327NOTES AND LEGEND .911 a'iefances and d/mensions shown Tn refand a'eci;V10 fifereo% Thh1ue hJrder 11;7ene 1174c41es f A=17dary &4WlYided 6, y /his /nap• O Indtca%s Cify SfOndord R�lonumenf Set OO Indroafes Cl1f 5fandard Monument Found 0 /nd/cafes 34 Iron P/oe Set V Ind/cafes Nail e Shiner Sef Area G0*0 B/ue border : 8.067 f,4c , CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I hereby cevf/)� fhaf fhe w/f/i/n Fina/ "Parcel Malo"was 4pv vovea' by fire C/�Coancil oft/Te C/fy oiCuoerf/no of /fs re, yu/ar 177WA7y held on the 3 a'oy of --rune- ,1976, and fhaf said Counci%did, a f said meefihy, accent fhe bed/talon ofa// sfreefs andporfions of sAv6v'5 and alleaseTnen/s of%red girded/bgt/on and shown on said mop w/ih/n said sU6d/Yi8617. CITY CLEQK No &X -OFFICIO CLE& Of 711.6C/7Y COUNC OF THE C/TY Of C4(RE2T/N0 /L2 f___1i"ESNLEAF DRIVE OWNERS CERTIFICATE Ne hereby cerfir /hat we are fhe owners 0fovha11esome r/yhi, i/f/e arinferesf/a a17d to fherea/properfy /ncluded wifh fhe subdivision shown upon the here/ man; fhaf we om 74' e on4ypersons whose Consenfrs necessary /0/0055 a clear /if/e fo said rea/praporfy;, fhaf we hereby consent kMemak/ny rYie hefe/n map andsu6div/kcn asshown within /fie 6/us border 1(ges. ` Me herekf�s%oreeifps of sfreefs as shown Avon sa/dma,�wif6/n said su6di.'yi�sron .. •e� , .. ' osuv�Rs HARRY W FALK ADGE FALK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF CAG 1PORN/A COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA On fh4�b'�' day of enAs_ /975, belore me J)iAn,9 j4. /'?1cGi,�Ja k/ofary Pub!/e /n and for said Coun y and Siafe, residing ffiere/n, auiy commissioned cnd sworn persona/yap eared BARRY W. FALK qnd MA009 FALX ,mown fo me fD be f�persons whose names are subscr/bed lo the w/fhi z insfvurnenf and fhaf /hey acknow/edyea' Tome fiiaffhey srecufed fhe same 0s owners !4/if7ess my Aind 7, aiV/ 71 / seal. (e,, ,k4CI nL SEAL s. NA L. McGRAW � >� i}C bALLiChititA � Q Qi'vlY.r 4H YY.i os sAx s CLARANOTA PURL/C /N 7HE COUNTY OF £w,,davja a*pr,ds Apm p• y,, _ SAN A CLARA, 67ATE OFCALIFORN/A ARYVHA T CONSTRUX770AI COOMPANY , A�CaGirorn/a Corooraf/on ' -=,;,,,�$�'Ri'� G—/'1.�• apceaaa®aasassascwccBEa aaYaceet®esasc�ssaas / OFFZCYA.L SEAL .k A L. MCGRAW '+ C My Copwr4salon Expdr" April 7, 8917 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This mop was prepored bm6sdy rfbpusa7areord a,(71? /,7 confermancewi/h 1hereguireme,74Whhe Shops ion mop *1 a/lheme uest of Subrato -Bevy - ?usso properfes in fe6ruary147;1 hereby certify fhaf if conforms k fheopproved lenlahi e mop and 1hecondihb17s of vpprovol /hereof; Mal allprovieions ofbpplicob/e sfofe low ond/oeol ordinonces hove been complied with. \ UE . NOWA v PR.C. E. 18764 SCALE: i"a 100' CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE Tho mop hos &V17 xomined Phis _6-1 _ boy of T Q N E _ ,1975, `orco,&,,vnce with tiie reguiremenfe ofSeofion 11575 of fhe Suhvision Mop Acf __ BURT J. V 5r0 CH R.C.E. 20468 C/TY ENG/ 6ER OFTHE CITY OFCUPE.eTWO RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE file Nc. _k1_o 7_ Fee Filed i`his_/� �' doy of�._c�� _ ,1975, ofl. z 7P,M. in Book_=7_ of Mops of pose /4�_ _ of the refuesf oflo=l E. Nowad ondAssociofes GEORGE A. MANN, Counfy Reco/der BASIS OF BEARINGS MARIAN! AVE. The bear/ny N. B9°53 5t'E offhe cenfert�ne o�Va!!ey Smen Drive as shown on fhaf cerfatn Parcel Uav recorded in Book 249 of Ma/os, afp0ye 9, 591ta Clara Gbunfi�, was faker as Af basis of bear1,798 >rr /his map. •5TA7,5 OF CAL/F0,2N/A ; S.S. COUNTY Of SANTA CLARA .i On fhisQZ>3 a'oyof /'YJAy 1975, 6eforeme:D,Ar+o me"�a /f/oiary Pub/re inandfbrsa/d Sfafe and Counfy persona//y appeV J- H. 1�3Arn hRr� known 7'd Me /o 6e fhe President and Chas. /7. Qwan known /0 me k 6e A& SeCVIOa y 0170e Corporafon fhafexeeufed fhe X0411 117SA menfkaown /o me e fife persons who enecufed fhe within insfvumen/ondehq/f'of'/fiecorporafon therein ngmed, and acknoru- /edf ed /o me fhafsuch corporafon e,�cufed fliewi/h/n in menfpursvanf fo ifs 6 - ara resa/u/ion of"ifsdoord oidireciOr, as Oxmer , Ht%fneSS my /land and Df�C/q/ Jeq/ unrn au ern ,F uuun enmrua nnmmu eeeirrA wYe ee PARCEL MAP CONSISTING OF ONE (4) SHEET DIVISION OF PARCEL 2 OF THAT CERTAIN'FARCEL MAP'RECORDED IN BOOK 249 OF MAPS, PAGE 9, SAWTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS, CITY OF CUPERTINO , CALIFORNIA 1� IN! PAUL E. NOWACK AND ASSOC CIVIL ENGINEERS -SURVEYORS 220 STATE STREET LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA 94022 DATE' MAR. 1975 SCALE: AS 5HOw DRAWN BY: H, T. APPROVED BY: P N DRAWING NO.: 4255 1