2160. L ands of Toma ei ux 25'Easemerd 9ar/ngreesondEgress.• N : 194.92 704.00 REG. 30,OD 30�=,1'Eoseme�fi6 /ngrea5a, UA 6/e90.R.599 225 224tu ( 223 226 IJ .Q O CL 30' 3o' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This mop evrec//y rspresen/s a so veymoda byme or undermy d section in cvm8rmance withthererpinfinenis of/he Zond Surveyorss4c%//he requestafCalifbrnio #27AW9e1710 Co. in JIM, 190. Aof L. PUM0� 1Y.9�Ea/STER C.T7W-I DRAKE N 0.793 t Ac. 222 I 22/ sFRRq 220 zFkgJ- 1-,.'91 DRIVE +'.:: ';Fi'ei':t 1 WK I (51,lf.':.: °•i i.'�;ii.. .\_\ COUNTYSURVEVOR'S CERT/f/CATS This maphasheen examined tbrmm8rmance withthe requvoxw/s vh*Lwo'64rvsyovAc1 /h/s_&i_ dayof�� � �•,,1� �t_ 01985. JAMES T. ROTT, County Surveyor ByDepufy/ -- — BAS/S OF' BEA,?/NGS The cenler fi17e 91 9104 /load (/1/B� `40 41) as shown o,7 Mal f�ecord o� Survey of fhe dro1herfy of fhe La/reside School Disfricf as recorded /n Boo/r6% 91^ /plodsa� Oa�g�e Z71 Santa Clara Coun y lFecords !eras uSeal as fhe 6aS/s Qf heerihys for Phis survey, 3? -0^43 _ A, /YB6`¢O'NY ,i. /28 Ac. G'ro.ss 3 9084c. eve/ .i' :A. 3? -0^43 _ A, /YB6`¢O'NY ,i. /28 Ac. G'ro.ss 3 9084c. eve/ Iwe S%mei /at — — --�-- —318 •�q�_ /✓e.7 7 320.00' -- BLACK 2QJ34ro T RECORDERS CERT/FJCATE Fi/ed/brrecordthis- Of=U_ j.M., //I &kZ4216fMi7Psa/Moge_d_ attherepwlofftrgs S. Nolle. d HAUL R. TE/LN, Coudy Recorder �� 110eody-Mid —�`� — — see G/ /!// 27 o.z6 kv L /&-s. 00 ' N0 N l e a 4'a BASIS OFB54R/NGS Thebeoring, N.89°2/'lD'E., ofthenorfher/y/ine as show mMal cerfoin mopentit/ed "Tract No. 2860 /d/ewi/d oeeM 41#00.2; I'mrdedin Book /38 of Mapso/payes 22oad23, Santo C/oro Coun/y Recoroswas taken as /* basis ofAv6#ys shown onthis map. -n- OTN S AND LEGEND All—dis ances and dimensions are showninfeel anddecimo/sthetwf. • /ndlWes 3/4'iron pipe monument found. o /ndrea/es I°/ronpipemonumedSef RECORD OF SURVEY BEING A PORTION OF THE QUITO RANCHO for: CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY CUPERTIKO , CALIFORNIA SCALE: 1"-- 100' JUNE, Ins, GEORGE S. NOLTE CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. PALO ALTO•SUfi(MLE-WALNUT CREEK- SAN RAFAEL•SAN FRANCISCO•SACRAMEM-SALINAS. S1/RY6YO.?:S CEIZr/F/CATE This 177ab carred/y rebresenfs a survey made dy rrie or under /ny direefion rn corp formance ovifh fhe Land Surve`ors Xel of fhe reyaesrl o/ Fritz /lri/,6 e /n Oc fader �oherf �! fjedln G.S. 2987 COUNTY SU,PYE'YOiP s 4cck r1F"/GATE This fnoo has ,heer✓ examined for colncorrnance wild /he require- 177e171s o/ fhe Land Surveyors Ac f fhis- ehs_ day of oe c ern6e� /y6s ,,<4 ,5 7- / W_7," Counfy Surveyor o- �ME,, is , ?q�8Lo7 ,PECD,QOE,?:S CCRT/F'/GATE Fi/ed for record Phis 9a _da ofj�MsER Boo,/r2o_3 _o/' /Ulabs ell Page t `X a/` fhe re9ue sf el .Qoder f A- Bed.