42ROUD Zillz :30" 'f:� Recorded the 6 0 of goy 1987 in Book 89of Deeds a/ Page 486,•117 deed firm S. f 6ord17er lo John Dll/man. S. 89 ° 55' 5.89"55" /.000 Ac. 285.18' /. 671,4c 317.54' 5 &91955'f Cl.". A LlDE 5.891,55'E. 601.17' OF LAND OF -HUJ?J?E-L-L -LEOXAJ?.D BE/NG A PORTION OF THE GARDNER TRACT /N THE QUITO RANCHO SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALIFORNIA P4YMOM0 W FISHER Cl!/IL ENGINEER SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA SCALE;1=100 ` JUIIIE,1955 uU ENGINEERS CERTIF10,47E Rarlmond & Fisher, cerllty this to be a true and correct reap aPa survey i mode under my supervision in June, /955, al fhe rrequesl oT Burrell leonord. go Regi /eyed Civil En er No. 483 COUNTY ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE This wrap has been erornined in comp/ionce w/1h The provisions of g Seclion 8766 of fhe Business and Professions Code, and found sotisfbctory ------ LEONARD 6U5HNEL L ; County Engineer IN 9A515 OF BEARINGS d NOTES The beor/ng of the cenler line of 11Omesle0d Rood 10rme41y Young Rood(589"41'W) as described in Deed from John Donna fo 411Ch0/05 Danna, Recorded 16.90,9u6/ /933 in Book 6610/' 0111001 Records 01 Poge 189, Rerard5 of San/0 Cloro Counfy, vas used os Me basis of bearings. A11 dislances and dimens/ons are shown in Fee/ and decinv& 1here01 • Indicoles Iron Pipe Found o Indicales /ro17 Pipe Sel COUNTY RECORDERS' CERTIFICATE File No. //os6sY Fee'` e ° Paid Filed 01 fhe request of Raymond dY. Fisher 01= 2# on Ihe--fdoY -✓ i.V ,1955, in Book 6a of ifilaps a/ 0age—L,0-50n/0 Clara County Recon SYL TOZ L Y; Counfy Recorder s � - Resolution or° the Board o}'Suoervisors, agoroving 00,0, recorded -/E449-1955. Recorders Fi1e No. /Z -0 -779,:52