146Proposed centerline of Cabrillo Avenue afembn - - - -- 20' i' •„ 7 \ g 0 FufurP ffraeiLine_''_•p--4o tid 4.95 i+ Acres, Groes iron bar BAC5 OF WRIM&5 NOTE6 & LEC -END The bear ng, Id.22°Nlco W., along the eenfarline 9 Quinn Avenue as Shown upon the map errfi+led "Traci Ne 2389 bonnie Brae Acnes t- llnif hl? 2"recorded in Pxok 1t0 of Maps of Mtge 43,5anfa G}ora Ccurdy Records, ws taken as fhe basis of bearings shown hereon. All dManaes and dimensions are shown in feet and decimals 16reof. • indicafes monumenf found •as noted. \ o indicafes 3/4" iron pipe monumenf wf O indicates Cify of 5anfa Clara Ofd. Mon. found. D ,1., . , F1.89°1o_J2=E, 56+in c'6nC.(ser.Cor.5 ( .. L remains of - r d redwood dente �k t, "' lands oI Morroni ei o/ :M 6.89°5 55"E. 22a.o2 ""'••N,o 1915 ui. SzG `\� � Lands ------ d --------- 10.--6-_X�`�� 0i lGlcl�a of ux carp +;^ id.r/a"I.P. "Ri\ —--------- --I `l' :Fd.?•x2'Siake i 14 E._ " - ------------ � p- o CABRILLO AVENUE �` Proposed centerline of � I =•: Cabrillo Avenue eyfension .•Fd.%- I.P. :: e 5.89°58'59-E. _SAN FERNAND0 6 _ EAST 941.71 AVENUE NB9°69'58"{4' N% P.9RCEl I 0./825Ac. e k H �o:.nc••sv nom.... PARCEL 4 0.3/a5'DAc. � 200. ¢2 • • • •,. PAQCEL 2 0.1825 Ac f N69°59'65W /00.42 ?6 / 57./6 PARCEL 3 LIJ O.1825Ac. �' LCAZAR � „! N� Set Noi% Fnd /ran FJor NB9°59'45"w 84 6.3 AVtNUE .. 1.3,9515 OF BEAR1N6?9 & NOTE The bearing (NO 012'05"E of the center /ine of 13yrne Avenue (former/y /3uena Us/a.9venue) a3 shown on /he Record of 5'urvey recorded in Book //9 of Ma/os, Page I5, 5anfa Clara Counfy JPecorads, mw used a.6 basis of bearings 5hoW12 07 this map. —0—/1-012 P/pe 9e/ —0-%1-012 Pipe found 6URVGY0R',5 CERTIFICATE Th!,5 map correct/ y represen+5 o survey made by me or under my dtrecfion in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 15 Of oivi$W 3 of the 3451ness and Professions Cede 41 0,- requimf of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Sgnod, in April, 1161. IUNALD 6.MACKAY, R.C.E. N° 7164 s COUNTY 5URV6Y0R'5 CERTIFICATE This map has been examined toranformonee with the requirement, of Chapfer 15 of Division 3 of the 5usiness and Profe%bn5 Code +his �!L day 4.. .. AN JAMES T. POTT, County Surveyor, 54nfa Clara Counfy bq �����. 2-�.s��— ,Deputy RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE File Re�4—�9� Fee, 4A0, Paid. Filed •For record +his-4?�= day 4-44—X. ,%I, in l3ook--Z3Z04 Maps of page of fhe requesf of MacKay 6.5omps. PAUL R. TEILA, County Recorder, 5anfa Clara Counfy , or su yclu OF A PaT104 OF 10T5 10 Ap011 — "MAP OF THE 45U5DIVl451OA! Or TWE MORSE TRACT" — 15k. F-2, MAK, Pg. 20 — LYIM6 WITWIM SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA yCAlE-1"=100' APRIL 1%pl MAC kAV & 40MP4 civil engineer; 4AW JOSE 2173 CEJPTIFICATE OF SURYEYOR chis moo correef/y represents a survey made'0 me or Under my d/reef/on /n conformance n,1117lge rewire menfs of Chapter 1-6 of Division 3 of the 13uei1-nees and Professions Code of the ,-equeeI of Orville Unruh in April, 1961 Lieen d Lan carve or _2699 CEJPTIFICATE' OF COUNTY .5YJRYEYOP 71)1.5 rnao has been era/n/r7ed for conformance /,Y/fh the oteQwrelnents of Chapter IS of Div/,cion .3 of /he Business and Profess/ons Code /his rr" day of —J /961. JAMES'T .PoTT Count Surve or I3y D Duty CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY PECORDE/? Fite No / �� y �9yL Fee Af OO Pa/d Fi%d for record th/s A day of i ca�&, v,I96I of " AI M, /n I.3001< of Maps, at Page 2C,al dhe reyuesf of Mar'h Thomas e- Co., Inc. PAUL R. TE/L,H. CoUr�fy lZecorder De,Oufy IN SECTIONS 122, 123 8 124 SUBDIVISION A MONTA VISTA SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FOR DRV/L L. E UNRUH SCALE 1"=40' o APR/L, 1961 Mark Thomas 8 Co., Inc. CIV/L ENGINEERS � SURVEYORS SAN ✓OSE, CAL/PORN/A 132