356Ak I " 92,56 �-� N. O"O5'W. 75,00 ' 7' , 75.00 1 I I I A�enJe c ��e ..,,i1 /6034' Q- RS RS 117 Maps 35 ( Z m i(BCSIs of Beor/I9 ys ) 11305 (113.11) i .... Empire / Po{ �YJo s a{ — - (345.00, Bk Page 29J �• I "• " N ALHAMBRA Right of Way fo be dedicatee' z ACKNOWLEDGEMENT o ' parcel A We hereby certify fhaf we ore the owners o{, or have some STATE OF CAL/FORN/.4 SS. r/'Fht, t/tte, or interest /n and to The rea/ properly included' COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA JJJJJ Wilhin /he subdivision shown upon the herein mop: 11201 we 0/// Arc, Ne/ `T a M 1 0./Z3Ac,Gross o Notary Public 1 and for sold COW71y and Sfofe, persona//rJ and recordofion of sold op and subdi�rsion preparation rn op'o d � r and -�1° ye""L' as shown wi}hin the d/st/nCtive border /ine. o Porce/ SvbJecr< to Arc/% to fhe with/n /nslrumenl and ocknow/e d9ed the/ They �j c q Q/701 Site APprova/. 1' OFFSET W/lness my hond and officio/ soot /he day and year f/rsf ,�5ee nate) hereinabove written. �� 75.30 �_ -- - ••- /V. 5.14' 58"Di My Comrnlssion Expires CN 46 2 y' w,7 I I I A�enJe c ��e ..,,i1 /6034' Q- RS RS 117 Maps 35 ( Z m i(BCSIs of Beor/I9 ys ) 11305 (113.11) i .... Empire / Po{ �YJo s a{ — - (345.00, Bk Page 29J �• I "• " N ALHAMBRA Right of Way fo be dedicatee' z ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OWNERS' CERT/FICA TE We hereby certify fhaf we ore the owners o{, or have some STATE OF CAL/FORN/.4 SS. r/'Fht, t/tte, or interest /n and to The rea/ properly included' COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA JJJJJ Wilhin /he subdivision shown upon the herein mop: 11201 we =day are the onlyperson's whose consent /s necessary to poss o clear On /his.Ao of , /977, before me, Me undersigned, ti//e to said reo/ property .- lhol eve hereby consent To the o Notary Public 1 and for sold COW71y and Sfofe, persona//rJ and recordofion of sold op and subdi�rsion preparation rn op'o d � r and -�1° ye""L' as shown wi}hin the d/st/nCtive border /ine. known to me to be fhe persons whose names ore su scr/bed o to fhe with/n /nslrumenl and ocknow/e d9ed the/ They �j c q executed fhe some as owners. W/lness my hond and officio/ soot /he day and year f/rsf �. hereinabove written. 94 4e= 4Vwnk04Aa'h - Ho g ."/ Hes Owner Goes Nolory Public /n anal for the County of Santa Clara, Slate of Co//forn/a My Comrnlssion Expires OFFICIAL Sy;AL Marilyn Dorman Long . &p NOTARY PUBLIC -CALIFORNIA - ^'✓ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA My Commission Expires June 9_ 1980 ENGINEER'S CERT/FICATE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This mop was prepared by me or under my direction and 1s based This mop conforms w1Y17 the requ/remen/s of fhe Subdivlslon Map upon a field survey /n conformance w/th the requiremen is of the Act and Local Ordinance, Subdivision Map Act at the request of Ralph Hodges on February 14, /977 /hereby state that the parcel mapprocedures of fhe local o9ency have been complied with and that Th/s parcel mop conforms to the Dated: 64W �r�'���� DEAN P. L ARSON, Count Surveyor opproved Tentative Inop and the conal//ions "oto -ova/ thereof A -� which were required to be fu/f/l/ed prio o� �� i ";'' the porcel Signed: 119 R o RS 77 Moos /T I v Q Fd. Tog in fence N 0.24 RCE 13247 �a I � O