�ri. Day .o.9UL ,e TE N Zebw1y Aeeat, er o /adicafes ja /ran Pipe Sef • /hdica/es % "/roar PibP Fuad RECORD OF JI/PVEY IC -49R rAI16- L X ** C5/DE SCA&)aZ D/S TxP/C T /A/ Tf/E ,51'1/1v OF TfIE N.yY 4 51-C,311 7-95, .P/Gt; A1,01W 54AI74 4rZl4A9X COUNTY, CAL 11-49RAIM .2 o B E R T A. B E' A M LAA/o S'URVE'YOR SAN /OSE *a C( .i' Iwe S%mei /at — — --�-- —318 •�q�_ /✓e.7 7 320.00' -- BLACK 2QJ34ro T RECORDERS CERT/FJCATE Fi/ed/brrecordthis- Of=U_ j.M., //I &kZ4216fMi7Psa/Moge_d_ attherepwlofftrgs S. Nolle. d HAUL R. TE/LN, Coudy Recorder �� 110eody-Mid —�`� — — see G/ /!// 27 o.z6 kv L /&-s. 00 ' N0 N l e a 4'a BASIS OFB54R/NGS Thebeoring, N.89°2/'lD'E., ofthenorfher/y/ine as show mMal cerfoin mopentit/ed "Tract No. 2860 /d/ewi/d oeeM 41#00.2; I'mrdedin Book /38 of Mapso/payes 22oad23, Santo C/oro Coun/y Recoroswas taken as /* basis ofAv6#ys shown onthis map. -n- OTN S AND LEGEND All—dis ances and dimensions are showninfeel anddecimo/sthetwf. • /ndlWes 3/4'iron pipe monument found. o /ndrea/es I°/ronpipemonumedSef RECORD OF SURVEY BEING A PORTION OF THE QUITO RANCHO for: CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY CUPERTIKO , CALIFORNIA SCALE: 1"-- 100' JUNE, Ins, GEORGE S. NOLTE CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. PALO ALTO•SUfi(MLE-WALNUT CREEK- SAN RAFAEL•SAN FRANCISCO•SACRAMEM-SALINAS. S1/RY6YO.?:S CEIZr/F/CATE This 177ab carred/y rebresenfs a survey made dy rrie or under /ny direefion rn corp formance ovifh fhe Land Surve`ors Xel of fhe reyaesrl o/ Fritz /lri/,6 e /n Oc fader �oherf �! fjedln G.S. 2987 COUNTY SU,PYE'YOiP s 4cck r1F"/GATE This fnoo has ,heer✓ examined for colncorrnance wild /he require- 177e171s o/ fhe Land Surveyors Ac f fhis- ehs_ day of oe c ern6e� /y6s ,,<4 ,5 7- / W_7," Counfy Surveyor o- �ME,, is , ?q�8Lo7 ,PECD,QOE,?:S CCRT/F'/GATE Fi/ed for record Phis 9a _da ofj�MsER Boo,/r2o_3 _o/' /Ulabs ell Page t `X a/` fhe re9ue sf el .Qoder f A- Bed.�ri. Day .o.9UL ,e TE N Zebw1y Aeeat, er o /adicafes ja /ran Pipe Sef • /hdica/es % "/roar PibP Fuad RECORD OF JI/PVEY IC -49R rAI16- L X ** C5/DE SCA&)aZ D/S TxP/C T /A/ Tf/E ,51'1/1v OF TfIE N.yY 4 51-C,311 7-95, .P/Gt; A1,01W 54AI74 4rZl4A9X COUNTY, CAL 11-49RAIM .2 o B E R T A. B E' A M LAA/o S'URVE'YOR SAN /OSE *a C(