 4p rovNd G/ter4�/Ores. fhere'ot, ghat n//ovisiona of, fhe I937 /v/ ct and o.f. 4ny /ocO/ ore//nonce n - p/r�ab/e of fhe dime of .fhe e pin-o rvo/ d{ fhe fe n fo flue mole h//,d c/ w/�h and fhof / err/ .s�fis {jc-d fhpnf 3ca/d mnp '�� 7<cchhico/// correct; Da fed Agri! 3rd l93�. Robert B. Chandler Coun�j J'urve f!or o{ Jon7`4 C/arn Coun� oepu y JCJRVEYOR 3 CERT/F/CfITE P•W, Mo/vli//on herehv cerfi{y 7V7471 L�/ ten sect Jur✓e yor of the J'fQ fc- o f Co/i{orrnia� fhof fhe nnnerea/ rr»op correctly relate sen fs o Sc/rvev mode by mle during o// of fhe monuments J%D wp thereon oc fucrlly s,r/st and hot their /004 ' /orr.s' are eorrec//y, show' nnh orN and fhe tf/-7e sur v� y�hs fruee one d o m�%E fed' 05 ShO wn , f -�� L/tensed TurvEyar ohe 3' oje of Co/i urn/ct, L,L, 3, B23 PL. Fl//fllJ�/G COMM13'S/ONS CE/�T/F/GATE, A proved • by fhe .Ion ja Clorc/ roan�y /o/onn/n .Comm/ss/or/ /n accordance with fhe d e uIre merrf,s of law /ia duly au fho�-- lzeee�irr9 he%l �Qpry /t5~� /9s9 en "Jecrefior� /eECOR JC-R:5 CER7-I 1CR7'4-: rh Book 3 en d lap SrEcoord o-�Z3 ten o h ed Oil/Ce Of 7Z/?c- Caun0� Jc/rrf� G/Gra Cour/fy 7`hl /s .3r�doy o fog �f7 4.s_�_ !t'c-corder of fhe Coun}y o 4n o C/ors 43 w � w