88320' ( 20' w z w Q w z r m 20,120, 0 N 0 N rA$ r /R) 64/ 20" (R)— ALMADEN AVEN U E 0 N O N 2 0' 1 201 w D z w 7 Q w 0 z �Q % �10 20' 1 20' N N SURVEYORS C.ER7'IF7CA7'6 This map correctly-eo,-esenIr a survey made by me or under my direction ,i7 con- /'ormance wl*lh the re9uirerrenfs o/ Chap- ter /5 of' 3 o� the Business and Pro�essiors Code a/ the requeal of Ki%?,V 110.,wes Inc., in ✓anvary, 1962. R. C..E. /t/o. I.Z071 COUNTY SVRV.EYOR:5 CERTIFICATE This map has been examined For conl'or- mar7ce with ;'he-ecJu1'reme17Y`.s of Chao1ef- I5 o/ 9 o/' the dusi/7esc and Pro /'essior7s Code fhis32"-'day a------ - ------------ 71/9l2. ✓A MES T. PO T T County Sur/�veyoQr a/a93I2- RECOROER �7 CERTIFICATE Filed 0"0r recora' eA° 2d '�._, 1962 a/-J�L�V.. in Book14-2-O/' Maps ai,oage —d a/ the regves/ of /Llichoe/ L. Ec.�sfein 0 PA 4/Z R. 7 .E14 lH ���' Country Recorder By Oepufy� Sr �•�iY�e�.r 7 BASIS OF BEARIA/GS The bearirng ".EAST "ol the centerline San Fernando Avenue., as Yhowt7 on 24!?e 'Record o' Survey, Wes/erly 11-2of lot /26, btap o/ S'ubdivisibn "A'"Monle Ills fa, as recorded in Book 92 0/ "ops al Page 20, Was used as the basis o/ bearings for //?/r survey. .G ,EG.END C /ndicales Set • /ndicates Found /.P. X Indicates Set N � S u Mdicates Found Hub The symbo/ ('") f'ollonvinq a bearing or disfonce ii?dicaies Measared. The symbol (R) /o/%winy a bearing or distance indicates Recorded. RECORD OF SUR VE Y OF PROPERTY OF FRANK DOUOYTY elal ,BEIA10 A PORTION OF SECTION WAS SAIOWAI OA/ THAT CERTAIN MAP 6Al- 7ITGED "MAP OF .4UBDIV/6I0N "A" MONTA V/S TA " R CCOR.D.ED IN BOON "P" OF MAPS A T PA GC 00, IN 7-N0 COIIAITV O.t SA,V TA C,G A RA , CAZ I. -O RIV I A . Michael L. ECkSTe/I? - Consu/ling ,Cng1;7eet- 1,os Altos, Ca/i%rr�ia .Scale / "M QO ✓anuary, /96.Z 142 !8 I