B0077P0022 (2) o .P.R.R.-R/w a so e %een M2�//7 ine cr/"s - _ - - O o r- Proper(y lime befween -roI7 Sf. & R.R. )Vw'r � o� Se{ n {eel Q�n Monument not used STREET ;S 63°53'� 3F3.1Z Msd _ Monumenf not used _ FRONT 7506 ,rr- /os oe o 13 _ _ Y o o N N i S 63°53'E 7S08 75.08 , 30 30 30 30 33 33 Levrafo Basis of bearincgs for this survey � 0 0 is Me 4 of From f Sfreef as shown on fhaf o h cerloln Record of Survey of lheproperly =' of 6lacomo Levralfo as recorded in Book 2/of Maps, page 2 of Son la Clara Counfy 7 A 6-S' h ReC ords pnumenf found Filed of fhe requesfofWWA(unl, aneY ' o Iron pipe set by Phis survey recorded in Book-Z7of Maps, paged, Phis • Iron pipe found IS— day pf,D.e tLmAZC 1956 2 h EN Syl C. Tully, Coul7fy Recorder ' lop da► 'BY y 7Depu fy I, `' v M. Hunt hereby cerfify fhaf I am i 7508 7� Q8 a L i ceased surveyor, //7 o f fh is m ap correcf- N63.53• W UO /6 ly represents a survey made u/A ino roifodirection in Sepfernber, 15156;1 crf he This map has been examined in corn- Ruano survey is Prue and comp/ele as shorn, pliance with Section 87665of fhe Business F Pasarow fhaf all monumer7fs shown (hereon act- and Professions Code and found salisfacf h o ual/y exist crud their pos/lions are correct ory, "al 22 � i ---- h ly shown and fhaf said monumenIs are City Engineer of the Cif pflsff View ' sufi`'icienf fo encrb/e fhe sure y fo ere- Dated: �% 9s6 traced ticenxed,Land S'urreyar cer . N 2-?88 � h , h Checked and approved Checked mafhemallcal/y and found sal -� iSfa'CfDry. Richard Gar»b/e, c t City Plaer l eonard Bush //Counfyfn g nn yineer Oaled It•' ,/956 EN By 'VepV ry RECORD ,,f' �5 UR' Vim"' Y 0 f Me FRONT STREET FROPERTY' GIACOMO LEVRA TTO ' BEING PAR;r of-Zor I rN BLOCK 2, R/S AS SHOW# OK rltE MAP of- VILLA LANDS ' I �-- AT MT. VIEW RAiLROAO STAT/oN, PROP- ERTY OF D. B.BAILEY 03-MAPS -45> 30 30 30 30 CITY' of MOUN TA IIY VIEW SA N TA CLA RA COUNTY CAL/FORMA 40 ' 54PT, 1956 O VILLA N 6.4.03'w 960.50 ,S T, EET HUNT EN61NEMING CO _ _ .SAN JOSE, CALIF. o n I � 1 N N