581MEADOWLARK NO°O/'00'E 1� r2_eoo)_ 7 N ti LANE rrRr-r _r �f 90. PARCEL 1 0.2666'`.4C. al oo� vi NO°O/ OI �h 0 1 �26.00J The bearir/q NB9J`900"W or`/he morrarrrerrr`lii�e offarr/e// A/ace as siroW/? o,-;, r`hd/` Tract` /Wc; o, No 14U2, recordeorii/ Boor(' 95 01"A1,5 os a//'age A,, Sar>/a Cara Coarify rPecords, ryas asedas ll/e Basis ofBearirrgs , for >`his rrrao. 5ca/e 1"=90' 18152 ) 1 oo'E 220. 00 PARCEL 2 0. 62.00 'E /.30.00 K/NGL ET 18 41 n� COURT O h0 PARCEL 3 0.209/!AC. /8.00 O ti h I NOTES AND L EGEND ' 'A// d;sfarrces ariddir/errsibrrs are sfiorvrr � �' � ir/ /ee/ Byrd deciirra/s fhereor` O tod 'cafes ex/sfir�q 3/Q "Iron /'ioe Mor/arrrerrf / Irrdcafes Iron 11roe fo be sef' —••— Indcafes Boarrdai-y arrddrsfiircfive border: / 0 D�drear°es ,412q/e A.E. Iodrea/es ArrcrSor Easerrrerrf Area wifh 0.66079cres / RECORDEI? S C� of /he regae F/ o/ flle 4/0. Fee6S oo by 4 141YN Coar7fy Aecoro'er- aR 6 DE. 0 c OFACCEPTANCE T/ON PARCEL MAP CONS/STING OF ONE SNEET BE/NO A PORT/ON OF THE QU/TO RANCHO CITY OFSUNNYI/AZE, CALIA01fN/A OCTOBER /978 5CALE/"=90' OWNeR S C"71'vc/CATE We hereby cerfii`y r`har` we mre rfie Owrreis or`oiirave some riy/rr` >i>`/e oi- rirlcresf rii audr`o ffie r-ea/,or-ooerry rirc/adedwr/fiir/ r`fie 5abdyisiorr sfioryrr uoorr Phis rl�ao, /haf rye are fiSe O�/y,oe�so�s whose corrserr>`rs r�ecessai-y r`ooass a c%ate fife fo saidi-ea/ oro oerr`y fhaf we hereby corlserlf r`o the rrrc �Yrq ar�drecoidi�q of Phis rr�a� , as s/royvr/ W/M//r r`fie drsfirrcr`iYe boro�er We d/so hei-e.6y dedcar`e fo,ori6/c use easerr�euf fog �//Pub/C .5'e�vice faci/r�`ies ri�c/udirq f'o%s G1�ires, corrdu�fs, Gas, w�feim�df/e�>` /17a/rrs a�d�//Pu6/c l/>l /�i`ie5 arrow//aooU�r`er�m�cc.s, arrder yoorr, or o�ei-r`fiose cer>dirr sfi%os of/arrdeach desigrisfec gs "PUBLIC SE.PY/CE EASEitIENT"orPa�'E."The eo�seirrerrv` c%s/grrmfcd "�sE: "rs r'b f>e c%ar• o>=Bui/dirgs �rrdsfracferes of any �irdexceot Ufi//fy corrioorry sr`rucr'`�ies, law�u/feirces, m,�d Lawfv/,Poor�Overfiefl�r9s. OWNER.' Al/el-2 �wwdNas/r Corrsr��cr`iorr%Co�rri,(od�oy I�rc. ���/-a!' o� Gam- ��7LG7%G�t, �.-C • / Y� � Harold T. A//er; Pafi-icia A. Hess fresideo/` 5ecre>`mi-y b Thrs rs /o cerfify /haf a//deoicafiorr ofrea/ frooerty as shot-vrr a�ddesi9�ar`edo�/`fiis mao beirr9 of/`eredfo AheCilyaf Sroowyva/e fig) are fhere6y acceofedarrdcorrse�r`roreco�o' given by fhe �rrde�sigr�edD�iecfo� of?a6/c worf's orr befia/f'of fhe CifyafSGrrrryva/e ACKNOLI/L EDGMENT ,oar-suar2f>`o avr'`fio�ii`y cor»`e�red by S�r2r�yva/e /Jl�r/ici oaO Code, secfiorr 140,m 2wnlc) 51a/e of Ca/ir`or�ia � S s 44 0 Oh f3 Coarr y o are a Bra DATE OO/VAZO M. SOME,YS, rf'C.E 92G5 0r7 7`%li5 isn r� Ddyof o���� /9766efore rne, The Dii?ECTOROFPIiBL/C Welfll'4 ANO U�dersi Tredo�rror`�r a6/rc irr �/rdfor sago' Co�rr>` arrdS> `ar`e, C/;r),, VEERS, C/TY OF 9UNNYVALE ,oersor/a//y aooearedHa�o%r T. A//erg, rYr/or�vr� torrre 1`o be file fresiderr�`ar2d/'africia A. Ness, A70W7or79efo be fhe Secre/`ary ofA//err a�d/Yash Corrsr`ivcr`io� Cornoarrylr.�; /hat` execvfed/ire rvrihii� /irsfiarr/err/; mrrdf�i�owr> r`o me fo be fhe Oryr�ei-s. CITY ENGINEERS CERT/F/CATE Thrs rrrao corr/orrris wr/`h //re reQaiiernerrfs o/'/he sa6dv/.siorr rnao acf aid/oca/ or'di2a�ce. Da/e Ocf /B 1978 C/TY ENO/NEEiP C/TYOF5UNNYY,4LE, CALIFOrPN/A DONAZD N. 90NERS SCE 92G5 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE Thrs mao was,oreoareddyine orarrderr>7y diec/ior% arJorrvas corrror/edfrorrr record ddfd, a,/dis rir corrr`orrnarrce W1 h the reQairerr7errfs a,,r&e a//he reQaes/`of A//cr� arrdNash Cor�srracfiorr Corr�,oarry Irrc. orr Seoferrr6e� 21,, /97e. Ihere6y sfdfe /hdf /he farce//W9 o,orocedares o/` fhe /oca/ayc�/cyha�e beery corrroi/edwir`h arrdr`ha/`/`his /'Byte/Mao corifoirr�s y`o yhe aoo�ovcd�`errfdr`iue rrrao aid fhe corrdfiorrs o/aoorovd/>`fiereof yvirich were r-eparr-edfo be fa/fi%/edoriorA:, Me offhe!'arce/Mao. WA/Prf'EN P. WH/l4LEYJiP rPC.E /5/97 Wrfness r/;yhar/dal�;doffrCia/sea/. No/aryroa6/rc rr� arrd>` e Co�r�fy of Sarr/a C/ara, Sfa>'`e of Cd/rforr�ia "... KAREN MOTY STRICKER -� NOTARY PUBLIC Santa C!zra County, Calif. My commission expires Sept. 2, 1980 - -__---- - WHql No. 15197 ?* ^ oa@o C/V// Errgiweers • Larrdveyo 's ¢` E/�viror/inerrfa/ P/ar/r�ers c