95w ,3r � LUCIL Gran. Mon. 1%'RoundBp/' ye 'u, I 'u, �h John D. Smith - N. 89'J8 E. 1979. 00' /S4.00' /,2.4: 00' PARCEL A = PARCEL B i N 69 °.38E. �",.30.00' \V 95.00' /54.00 N. 69 °J,6 on ' 98.4 7 o 4, • r-�'' moo- PARCEL D PARCEL C h 4. N. 69 °l8'E. 279 00' o ORES �NUE • Norlh line Yonla Yislo Trocl 9 I! o 14i FdhMo/% dMO/L SURVEYOR2S CERTIFICATE This mop Correct/represents o survey mode by me or under my direction in Conformance with the requirements of Chapter /5 of 04v1sion 3 of the BUS ness and Professions Code at the bequest of P. 8. Ruffo % JuneLill 1958 Geor9e �R. Hi /b , No 221 y COUNTY SURVEYORS CERT/F/CATE This map has been examined for Conformance with the requirements of Chapter /5o1' .Division 3 ofghee,Business an Professions Code this !doy of-,, A?C 1 _/9.s8 . ✓omes B. Enochs Actiny Cotinf Surveyor RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE _ Filed r Cor this_o of t%v� /9Sf�ot `M 5- M•, in 600ie _ _ of ;Plops Of page --�-�_ _� ofherequesi o{ Georyel2 f/t/b�,- S y / C. `u/I Counfy )eecorder y RS ti 41 3 A S /S OF Z3EARIAIGS The basis of ,bearings {or this react is a bearing' of Al64'52'2OE. for the Center//ne'or" Aoch Lane as `shown on map recorded in BK.42 M,7,4zs Page 23 Sarffa Clara County Records: 12ECOle 10 of SURREY P20PERTr OF F. S. iRUFFO ,6 esny' an Excepted PortiOn 1/-5t4 Gerhart SubdivisiorJ. Sr717Pa Clarc7Cour7ty,Ca/ifb/-r7id SCALE: /"=40' ✓uly 1958 George R. Ni/by - Re gisiered Civil 6nyineer 8S EosL Son Anlonia Sfreet� Son Jose Ca/iForn%o OF LA ND OF BEING A PORT/ON OF THE OUITO RANCHO SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CITY OF CUPERTINO SCALE, / -40' MAY, I9S8 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE This mop correct/y represents a survey mode by me /n conformance ty/lh /he requirements of Chapter /�-oP Diy/sion .3 of /he Business and Professions Code o/ the request oP Arthur EIIis /n ROy, /958. Registered C/Y// Engineer No. 7648 COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE 95 This map hos been examined for conformance w//h the requirements of 4l Chapter IS oP 01xuloI2.3 of the Business and Professions Code Phis-ZXrjl- day of ;/958. DAMES B. NOCHS, Ailing County SurJIeyor Deputy ✓�9�Bo8 DERS CERTIFICATE Filed for record this day oP i7'� !Y-,1958, atm2.�- 21k'. /n Book�oloROps o/ Page �l ,a/ the request of Lloyd B. Baker .SVL C. TUL L Y, Counly Recorder by; Deputy BASS OF BEAR/NGS & NOTES The beorin9 of the center line of Blaney Avenue (N. 0°04'DY) os shown on The Record of Suriley Por Fronk Zeszutek Et U,r, recorded /n Book SB of Map a/ Page 7, Santo Coro County ReCOrdS, ryas used as the basis oP bearings shown on this mop. A// distances and d/mensioas are shortie in Peet and dec/mo/s thereof' • Indicates Iron P/pe Found o Ind/cotes Iron Pipe Set 4zf ,0 ../16