i C N I � 650.24 `;� (65,00)...._'+- 26700 — --r ;35,00. ek P of MOP -r of looye e4 .... N AVENUE BASIS OF BEAR/NGS fs NOTES The bear/n9 of the Wesler/y //ne of Alhombro Avenue (S 0° 0,5'E.) as shown upon the Record of Survey recorded in Book //7 of Mops of page 35, Sento Clara Coun/,ry Records, was used os fhe bast's of bearings shown on this mato. A// dislonces and dimensions are shown in fee/ 'end dec/Ina/s, thereof o indicates i4" lion pipe set or as noted • Ind/cotes Y4"iron pipe found or as noted ( ) Denotes Record informolion C -7 Denotes record Inforrnai4on Bk gg*de loy 4FO7 Any parcel rndicoled "Porte/ -5 6, jec/ to .4reh4c/ural and Site Aporova% shall be eond.,Yioned by Sonia C/ora County Architectural and S/?`e AfProval Committee as per f}rtic% 5/ of fhe Zoning Ordinonce. These condrAons 7b Include, but nal llinr'red fay road dedlca74i007l and road ImPrave.nenfst water svP,oly, .sewage disposes'/1 y.: and fere prolect1017. RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE c" e " O' S9//P- et9 filed lhlsXE! oay o{puma T, 1978, o/-!;-' I pin. in B00A64/1 of mil p I al Pay ---Y9, o/ the request of Steven A. Arnold. GEORGE A. MANN, County Recorder By. Depu/y PARCEL MAP OF LAND OF RALPH E. AND GAIL HODGES _COMBINING INTO ONE _ PARCEL _ PORTIONS OF LOTS 14, 15, AND 16, BLOCK 90 "MAP OF MONTA VISTA FIRST ADDITION" Recorded In Book P o{• Moos of Paye e3 SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCALE I " = 30' MARCH, 19 7 7. 141MM"D STEVEN A. ARNOLD - CIVIL ENGINEER Civil fnglneer . Nf 230/ , !T /2// Pork Ave Son ✓ase , Co/iiarnia d 9 by C 0 o�pCo C h h G >1 44) °ti� 0 0 o V` �j c q R o RS 77 Moos /T I v Q Fd. Tog in fence N 0.24 RCE 13247 �a I � O i C N I � 650.24 `;� (65,00)...._'+- 26700 — --r ;35,00. ek P of MOP -r of looye e4 .... N AVENUE BASIS OF BEAR/NGS fs NOTES The bear/n9 of the Wesler/y //ne of Alhombro Avenue (S 0° 0,5'E.) as shown upon the Record of Survey recorded in Book //7 of Mops of page 35, Sento Clara Coun/,ry Records, was used os fhe bast's of bearings shown on this mato. A// dislonces and dimensions are shown in fee/ 'end dec/Ina/s, thereof o indicates i4" lion pipe set or as noted • Ind/cotes Y4"iron pipe found or as noted ( ) Denotes Record informolion C -7 Denotes record Inforrnai4on Bk gg*de loy 4FO7 Any parcel rndicoled "Porte/ -5 6, jec/ to .4reh4c/ural and Site Aporova% shall be eond.,Yioned by Sonia C/ora County Architectural and S/?`e AfProval Committee as per f}rtic% 5/ of fhe Zoning Ordinonce. These condrAons 7b Include, but nal llinr'red fay road dedlca74i007l and road ImPrave.nenfst water svP,oly, .sewage disposes'/1 y.: and fere prolect1017. RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE c" e " O' S9//P- et9 filed lhlsXE! oay o{puma T, 1978, o/-!;-' I pin. in B00A64/1 of mil p I al Pay ---Y9, o/ the request of Steven A. Arnold. GEORGE A. MANN, County Recorder By. Depu/y PARCEL MAP OF LAND OF RALPH E. AND GAIL HODGES _COMBINING INTO ONE _ PARCEL _ PORTIONS OF LOTS 14, 15, AND 16, BLOCK 90 "MAP OF MONTA VISTA FIRST ADDITION" Recorded In Book P o{• Moos of Paye e3 SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCALE I " = 30' MARCH, 19 7 7. 141MM"D STEVEN A. ARNOLD - CIVIL ENGINEER Civil fnglneer . Nf 230/ , !T /2// Pork Ave Son ✓ase , Co/iiarnia d 9 by