61�I N 89 "4,Z' E, /50 4 fsa,14 folure 5/reel Line... o t.� 150.00' S. 89°4/ :30"1W. 4. SURVEYORS CER TI FI CA TE / hereby cer/rfy /hol Phis is a free and correc/ map ofo survey made dy me during Oclober, /956, allhe request of Car/ P, Becker: Licensed Sur eyor o the S/o% of CGIMOr/7ia L1S &2.7 BASIS DF BEARINGS d NOTES . The beoring of the confer /me 0/7 11017265160d Rood(N. os per deed from Chas P. d Emma Becker fo P6 d E, Co. Rceorders file No. 897, 7e,,2 , Santo eloro Count y f'ecords, Was used os /he bas1s o/' bearin9s shown on this map. .4/,' dslances and dimensions ore shown rn feel and COUNTY RECOPOfl?,S CEPTIFICA TE Me No. PiW id Mod o�)ZOhfdl- troges/ of PGYVc,0i/Ion 0l,on the 6- day oT , /956, in Book !S 0/'A7,p5 al Pogo 66-, .Son/`a Clara Count y Records. SYL c TULLY, County Recorder by ; Depul`y 19e501U//017 of the Board oT SuperYisOrs aporoving rnao recarded_�croB�'R ��, /9.56. Recorders File decimals lhereol • Ind%ca/es Iron Pipe found O Indico%s /ran Pip& Set COUNTY ENGINEERS CER71F1C,4TE This rnop has Boon exomined in compliance wilh IN provisions of Section &766 d the Business and Prdess1012s Code and found sofis/aclory. LEONA19D 905#NELL , Counl y Engineer 00000, by L7eoufy . I I g� � N' I'll V)A OF L4 ND of Cly-b Po & EXAM BEU�My SITUATED /N THE QUITO RANCHO SANTA CLARA COUNTK CALIFORNM ' SCALE; /"=60' ©CT09ER,19.56